The Global Healthspan Report A New Agenda For Global Health - January 2024
The Global Healthspan Report A New Agenda For Global Health - January 2024
The Global Healthspan Report A New Agenda For Global Health - January 2024
A New Agenda
for Global Health
Foreword Acknowledgements
The reality of ageing today is an unforgiving one: Since our launch two years ago, Hevolution has The Hevolution Foundation wishes to thank the following
people are living longer yet are spending more been on an impressive trajectory, committing over experts, listed in alphabetical order, for kindly sharing their
years in poor health than ever before. This paradox $200 million in global funding to help reshape and time and expertise in the development of this report.
is a testament to both the successes and the severe accelerate discoveries and tangible contributions
limitations of our current healthcare paradigm. We to healthy ageing research and development. We
believe this can and must change. Everyone has the have also established a fast-moving investment
right to age well. Every person should live better – team based in Boston, Massachusetts, extending Dr. Jan Adams
not just longer. Hevolution's operational footprint globally and Partner, Apollo Health Ventures
Launched in 2021, Hevolution Foundation is a first amplifying its engagement with the broader life
of its kind global non-profit organization that provides sciences ecosystem that now includes a short list of Dr. Salman AlAsiry
grants and early-stage investments to incentivize companies that are potential investment candidates Vice President of Law, Ethics, & Compliance, Hevolution
independent research and entrepreneurship in the this year. We are proud to work with leading Foundation
emerging field of healthspan science. scientific institutions around the world to expand the
Our mission is to extend healthy lifespan for emerging field of healthspan science such as the U.S. H.R.H. Princess Dr. Haya Bint Khaled Bin Bandar Al Saud
the benefit of all humanity by driving efforts to National Academy of Medicine, the Buck Institute, Vice President of Organisational Strategy and Development,
understand the processes of ageing. We want to the American Federation for Aging Research, and Hevolution Foundation
increase the number of safe and effective treatments multiple universities worldwide, including nine across
entering the market, compress the timeline of drug The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in addition to The
Dr. Nir Barzilai
Founding Director, Institute for Aging Research, Albert Einstein
development using the latest tools and technologies, United States of America, The Netherlands, Austria,
College of Medicine
and increase accessibility to therapeutics that extend and Australia.
healthy lifespan. Our success is inseparable from our partnerships,
Stephen Berenson
because humanity achieves its greatest potential Managing Partner, Flagship Pioneering
through collaboration. Indeed, engagement is a
critical part of our work. It helps us to identify gaps, Dr. Victor J. Dzau
share valuable insights, unite diverse perspectives, President, National Academy of Medicine, United States
and offer practical recommendations to help guide
our collaborative efforts to deliver healthspan for all. Dr James Kirkland
To that end, we are delighted to share our first President, American Federation for Ageing Research
Global Healthspan Report: A New Agenda for Global
Health. This report synthesizes the findings of our Dr. Andrew Levin
global survey of 4,000 citizens and domain specialists Partner & Managing Director, RA Capital Management
from over 20 countries, two workshops with experts
in London and Boston, and a series of in-depth Rt. Hon. Lord David Prior of Brampton
interviews with scientists, investors, practitioners Former Chairman of NHS, United Kingdom
and policy experts. We are so pleased to bring
Professor Andrew J. Scott
together this group of experts to share their views
Professor of Economics, London Business School
and perspectives. We hope this report, published at
our Global Healthspan Summit in Riyadh, serves as a
Michael Torres
clarion call for advancing the healthspan agenda for all. Chief Communications Officer, Hevolution Foundation
The evidence base is building for novel approaches to tackling the diseases of ageing.
Early diagnostic innovations, such as AI-powered liquid biopsies, promise to catch
killer diseases before they take hold. Senolytics can target damaged cells before they
wreak havoc on the body. mRNA vaccines and cell and gene therapy hold promise for
stopping diseases from emerging in the first place. Leading the research agenda are
a growing pool of investors and scientists who are boldly questioning the common
assumption of chronic disease as an inevitable consequence of ageing. Their efforts
are essential; nearly two in three health professionals we surveyed (63%) believe health
systems will not be financially viable by 2030 without a breakthrough in healthy longevity
incentives laid out by regulators. To encourage bold R&D, medical agencies and payers
(insurance companies or governments) need to craft a pro-innovation regulatory and
approval environment that rewards innovations that prevent, rather than treat, disease,
and that recognise the clinical validity of ‘pre-disease’ states and new biomarkers.
To inform the report and complement its research, interview program and
workshops, Hevolution Foundation commissioned two global surveys, the findings
of which are described in this report.
Post-graduate 25%
Other 6%
20 Countries
between June 16, 2023 and July 27, 2023
via online surveys.
Were Covered
Data for the healthcare professionals
survey was collected June 15, 2023 and
Africa Middle East July 14, 2023 using computer assisted
Nigeria Bahrain telephone interviews methodology
South Africa Egypt
Asia-Pacific Oman Industry
Australia Qatar
China Saudi Arabia
India United Arab
Japan Emirates
North America
Europe Canada
France United States
United Kingdom
Latin America
Individuals would be more empowered 56%
to manage their own health
It would reduce the cost of public healthcare 43%
10% 10%
0% pressure, and improved psychosocial outcomes a combination of inertia and regulatory obstacles
Promote healthy Adapt the social Increase Train doctors Increase Increase the Repurpose Compress the Other (specify)
and diets
and economic
environment to
awareness on
in healthspan
accessibility to
therapeutics that
number of
existing drugs for timeline for drug such as depression and anxiety (20, 21). prevented adoption. That changed under necessity
healthy lifespan development
healthier older
benefits to trigger
a mindset shift
extend healthy
drugs in the
marketplace (e.g.
applications using the latest A study on the long-term benefits of using during lockdowns, and digital consultation has
people among the
trackers such as continuous blood glucose now become more accepted. In the first months
monitors indicates beneficial effects on parameters of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of
like blood sugar levels (22) while online health teleconsultations skyrocketed to as high as 50%
communities have improved patient outcomes of all doctor consultations in Denmark and Spain,
Delivering this change will require a shift in outlook Medicine and passed in 2017 by the American and increased empowerment (23). But such tools for example (24). Nine countries (Estonia, Hungary,
and training, such as moving more nurses and Medical Association House of Delegates, is a are often confined to the already healthy, better Iceland, Ireland, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico,
doctors to local community bases so it’s “easier to commitment to support policies that incentivise or off citizens in society, and need to be made more Turkey and the United States) which previously
just pop in and talk to people,” says Professor Scott. fund the inclusion of lifestyle medicine education in commonly available. only allowed in-person medical consultations also
Upskilling will also be needed. As explored in the undergraduate, graduate and continuing medical As clinical evidence grows, those who adapted their policies.
London Hevolution Foundation workshop, medical education (19). regulate, approve and reimburse digital health Though triggered by a crisis, the changes
education needs to incorporate preventive and Professional incentives are also often geared technologies will likely see value in shrinking the look set to remain. Some 40% of patients now
lifestyle education, which has played a minor role towards acute care and surgical specialty - thus ‘ill’ years of life, which currently weigh heavily on prefer telemedicine to in-person consultations (24).
in conventional curricula. towards promoting the status quo. To enable a health systems and the public purse. “Healthcare England’s NHS is increasingly rolling out ‘virtual
Medics are not taught enough about shift towards preventative care, medical curricula providers will be happy to pay once they see how wards’ that can monitor patients at home or in care
preventive approaches and the role of nutrition, must evolve to bring areas like nutrition and healthspan is extended,” predicts Dr Barzilai of the homes, greatly reducing pressure on overstretched
sleep, and stress during their training. A Lancet lifestyle to the fore, so that prospects for a career Albert Einstein College of Medicine. hospitals (25). This shows change is possible, and
analysis showed that nutrition is insufficiently in that space become more attractive. Health system reform is a challenging reforms that facilitate the uptake of preventive and
incorporated into medical curricula across countries, Technology will be a powerful ally in achieving endeavour akin to changing an engine while a health management technologies, from consumers
settings and years of study (17). A 2021 survey of a prevention-focused health system. For consumers, vehicle is moving. But there are signs that, with to clinical actors, could play a major role in bringing
US and UK medical schools found that students there are now a range of affordable, effective political will and given pressing needs, legacy greater agility to the current system.
received an average of 11 hours of nutrition training, wearables that track activity, diet and sleep, while institutions can shake out of their inertia and make
part of which is typically student-run (18). This social networks incentivise and reward healthy greater use of technology. Telemedicine and
shows there is significant need for more policies to decisions by making them more fun and social, such virtual consultations are a case in point. These were
embed preventative care in the healthcare system as sharing of runs and ‘personal bests’ on Strava. technically possible for years prior to the outbreak
if we are to move towards a prevention-focused These promote self-monitoring and goal-setting, of COVID-19, offering more convenience and
approach to health. For instance, Resolution 959, and are associated with improved physiological service efficiency for patients and medical staff, but
introduced by the American College of Preventive outcomes such as a reduced BMI, reduced blood
Figure 3 Figure 4
“To what extent do you agree with the following: without breakthrough in healthy longevity, our “When do you believe that breakthroughs in longevity research will significantly impact society?"
healthcare systems will not be financially viable by 2030." (Medical experts responses) (Expert and citizen reponses)
Total 63%
Brazil 64%
Europe 74%
Asia-Pacific 68%
Africa 74%
Investing In Healthspan
is an FDA-approved drug used to prevent organ outcomes (44).
transplant rejection and in cystic lung disease (38), AI offers significant positive implications for
and has been found to slow ageing in worms, flies, drug development. “This is the most exciting time
and mice, by inhibiting the activity of TORC1, a in medical science in a generation,” says Lord Prior
protein complex that senses nutrients inside every of the UK House of Lords. “The understanding of
cell (39). The same type of drug was found to how molecular biology works at a cell and gene The task of backing scientific research into healthspan medicine is falling to a large extent on biotech
improve immune function in elderly patients (40). level, and the application of generative AI to investors as public funding options, like those of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), tend to focus on
It is currently in veterinary clinical trials to assess its simulate the behaviour of human cells, opens up specific disease verticals, rather than targeting ageing biology per say. Dr. Jan Adams, partner at Apollo
ability to slow ageing in dogs (41). Metformin is a the field of regenerative medicine in a way that Health Ventures views the strategy of targeting the so-called ‘hallmarks of ageing’ as “a vertical in its own
FDA-approved drug that has been used successfully would have been inconceivable three, four or five right”, distinguishing it from traditional approaches to healthcare investment.
to treat diabetes and occasionally helps to treat years ago. Cancer vaccines, cell therapies where
symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (42). It you can, for example, reprogram cells to produce
has been shown to delay ageing in animals and dopamine, these are extraordinary potential
influence fundamental ageing factors that underlie breakthroughs.”
Figure 6
age-related conditions in humans. Scaling up AI in healthcare will require
“Two studies, one in the New England Journal regulatory frameworks - of which there are few The Hallmarks of Ageing
of Medicine and one in the Lancet, showed that at the moment worldwide, though this is starting
giving a COVID patient metformin within three to change. In October 2023, the WHO released
days of infection prevented hospitalisation, death, a series of considerations for regulation of AI for
and long COVID by over 40%,” says Dr Barzilai. health, aiming to provide a framework for countries.
“Metformin changes immunity and cell formation, The WHO report emphasises transparency and
and that’s why it has the potential to prevent age documentation, risk management, clarity of
related disease.” The American Federation for intended use, a commitment to data quality and
Ageing Research is conducting an ongoing clinical protection, and fostering collaboration between
trial called TAME (43). Dr Barzilai believes that regulatory bodies, research bodies, medical
once metformin is approved for ageing by the practitioners and patients (45). This will support
FDA, “the acceleration of what biotechs will be countries in establishing safe and effective AI
able to do will be amazing.” regulations for healthcare.
healthy longevity is clear opportunities to build businesses in the healthy expanding to those which can monitor deeper
ageing space. The economic opportunity is vast. indicators like heart rate, blood pressure and blood
to finance professionals The economic value of slowing down biological glucose with increasing precision, often based
ageing and improving health alongside a 1-year on subscription fee models. The supplements
97% of finance professionals believe that healthy increase in life expectancy is $37 trillion (46). opportunity is a draw for some investors and
longevity investments can yield greater financial One estimate puts the commercial market for startups, especially given the reported evidence
returns than traditional healthcare investments ‘delaying human death’ at $610 billion by 2025 of repurposed drugs like metformin (53), although
(47). A recent and prominent sign of growing care is needed to ensure proper governance,
Artificial intelligence (44%) is the most invested awareness came with the $3 billion financing of regulations and safety.
field, followed by stem cells (25%) and Altos Labs, a company with a stellar scientific team “Improving overall wellness rather than
immunotherapy (23%) (48). Our survey confirms that investors see long- increasing the length of life is a relatively new
term commercial potential with 97% of financial concept,” says Dr Levin of RA Capital. “As an
Corporate partnerships (53%) are the most professionals believing healthy ageing investments investor, my theory is that we'll see a shift to more
popular source of funding for longevity research can yield greater financial returns than traditional of a commercial based model in terms of quality
followed by PE (46%), VC (39%) and internal R&D healthcare investments. of life. People pay for the gym and cosmetic
(39%) Major new markets can open quickly, as procedures and other things to make their body
evidenced by recent and mental health feel
The fear of missing out on the next wave of breakthroughs in a class better and look better,
healthcare innovation is strongest in the Middle of appetite-suppressing "WE'RE OBSERVING and that’s how I see the
East (39% vs 26% average) GLP-1 agonist class of A GROWING INTEREST healthy longevity field
drugs, which mimic the
GLP-1 hormone produced
ON THE PART OF going.”
The early, even pre-
by the body to indicate INVESTORS TO FIND symptomatic diagnostics
satiety. Sales of GLP-1
A WAY TO PARTICIPATE space is another domain
drugs are expected to top attracting biotech
Figure 7 $18 billion this year (49). IN ADDRESSING LARGE investors, as product
“The biotech industry MARKETS: DISEASES innovations show potential
What are your company’s motivations for investing in healthy longevity? has been reluctant to go to catch killer diseases
(Finance professionals response) after large population- WITH MILLIONS OF at a far earlier stage.
wide diseases, not PATIENTS” Harbinger Health, a liquid
because of the lack of biopsy and AI startup, has
business opportunity − STEPHEN BERENSON developed an algorithm
but the intractability of Managing Partner, Flagship Pioneering that can detect cancer
the clinical development with 82% sensitivity (54).
programme without surrogate biomarkers and the “One Flagship company currently in stealth mode
capital required to do it right,” says Mr Berenson, is trying to come up with a scientifically rigorous
Managing Partner at Flagship Pioneering. “But way of identifying pre-disease states and then
now that [Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk] have shown identifying therapies, treatments, vaccinations
extraordinary success, we're observing a growing that can catch something in a pre-disease state
interest on the part of investors to find a way to and at least delay the onset,” says investor
participate in addressing large markets: diseases Stephen Berenson, Managing Partner at Flagship
with millions of patients.” Pioneering, a fund which also backed Harbinger
For some investors, the healthy ageing Health. The company has identified early
opportunity is also the next chapter in the consumer biomarkers for disease states like nonalcoholic
wellness market, a segment which reached $1.5 liver disease. “I think early diagnosis is one of the
trillion in 2021 according to McKinsey (50). About stronger themes in terms of impacting longevity
492 million “smart wearable” units were shipped and wellness,” says Dr Levin of RA Capital.
in 2022 (51). The fitness trackers market size was Investors call for enabling reforms to unlock
valued at $7.5 billion US in 2022 and will reach more capital and support startups. An important
$16.91 billion US in 2028, with a CAGR of 14.32% area for innovation is for regulators and payors to
modified, delayed or even eradicated. In addition real time data, rather than “locked” algorithms.
to regulatory and payor innovation, these types of The FDA is now considering a new product
interventions will require clinical demonstration of lifestyle-based regulatory framework in order to
benefit, with innovative clinical trial designs and allow for modifications from real-world learning
endpoints. and adaptation, while still ensuring that the
“There needs to be an evolution of the way product’s safety and effectiveness are maintained
these treatments would be paid for,” says Mr throughout its lifecycle (57). This expansion of
Berenson of Flagship Pioneering. “Today, at least medical device regulation, once adopted, could
in the US environment, it’s hard for somebody expand the capacity for innovation from medical
to get paid for supplying a treatment to a pre- device manufacturers.
disease state. We have to create a framework for With 52% of investors expecting a
qualifying pre-disease states as being eligible breakthrough in healthy longevity research in the
for reimbursement.” Jan Adams agrees that near future and 97% of investors expecting better
facilitating investment in pre-disease identification financial return from healthy longevity investments,
and prevention should be a priority. “We need to
find early symptoms and get approvals based on
it is easy to see why there is a tremendous interest
from the investment community. The Healthspan Society
biomarkers,” he says. “Neurodegeneration might One driver to be careful about will be hubris,
be where this starts as a template, in areas like especially among tech investors or founders not
Alzheimer’s or ALS, and this could be a sandbox.” familiar with the highly regulated healthcare field.
Regulatory frameworks for AI are also The ghost of Theranos looms as a warning of the Achieving a longer and healthier life for all citizens to emerging science; ignoring public opinion was
evolving, as it can be classified as a medical device dangers of over-hyping. “Tech investors have a would be a triumph of medicine, technology and a key reason for the controversies and pushback
with important implications for allowing individuals very different cultural mindset,” says Dr Levin of health policy. The implications this would have on related to genetically modified food.
to access and pay for AI health services. Used for RA Capital. “The tech mindset is that tech can do society are profound. Demographic transition is an One important finding from the survey is that
diagnosis, prognosis, screening, and supporting anything, we can solve any problem.” Dr Levin engine of wrenching social and economic change, demand for longevity products and service was the
treatment, AI medical devices can relieve pressure cites the example of a company that had built an bringing both opportunities and challenges. highest in emerging markets, with 52% of Brazilian
on the health system (55). impressive diagnostic tool for Alzheimer’s disease, The pursuit of longevity science specifically and 45% of African citizens expressing interest
but that was impractical to roll out at scale – and raises questions about ethics, values and principles (vs. 32% globally). Another is that concerns over
which offered limited impact given there is no cure that will vary across cultures and contexts. For the ethics of longevity research, though real, are
for the condition. example, around 70% of participants - both not necessarily a barrier to demand. While Middle
Still, it is important to encourage a wider citizens and healthcare professionals- express Eastern citizens are more likely to question the
pool of investors into the space. Boston workshop concerns about the ethical implications of longevity pursuit of longevity medicine because it goes
"IMPROVING OVERALL participants proposed a strategic multidisciplinary science, while two thirds of citizens believe that against their beliefs (25% vs 12% average) and
WELLNESS RATHER THAN alliance to showcase investor interest in the longevity research would increase socio economic because we should not tinker with nature (40% vs
INCREASING THE LENGTH healthspan domain to provide the patient capital inequalities. 34% average), their interest in longevity products
needed to support investment. For if startups are
OF LIFE IS A RELATIVELY The Hevolution Foundation survey also found is nevertheless in line with global averages while
hard and risky, biology is harder.
NEW CONCEPT” regional differences on nearly every aspect of it their willingness to pay for it is higher (28% would
- from willingness to buy products or services to be willing to spend 4-6 months of income on
− DR. ANDREW LEVIN attitudes about whether it would require reforms longevity therapies vs. 23% average)
Partner & Managing Director, to retirement age. Health regulators, investors and
RA Capital Management companies must be attuned to citizen attitudes
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Ensuring emerging market perspectives are part access to HIV treatment, forcing pharmaceutical
of the healthspan agenda – and supporting their companies to radically reform drug pricing (96).
research and innovation ecosystems – can help International organisations play a lead role
deliver a truly global movement, rather than in influencing government policy to lead on the
the developed economies-dominated norms of healthspan agenda. One idea at the London
the past. Participants at both the London and workshop, for instance, was to have the IMF include
Boston workshops stressed the need for global longevity considerations into Article 4 country GOVERNING FOR CHANGE
coordination and collaboration. reviews to create incentives for governments to Central governments will be indispensable to can deliver transformational outcomes at speed
Global coalitions are networks for lesson track and report progress on the issue. achieving healthspan. As research funders, they without compromising human health. The majority
sharing, agenda-setting and resourcing to support There are pre-existing international alliances can catalyse R&D. Public funding has already driven of policy professionals in our survey agree that
healthspan policies and programmes – as well as to tackle diseases of ageing too, although advances in basic and applied science in areas healthy longevity requires such a new approach,
fora for agreeing on new international norms. The these remain focused on conventional disease like cancer and dementia, conditions which are yet few are willing to lead: 75% would prefer to be
scandal of the gene-edited twins in China shows categories. The Global Group of Heads of State draining billions of dollars from health systems (78). a “fast follower” rather than a leader when it comes
how important global coordination is for ensuring and Government for the prevention and control of As regulators, central governments can to approving longevity therapies. This points to
responsible medical innovation (94). According noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), established in nurture innovation by reforming procurement, an important gap in leadership - and to a major
to our survey, 96% of policy experts believe we 2022, is aiming to invest resources and prioritising approval and reimbursement policies. The US opportunity for those who decide to fill this gap.
need an international agreement on the ethics and noncommunicable diseases in healthcare systems Orphan Drug Act in the 1980s was one such Governments can also influence healthspan
practice of healthy longevity. across the world, for example. Norway has been a transformation, offering grants, tax credits and through nudges and incentives on citizens.
International coordination will also be frontrunner in investing in the fight against NCDs marketing exclusivity for R&D in rare diseases, Tobacco control policies prove that government
necessary to mainstream the concept of healthspan as part of its aid, as the first WHO donor country incentivising R&D by the pharmaceutical sector steps can impact consumer choices and directly
into the policy agenda. At the Boston workshop, to include NCDs in its international development and changing lives for patients (98). The pandemic improve health outcomes. The evidence for
participants proposed that putting this issue on strategy. Ghana, which has taken on an important put regulatory innovation in the front seat on a new smokefree legislation impacting cardiovascular
the agenda of finance ministers of the G20 would role in the group, has implemented tobacco scale. In the US, Operation Warp Speed invested health, in particular admissions for heart attacks,
help accelerate global awareness and action, demand-reduction measures and introduced $18 billion and guaranteed purchase of nearly 500 is positive. Ten studies, from countries including
given the looming fiscal disaster of a ‘business as guidelines for NCD management (97). million doses, helping pull vaccine candidates the US, Italy, and Canada, found a significant drop
usual’ scenario. A precedent exists, as shown by But new alliances and actors will be key to through the development process through more in hospital admissions for heart attacks following
the introduction of sustainable finance into the drive progress and tackle neglected areas. “I am flexible approval and data requirements (99). The the introduction of smokefree legislation (101).
G20 finance targets and through the Sustainable very grateful to the Hevolution Foundation for UK’s Vaccine Task Force won plaudits for its venture In the UK, the 2007 ban on indoor smoking in
Finance Working Group (95). London workshop having identified Healthy Longevity as the area capital-style approach to procurement, placing public places was linked to a 2.4% drop in hospital
participants agreed with the importance of the that needs much more support and investment, big bets on unproven approaches. This required admissions for heart attacks in the following year,
G20 as a platform, noting that this could also be says Dr Dzau at NAM. Its focused and pioneering busting through bureaucracy and institutional and the drop since then could be as high as 40%
an opportunity for emerging markets to lead as the investment in the field is having a signature impact. resistance and backing approaches like mRNA (102). New Zealand recently introduced a steadily-
next two years will see a G20 presidency from Brazil We need many more philanthropic entrants and vaccines, which had faced years of scepticism from rising smoking age law ensuring tobacco cannot
(2024) and South Africa (2025). Indeed, Brazil has investors to join Hevolution in this space to bring the medical mainstream (100). be sold to anyone born in 2009 or after (103).
already proven itself a major player in reshaping their expertise and resources to work towards Of course, the pandemic was a unique Andrew Scott at London Business School
global health policy, having passed legislation healthy longevity equity worldwide.” window of time that cannot be replicated easily. expects governments to build on the precedent of
in the 1990s giving citizens the right to universal But it shows that policy leadership and ambition tobacco control in other areas. Sugar taxes have
Over the last century, breakthroughs in medical the common assumption of chronic disease as an bias against older populations. If people are living Young people also need to be engaged early in
science, and the fruits of economic growth, have inevitable consequence of ageing. longer and healthier lives, the traditional phases of their own lifestyle choices. Preventative healthcare
combined to triple life expectancy relative to To capitalise on progress, healthspan science the working life must be reimagined. The survey means that people will be living healthier
human evolutionary norms. But these hard-won needs enabling reforms to how medical therapies shows many people are willing to retire later if lifestyles throughout their whole lives, which will
additional years of life are frequently marred by are tested, approved, and reimbursed. As a highly their healthy lifespan is extended. This requires reduce NCDs like diabetes and obesity that have
chronic diseases which are taking a heavy and regulated sector, medical research and investment more dynamic, flexible work environments and significant impacts on the young. These benefits
unsustainable toll on both rich and emerging is heavily influenced by the incentives of regulators. 'age-friendly' jobs, defined as those that people must be emphasised early, through the education
economies alike. The global survey found over To encourage bold R&D, medical agencies, and can perform without excessive physical effort and system.
half of healthcare professionals simply do not payers (insurance companies or governments) offering the flexibility to take time off to care for or Governments must show policy leadership
believe health systems will be financially viable by need to craft a pro-innovation regulatory and spend time with familities, learn new skills, retrain to advance the healthspan agenda. The majority
2030 without a breakthrough in longevity science approval environment that rewards innovations that for new roles for take breaks between phases of of policy professionals in the survey believe that
and over 80% of citizens do not believe their prevent, rather than treat, disease, and recognise work. Employers must also challenge ageism in healthy longevity requires a new approach, but a
country is ready to support a longer-living, health the clinical validity of ‘pre-disease’ states and new hiring and consider ways to make the workplace similar majority (75%) would prefer to be a “fast
population. Tackling diseases of ageing requires biomarkers. a healthier and more appealing place for older follower” rather than a leader when it comes
a new paradigm, from medical research and drug Emerging markets face a worrying rise in people. These changes will help older people to approving longevity therapies. This shows
development to employment and welfare. unhealthy ageing; with the right actions now, they maintain purpose and social connection and help the need for policy leadership for countries to
While there is no magic bullet solution, and can learn lessons from the mistakes of developed countries avoid the politically contentious choice show vision and provide the path for others to
contexts vary, the international workshops, global economies – and be innovation leaders. Citizens between raising retirement ages to cope with more advance. Globally, coordination and collaboration
survey and expert interview programme point to in emerging markets are strongly in favour of older people. or placing more financial burden on on best practices to support preventative health
several calls to action for a new, bold agenda for innovation and reform to enable healthy longevity, young people to support older citizens. is essential; international organisations and
achieiving healthspan for all in our lifetime. from willingness to use longevity therapies and Young people must not be forgotten in the standards-setting bodies can aid in this and
Healthspan science is flourishing, thanks to services to their appetite to reform policy areas healthspan economy - building flexible workplaces leverage networks like the G20. To incentivise
innovations in medical research and new ways of like pension age. As their health systems are and preventative health will benefit people of all better choices, governments can build on the
understanding human biology. The evidence base less entrenched, these economies can build the ages. A society with longer lives may mean more success of policies like tobacco control, and invest
is building for novel approaches to tackling the infrastructure required for a ‘healthspan society’ young people are living in multigenerational resources and attention to nutrition and physical
diseases of ageing. Early diagnostic innovations, with a greater role for digital technology, data households or caring for family members; this is activity in the education system.
such as liquid biopsies, powered by AI, promise and preventive approaches. Additionally, their already a norm in many emerging economies - in
to catch killer diseases before they take hold regulations are evolving, with fewer vested interests developed economies, policies may be needed
while senolytics can target damaged cells before and legacy norms, providing more emerging to foster intergenerational relations which have
they wreak havoc on the body. mRNA vaccines economies the opportunity to become hubs for new psychological and social benefits for young people,
and cell and gene therapy may hold promise for approaches to drug and technology development. and widen their horizons and social circles. More
stopping diseases from emerging in the first place. Employers must play an active role in flexible jobs will make it easier for working-age Disclaimer: The views expressed in this report
Leading the research agenda are a growing pool of encouraging healthspan, investing in workforce people to balance work and family responsibilities do not necessarily express the views of the
investors and scientists who are boldly questioning health and challenging labour market norms that as well as leisure time and continuing education. Hevolution Foundation.
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A mobile phone-based money transfer, Vertical
payments, and micro-financing service, A group of companies that focus on a shared
launched in Kenya in 2007. niche or specialized market spanning multiple
A form of nucleic acid, which helps the Virtual wards
human genome which is coded in DNA to be Also known as hospitals at home, they allow
read by the cellular machinery. It has been patients to get the care they need at home
used in innovative vaccines and medicines to safely and conveniently, rather than being in
generate an immune response. hospital.”
Primary care
The day-to-day healthcare given by a health