verb as in dawdle
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The UK's most famous shot putter, Geoff Capes twice won gold at both the Commonwealth Games and the European Indoor Championships.
Cortes would often walk from the homestead to Arvia to find his abuelito in the shed out back doing maintenance or puttering at his TV and radio repair business.
I love a Sunday night putter: cleaning out a drawer in my bathroom or giving myself a manicure, because I never go and get them.
After holing the putt, the 22-year-old laid down his putter next to the pin to illustrate just how close he was.
After watching the Los Angeles Open inspiration struck and he sketched the initial design for a new putter on the first thing he could find, the dust jacket of an old vinyl record.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.