adjective as in comprehensive
Strongest matches
adjective as in extensive
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
The company’s so-called Experiences division, which includes the theme parks and merch, is a massive moneymaker for Disney, comprising the majority of its operating income.
A special investigation team set up by the local administration, comprising police officers, pathologists and other specialists, has questioned dozens of people so far.
Glasgow's Joint Integration Board – a body comprising the local NHS and Glasgow City Council that administers health and social care services – first approved plans for the facility in 2016.
The governing body has run a study over the past four years, comprising of two Olympic Games and two World Championships, to analyse online abuse to its athletes.
The old economy comprising the vast informal sector, including medium and small scale industries, agriculture and traditional corporate sector, are still waiting for long-pending reforms.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.