Wet Processing Pretreatment-Lecture

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The term "Preparation"has two implications in

textile processing.
 In Grey manufacturing
In grey manufacturing it is used to describe the
processes which prepare yarns for weaving and

 In WetProcessing
InWet Processing ,the term is used to describe
those processes that ready fabrics for the steps
that follow,coloration and finishing
“Pretreatment can be defined as a series of
cleaning processes /steps /operations that make
the fabric fit for the preceding processe .g. Dyeing
orPrinting andFinishing”

The steps that follow ,dyeing or printing and

finishing ,are greatly influenced by how the fabric is

Improper preparation is often the cause of

problems encountered in the dyeing and finishing
Preparation of Textiles

Preparation is a series of operations that prepare the grey yarn/fabric

for subsequent treatments e.g. dyeing, printing. The main operations
are singeing, desizing, scouring, bleaching & mercerization. Preparatory
processes may be carried out in dry or wet state.
Objectives of Preparation
 Removal of all interfering substances coming
naturally or added during production.
 Increasing absorbency for water, chemicals,
dyestuffs and auxiliaries.
 Removal of latent tensions.
 Fixation.

Types of Preparation:
 Dry processes – brushing, cropping, singeing,
cutting, setting, stabilization
 Wet processes – washing, desizing, scouring,
bleaching, mercerization
Pretreatment of Cotton: Singeing
Singeing is the burning off of loose fibers sticking
out of textile goods .It is usually the first step carried
out after weaving

 Clean fabric surface
 Increased wettability
 Improved visibilityof the fabric structure
 Decreased contamination through removal off fluff
and lint
 Elimination of spiky fiber tips from the fabric
 Reduction of pilling tendency in blends with
 1 Preliminary mechanical purification
 2 Burning down spiky fiber tips
Directly: -Gas flame, open flame
 1200-1300 o C, cont. process up to 250 m/min
 rectangular or tangential, free working or on water-cooled

Glowing metallic bodies (velvets)

Indirectly: -high heated ceramic bodies
 3 Fiber dust is brushed and sucked by exhaust air
 4 Quenching in conjunction with impregnation
Machine Setup:
Setup parameters Range Set value
Speed (m/min) 0-120 55-60 for cotton.
70 for PC/CVC.
Potentiometer Setting (rpm) 0-150 80-90 for cotton fabric
60-70 for CVC/PC.
Burner in use 1 or 2 2
Burner operation mode. Auto/Manual Auto
Flame height (cm) 1-8 6 for white & light shade
6.5 for medium & dark shade
Flame angle with the 45º to 90º 45º for blends
direction of fabric. 90º for cotton
Flame intensity Low/normal/high Low – not used
Medium – for whit & light
High – for medium & dark
shade fabric
Pretreatment of Cotton: Singeing
Pretreatment of Cotton: Desizing
Desizing is the process of removing the size material
from the warp yarns in woven fabric

 Poly(VinylAlcohol)orPVA
 CarboxyMethylCelluloseorCMC

 Removal of added impurities likestarch
 Weight loss
Improved wettability
To increase absorbency of the fabric
 To increase lusture of dyeing and printing
To perfect action of scouring and bleaching
Desizing m/c
 Natural sizes: swelling but not soluble in water
 Synthetic sizes: water soluble, easily removable
 Enzymatic Desizing by amylase
 Protein as biological catalyst which accelerates
the pulping of the amylo-maize starch
 Process is selective (lock-and-key principle)
 Elimination of soluble starch leavings by washing
Pretreatment of Cotton: Scouring
 Principle: Treatment of cotton at boil in diluted caustic soda solution for
decomposition of water insoluble interfering components
 Chemical Reactions:
 Saponification of fats and waxes
 Decomposition of proteins and pectins
 Dissolution of hemi cellulose
 Objectives:
 Hydrophilic surface, improve in absorption properties
 Solubilized seed-coats
 Increase of whiteness and 5-10% lost of weight
Contents Of Cotton Fibers After Ginning

Cellulose 95%
►Proteins 1.3%
Hydrolyzed to soluble fragments

►Pectic Substances 0.9%

Soluble in alkaline bath

►Ash(Ca,Mg,K,Na, phosphates, carbonates) 1.2%

Soluble in water

►OrganicAcids 0.8%
Soluble in alkaline bath

►Wax 0.3%
Converted to soap
Sugars 0.3%

►Other(Dirt) 0.9%

►Scouring remove residual size and ruptures primary wall to

increase absorbency

Bleaching is the process of removing natural pigments and vegetable

 Improved whiteness
 Level dyeing properties
 To ensure level dyeing property
To increase absorbing for dyeing operation
Destruction of natural coloring matters from the fabric.


Bleaching One Bath:
Batch weight: 400 Kg

Chemical Name g/l Kg

Chimistone Nilf 1.000000 3.200000

Phenolas Crease-10 1.000000 3.200000

Chemical 540 1.000000 3.200000

Chimistab FG 0.400000 1.280000

Caustic Soda 1.800000 5.750000

Hydrogen per oxide 2.010000 6.432000

Sodium Thiosulphate 1.020000 3.264000

Acetic acid 0.700000 2.240000

Acetic acid (enzyme) 0.262500 840.0000g

Phenolas CLN.20 1.507500 4.824000

Phenozyme 1000 0.500000% 2.000000

•Fabric is loaded in the machine.
•3200 liter water is added in the dye bath. As liquor ratio is 1:8.
•Temperature is raised at 600c & fabric is circulated for (3-5) minutes.
•Add sequestering agent, anti creasing agent, detergent & stabilizer.
•Add Caustic Soda at linear dosing for about 10 minutes.
•After 5 minutes add H2O2 at curve dosing for about 40 minutes at temperature 700c &
run the m/c for 5 min.
•Raise temperature at 1000c. Maintaining pH at 10.6
•Fabric is circulated for 30 minutes at 1000c.
•Add Sodium thiosulphate (peroxide killer) dosing for 10 minutes & run for 10 minutes.
•Decrease temperature at 600c and then drain.
•Take water and add acetic acid and raise temperature at 600c and run for 10 minutes
then drain.
•Again take water and add acetic acid to maintain pH 4.5
•Then enzyme and enzyme catalyst is added and fabric is circulated for about 60 minutes.
•Then bath is drained off and fabric is washed about 800c for 10 minutes. Then rinse wash
is done.
•Fabric is unloaded.
Mercerization is a treatment for cotton fabric and thread
mostly employed to give cotton a lustrous appearance
 Improve dye finity and yield
 Improve breaking strength
 Improve dimensional stability
 Improve chemical reactivity
 Improve fabric smoothness
 Cover immature cottonfibers
1-5 Swelling process in an alkaline solution
6 Removal of alkali by water substitution
7 After drying
Required parameter:

Parameters Value
Squeeze pressure 1.5-2 bar (by compressed air)
Temp of washing 80º c to 90ºc
PH after mercerizing 7-7.5
Caustic soda solution temp In mixing tank: 80º c -90ºc
In caustic storage tank: 70º c - 80ºc
In chiller: 16º c- 20ºc
In mercerizing bath: 18º-20ºc
Heat Setting
Heat treatmen to fabrics containing thermoplastic
synthetic fibers.Stabilizes fabric by reducing
shrinkage and distortion

Thermoplastic fibers are undergo through the
process of heatsetting and results in:
Stabilization of fabric structure

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