


Definition for uncertain
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Future payments under the withdrawal settlement are also uncertain in part because of fluctuating exchange rates.

From BBC

But the timing and full scope of those plans, which would put a new tax on imports into the US, remains highly uncertain.

From BBC

But even as the fruit faces an uncertain future in Chiapas, it is thriving elsewhere in Mexico, underscoring how climate change can reshape agriculture within a relatively small geographic expanse.

From Salon

Estimates of the impacts of an infrastructure project on growth are inherently uncertain and very sensitive to the assumptions of researchers about what would have happened to growth if it had never been built.

From BBC

And ideally, any new product should look, feel, and taste as good as the food it replaces — and be able to overcome any skepticism from consumers uncertain about using bacteria in their kitchen.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


