noun as in misgiving, doubt
verb as in balk, have misgivings
Example Sentences
They were both these outsiders from the boroughs with tremendous life force and ambition with a shared, I think, lack of scruple or ethical core, for whom winning was the only moral measure.
The convicted sex offender who died in a Manhattan jail cell in 2019 had a low opinion of his former associate, feeling that he had "no scruples" and could not be trusted.
But with Kamala Harris and a smattering of small-party candidates the only other options this November, Wade is putting his scruples to one side.
Some may have otherwise been stolen by Western visitors with less scruples to be sold on the lucrative European and American artefacts market.
“It’s scary. We shouldn’t downplay this. These people have no moral scruples. They regard you as their enemies,” she warns, referring to Russian intelligence agents.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.