

Definition for rough

adjective as in stormy; not quiet

adjective as in basic, incomplete

adjective as in approximate

Strongest matches

foggy, hazy, sketchy, uncertain

Strong matches

estimated, general

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Example Sentences

The rough edges of her singing against the rough edges of the drums.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s history of anti-vaccine beliefs received no less rough a welcome on his second day of questioning in the Senate.

From Salon

Her voice - affected by drug abuse and laryngitis - had become permanently rough and lower in pitch.

From BBC

Traditionally, the way parties achieved political unity is by crafting some kind of rough consensus on an issue.

Police searched missing people databases and checked on homeless people who were known to sleep rough, but drew a blank.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


