adjective as in aged
adjective as in ancient
adjective as in hoary
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Nowadays, oldies culture has become an umbrella term for a certain kind of nostalgia.
Street preachers, boisterous hipsters and people blasting corridos and oldies are part of the neighborhood’s soundtrack, so we went back to our chat.
They would visit in his modest cluttered condo and she would listen as he reiterated the golden oldies such as, “Be quick but don’t hurry” and “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”
Wood’s romantic oldies resonated with a new generation of lovebirds, becoming a soundtrack of Southern California life — literally, as Wood found a third career as a performer at weddings, quinceañeras and anniversary parties.
Also in this year's mix are Brenda Lee's golden oldie Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree and the latest incarnation of Band Aid.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.