

Definition for body

noun as in physique

noun as in corpse

Strongest matches

carcass, dead body, remains

Strong matches

ashes, bones, cadaver, deceased, stiff

noun as in human being

Strongest matches

individual, party, person

Strong matches

being, human, mortal, personage, soul

noun as in bulk; central portion

noun as in crowd

noun as in main part of written work

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Example Sentences

England's fielding has been below-par throughout the series but perhaps more of a concern is the immediate dip in body language and attitude which follows, and leads to the drops becoming seemingly contagious for all.

From BBC

"The authorities failed to rescue her and the police only managed to retrieve her body after an hour and a half. There were no police officers around during the accident," he told AFP news agency.

From BBC

A body carrying Col Malabed's passport was recovered from the Potomac, a police spokesman said.

From BBC

A body has been found near where two missing sisters were last seen in Aberdeen.

From BBC

Unable to return to an occupied town, she wrote to every official body she could find, demanding answers as her grandmother began searching local police stations and prisons.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


