adjective as in appalling
adjective as in bleak
Strong matches
adjective as in depressing
adjective as in disappointing
adjective as in discouraging
adjective as in dismal
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- afflictive
- black
- boring
- cheerless
- cloudy
- dark
- depressed
- desolate
- despondent
- dingy
- disagreeable
- dispiriting
- doleful
- dolorous
- forlorn
- frowning
- funereal
- gruesome
- hopeless
- in the pits
- inauspicious
- joyless
- lonesome
- lowering
- lugubrious
- melancholy
- monotonous
- morbid
- oppressive
- overcast
- shadowy
- somber
- sorrowful
- tedious
- tenebrous
- troublesome
- unfortunate
- unhappy
adjective as in dispiriting
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in frightening
Strongest match
Weak matches
adjective as in funereal
adjective as in gloomy
adjective as in off
adjective as in oppressive
Strongest matches
adjective as in sad
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
In a statement it said it is "disheartening to see alleged perpetrators of abuse being considered to return to elevated positions of influence and power".
“It’s disheartening that in a country as advanced as ours, basic parental leave and childcare support remain out of reach for so many. It’s time for a change.”
"Trump's not my favourite man and there's so much in worldwide politics that's disheartening," says the singer.
He said it was "disheartening to see the amount of negativity being projected" and that someone close to him who had experienced a relationship similar to Lily's had credited the film with "saving her life".
When potential adopters are thwarted for such disheartening and unnecessary reasons, this can multiply the work for the people in animal welfare.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.