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Ppt. by Amlb - SVES, Binan

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Activity Sheet


Week 8- Day 1&2
Oral Language
React on the content of the material presented
Oral Reading Fluency
EN6F-IIh-1.6 EN6F-IIh-1.3 EN6F-IIh-1.7
Read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expression
Observe politeness at all times
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
Ppt. by amlb– SVES, Binan
Show openness to criticism
Task 1.Picture Analysis: Look at the picture below and describe
what you see to your classmates

Task 2. Read Along

Read along silently as your

teacher reads the poem.
by Bobbi Katz
Don’t you wish that you could say
You are your mom and dad someday?
Then you could tell your parents stuff
Like maybe they’re not clean enough?
Sure, you could say, “It’s time for bed,”
When they would rather play instead,
Or when they want hot dogs to eat,
“Pass the spinach!” “Pass the meat!”
Yes, it would be such fun, if say,
You are your mom and dad someday,
And they might learn a lesson, too,
When all the orders come from you!”
What you would
Let’s say to your parents
Do if you were a mom
or a dad?
Do these things:

1. Draw picture of yourself as a mom or a

dad. Show what you would do or say.

2. Show your picture to class. Tell what

you are doing and saying in the picture.
** Remember that you have to be
tactful when communicating with
your classmates and be open to
criticism. WHAT IS TACTFUL?
Task 4. Pair Up

Work with your partner. Look at the following pictures

and work together to answer these questions:
Do 1. What is each family doing together? Does your
More family do the same thing?
2. What is your favorite family activity?
Be ready to share your answers to your classmates.
Let’s Remember This

In reacting to poems,
movies, or stories, we
Whenever we read
should always be able to
texts or literary We should always be share our thoughts and
articles we should polite to others, opinions but we should
always be accurate, specially to our also be wary about
with appropriate rate parents, as well as others’ feelings.
Nonetheless, we should
and enunciate words others at all times.
always be open to
properly. criticism and respects
others’ opinions as well.
Let’s Evaluate

Task 5. Analyze This

Read this poem and answer the

questions that follow:
by Felice Holman
I can fly, of course
Very low, Not fast,
Rather slow
I spread my arms
Like wings,
Lean on the wind, And my body zings
Nothing showy-
A few loops
And turns-
But for the most part
I just coast.
Since people are prone to talk about it
I generally prefer
1. What does the speaker in the poem say she can do?
2. Would you enjoy doing the same thing? Why or why not.
3. What does the speaker in the poem do in order to fly?
Read the lines that tell you.
4. Does the speaker fly high and fast or low and slow?
Read the lines that tell you.
5. What reason does the speaker give for not flying when
other people are around?
Read the lines that tell you. What might be another reason?
6. Do you think this poem is about real flying or make-
believe flying? Why?
Let’s Create

Task 6. Art Attack!

Think of a television, cartoon, or comic book character with

special powers or make up a character of your own. Do
these things.
1. Write a short story about the special things this character
can do.
2. Find or draw a picture of the character.
3. Display your story and picture.

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