

View definitions for across-the-board


adverb as in without exception

Strong match

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He made eight of 12 shots in a strong across-the-board effort that also included four assists, two rebounds and two steals.

Trade lawyer Everett Eissenstat, who served as a White House economic adviser during Trump's first term, said he was expecting an across-the-board tariff, but acknowledged the plan would compete with other goals.

From BBC

His plan includes across-the-board tariffs of 10 to 20% on imports from other nations.

From Salon

Most economists, however, say across-the-board tariffs of 10% to 20% will almost certainly prompt reciprocal measures by other countries, resulting in slower trade and economic activity and higher prices for businesses and consumers.

Democrats were pledging across-the-board resistance to the newly elected president.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


