


Definition for unexpected
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If anyone is going to challenge them, it will be Arsenal but it is going to take a few unexpected results from Liverpool to let them back in.

From BBC

But the unexpected is baked into the thriller appeal of “Companion,” which hinges on the troubles, triggers and instincts of good girlfriend Iris, whom horror queen Thatcher makes instantly compelling as our how-it-went-down tour guide.

“This case is not unexpected or alarming,” said Annette Jones, California state veterinarian, who said the California Department of Food and Agriculture is “always on alert for any H5 virus.”

“I’m giving you something so familiar, yet so new, so fresh, so unexpected, but obvious at the same time,” he tells Keyla Marquez, Image’s fashion director at large.

Some worry that premiums for insurance plans, designed to cover film producers for losses and unexpected interruptions, could increase, particularly for productions located in neighborhoods near the wilderness, such as Acton and Santa Clarita.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


