

View definitions for conclave


noun as in secret meeting

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The fiery message urges solidarity among the distracted conclave of cardinals, and in the ensuing scene they walk as one toward the Sistine Chapel through the rain holding white umbrellas.

Your character has several very moving scenes one-on-one with Ralph Fiennes’ Cardinal Lawrence, but I think one of the best moments in the film is when Cardinal Benítez addresses the rest of the conclave.

This fictional papal conclave could be the Spring Fling.

From Salon

The character’s influence lies in her ability to observe and to be “totally alert” to everything happening around her during the conclave, but not in a submissive way.

The adults need to have their own conclave in a locked room, with no cellphones.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


