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DLL - English 3 - Q2 - W3

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ARIANNE S. VERTUCIO Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: OCTOBER 14 - 18, 2024 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A.Content Standards Beginning Literacy
B.Performance Standards Reading Comprehensions Reading Comprehensions Grammar Grammar
/ Writing Composition/ Fluency/
C.Learning Make simple predictions Note details in a given texts. Use action words in simple Form and use the past past tense
Competencies/Objectives Read with accuracy ,speed and sentences. of frequently occurring regular
proper phrasing sentences and verbs ( walk -walked
Draw and write at least three
sentences from various familiar
sources .
Write different forms of simple
composition as a response to
stories /poems
Write the LC Code for each EN3RC –Iia –b-2.8 , EN3WC –IIc - EN3RC –Iic –e 2,2 EN3G – Iic – d -3.4 EN3G –Iid –f -3.2
1.3 ,EN3WC –IId –h-3 ,EN3F-IIa –c -
4.4 TG
II.CONTENT Literature: An Honest Woodman”. Noting Details in a Given Texts Using Action Words in Simple Forming and Using Past Tense of Weekly Test
Sentences Frequently Occuring Regular Verbs
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resources
A.Reviewing previous lesson or About action words.
presenting the new lesson
B.Establishing a purpose for the Vocabulary Development: Look for Get-the–Details Give written cards and pupils will Use a poem “ to start “ the lesson
lesson Activity 138 in LM. Say: To answer these questions, match the pictures given by the related to the topic to be
What is your favorite toy? What do we need to remember some teacher. discussed.
you do if you lost your toy? details from the text we listened
to or read about .
C.Presenting examples/instances Present the story : Honest Wood Let us see if we remember the Play Pinoy Henyo of action words Write the words answer by the
of the new lesson man”. details from the story: The honest or pantomime the action words pupils mentioning action words.
woodman to get answers to the provided by the teacher.
questions in the guide sheet.
D.Discussing new concepts and Who came to the forest? How do we note a details from What are action words How are these words ends?In
practicing new skills #1 Why did he come to the forest? the text?stories? mentioned in the play. what form it likes?
E.Discussing new concepts and Do you think an honest person get What questions do we use?
practicing new skills #2 things that is not him/her?
F.Developing mastery
(Leads to formative assessment)
G.Finding practical/applications of Form groups of five. Say: Be Group the class into three.Give Guided Practice Give pupils an activity to do
concepts and skills in daily living creative in naming your group. stories to read. And answer the (Teacher prepares an forming and using past tense of
Make a Certificate of Appreciation questions given in the text. Action Word Wheel.) regular verbs.
for a class member whom the group Say: We have another
believes showed acts of honesty. game for action words. Let us use
Your group is expected to: Action Word Wheel.
1. Give everyone a chance Form groups. Be
to make suggestions creative in giving names for your
about the groups.
person/persons whom
the group thinks has
been so honest
2. Talk together about
what the certificate
should look like and
what it should say.
H. Making generalizations and What lessons did you learned today? In answering questions ,what What are action words? How can we form the verbs in past
abstractions about the lesson must is to understand? Are action words helpful? form of tense?
I.Evaluating Learning Draw and write sentences about the Read the paragraph then answer Do Activty 133 on page 155. Form the ff. action words in past
loessons you learned. the How and Why Questions. Original File Submitted and form of the verb.Use it a simple
USES OF ANIMALS Formatted by DepEd Club sentences.
Some animals like cats and dogs Member - visit depedclub.com 1. look
make good pets. They are for more 2. jump
friendly and playful.Dog guard 3. climb
houses and cats kill rats.Some 4. hang
animals such as chickens give us 5. leap
eggs and food.Cows and carabaos
give us milk and meat.Horses and
carabaos pull carromatas,plows
and cats. Other animals give us
materials for our
clothes ,shoes ,and bags.
a. Why do some animals make
good pets?
b. What animals give us milk and
J.Additional activities for Cite situations how can you can Write a story and give questions Use the ff.action words in a Make the ff. regular verbs in a
application or remediation show honesty in a person. about the stories you read. sentences. story form
1. taste Shout girl bake hike look drink.
2. look
3. play
4. run
5. write

A.No. of learners who earned 80%
of the formative assessment
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities to remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D.No. of ledarners who continue
to require remediation
E.Which of my taching strategies
worked well?Ehy did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which I
wish to sharewith other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Principal IV

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