noun as in result or goods created
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“Trump is causing a lot of trouble,” said Mary Brock, another shopper who was keeping U.S. products out of her cart at the supermarket in downtown Toronto.
In recent years, Coca-Cola had been selling more products in aluminium containers as part of its marketing and sustainability strategies.
Amazon said all seven products from the companies the BBC investigated had been removed and sales of all number plates would cease apart from novelty plates.
Mineral products, like petroleum oil and gas, account for 90% of exports from Nigeria, most of which comes from the Niger Delta region.
Trump has said there will be no exemptions from the rules this time time either for individual products or for particular countries, however some sectors are hoping he will row back from that position.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.