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CE 181304

Roll No. of candidate


B.Tech. 3rd Semester End-Term Examination



(New Regulation and New Syllabus)

Full Marks 70 Time -Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

for the questions.

Answer question No. 1 and any four from the rest.

1 Answer the following multiple-choice questions: (10 x 1=10)

) The vertical distance between two successive tread faces is known as
(a) Riser (b) Tread
(c) Rise (d) Going
(ii) Which group of buildings used for highly combustible or explosive
(a) Group H (b) Group E
(c) Group F (d) Group J
(iii) When the independent footings of two columns are connected by a beam, it
(a) Strip footing (b) Strap footing
(c) Combined footing (d) Raft footing
(iv) The 9 cm x 9 cm side of a brick as seen in the wall face, is generally known

(a) Header (b) Stretcher

(c) Face (d) Front

[Turn over
(v) Water Supply, Sewerage and drainage are integral part of building planning
(a) True (b) False
(vi) Hip roof has slope in how many directions?
(a) One (b) Two

(c) Four (d) No slope

(vii), For tall buildings, the length of raker can be reduced by introducing
(a) Top raker (b) Rider raker
(c) Bracings (d) Sole plate
(viii)LEED stands for
(a) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(b) Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design
(c) Leaders in Energy and Environmental Design
(d) None of the above
(ix) GRIHA stands for
(a) Green Rating for Integral Habitat Assessment
(b) Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment

(c) Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Association

(d) None of the above
(x) Which of the following are associated with Building Services?
(a) Fire and Safety (b) Heating
(c) Ventilation (d) All of the above
2 (a) Write briefly about the
classification of buildings based on occupancy. (8)
b) What do you understand by
modular bricks? Show the plan views of both
odd and even courses for1 brick thick wall in English bond.
(c) Write the essential requirements of good roof.
3. (a) Explain with the help of
sketehes, various types of shallow foundations. (9)
(b) Explain various causes of
dampness in buildings. dampness in buildings. Write the ill effects of

CE 181304
What do you mean by Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and Floor Space Index (FSI). A plot
is of size l5m x 20 m. The front edge having 15 m length is connected to a road.
Calculate the totalno of floors that can be constructed with the ollowing data.
(a) Setback from front = 3m
(b) Setback from back and sides = 2 m
(c) FAR = 2 (15)
5. What are the objectives of building bye-laws? Describe how building construction
permission can be obtained in general. (15)
6. (a) Design a dog-- legged stair for a building in which the vertical distance
between the floors is 3.6 meter. The stair hall measures 2.5 m x 5 m.
Assume any other data suitably. (6)
(b) Describe the technical terms applied to doors and windows with sketches.
(c) Write the requirementsof good formwork. (3)
7. (a) Write the components of a floor. (2)
(b) Describe the component parts of scaffolding? (3)
(c) Explain various types of mortars used for plastering and pointing. (5)
(d) What is shoring? Explain briefly about Raking shores. (5)
Total No. of printed pages = 3
CE 181304

Roll No. of candidate


B.Tech. 3rdSemester End-Term Examination

Full Marks 70 Time -Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

for the questions.

Answer question No. 1 and any four from the rest.

1. Answer the following (MCQ Fill in the blanks): (10× 1= 10)

(i) A land area measuring 1katha 5 lecha indicates -Square feet of
(ii) The verticaldistance between two tread faces is known as
(ii) Building are divided into various groups as per
(a) Indian Roads Congress Codes
(b) Building Bye-laws
(c) National Building Code
(d) None of the above
(iv) The under reamed piles are provided to enhance the pile capacity by
increasing the end bearing of the pile.
The above statement is True' or 'False
(v) The ingredient missing in mortar and present in concrete is
(vi) FAR of a plot of size 2880 square feet is 125. How much permissible area
can be constructed based on that FAR? (Ignore all other conditions)
(vii) The core concept of Vastu Shastra entails the five key elements, such as
(viii) The scaffolding used in brickwork is
(ix) HVACstands for
[Turn over
(x) GRIHA stands for
(a) Green Rating for Integral Habitat Assessment

(b) Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment

(c) Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Association
(d) None of the Above
2. (a) In what conditions pile foundations are more suitable over shallow
foundat:ions. Name two types of pile foundations used as ground
improvement techniques. (3 + 2 = 5)
(b) What is Mullion', Lintel' and "Tie-Beams' in a building? Briefly describe
about these building elements. (3 +3 = 6)
(c) What are the causes of dampness in a building? Discuss about few remedial
Imeasres. (2+ 2 = 4)
3. (a) The inside dimension of a staircase in a public building is 2.5 m x 4.8 m. The
vertical distance between the floors is 3.6 m and roof is 12 cm in thickness.
Design a proper layout of RCC Dog Legged staircase for the building with
neat and clean sketch showing the required dimensions. (5 + 5= 10)
(b) Write point wise the necessity and importance of good formwork. (5)
4. Describe the term Floor Area Ratio (FAR), Floor Space Index, Built Up Area,
Super Built Up area and Carpet area in terms of a building.
Find out the maximum permissible building area as per GMDA bye-laws (2022)
for the plot having
following details:
Rectangular Plot with short dimension facing the road side -12 m x 25 m
Present Road width 4.2 meter

Proposed road width - 6.6 meter

Front set back - 3.6 meter

Rear and Side set back - 1.8 meter.

(5 + 10= 15)
5. (a) Generalize the concepts of Green Building and Vastu Shastra
(b) Describe various measures taken in
of fire hazard in a building.
plann1ng of a building to reduce the risk
(c) Stepwise describe how will you start planning for a
CE 181304 2
residential building. (5)
6. (a) What is modular brick and paver block? Describe with neat diagram about
different bonds in brick works. (6)

(b) Explain with diagrams about Isolated footing. Combined footing and
Continuous footing. (9)

7. Do a Vastu Compliant planning and draw a line plan of a 6 people

(2 Old People, 2 parents and 2 children) Residential house for maximum area
varying 1800 to 2200 square feet or 170 square meter to 200 square meter.
Minimum requirements in the plan are - 4 Bed rooms, Prayer/Puja room,
Kitchen, Hall, Dining room and 1study room. Any additional requirement may
be shown if it's felt to be added. Room's dimensions can be shown either in feet
in meter. (15)

CE 181304 3
Total No. of printed pages=3
CE 181304

Roll No. of candidate


B.Tech. 3rd Semester End-Term Examination



(New Regulation and New Syllabus)

Full Marks 70 Time - Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
Answer Question No. l and any four from the rest.

1 Answer the following (MCQ/ Fill in the blanks) : (10 × 1= 10)

(i) Which types of building comes in group H?

(a) Hazardous (b) Industrial
(c) Storage (d) Business

(ii) What is the name of the group institutional building was classified?
(a) Group A (b) Group C
(c) Group E (d) Group G
(iii) The middle horizontal member of a door shutter is called
(a) Mid rail (b) Median rail
(c) Sill rail (d) Lock rail

(iv) Dead load comprises of

(a) Permanently attached loads
(b) Temporarily attached loads
(c) Permanent as well as temporary loads
(d) Snow loads
[Turn over
(V) n the domain of building planning in India, NBCstands for
(a) National Building Corporation
(b) National Building Code
(c) National Build Code
(d) Nominal Building Code
(vi) HVAC stands for
(a) Horizontal and Vertical Air Conditioning
(b) Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning
(c) Heat Variable Air-Conditioning
(d) None of the above

(vii) Which scaffolding is widely used in the construction of brickwork?

(a) Suspended scaffolding (b) Single scaffolding
(C) Trestle scaffolding (d) Steel scaffolding
(vii)GRIHA stands for
(a) Green Rating for Integral Habitat Assessment
(b) Green Rating for Integrated Habitat
(c) Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Association
(d) None of the above

(ix) Water Supply, Sewerage and drainage are

integral part of building planning
(a) True (b) False
(x) Which of the following are associated with Building Services?
(a) Road Safety (b) Street Lighting
(c) Ventilation
(d) All of the above
2 (a) Explain the situations in which the
pill foundation is preferred.
) Write down one (3)
advantages of Gable roof over Lean - to - roof. How
damp proofing is different firom integral
membrane damp proofing technigues? (3)
(c) Explain the method of constructing
cement concrete flooring. (3)
(d) Explain with the help of sketches the
following :
i) Spread footing (6)
(ii) Combined footing.
CE 181304 2
3. (a) Write briefly on the principles of building planning. (5)

(b) Describe the importance of Aspect, Prospect and Privacy in building

planning. (10)

4. (a) What are the objectives of building by -laws? (5)

(b) Describe stepwise how building construction permission can be obtained in
general. (10)

5. (a) Write note on location of doors and window. (4)

(b) Draw a neat sketch of a staircase showing its components. (5)
(c) Design a dog -legged staircase for a residential building in which floor to
floor height is 3.3 m. The size of the stair hall is limited to 2.5 m x 4.5 m.
Assume any other data suitably. (6)

6. (a) What doyou mean by Floor Area Ratio (FAR)and Floor Space Index (FSI)?
(6) Arectangular plot is of size 50 m x 40 m. The front edge having 50 m length
is connected to a road. Calculate the total no of floors that can be
constructed with the following data : (12)
) Setback from front = 3 m
(i) Setback from back = 2.5 m
(iiü) Setback from sides = 2 m
(iv) FAR= 2.
7. (a) Explain various types of mortars used in plastering. (3)
(6) Compare timber scaffolding and steel scaffolding. (3)
(c) What is modular brick? Explain about header bond and stretcher bond in
brick work.
(d) Describe in brief on horizontal and vertical shores. (5)

CE 181304 3

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