Department of Chemical Engg. UET Peshawar
Department of Chemical Engg. UET Peshawar
Department of Chemical Engg. UET Peshawar
Dr. Saeed Gul Ph.D. (Austria)
Department of
Associate Professor
Dr. Muhammad Younas Ph.D. (France)
Chemical Engineering
Assistant Professors Chemical Engineering is the branch of Tra n sfe r ( S H M T ) , a n d T h e r m o d y n a m i c s
Engr. Imran Khan Swati M.Sc. (Pak) engineering, which blends the knowledge of Laboratories.
Engr. Nehar Ullah M.Sc. (Pak) basic sciences with engineering to develop,
Dr. Muddasar Habib Ph.D. (UK) design, analyze and engineer the industrial Practical Training
Dr. Jamil Ahmad Ph.D. (Norway) Apart from academic activities, students are
processes and plants that turn raw materials
Dr. M. Imran Ahmad Ph.D. (UK)
into valuable products. These processes must required to complete 800 hours of practical
Dr. Asmatullah Ph.D. (UK)
be accomplished in safe, cost effective and training as part of the B.Sc. Chemical
Lecturers sustainable manner to create products, which Engineering Degree. This practical training is
are useful and essential to the modern world. arranged during summer vacations in various
Engr. Sultan Ali M.Sc. (Pak)
Engr. Hayat Khan M.Sc. (S.Korea) Chemical Engineering is based upon the national and international organizations and
Engr. Irshad Ali Ph.D. (Canada) fundamentals of mass, momentum, and heat chemical industries. The major fields of
Engr. Naseer Ahmad Khan M.Sc. (Pak) transfer, thermodynamics and chemical i n t e r e s t a r e p e t r o l e u m r e f i n e r y, g a s
Engr. S. Naveed-ul-Hassan M.Sc. (Pak) kinetics. Chemical engineers are equipped processing, petrochemical, polymer, sugar,
Engr. Ammad Ullah Khan M.Sc. (Pak) with the necessary skills that encompass fertilizer, cement, glass, ceramic and other
Engr. Qurat-ul-Ain M.Sc. (Pak) detailed understanding of all aspects of process industries. This training also helps
Engr. Muhammad Daud M.Sc. (Pak) design, testing, scale-up, operation, control, students in the selection of their final year
Engr. Mansoor-ul-Hassan M.Sc. (Pak) and optimization of different unit operations. projects for addressing existing field oriented
Engr. Saira Bano M.Sc. (Pak) They are familiar with many industries such as problems.
Engr. Muhammad Irfan M.Sc. (Pak) petroleum and petrochemicals, plastics,
Engr. Unsia Habib M.Sc. (Pak) Industrial Visits
fibers, paper, food processing, building
Engr. Amir Muhammad M.Sc. (Pak) materials, water desalination and pharm- The Department is in close contact with
Engr. Wajid Ali M.Sc. (Pak) government departments and private
aceuticals. A Chemical engineering degree is
also a good preparation for careers in poll- chemical industries. Field visits to chemical
Lab Engineer ution prevention and waste minimization. industries are arranged ranging across the
Engr. Abdul Hai B.Sc (Pak)
whole country. Such field visits are found very
Engr. Amir Naveed B.Sc (Pak) Academic Programmes helpful in broadening the vision of the
Engr. Murtaza Khan B.Sc (Pak)
ØB.ScChemical Engineering students in the field of Chemical Engineering.
ØM.Sc Chemical Engineering Placement Opportunities
ØPh.D Chemical Engineering
There is a broad range of employment
Research Facilities opportunities for Chemical Engineers, from
large multi-national companies to small locally
Chemical Engineering Department offers
based companies, e.g. refineries, oil and gas
state-of-the-art equipment and high-tech
fields, fertilizer industries, cement plants,
laboratories to facilitate the undergraduate
ceramic and pharmaceutical industries.
and postgraduate students in lab work and
research projects to acquire the under- Graduates of this department are recognized
standing of various chemical processes by as amongst the country’s finest Chemical
providing small-scale units and simulated Engineers. The Department has so far
industrial works environment. produced more than 500 engineers; most of
them are holding responsible positions in
Chemical Engineering Department helps equip
public and private organizations of national
students with practical knowledge and
and international repute.
troubleshooting skills through its various
computer-controlled upto-date laboratories
s u c h a s C h e m i ca l P ro c e s s Te c h n o l o g y,
Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chemistry,
Environmental Engineering, Fluid Flow, Fuel
and Combustion, Heat Transfer, Instru-
mentation and Control, Mass Transfer, Particle
Technology, Simultaneous Heat & Mass
Engineering Programme
Scheme of Studies
Contact Credit Contact Credit
Semester 1 hours hours Semester 2 hours hours
No. Course Lecture Lab. Total No. Course Lecture Lab. Total
BSI-111 Linear Algebra 3 0 3 ChE-112 Chemical Process Principles-I 3 0 3
Chemical Engineering
ChE-111 Applied Chemistry-I 3 0 3 BSI-122 Calculus 3 0 3
ChE-111L Applied Chemistry-I Lab. 0 3 1 ChE-122 Applied Chemistry-II 3 0 3
BSI-181 Applied Physics 3 0 3 ChE-122L Applied Chemistry-II Lab. 0 3 1
BSI-181L Applied Physics Lab. 0 3 1 BSI-101 Islamic Studies 2 0 2
BSI-142 English Composition and Comprehension 3 0 3 ChE-142L Computer Fundamentals Lab. 0 3 1
ChE-120 Chemical process Industries-I 3 0 3 BSI-143 Communication & Presentation Skills 3 0 3
ME-106 Engineering Workshop 0 3 1
Total Contact Hours 15 6 Total Contact Hours 14 9
Total Credit Hours 15 2 17 Total Credit Hours 14 3 17
**Any course outside the department
Contact Credit Contact Credit
Semester 3 hours hours Semester 4 hours hours
No. Course Lecture Lab. Total No. Course Lecture Lab. Total
ChE-211 Chemical Process Principles-II 3 0 3 ChE-222 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-I 3 0 3
BSI-221L Programming Skills Lab 0 3 1 ChE-212 Engineering Materials 3 0 3
ChE-231 Particle Technology 3 0 3 Fluid Mechanics-II 2 0 2
ChE-231L Particle Technology Lab. 0 3 1
ChE-232L Fluid Mechanics Lab. 0 3 1
BSI-231 Differential Equations 3 0 3
ChE-241 Chemical Process Industries-II 3 0 3
ChE-242 Fluid Mechanics-I 2 0 2
EE-210 Electrical Engineering 2 0 2 ChE-241L Chemical Process Industries-II Lab. 0 3 1
EE-210L Electrical Engineering Lab. 0 3 1 ME-104 Engineering Drawing & CAD 2 3 3
BSI-110 Pakistan Studies 2 0 2 ChE-222L Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics Lab 0 3 1
Total Contact Hours 15 9 Total Contact Hours 13 12
Total Credit Hours 15 3 18 Total Credit Hours 13 4 17