get to the meat
verb as in abbreviate
verb as in concentrate
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Strong matches
Weak matches
verb as in digest
verb as in distill
verb as in simplify
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Strong matches
Example Sentences
Congressional Republicans will soon get to the meat of the agenda—tax breaks paired with cuts to the social safety net—providing Democrats the path back to their roots.
Those are mature moments that are critical early in the season that should be able to sustain us once we really get to the meat of the season.”
“Obviously, we have the arms. Everybody down there has good stuff. You get to the meat of the game and run the guys out there that we have, and I think everybody feels confident in getting wins.”
Kavanaugh and Barrett went right along with him, suggesting that they, too, were eager to get to the meat of the case, and coming around to finding the merits of the Roberts’ style.
One of those offerings: coconut husking, or removing the hard outer layer around the shell, a necessary step to get to the meat and liquid inside.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.