
Burgh(Jp. Name: Arty アーティ)

Hometown: Castelia City, Unova
First Appearence In Episode: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest


Burgh is one of the Gym Leaders of Unova and is meets Ash & Co. in Pinwheel Forest after they get lost. He is a caring trainer and is very knowledgable about the nearby areas

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Burgh sent out his Leavanny in order to save Ash and Sewaddle from falling down a waterfall. It has a powerful String Shot attack. Burgh later used it during his Gym Battle against Ash. It had many powerful moves including Leaf Storm and Solar Beam but eventually fell against Ash's Pikachu

Obtained Prior to Episode: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest

Dwebble was the first of the Pok�mon Burgh used during his Gym Battle against Ash. It faced up against Ash's Tepig and used powerful moves such as X-Scissor and Rock Wrecker in order to do damage. it also has the move Protect which helps defend it from damage. It managed to defeat Ash's Tepig with its Rock Throw attack, but it eventually fell to Ash's Sewaddle

Obtained Prior to Episode: Battling For The Love of Bug-Types!

Whirlipede was the second of Burgh's Pok�mon used during the Gym Battle. It has powerfull attacks including Pin Missile as well as the strong move Steamroller and a massive Solar Beam move which allowed it to battle hard against Ash's Sewaddle. However, Ash's Sewaddle evolved into Swadloon and managed to take out Whirlipede

Obtained Prior to Episode: Battling For The Love of Bug-Types!

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