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Daily Lesson Log Overview Elementary School Mrs. Judith Alojado Colanggo

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School Overview Elementary School Grade VI

Daily Lesson Log Teacher Mrs. Judith Alojado Colanggo Learning Area Science
Date/Time June 5-9, 2017 Quarter First

Week1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. Objective
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding of different understanding of different understanding of different understanding of different understanding of different
types of mixtures and their types of mixtures and their types of mixtures and their types of mixtures and their types of mixtures and their
characteristics. characteristics. characteristics. characteristics. characteristics.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to
prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful
mixtures such as drinks, food, mixtures such as drinks, food, mixtures such as drinks, food, mixtures such as drinks, food, mixtures such as drinks, food,
and herbal medicines. and herbal medicines. and herbal medicines. and herbal medicines. and herbal medicines.
C. Learning The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to
Competencies/Objectives describe the appearance and describe the appearance and describe the appearance and describe the appearance and describe the appearance and
uses uniform and non-uniform uses uniform and non-uniform uses uniform and non-uniform uses uniform and non-uniform uses uniform and non-uniform
mixtures; mixtures; mixtures; mixtures; mixtures;
S6MT-Ia-c-1 S6MT-Ia-c-1 S6MT-Ia-c-1 S6MT-Ia-c-1 S6MT-Ia-c-1

e.g Describe the appearance e.g Describe the appearance e.g Describe the appearance e.g Describe the appearance e.g Describe the appearance
and uses of mixture and uses of mixture and uses of mixture and uses of mixture and uses of mixture
II. CONTENT Homogenous and Homogenous and Homogenous and Homogenous and Homogenous and
Heterogeneous mixture Heterogeneous mixture Heterogeneous mixture Heterogeneous mixture Heterogeneous mixture
“ Appearance and Uses of “ Appearance and Uses of “ Kinds of Mixture ” “ Kinds of Mixture ” “ Kinds of Mixture ”
Mixture ” Mixture ”

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages The New Science Links The New Science Links The New Science Links The New Science Links The New Science Links
Worktext in Science and Worktext in Science and Worktext in Science and Worktext in Science and Worktext in Science and
Technology 6 pp. 64-65, Technology 6 pp. 64-65, Technology 6 pp. 64-65 Technology 6 pp. 64-65 Technology 6 pp. 64-65
Integrated Science pp.58-59 Integrated Science pp.58-59 https://www.youtube.com/w

4. Additional Reference
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
or presenting the new What are the state of matter? What are the state of matter? Describe what will happen to What ideas did you learned What ideas did you learned
lesson Describe the characteristics of Describe the characteristics of the different liquids when from the previous lesson? Tell from the previous lesson?
solid? Liquid? Gas? Use bond solid? Liquid? Gas? Use bond mixed with water. something about this.
paper and pentel to paper and pentel to Write become cloudy, formed Did you eat your breakfast? Tell something about the word
illustrate…Dot is the illustrate…Dot is the 2 or more What is it? inside the magic box.
representation of their representation of their layers, cannot be How will you classify this  Element
characteristics. characteristics. distinguished from each other material?  Pure substance
on the blank Which one is uniform? Non-  Compound
uniform?  Uniform
____1. soy sauce  Non-uniform
____2. soft drinks
 mixtures
____3. alcohol
____4. cooking oil
____5. gasoline
____6. vinegar
____7. orange juice
____8. evaporated milk
____ 9. kerosene
____10. used oil

B. Establishing a purpose for Picture Study Picture Study a.Arranging Jumbled letters Listen to a song: https://www.youtube.com/w
the lesson Observe then describe… Observe then describe… 1. SUOENGEOMOH https://www.youtube.com/wat atch?v=t0iHbY9sjDc
1. Oil and water 1. Oil and water CLUES: UNIFORM ch?v=-3HI-7oCxgc
2. SUOENEGROTEHE What is the video presentation
CLUE: NON-UNIFORM What is the song all about? all about?
b. Picture Analysis Our lesson this morning have
similar to the video that you
have viewed.
2. Different vegetables (salad) 2. Different vegetables (salad)

What is your observation in
the landfill?
What homogeneous and
heterogenous mixtures found
in this environment?

Are they considered mixture? Are they considered mixture?

Why do you think so? Why do you think so?
examples/instances of the 1. Setting of standard 1. Setting of standard 1. Setting of standard 1. Setting of standard 1. Setting of standard
new lesson 2. Activity 2. Activity 2. Activity 2. Activity 2. Activity
“What Happens when “What Happens when Classify mixtures as I-Assorting materials I- Using Worksheet
materials are mixed” materials are mixed” homogeneous or II-Video Clip Viewing II-Article Reading ( Jingle)
I- Sugar and Glass of water I- Sugar and Glass of water heterogeneous mixture. III-Video Presentation III-IV Article Reading
II- Chalk and water II- Chalk and water I – II Mixing solid with the IV-Paragraph Reading ( Poem)
III-Starch and water III-Starch and water other solid 3. Reporting
IV- Water and powder juice IV- Water and powder juice III-IV- Comparing 3. Reporting
3. Reporting 3. Reporting Heterogenous and
Homogeneous Mixture
3. Reporting


and practicing new skill #1 1. What are the materials did 1. What are the materials did A. 1. Which combination has 1. Based on your activities, 1. Based on your activities,
you used in the activities 1? you used in the activities 1? distinguishable components? how pure substance differ how heterogenous and
2? 3? 4? 2? 3? 4? 2. Which mixture looked the from mixture? homogeneous differ from one
2. Did you investigate to the 2. Did you investigate to the same all through out? how heterogenous and another?
materials? What senses did materials? What senses did homogeneous differ from one 2. Cite an examples of
you used? you used? B. 1. What kind of mixture another? Heterogeneous Mixture?
3. Based on your observation 3. Based on your observation did you form when you mixed 2. Cite an examples of Homogeneous Mixture?
what happened to the what happened to the the different seeds in the Heterogeneous Mixture?
materials when mixed up? materials when mixed up? container? Homogeneous Mixture?
4. Why do you think it 4. Why do you think it 2. Can you still recognize the
happened? Describe the happened? Describe the components of mixture?
appearance of the materials. appearance of the materials. Why?
5. Which one are some small 5. Which one are some small 3. What type of mixture did
that cannot be identified? that cannot be identified? you form when you mixed salt
Which particles are suspended Which particles are suspended and water?
within the liquid? within the liquid? 4. Can you still recognize salt
6. Which one is uniform 6. Which one is uniform from water? Prove your
mixture (homogeneous)? mixture (homogeneous)? answer?
Non-uniform mixture Non-uniform mixture 5. What type of mixture is in
(Heterogenous)? (Heterogenous)? container A? In container B?
6.Cite an example of mixture 6.Cite an example of mixture 6. Make a conclusion based
and give the importance of it. and give the importance of it. on the given problem.
7. How can you classify
E. Discussing new concepts GAMES: GAMES: Classify the following Field Showing about Two Claps happy face for
and practicing new skill #2 Identify if the materials in the Identify if the materials in the mixture. Heterogeneous and Homogeneous mixture and Three
land field are still land field are still Mixtur Hetero Homog Homogenous Mixture Claps for Heterogeneous.
recognizable. Tell if the recognizable. Tell if the e geneou eneous
s  Air
component can be identified component can be identified Mixed
or cannot identified or cannot identified ch?v=msSclkLW4Lk  Sugar water
1. Soil mixed with water 1. Soil mixed with water Fruit
2. Aluminum mixed with 2. Aluminum mixed with salad https://www.youtube.com/w  Rain water
water. water. Water atch?v=4mLst4JqyhU  Vodka
and oil  Vinegar
3. Newspaper mixed with 3. Newspaper mixed with Salad
water. water.  Dishwashing detergent
4. Soft drink inside a bottle. 4. Soft drink inside a bottle. g
5. Rotten vegetables 5. Rotten vegetables Sugar  Steel Cereal in milk
6. Rainwater 6. Rainwater solutio  Vegetable soup
n  Pizza
alloy  Blood
Powdered milk dissolved in  Gravel
water  Ice in soda
 Salad dressing
 Mixed nuts
 Bowl of colored candies
 Soil

F. Developing mastery What materials are mixed? Do What materials are mixed? Do List down 10 mixtures found Answer the following: Identify each of the following
(Leads to Formative you think it is important to you think it is important to at home. Then classify it 1 substances as pure substances,
Assessment) mixed the materials? Why do mixed the materials? Why do according to the type of Spaghetti sauce heterogeneous mixtures, or
you think so? you think so? mixture they are belongs. homogeneous mixtures.
   Homogenous 1.alphabet soup
Heterogeneou Homogeneous
s Mixture Mixture 2.salt
1. 1. 3.concrete
2. 2. 4. vegetable
3. 3. Pure air 5. air
4 4. 6. paint
   Homogenous 7. granite
5. 5.
   Heterogenous 8. sugar
City air
Chocolate Chip ice cream
Sugar water
Black coffee
Salad dressing
Aluminum foil
Beach sand
A flat soda drink

applications of concepts 1. Some antibiotics are in 1. Some antibiotics are in 1. Seawater is composed of List down 5 materials located In what situation this
and skills in daily living powder form and should be powder form and should be salt, sand and water. Does sea in your kitchen, 5 in market heterogeneous or
mixed with water. What kind mixed with water. What kind water a homogeneous or and 5 from your environment. homogeneous mixture
of mixture is formed here? of mixture is formed here? heterogenous mixture? Then give the classification of happens to you at home?
Why? Why antibiotics Why? Why antibiotics Explain your answer. this materials.
important to mixed to water? important to mixed to water? 2. What type of mixture is the
iced tea with ice and iced tea Kitc
without ice cubes? If you atio atio men

6 n n t
allow all iced cubes to melt, 1.
what type of mixture remains? 2.

H. Making generalizations What are the ideas did you What are the ideas did you Describe how a homogeneous Generalize the lesson Using
and abstractions about the learned in the lesson? Some learned in the lesson? Some mixture differ to Generalize the lesson Using the concept map below.
lesson liquids when mixed with liquids when mixed with heterogeneous mixture. the concept map below.
water cannot be water cannot be
distinguished anymore. distinguished anymore.
Other liquids when mixed Other liquids when mixed
with water make the water with water make the water
cloudy. cloudy.
Other liquids when mixed Other liquids when mixed
with water formed 2 or more with water formed 2 or more
layers. layers.
Water is considered universal Water is considered universal
solvent because it can solvent because it can
dissolve many substances. dissolve many substances.

A. Draw a happy face if the A. Draw a happy face if the Classify the following Classify the following as 1. Asuming that you are in the
statement is true and sad face statement is true and sad face according to its kind. either homogeneous or SM Trece super market.
if the statement is false. if the statement is false. heterogeneous. 2. Make a 10 list of materials
1. All liquid when mixed with 1. All liquid when mixed with Salad, stainless steel, 1. flat soft drink (no bubbles) 3. Then group it into
liquid dissolve completely. liquid dissolve completely. vinegar, sand and pebbles, 2. air (with smog) homogeneous and
2. Some liquid when mixed 2. Some liquid when mixed Oil and water, peanut 3. chocolate chip ice cream heterogenous mixture.
with water makes the water with water makes the water butter, pepperoni pizza, 4. paint Homogen Heterogen
cloudy. cloudy. Gasoline, unopened cola, 5. Italian salad dressing 6. eous ous
3. Not all liquid mixed with 3. Not all liquid mixed with alcohol 1.
water makes the water cloudy. water makes the water cloudy. HETEROGENEO
S 7. sugar 2.
4. Other liquid mixed with 4. Other liquid mixed with 8. iron 3.
water forms 2 or more layers. water forms 2 or more layers. 9. soil 4.
5. Alcohol mixed with water 5. Alcohol mixed with water 10. beach sand 5.
cannot be seen anymore. cannot be seen anymore. 11. aluminum foil
12. pure air
13. black coffee
14. chunky spaghetti sauce
15. water

J. Additional activities for Make a short paragraph Make a short paragraph Evaluate your snacks and Make a research about the Make your own poem about
application or remediation describing about the describing about the lunch. Identify if they are classification of mixture. Cite your understanding in the
appearance and uses of appearance and uses of homogeneous or an example. classification of mixture.
mixture. mixture. heterogeneous mixtures.
Identify the components.
Write your answer in your
Science notebook.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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