

Definition for absorb

verb as in physically take in a liquid

Strongest matches

consume, ingest, swallow, take in

Strong matches

blot, devour, imbibe, ingurgitate

verb as in mentally take in information

verb as in occupy complete attention

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Example Sentences

But modern evidence shows that consuming or absorbing too much can transform one's skin in ways that seldom fade.

From Salon

It added: "We appreciate that this news will be difficult to absorb..."

From BBC

But the rise varies from year to year, thanks to differences in how the natural world absorbs carbon, as well as fluctuations in humanity's emissions.

From BBC

Clark acknowledged that his shoulder continued to bother him after absorbing multiple blows this month against Nebraska.

However, it's worth noting the omega-3s in fish are absorbed better in the body than plant sources — and that determines how efficiently the body can use the omega-3.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


