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"And that would be really depressing as a child: trying to do your best and not quite hitting the mark, and so having to attend mandatory detention," he said.

From BBC

"It's about management, finances, pathways - there is so much to fix and it's a depressing situation when you think what a great rugby nation this is."

From BBC

On the one hand, Trump’s return to power is depressing and demoralizing.

From Salon

What other animal would help her navigate through this challenging and occasionally depressing life as well as her own?

From Salon

In addition, if red tape on business is cut too much, this could lead to a runaway dollar that could suck money out of emerging economies, depressing global growth.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


