


Definition for keen

adjective as in enthusiastic

adjective as in sharp, piercing

adjective as in intelligent

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Example Sentences

Though not yet officially in post, the New York property tycoon had become more and more involved in the talks, which Trump was taking a keen interest in.

From BBC

But Cher is keen to show there's more to her than one track, and says her new music is ready to go.

From BBC

Her mother, Daisy, was a keen amateur actor and by the age of three, her daughter had taken to the stage.

From BBC

He said plenty of keen gamers would rush out to buy the console as soon as it launched.

From BBC

And Trump advisors, many of whom have pushed Title 42 for years, have appeared keen to reinstate that measure.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


