
View definitions for putting off

putting off

noun as in adjournment

noun as in deferment

noun as in deferment/deferral

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They want it addressed in the Employment Rights Bill, currently undergoing parliamentary scrutiny, and claim some of their members are putting off treatment as sick pay is much lower than their usual salaries.

From BBC

Experts and women who have planned single parenthood say more women putting off children until they are older and not finding stable partner are among the factors fuelling the increase.

From BBC

He recalled moving into an unfurnished house and putting off the decorating only to return from a film project to find she had had his house fully furnished while he was away.

She said in August her cancer had been discovered "unexpectedly during a screening test" and urged anyone who was "avoiding a test or putting off an appointment" to get checked.

From BBC

“I think the most likely outcome in the state case is the judge putting off sentencing until after Trump's term in office,” said Daniel Charles Richman, a professor at Columbia Law School.

From BBC


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