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The West Coast felt much too exposed, and its Japanese population, native-born, naturalized, or immigrants, were automatically and groundlessly assumed to put Japan first in their loyalties, even spying or committing sabotage on its behalf.

She assumed that seat with a background in TV production and a brief stint as on-air talent at Fox News, where her last name made her an attractive candidate for punditry.

From Salon

The witness assumed that the pilot had closed the door, the report says.

It was later agreed in evidence in court that Barnes had assumed Mr Coutts identity on 91 occasions to obtain thousands of pounds worth of cash and goods.

From BBC

When the high and mighty of Silicon Valley assumed their privileged perch at the swearing-in of President Trump, it was an ostentatious show of wealth and power unlike any before.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


