

View definitions for learn


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Example Sentences

Scotland are on the sweet spot in terms of age profile, caps won and experiences learned.

From BBC

The Sun speaks of a "humiliation" for Prince Andrew, while the Daily Mirror concludes that "the more we learn, the worse it appears to get for the Prince and the Royal Family".

From BBC

And why is Me still wearing false eyelashes when she’s learning to be more real?

Mountain lion cubs require about two years with their mother to learn survival skills before they can fend for themselves in the wild, zoo officials said.

But Radio 4's Money Box has learned that 3,308 people complained to the energy ombudsman about receiving these so-called "back bills" in the 12 months to September 2024.

From BBC


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When To Use

What are other ways to say learn?

To learn is to add to one’s knowledge or information: to learn a language. To ascertain is to verify facts by inquiry or analysis: to ascertain the truth about an event. To detect implies becoming aware of something that had been obscure, secret, or concealed: to detect a flaw in reasoning. The verb discover is used with objective clauses as a synonym of learn in order to suggest that the new information acquired is surprising to the learner: I discovered that she had been married before.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for learn?

To learn is to acquire knowledge of something through study and/or experience. The process of acquiring knowledge is called learning.

To learn a subject or topic is to gain understanding of it—to grasp it. To learn a skill is to become proficient in it (and perhaps eventually to master it).

In many cases, learning is the result of teaching. But learning isn’t always formal, like that done in school. We often learn things by teaching ourselves. Learning often involves working to understand something, but sometimes it happens almost automatically. The informal term pick up is sometimes used in the context of acquiring knowledge or skills in this way, such as through immersion, as in I picked up Italian when I spent two semesters in Rome.

Another sense of learn (used in phrases like learn of and learn about) means to become or be made aware of something. This often involves hearing about or being informed about something, but sometimes it is more active. Synonyms for the more active sense include ascertain, detect, and discover.

What is another word for eager to learn?

Someone who is eager to learn often has a thirst for knowledge. Such a person is often inherently curious. Students who are eager to learn are often studious. A more general term is enthusiastic.

What is another word for a quick learner?

A quick or fast learner could be described as a quick study. You could describe such a person as having a quick mind or a ready grasp of something or, more informally, as having a mind like a sponge. Such a person could also be described as perceptive.

Is it learnt or learned?

Learned and learnt are both past tense forms of learn, but learned is far more common, especially in everyday speech.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


