

Definition for prime

noun as in best part of existence

noun as in beginning; spring

verb as in get ready; prepare

adjective as in excellent, topnotch

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Example Sentences

Thailand's prime minister said she was elated to hear news of their release and her government was working with Israel "so that they can reunite with their families soonest".

From BBC

“Israel demands that the mediators see to this,” the prime minister said in a statement, referring to the parties who negotiated the cease-fire.

The prime minster's office later said it had since received from mediators "a commitment that a safe exit will be guaranteed for our hostages" yet to be released.

From BBC

The former deputy prime minister and Hull MP died on 20 November, aged 86, in a care home where he was living with Alzheimer's disease.

From BBC

Kennedy, who sent a letter to the Samoan prime minister urging him to investigate whether the vaccines themselves could have caused the illnesses, said Wednesday he had no role in the outbreak.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


