


Definition for document

noun as in written communication

verb as in record

Strongest matches

chronicle, cite, detail

Strong matches

catalog, log, note, register, report

Weak match

write down

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Example Sentences

Court documents revealed a muddy picture of the couple’s financial standing.

She also alleges that the original freezing order was based on faked documents, including a passport in her name bearing the signature of late martial arts expert Bruce Lee.

From BBC

Senate staffers conducted 135 interviews and reviewed more than 1,000 documents.

From BBC

A musician called Safana Bakleh gave her group of volunteers face masks and blue nitrile gloves along with instructions about photographing and collecting documents.

From BBC

Her multimedia installations and films revolve around the ideas of performance: how we document it, how we witness it.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


