Lesson 7 Counselling and Psychotherapy class_compressed
Lesson 7 Counselling and Psychotherapy class_compressed
Lesson 7 Counselling and Psychotherapy class_compressed
• GUIDANCE means ‘’to direct” ”to point out” “to show the path”. It is the
assistance or help rendered by a more experienced person to a less experiences
person to solve certain major problems of the individual (less experienced) i.e.
educational, vocational, personal etc.
Modifying Personality
behavior reconstruction
Surface Deep-seated
issues issues
Preventive Restorative
Conscious Unconscious
Helper- Helpee-
centered centered
Counseling/Psychotherapy has three fold
Adjustmental Functions
Oriental Functions
Developmental Functions
Adjustmental Functions:
• Rapid social change brought about by industrialization and
urbanization has led to several perplexing problems.
a) Diagnostic
b) Therapeutic
• Confrontation Vs Carefrontation
• This therapy explores how the unconscious mind influences thoughts and
behaviours, with the aim of offering insight and resolution to the person seeking
• Basic Philosophy: While each therapist will work in different ways according to the
needs of the individual seeking therapy, many work on the following:
– Human beings are basically determined by psychic energy and by early experiences.
– Irrational forces are strong; the person is driven by sexual and aggressive impulses.
– Early development is of critical importance because later personality problems have their roots in
repressed childhood conflicts.
Key Concepts
• Normal personality development is based on successful
resolution and integration of psychosexual stages of
Goals of Therapy
– Helping the client bring into the conscious the unconscious.
– Helping the client work through a developmental stage that was
not resolved or where the client became fixated.
– To reconstruct the basic personality.
– To assist clients in reliving earlier experiences and working
through repressed conflicts.
– To achieve intellectual awareness.
– Help the client adjustment to the demands of work, intimacy, and
Techniques of Therapy
• Interpretation, dream analysis, free association, analysis of
resistance, analysis of transference.
• The client is encouraged to talk about childhood relationships with parents and
other significant people and the therapist focuses on the client/therapist
relationship (the dynamics) and in particular on the transference.
• Transference is when the client projects onto the therapist feelings experienced in
previous significant relationships.
• A person’s belief system is the primary cause of disorders. Internal dialogue plays a
central role in one’s behavior.
Goals of Therapy:
• To challenge clients to confront faulty beliefs with contradictory evidence that they
gather and evaluate.
• Helping clients seek out their dogmatic beliefs and vigorously minimizing them.