

View definitions for oddball


adjective as in eccentric

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noun as in person who is different

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We can, however, say that being a freak is not the same as being an eccentric or an oddball.

Iris takes an oddball approach to acclimating her students to French: She extracts personal confessions from them in English, then writes wildly extrapolated versions of the French on index cards.

Herbert wove a complicated universe with oddball technologies, bizarre competing factions and religions that are easier to digest over the methodical consumption of hundreds of pages.

From Salon

They tore into Matt Gaetz and RFK Jr. immediately in the cold open, lampooning Trump's cast of oddballs using some of their own.

From Salon

She’s someone I think I could get into for a while because she’s such an oddball but is seriously good at what she does, just her people skills are lacking.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


