noun as in mutual effort
Strongest matches
aid, assistance, collaboration, participation, partnership, service, unity
Strong matches
alliance, cahoots, coaction, coalition, combination, communion, company, concert, concurrence, confederacy, confederation, conspiracy, federation, fusion, give-and-take, harmony, help, helpfulness, logrolling, partisanship, reciprocity, responsiveness, society, symbiosis, synergism, synergy, teamwork, unanimity, union
Weak matches
coadjuvancy, combined effort, confunction, doing business with, esprit de corps, playing ball, teaming
Example Sentences
There are also concerns the withdrawal will weaken both regional unity and cooperation in combatting insurgencies.
He told the inquiry the investigations had been hampered by "indecision and apathy" from senior officers, as well as a lack of cooperation from UK Special Forces command.
While Mexico did not explicitly confirm or deny the action, its Foreign Ministry emphasized its spirit of continued cooperation with the U.S.
Newsom has alternated between preemptive attacks, such as his call for a special session to increase state legal funding to fight Trump, and pleas for civility and cooperation.
"We thank them for their cooperation and patience with the investigation."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.