Unit 3 Revision Poster.154259240

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Reactions of Metals with Acids: pH and neutralisation: Practical:

• Explain why copper sulfate cannot be • Recall the effects of acids and alkalis on • Explain why, if soluble salts are prepared
made by adding copper metal to sulfuric the following indicators: litmus, methyl from an acid and an insoluble reactant:
acid. orange and phenolphthalein. excess of the reactant is added; the
• Explain why potassium chloride should • Explain why universal indicator is a poor excess reactant is removed; the solution
not be made by reacting potassium metal indicator for use in titrations. remaining is only salt and water.
with hydrochloric acid. • Explain why there is a difference in pH • Explain why, if soluble salts are prepared
• (HT only) Explain why the reaction between hydrochloric acid and ethanoic from an acid and a soluble reactant:
between zinc and hydrochloric acid is a acid of the same concentration. titration must be used; the acid and the
redox reaction. • How does water affect the properties of soluble reactant are then mixed in the
ethanoic acid? correct proportions.

Titrations: Electrolysis:
• Describe how to accurately calculate the Edexcel • Explain the differences between the
electrolysis of molten sodium chloride
reacting volumes of strong hydrochloric
acid and strong sodium hydroxide
GCSE and the electrolysis of sodium chloride
• To carry out the electrolysis of water,
• Explain how to calculate the
concentration of sodium hydroxide Chemical sulfuric acid is added. How does the
addition of sulfuric acid produce a
solution needed if 27.5 cm3 of 0.2
conducting solution?
mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid is required to • (HT only) Describe the electrolysis of
titrate 25.0 cm3 of sodium hydroxide lithium fluoride solution using half

solution. equations.
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Salts: Identification of common gases: Electrolysis:

• How could scientists identify an unknown • Explain why ionic substances only
chemical as being a carbonate? • A lit splint is put into a test tube of an conduct electricity when molten or in an
• Explain a method to show how lithium unknown gas, the splint goes out. aqueous solution.
chloride can be synthesised in the Describe how you could prove that the • Suggest why aluminium knives and forks
laboratory. gas is carbon dioxide. used to be more precious than gold in
• A sample of copper sulphate crystals was • Which two gases cannot be in the test the 19th century.
accidently contaminated with sand. tube? Explain your answer. • (HT only) Explain using half equations
Describe the method to regain the pure which ions are oxidised and which ions
copper sulphate crystal back again. are reduced in the electrolysis of
: aluminium oxide.

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