noun as in pole, often wooden
verb as in adhere, affix
Strong matches
verb as in poke with pointed object
verb as in position, lay
verb as in endure
Example Sentences
“We kind of try to stick to routines,” said Dodge, who continues to take his kids to their usual dance and basketball activities after picking them up from camp, despite the disruptions.
The UK's hope is to help shape America's approach rather than panic about the US upping sticks.
When Masear dedicates herself to something as simple as an impaired hummingbird’s hesitant first jump from one stick to another, the tension is both unexpectedly beautiful and poignant.
Another couple of factors stick out, looping us back to those Mourinho comparisons.
We also have crews that will go out and remove that vegetation: the dead leaves, the dead sticks and branches that are on the ground.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.