adjective as in most important
Strongest matches
noun as in person in charge of organization, often an educational one
Strongest matches
Weak match
noun as in original amount of property either owned or owed
Weak match
Example Sentences
Newcastle City Council's principal events and culture advisor Jim Mawdsley said it was about "showing the opportunities" to young people and having experts telling them "how to access the music industry, how to overcome barriers".
As they explain, “Popular or mass rhetoric, which Presidents once employed only rarely, now serves as one of their principal tools in attempting to govern the nation.”
Across both campuses, four faculty members lost their houses, including the principal of the other facility, known as Odyssey Charter School and home to more than 450 students.
Matt Goodro, principal lecturer in engineering and technology, said the new facilities would greatly enhance the range of capabilities his students could learn from.
A link to the presentation will now be sent to all post-primary principals in Northern Ireland.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.