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Last month, he also held two massive sell-out concerts at a 90,000-seater stadium in Johannesburg - with people travelling from across southern Africa to see his performance, which fans said was electrifying.

From BBC

They had become stodgy and error-prone until the wee man did his thing and electrified Murrayfield.

From BBC

The more that Trump is electrified by the cheers and cries of the faithful, the more he grows bolder, and the more certain he becomes that his vision is destiny.

From Salon

They’re kept apart but their love burns bright through stolen looks, shared laughs and electrified touches where their hands brush past each other.

From Salon

China does not have indigenous fossil fuels, and is electrifying at an astonishing rate, and is referred to by some researchers as an "electro state".

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


