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Counselling as a fast growing dynamic movement

has rapidly progressed from its modest beginning
in the early past of current century to its current
dynamic status in a brief period of six decades.

“as a relationship in which one person endeavours

to help another to understand and solve his
adjustment problem”. The area of adjustment is
often indicated such as educational, vocational
and social counselling.
Counselling has 3 different supporters:

• The social welfare advocates who have primarily an

ideographic interest.
• Those who are more medically oriented.
• Those who are concerned with student personnel
administration and an interest in measurement.
Counselling, psychotherapy and instruction
Difference between counselling and psychotherapy W.R.T Goals:

Counselling Psychotherapy

• deal with normal individuals intend to • Deals with abnormal and intends to
guide them towards a better life. prevent the occurrence of mental or
emotional breakdown.

• goals involve a complete change of

• Goals are concerned with immediate
basic character structure.

• Concerned with providing cure for

• Concerned with providing cure for mental illness.
narrowly situational matter.

• Provides help to an individual suffering

• Prepares an individual to deal with from emotional and nervous disorders.
With respect to setting
Counselling Psychotherapy

• Permits reality testing in a • Allows reality testing in a

some what sheltered completely sheltered
situation. situation.
• May often occur in • Occurs more in medical
educational setting or big settings and is
organizations. confidential.
• Sessions take less • Session takes longer
duration and is less duration and occurs
frequent. frequently.
With respect to Clients

Counselling Psychotherapy

• Deals with normal • Deals with psychotic

people patients

• Concerned with • Concerned with

conscious mind unconscious mind.
Based on qualification required and method followed:

Counsellor Psychotherapist

• Counsellor should be • Should be qualified to deal

qualified to deal with with unconscious mind.
conscious mind.
• Its relatively untrained and • Will have a formal
will have masters degree in internship of 2 or more
social work. years and have a doctors
• Has basic training in • Has basic training in
personality theory, research psychotherapy and biology.
method etc.,
Based on quality Possessed

Counsellor Psychotherapist

• Ability to develop full • Ability to build a rapport

attention to counselee with patients.
• Quality to win confidence of • Ability to accept and
the client appreciate human worth.
• Ability to maintain the • To maintain supporting
ethics of relationship relationship with patients
• Willingness to guide the
• To maintain confidentiality
clients in right direction
• Draw a line of control and
• Ability to motivate and
limit relationship with
facilitate the development of
the clients patients.
Counselling Instruction

• Here fewer pre-conceptions • Goals of instruction are

about what will be needed determined by the society.
to help the individual are
• Given to only those who • Beneficial to all
voluntarily request it or
those who require it.
• Counsellor undertakes
• Trained in specific
additional training in
interviewing, psychometrics instructional techniques.
• Counsellor responsible for • Responsible for the whole
an individual. society.

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