

View definitions for lullaby


noun as in nighttime song

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Not long afterwards she was looking through an old briefcase when she came across an ageing, brown reel-to-reel tape-recording of her lullaby.

From BBC

They’ve become a soothing lullaby for policymakers, as if labeling our crises is enough to gloss over the harsh reality of what those words actually mean.

Another, the "Pageant of the Shearmen and Tailors," included the hauntingly mournful "Conventry Carol," a mother's lullaby to her doomed child.

From Salon

But this time around Kardashian's voice is a distant lullaby heard faintly against a crackling record and the commotion in the music video.

From Salon

But Jacobs expertly handles ear-crushing climaxes as well as it does a lullaby.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


