(Medicalstudyzone - Com) Histology An Illustrated Colour Text-Churchill Livingstone
(Medicalstudyzone - Com) Histology An Illustrated Colour Text-Churchill Livingstone
(Medicalstudyzone - Com) Histology An Illustrated Colour Text-Churchill Livingstone
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ISBN: 9780443068539
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Histology is more than just the science This book brings together high-quality The authors have long experience in
of microanatomy. It allows the examina- illustrations and a concise text focused teaching students of medicine and allied
tion of structures by using a variety of on essential features. It is ideal for healthcare professions. This has helped
microscopes, but it also enables one to modern medical undergraduate curri- to contextualise the information pre-
deduce much about the inner workings cula where basic sciences emphasise the sented. To this end, in each chapter
of cells, tissues and organs. It is funda- principal points of relevance to the ‘Clinical boxes’ give examples of how
mental to understanding structure and students. The book will also be useful for histological changes can be indicative of
function at all levels, providing essential other undergraduate science courses ageing or disease processes. The book
links between the gross dissections dealing with the structure and function should help ensure that once an under-
studied by anatomists, the functioning of animals other than humans. It will be standing of histology has been gained
of the whole body studied by phy- valuable to those requiring knowledge of the principles of disease processes may
siologists, and the abstract formulae histology at postgraduate level (in medi- readily be understood.
representing molecules studied by bio- cine or science). It should also show the
chemists. Histology therefore, under- potential for using histology to advance
pins medical studies and many other life research into the structure and function Barry Mitchell
and applied life science studies. of the body. Sandra Peel
We are particularly fortunate to have have also used archived photographs Crossman AR, Neary D. Neuroanatomy:
had access to histological microscope of the slides, mostly taken by one An Illustrated Colour Text, 3rd edn.
slides, most of which were produced by of the authors. We are grateful to the Elsevier: 2005.
skilled staff of the Human Morphology Head of the School of Medicine, Univer- We are grateful to Dr M. Wood for
Group in the School of Medicine, Uni- sity of Southampton, Southampton, UK, her critical reading of the manuscript.
versity of Southampton, Southampton, for permission to use the photomicro-
UK. We are extremely grateful to them graphs. All (except one) were produced
for their work. at the University of Southampton.
We have taken photographs of these We thank the publishers for permis-
slides especially for this book and sion to use Fig. 6.4, which appeared in
1. Introduction to histology 1
2. The cell 5
7. The skin 42
Glossary 133
Index 135
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Chapter 1
Introduction to histology
Histology is the study of the microscopic microscopes but contrast is limited and cells, etc. must be preserved. There are
structure and function of tissues. Tissue the cells rarely have around them the various methods for preservation, but a
is a general word used to describe the structures they had in the body. In standard way is to place samples of
components of animals (and plants), routine histology, very thin slices of tissue in a solution of formaldehyde as
and tissues consist of cells and the sur- tissues (5–10 μm thick) are prepared rapidly as possible after death or after
rounding support media (extracellular through which light can penetrate. To removing them from a living body. Form-
matrix). Historically, four primary tissue achieve sufficient contrast and colours aldehyde changes the conformational
types were categorised (in animals) by in the tissues so that they may be visu- state of the proteins (and other large
grouping together cells with similar alised, dyes or specific chemicals are molecules) and prevents enzymes from
form and function: they are epithelial applied to the slices of tissues. In these degrading the tissues: this process is
tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue specimens, light microscopy can resolve known as fixation. This chemical fixa-
and nerve tissue. The cells within these detail of structures about 0.2 μm apart. tion can be compared with the process
categories of tissues may vary in struc- However, by using much thinner slices of boiling an egg in which heat changes
ture and be specialised according to and electrons instead of light, electron the conformational state of the proteins
their function and location. Most extra- microscopy can resolve detail down and, with enough boiling, the proteins
cellular matrix is derived from the cells to about 0.0002 μm. (Note 1 mm = in the white and yolk of the egg become
that it surrounds, and its composition is 1000 μm.) solid.
related to its function. For example, a Numerous advanced techniques, suit-
very dense, hard, extracellular matrix is able for light and electron microscopy,
Tissue processing for
formed by bone cells but, in contrast, may be used to identify specific mole-
slicing (sectioning)
the matrix in which blood cells flow is cules in tissues via their reaction with
fluid (although most blood cells do not labelled molecules. The labelled mole- Most body tissues are soft in life and
contribute to the fluid that supports cule is then detected, e.g. as colour using only a little harder after they have been
them). Various combinations of tissues ordinary light microscopy, as fluores- fixed in formaldehyde, so they are diffi-
form organs (e.g. the brain and liver), cence by viewing using ultraviolet light cult to slice thinly enough to be exam-
connecting structures (e.g. ligaments) or as radioactivity using photographic ined using a routine microscope. In
and packing material around organs film. Details of advanced techniques order to prepare thin slices, tissue
(e.g. around the kidney). In addition, for studying the components of tissues samples are impregnated with a sub-
various combinations of organs and with light and electron microscopes are stance which makes them solid. The
other structures form systems of the beyond the scope of this book and the medium used in routine histology to
body which together perform related reader is advised to consult other texts. confer rigidity is paraffin wax, which
functions (see Chapters 10–16). However, we give a brief overview below is liquid at about 58ºC but solid at
The unaided (good) eye can just about of basic histological techniques. room temperature. Wax and water-
see objects which are 200 μm in diame- based tissues are immiscible, so formal-
ter; very few cells are as big as this, dehyde-fixed tissue samples cannot be
Tissue preservation
although a very fine hair may be this impregnated directly with wax. Hence,
width. However, there are particular tissue samples are processed through a
challenges in examining structures If any piece of the living body is removed schedule which removes and replaces
smaller than 200 μm. Most components it begins to degenerate as cell death the water. This is most easily achieved
of tissues have little colour and contrast, occurs: this process is referred to as by transferring the tissue sample
and thus cells and the matrices sur- necrosis. In this process, enzymes in through gradually increasing concentra-
rounding them are indistinguishable if cells are released from their normal tions of alcohol which (at 100%) replaces
light is transmitted through them using location and break down the cells and all the water. Alcohol itself is also immis-
a basic light microscope. Indeed, light molecules in surrounding areas. Conse- cible with wax but it is replaced in the
will only penetrate thin slices of tissues quently, the precise three-dimensional tissue sample by processing it through
or thin layers of cells growing in vitro. arrangement of structures within, and increasing concentrations of a solvent
Various types of microscopes and surrounding, cells in life disappears. To that is miscible with alcohol and wax,
methods of preparing specimens for study the arrangement of molecules, e.g. chloroform or xylene. This solvent
examination have been developed. cells, extracellular matrix, tissues and in turn is removed by placing the tissue
Living, isolated, whole cells can be exam- organs as they were in life, necrosis sample in several changes of molten
ined using special (phase contrast) light must be prevented and the molecules, wax so that the wax infiltrates the tissue.
The sample in the molten wax is then scope slides ready for staining proce- appear as densely stained structures in
allowed to set and a solid block of wax dures to allow visualisation of the H&E-stained sections (Fig. 1.1). In some
forms in which the tissue sample is components of the tissue sample. instances, parts of the nuclei appear
embedded. The tissue is then ready for palely stained, and this indicates that the
sectioning. Given the toxicity of the sub- Methods for visualising DNA is uncoiled and was in active use
stances used in these processes, appro- tissues for light microscopy prior to fixation. In addition, in some
priate safety precautions must be palely stained nuclei a small, dense,
As most staining methods use dyes
taken. round region of staining may be appar-
soluble in water, wax-embedded tissue
Advanced techniques make use of a ent; this is a nucleolus (Fig. 1.1). The
sections have to be processed through
variety of solid support media, e.g. a dense staining, by haematoxylin, of
the reverse of the sequence of solvents
hard synthetic resin may be used to the RNA in a nucleolus indicates that
used to embed the tissues in order to
embed tissue samples and very thin sec- the cell was actively synthesising protein
remove the wax and return the tissue
tions (0.1 μm) cut and examined using (see Chapter 2). Cells synthesising large
sample to an aqueous solution.
an electron microscope. In addition, by amounts of protein also contain large
Many staining methods depend on
freezing a tissue sample immediately amounts of RNA in their cytoplasm, and
the chemical attraction of dyes for
after removing it from a living body an this too may be visualised as it will bind
particular molecular configurations in
instant support medium of ice is formed. haematoxylin and appear bluish purple
tissues. The most common technique
Sectioning can be done at sub-zero tem- (Fig. 1.1). In contrast, eosin is an acidic
used to demonstrate the general topog-
perature and provide histological prepa- dye and binds to bases. The proteins in
raphy of tissues uses the dyes haema-
rations which can be examined within the cytoplasm of many cells (Fig. 1.1)
toxylin and eosin (H&E). About half the
minutes of sampling. This is a routine and proteins in extracellular matrices
illustrations in this book are of photo-
process that is of use to surgeons in stain with eosin and appear red or
micrographs of sections stained with the
deciding how to proceed with an pinkish orange.
H&E method. Other illustrations are of
sections prepared using special methods
as indicated in the text and captions. Histochemistry and
Tissue sectioning
H&E method In contrast to staining with dyes, histo-
Thin sections (slices) are cut using a Haematoxylin is a basic dye which binds chemistry and immunohistochemistry
microtome, a machine that holds an to acidic components in tissues, produc- techniques involve specific chemical
embedded tissue sample firmly in place ing a blue/purple colour. Typically, hae- or immunological reactions to detect
and cuts thin sections with a very sharp matoxylin binds to nuclei because of various components of tissues. For
blade. Typically, a wax-embedded tissue their content of deoxyribonucleic acid example, histochemistry can be used to
sample can be cut at 5 μm thick. The (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). detect types, and location, of carbohy-
sections are then placed on glass micro- Nuclei containing mostly inactive DNA drates (Fig. 1.2) and enzymes. Immuno-
histochemistry can detect molecules
that are antigens by applying labelled
antibodies that can be visualised using a
microscope. It is beyond the scope of
this book to detail the range of methods
available for demonstrating specific
molecules in tissues.
currently in the Centre for Learning through their largest diameter, so care if sliced close to an end rather than in
Anatomical Sciences, School of Medi- needs to be taken when assessing the the middle. Obliquely cut slices will
cine, University of Southampton. size of other structures in comparison produce solid ellipsoid shapes which
with red cells. will vary in shape and size depending on
Another challenge in interpreting the angle of cut. Histological sections on
Interpretation in histology
sections of tissues is that a variety of microscope slides have to be interpre-
One of the challenges in interpreting appearances may result from slicing ted by constructing possible three-
structure and function by studying hist- three-dimensional structures and exam- dimensional shapes from their two-
ological sections is how to assess the ining them as very thin slices, effectively dimensional appearance. For example,
size of objects viewed (when using a as two-dimensional structures. Consider if a hollow circular structure is seen in
microscope or viewing an illustration). slicing a curved, peeled banana (Fig. 1.4). a histological section it may be from a
If red blood cells can be identified, they Taking a slice along its length will show hollow sphere or part of a straight or
can be used as a rough scale to estimate the curve and that it is a solid object. coiled hollow tube cut at right angles to
the size of other structures as their Slicing at right angles to the length of a its length.
maximum diameter is about 7 μm (Fig. banana will produce circular (solid) Artefacts present other challenges in
1.3). Not all red cells will be sectioned slices which will be smaller in diameter interpreting histological sections. Arte-
facts are appearances in histological sec-
tions which are there as a consequence
of procedures used to prepare the tissue
sample. During fixation, e.g. with form-
aldehyde, many small water-soluble
molecules are not ‘fixed’ in place, and
even those molecules that are fixed in
place may shrink and pull away from
adjacent structures. Spaces seen in hist-
ological sections (Figs 1.1–1.3) have to
be assessed and their cause (artefact or
not) determined. Experience and know-
Lumen of small intestine ledge of the structures being examined
Carbohydrates in cytoplasm of a cell helps to identify the space in Fig. 1.1 as
an artefact. In contrast, the space in Fig.
1.2 is not an artefact: it is part of the
empty lumen of the small intestine.
Other empty spaces in tissue samples
may be due to the extraction of fat by
Fig. 1.2 Small intestine. Routine wax-embedded section stained with special stain which displays the organic solvents used in routine hist-
certain large carbohydrate molecules as blue/turquoise. High magnification. ological processing or to components
not reacting with the stains used. The
apparently large, empty spaces in Fig.
1.3 show the typical appearance of
adipose cells. These are cells in which
Cell membranes of adipocytes
Nucleus of adipocyte
a a
b b b b
Cytoplasm of breast cells
Lumen (surrounded by breast cells)
Extracellular matrix
c c
Fig. 1.3 Breast during lactation. Routine wax-embedded section stained with special stain which Fig. 1.4 A banana showing the appearance
shows extracellular proteins as blue. Red cells appear scarlet. Compare the size of the red cells with the of slices taken across various planes.
size of the adipose cells. (Adipose cells are some of the largest cells in the body and red cells are about Sections a–a and b–b are transverse sections and
7 μm in diameter.) Low magnification. section c–c is an oblique section.
Chapter 2
The cell
Cells are the fundamental units of life. cell throughout the life of the individ- plasm may be clearly distinguished
Textbooks may describe a ‘typical’ cell, ual. Cells undergoing successive rounds using a light microscope to examine
but such a cell does not exist. Most cells of mitosis are described as passing cells in slices of tissue (Chapter 1), to
are, to some extent, specialised in terms through a series of events known as the resolve finer detail an electron micro-
of their structure and function. Accord- cell cycle (see below). Other cells may scope may be used. As the wavelength
ingly, the structural appearance of cells reach an end stage of differentiation and of electrons is much shorter than light
can provide information about their become unable to undergo mitosis waves, electron microscopy can resolve
function. The term used to describe how and replicate themselves further. For structures about 1000 times smaller
cells are specialised is ‘differentiation’. example, shortly after birth nerve than the light microscope can. Within
Most cells have a nucleus which con- cells (neurons) cease division and cytoplasm, electron microscopy reveals
tains molecular programmes encoded replication. a range of membrane-bound organelles
in DNA (in chromosomes) that direct Despite there being no ‘typical’ cell, and other structures (Fig. 2.1) which
how a cell differentiates and what cells share certain characteristics. All carry out a variety of functions during
function(s) it performs. Many types of have a cell membrane which encloses the life of a cell. The term ‘ultra-
cell, even some which are differenti- cytoplasm; in most cells, the cytoplasm structure’ is used to describe structures
ated, also have the ability to replicate surrounds a nucleus. (Mature red blood revealed by electron microscopy. A brief
themselves by a process of cell division cells in humans do not have a nucleus, survey of the ultrastructure of cells in
known as mitosis (see below). Mitotic nevertheless they live for about 100 relation to their function is given
activity may continue in many types of days.) Although the nucleus and cyto- below.
Cell membrane
Nuclear membrane
Euchromatin of nucleus
Cell membrane
Cytoskeleton process which extends several sion of energy for cellular processes,
The cytoskeleton of cells has several centimetres (Chapter 6). Other synthesis and secretion of protein,
types of structure which affect the shape microtubules assist in maintaining carbohydrate and lipid-based molecules,
of the cells, e.g. tubular structures (cen- cell shape, compartmentalising the storage of proteins and degradation of
trosomes and microtubules) and protein cytoplasm or facilitating movement waste material.
filaments (intermediate and thin). of organelles within the cytoplasm.
Microtubules are present in cilia, Mitochondria
■ Centrosomes (Fig. 2.3). These contain
and in cells undergoing division (see Mitochondria vary in shape but many
paired units, known as centrioles,
below). are ovoid (Figs 2.4 and 2.5). They are
which are set at right angles to each
■ Intermediate filaments. The main role surrounded by an outer and inner mem-
other and which contain nine triplets
of this group of filaments involves brane and provide most of the energy
of microtubules (see below). Centriole
resisting external stresses on the needs of the cell. The outer membrane
tubules anchor other microtubules.
cytoplasm by their attachment to is a typical plasma membrane, but the
■ Microtubules. Some microtubules are
specific internal cell structures. They inner membrane has numerous in-
straight and long and allow the
include the protein keratin in the foldings known as cristae. These folds
passage of substances within the cell.
epithelium of skin (Chapter 7). increase the surface area inside each
Many microtubules are polarised, i.e.
■ Thin (micro) filaments. These mitochondrion and provide a matrix in
they have specific ends with one end
filaments are formed from the which metabolic processes occur. The
usually attached to a centrosome.
protein actin. Actin filaments are matrix comprises a viscous fluid con-
Microtubules in some nerve cells
present in most cells and are taining enzymes associated with the tri-
transport molecules in a cytoplasmic
involved in moving organelles within carboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Mitochondria
cells, in cell movement, and are involved in oxidative phosphoryla-
exocytosis and endocytosis (see tion, which results in the production
A Microtubule below). One specific role of actin in of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP
muscle cells involves interaction with acts as a store of energy that is used
Centriole thicker protein filaments of myosin, for various cell activities. Mitochondria
which results in muscle contraction contain very small amounts of DNA in
(Chapter 5). the matrix which code for some mito-
chondrial proteins.
Cytoplasmic organelles
The main cytoplasmic organelles are Endoplasmic reticulum
mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane
Golgi apparatus, vesicles and lysosomes. system similar in appearance to the
These organelles are involved in provi- plasma membrane. It is double layered
Membrane of RER
Outer membrane
Inner membrane Cistern of RER
Membrane of RER
Fig. 2.4 A cut open mitochondrion and its Fig. 2.5 Mitochondrion and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Electron micrograph of part of
three-dimensional structure. a cell. Medium magnification.
and encloses a space known as a cistern (Fig. 2.5), others lie free or form (and their bound target molecules)
(Fig. 2.5). In cells actively synthesising clusters in the cytoplasm (Fig. 2.6). invaginates and takes in the bound mol-
molecules, the cistern may be relatively Specific proteins are synthesised by ecules; this process is known as recep-
wide. All membranes in the cytoplasm ribosomes from amino acids. The tor-mediated endocytosis (Fig. 2.6). The
of a cell are probably linked and some specificity is determined by coded fate of endocytotic vesicles varies; some
link to the nuclear membrane. Two RNA arriving from the DNA in the may fuse with lysosomes (see below) or
types of endoplasmic reticulum are nucleus. In general, proteins pro- the contents may have a specific use
described according to their appearance duced on RER are for export and within the cell. Exocytosis is the process
in electron micrographs. those produced by free ribosomes by which the contents of membrane-
are for internal use. bound vesicles are released from a cell.
■ Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The membrane around the vesicle fuses
These membranes appear smooth Vesicles, endocytosis with the cell membrane and the con-
and are sparse in cells except those and exocytosis tents of the vesicle are released from the
synthesising lipids such as steroid Membrane-bound vesicles are usually cell (Fig. 2.6).
hormones (Chapters 14–16). In spherical. Many are involved in taking
some muscle cells, SER is especially substances into and out of cells by the
important as it moves calcium ions processes of endocytosis and exocytosis Golgi apparatus
which are essential for muscle respectively (Fig. 2.6). It is usual to dis- The Golgi apparatus involves a stack of
contraction (Chapter 5). tinguish two types of endocytosis: pino- several parallel membranes (lying close
■ Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). cytosis involves the uptake of fluid and to RER) and small membrane-bound
These membranes appear rough phagocytosis the uptake of solids (but vesicles (Fig. 2.6). Newly synthesised
(Fig. 2.5) as they are studded with fluid may enter in the same vesicle). In proteins pass in vesicles from RER to
ribosomes (see below). They are addition, the process of endocytosis the Golgi membranes. The proteins (in
particularly prominent in cells may be non-specific or specific. In non- vesicles) then pass between the layers of
synthesising proteins for export specific endocytosis the cell membrane Golgi membranes. During the time
from the cell. Some proteins becomes invaginated and then encloses spent in the Golgi apparatus various car-
synthesised on RER are passed to some extracellular material. Specific bohydrate molecules may be added to
the Golgi apparatus for further endocytosis involves receptor molecules the newly synthesised proteins. Vesicles
processing (see below). on the cell membrane that are able to leaving the Golgi stack may move
■ Ribosomes are electron-dense struc- bind specific (target) molecules. In spe- towards the cell membrane and dis-
tures containing RNA; some are cific endocytosis only the part of the cell charge their contents by exocytosis or
attached to the membranes of RER membrane with the receptor molecules release them for internal use; others
Nucleolus RER making
Cytoplasm proteins
for export
Exocytosis of
modified protein
making proteins
for internal use Membrane-bound
modified proteins
Golgi from Golgi
RER making Lysosome function
Receptor in Cell debris, dead
membrane bacteria, carbon
Target molecule Primary lysosome
Secondary lysosome
Secondary lysosome
The cell 9
may remain stored in vesicles in the cell Cytoplasmic processes (Fig. 2.8). The tubules are involved in
until they are needed. The cytoplasm of some cells forms spe- moving the cilia in a regular,
cific processes which extend from the synchronised beat which propels the
Lysosomes cells. These are microvilli, cilia and material on the surface of the
Lysosomes are membrane-bound flagella. ciliated cells in a particular direction
organelles (Fig. 2.6) which are usually (Chapter 11).
electron dense and thus appear dark in ■ Microvilli (Fig. 2.7) project as finger- ■ Flagella are similar to cilia and have
electron micrographs. They are formed like cytoplasmic extensions from symmetrically arranged microtubules
via Golgi bodies and contain hydrolytic many epithelial cells, e.g. from the but are much longer and wider than
enzymes which are active at low (acidic) apical surface of cells lining some gut cilia. In humans, the only cells which
pH (e.g. acid phosphatases). Newly tubes and others lining some tubules have a flagellum are spermatozoa
formed lysosomes are known as primary in the kidney. Actin microfilaments (the male gametes). Each
lysosomes and they may remain in a cell in microvilli help maintain their spermatozoon is propelled by the
for some time before they become active. shape. The microvilli increase the beating of its flagellum as it travels
Lysosomes function by fusing with some area of cell membrane in contact the length of the female reproductive
endocytotic vesicles, other organelles or with the contents of the tube and this tract after copulation (Chapters 15
fragments of organelles, or other mate- aids absorption of molecules from and 16).
rial; at this stage they become secondary the tube into the cell.
lysosomes (Fig. 2.6). Lysosomal enzymes ■ Cilia are cytoplasmic processes Molecules stored in cytoplasm
are released onto the ingested material which extend from the cell Carbohydrates and lipids are stored in
and break down most of the molecules membranes of some epithelial cells, cytoplasm; most are not enclosed by a
they contained. The small molecules e.g. cells in the epithelium lining membrane. Glycogen is stored in many
formed as a result may be reused by the tubes transporting air to the lungs. cells and acts as an energy reserve. It
cell; other substances which resist diges- Cilia are usually wider and longer appears as dense particles in electron
tion (e.g. carbon) remain in the lyso- than microvilli. Cilia have micrographs, some of which are clus-
some. The integrity of the membrane microtubules extending along their tered together and may occupy exten-
around lysosomes is important as it length which have a symmetrical sive regions of the cytoplasm. Lipids are
ensures that the hydrolytic lysosomal arrangement. The microtubules are stored in some cells generally as spheri-
enzymes do not pass into the cytoplasm in a 9 + 2 pattern, which is apparent cal masses. Some stored lipids act as
and destroy the cell itself. when sectioned across their length precursor molecules for the synthesis of
steroid hormones, others provide energy
reserves. Proteins and glycoproteins are
usually stored in membrane-bound vesi-
cles and their contents discharged by
exocytosis when needed.
Intercellular junctions
Microvilli There are three specialised ways in
which adjacent cells are attached to each
other (Fig. 2.9).
Heterochromatin of nucleus
Euchromatin of nucleus
Fig. 2.8 The symmetrical arrangement of
Fig. 2.7 Microvilli projecting from the apical surface of cells. Electron micrograph of cells. Low microtubules (nine pairs + two) in a cilium
magnification. sectioned across its length.
Nuclear membrane
Centromere of
Y chromosome
Centromere of
Cell membrane
Equator of
mitotic spindle
Microtubules of furrow
mitotic spindle
Centrosome Centrosome
Fig. 2.11 (A) Late prophase, (B) metaphase and (C) anaphase stages of mitosis. Only one pair of homologous chromosomes (of the 22 pairs in
humans) and an X and a Y chromosome are shown. In (C) arrows show the direction of movement of the chromatids.
Fig. 2.12 Electron micrograph of a cell in the telophase stage of mitosis. The cell membrane
On completion of the cell cycle, the has formed around each new cell and completed cytokinesis. The nuclear membrane has not yet
two new cells may enter a G1 phase and reformed. Although all of the chromatids (i.e. new chromosomes) do not lie in the plane of section,
prepare for further rounds of the cycle. they appear as densely stained clumps and have yet to uncoil. Low magnification.
similar cells. Other cells halt their pro- ■ euchromatin is palely stained as the DNA is uncoiled and coding RNA to direct protein
functions before they die without having ■ Cytoplasm contains organelles which carry out specific functions:
divided again. ■ tubules and protein filaments give shape to cells and aid movement (of material in cells
and of cells themselves)
Meiosis ■ mitochondria provide energy (ATP) for the cell
Meiosis is a type of cell division in which ■ endoplasmic reticulum, which is formed from membranes surrounding a cistern, is
the number of chromosomes (and involved in synthesis. RER has bound ribosomes and synthesises proteins mainly for
DNA) in the offspring cells is half that export; SER is involved in lipid synthesis. Free ribosomes synthesise proteins mainly for
in the parent cell. This occurs only in internal use
the formation of gametes, i.e. ova in ■ membrane-bound vesicles are involved in uptake of substances into the cell
tilised ovum (the zygote). The process of endocytotic vesicles and digest their contents.
meiosis ensures that there is a mixing of ■ Cytoplasm in some cells forms projections, for example cilia and microvilli, and may store
maternally and paternally derived chro- carbohydrate, lipids or proteins.
mosomes (and thus genes). This ensures ■ Specialised parts of cell membranes of adjacent cells form junctions which help to bind the
diversity of the gene pool of a species. cells together, prevent molecules moving in between the cells, or aid movement of ions
Further details of meiosis are described between adjacent cells.
in Chapters 15 and 16. ■ Cell division (mitosis) occurs in many types of cell. Prior to mitosis, cells synthesise copy
strands of their DNA in the S phase of the cell cycle:
■ In the prophase stage of mitosis chromosomes condense and become visible as
individual units. A spindle forms of microtubules. Gradually, the nuclear membrane
disappears and (at metaphase) the chromosomes move to the equator of the spindle
and attach to the microtubules. In the next phase (anaphase) the chromosomes split
along their length and each half moves towards a pole of the spindle. Mitosis ends with
telophase as the spindle disappears and the nuclear membrane reforms and encloses
the uncoiling chromosomes. The cytoplasm of the original cell splits and two new cells
are formed with each having the same number of chromosomes (and amount of DNA)
as the original cell.
Chapter 3
Primary tissues 1: epithelial tissue
Epithelial tissue
Epithelial tissue consists mainly of epi-
thelial cells which form layers (epithe-
lia) covering the body and structures in Basement
the body such as organs. Epithelial
tissues also form the linings of hollow Cuboidal epithelial
cell cytoplasm
structures in the body and form the
Cuboidal epithelial
outer layer(s) of some membranes. Epi- cell nucleus
thelial cells are the major cell type Goblet cell
forming the parenchyma of some solid nucleus
organs and glands and are involved in Basement
synthesising and secreting many sub-
stances. In addition to secretion, epithe- Nucleus Pseudostratified
lia are involved in a variety of functions, epithelial cell
including transport of substances, Fig. 3.1 Simple epithelia. (A) Simple squamous epithelium, (B) simple cuboidal epithelium, (C)
absorption of molecules, modulation of simple columnar epithelium and (D) pseudostratified epithelium (with ciliated columnar epithelial cells
permeability and protection, and in and goblet cells).
Simple cuboidal epithelia Fig. 3.2 Simple squamous epithelium, lining a blood vessel. The squamous cells lining blood
Epithelial cells in cuboidal epithelia are vessels are known as endothelial cells; they may appear so flattened that it is not possible to distinguish
shaped like boxes, with fairly square the extent of the cytoplasm (even at this magnification). The nuclei may appear to protrude into the
profiles, and each cell has a roughly cen- lumen with no intervening cytoplasm. Adjacent connective tissue supports the endothelium. Very high
trally placed nucleus. Unlike squamous magnification.
cells, their nuclei do not bulge as there
is ample cytoplasm around them (Fig.
3.1B). Examples of where this cell type
may be found include the lining of the
walls of ducts in the liver (Fig. 3.3) and
the walls of ducts draining glands, e.g.
sweat glands. Their function varies with Cuboidal epithelial cell nucleus
their location and may involve synthesis
and secretion, or excretion, or absorp-
tion of molecules.
Connective tissue
Primary tissues 1: epithelial tissue 17
Connective tissue of dermis e.g. the liver and salivary glands, or rela-
tively small components of other struc-
tures, e.g. sweat glands of the skin.
There are two main functional types
of gland in the body:
Gland Cuboidal Epithelia form the surface layers of
epithelial cell
many membranes in the body, e.g.
serous membranes. Serous membranes
L Gland
B are very thin and their epithelia are
usually supported by sparse connective
tissue. Serous epithelial cells are usually
L cuboidal or squamous in shape and
form a simple epithelium, and they
Columnar secrete small amounts of fluid onto the
epithelial cell
surface of the membrane. Serous mem-
Nucleus Basement D branes have a variety of functions,
including covering organs and support-
ing the blood vessels and nerves passing
L L to them. Some serous membranes form
double-layered structures and the inner
visceral layer covering an organ is con-
tinuous with an outer (parietal) layer.
Duct membrane The two layers are continuous and
enclose a fluid-filled space. This arrange-
Gland ment of serous membranes is particu-
Cuboidal larly important for organs which move
epithelial cell gland as they function, e.g. each lung is envel-
Basement membrane L oped by serous visceral and parietal
covering gland pleural membranes which enclose the
pleural cavity, the heart is enveloped by
pericardial membranes enclosing the
pericardial cavity, and parts of the gastro-
intestinal tract are enveloped by peri-
L Acinar toneal membranes which enclose the
peritoneal cavity.
Fig. 3.9 Exocrine gland structure. (A) Simple tubular gland, (B) simple coiled tubular gland, (C)
simple acinar gland and (D) compound tubuloacinar gland. L, lumen. Recognising epithelia, other
primary tissues and organs
A B C If cells are lining or covering a surface it
will give the first clue as to whether
these are epithelial cells forming an epi-
thelium. To categorise the type of epi-
thelium, the number of layers of cells
and the shape of the cells must be deter-
mined and this is easier at higher mag-
nifications at which it is usually possible
to identify individual cell nuclei and
L L L their cytoplasm.
Connective tissue connects the base-
ment membranes of epithelia to other
structures and is thus readily recognised
if an epithelium has been identified.
Nucleus Secretion shed Nucleus Membrane and Nucleus Whole cell shed ■ In skin, the epithelium (epidermis)
from cytoplasm secretion shed with secretion is adjacent to the connective tissue
Fig. 3.10 Modes of secretion of exocrine glands. (A) Merocrine, (B) apocrine and (C) holocrine. L, lumen. of the dermis (Fig. 3.7).
Primary tissues 1: epithelial tissue 19
■ In many tubes, e.g. of the digestive (Fig. smooth muscle (the muscularis Recognising organs relies on determin-
3.4), respiratory (Fig. 3.5), reproductive mucosae) lies deep to the mucosa of ing the primary tissues present and
(Fig. 3.6) and urinary (Fig. 3.8) systems, some of these tubes. their arrangement. The liver is a multi-
the epithelia and basement membranes ■ In blood vessels, the squamous functional organ in which epithelial
are adjacent to connective tissue epithelium (endothelium) is adjacent gland cells (hepatocytes) make up the
(known as the lamina propria). The to connective tissue (Fig. 3.2) and, in majority of the organ, the parenchyma
epithelium, basement membrane and some vessels, smooth muscle cells (Figs 3.3 and 3.11). Connective tissue
connective tissue lamina propria are also in close proximity. (known as stroma) is also present and it
together are described as a mucous provides support for, and connects, the
membrane (a mucosa). The epithelial Connective tissue occurs in regions hepatocytes, blood vessels and ducts in
surfaces of such structures are kept other than adjacent to epithelia; further the gland. Knowing the normal arrange-
moist by glandular secretions which details which aid recognising primary ment of the cells and tissues in an organ
are usually mucus or, in the case of the tissues, other than epithelia, are given in is essential before being able to decide
urinary tract, by urine. In addition, Chapters 4–6. whether abnormalities are present.
Hepatocyte nuclei
Connective tissue
Hepatocyte nuclei
Clinical notes
Repair Most types of epithelia are constantly being renewed under normal circumstances by mitosis of
undifferentiated stem cells in the epithelium, e.g. the life span of epithelial cells lining parts of the gut tube
is less than a week. Most damaged epithelia are able to repair themselves by the mitotic activity of their stem cells and
the rate at which this happens can readily be seen as cut skin repairs.
Tumours Many tumours in humans arise from epithelial cells undergoing abnormally high levels of cell
proliferation when new cells produced by mitosis exceed the rate at which cells are lost. If the new growth of
epithelial cells remains localised, it forms a benign tumour; if the new epithelial cells penetrate the basement
membrane, the growth is malignant and known as a carcinoma. It is only after this invasion through the basement
membrane has occurred that cancerous cells can spread to distant sites in the process known as metastasis. The extent
to which cancerous epithelial cells have penetrated their basement membrane and have changed their appearance is
used to judge the invasiveness of the tumour.
Epithelial tissue consists of epithelial cells attached to each other:
■ A simple epithelium has a single layer of epithelial cells and each is attached to the basement membrane.
■ A compound (stratified) epithelium has several layers of epithelial cells and only those in the basal layer are attached to the basement
■ Epithelial cells line or cover structures in the body, form some membranes and form glands which secrete a variety of molecules:
■ exocrine glands discharge their secretions onto surfaces
■ endocrine glands discharge their secretions into blood vessels
■ paracrine and unicellular glands discharge their secretions in their local area.
■ secretion
■ absorption
■ modulation of permeability to molecules
■ physical protection
■ detection of some sensations.
Chapter 4
Primary tissues 2: connective tissue
All connective tissues consist of cells ally, a cell with the suffix ‘blast’ indicates ■ macrophages, which are able to
derived from the mesoderm layer of a rapidly dividing cell. However, in the phagocytose and digest bacteria and
the embryo (see Mitchell B, Sharma R. case of the fibroblast, the term is usually cell debris. They are also able to
Embryology: An Illustrated Colour Text. reserved for the differentiated non-divid- phagocytose, but not digest, inert
Elsevier: 2004). In most types of con- ing cell, which might more appropriately substances, e.g. carbon particles. In
nective tissue the cells are widely be known as a fibrocyte.) addition, they aid the immune
spaced and separated by extracellular Several other types of cell occur in response to antigens (Chapter 8)
matrix which they have synthesised and connective tissues; some are restricted ■ white blood cells and plasma cells,
secreted. The types of cell and the com- to a particular type of connective tissue which may be in transit through the
ponents and consistency of the extra- and others to the functional state of the connective tissue or responding
cellular matrix relate to the location and tissue. locally as part of an immune
function of the particular type of con- They are: response (Chapter 8)
nective tissue. ■ adipocytes, which store fats (lipids)
Blood may be categorised as a con- ■ mast cells, which store granules in their cytoplasm (Fig. 4.1). The fats
nective tissue since its cells arise from containing specific molecules (e.g. may be metabolised and provide
mesoderm, but the extracellular matrix histamine). When released from energy and various metabolites
(plasma) is fluid (Chapter 8). Bone and mast cells these molecules modify when needed. Adipocytes also
cartilage are classified as connective the permeability of blood vessels as provide insulation, give shape to the
tissues and they have an extracellular part of an inflammatory reaction body and act as physical protection,
matrix that is relatively solid. In the case (Chapter 8) e.g. around the kidney.
of bone, the matrix is mineralised with
calcium salts which confer rigidity to the
bone and the ability to resist deforming
forces (Chapter 9).
the body where deformation and refor- tissue and is subdivided into loose
Extracellular matrix of mation occurs. Elastin is present in skin (areolar) or dense categories
connective tissue and in the walls of arteries (Fig. 4.5). depending on the arrangement of
The extracellular matrix of connective Some arteries are distended as blood is the protein fibres
tissue comprises ground substance and pumped into them and then they recoil ■ reticular connective tissue has fine
protein fibres. It is the combination of (owing to the elastin fibres recoiling), fibres of reticulin which form a fine
these two elements that is important in thus ensuring the blood continues to supporting meshwork
determining the function of the connec- flow (Chapter 10). ■ adipose connective tissue in which
tive tissue. adipocytes (fat) cells are predominant.
Collagen is synthesised by fibroblasts
and about 20 types have been identified
but only a few are common. Different
types of collagen are found in specific Dense collagen fibres of dermis
■ types I and II collagen are in bone and Fig. 4.2 Connective tissue, fibroblasts and fibres of skin. Fibroblasts are widely dispersed in the
skin (Fig. 4.2) and provide strength extracellular matrix of the dermis. In the deeper region, densely packed collagen fibres are
predominant. Medium magnification.
■ type II is in cartilage and provides
strength and allows some distortion
and recoil
■ type III (known as reticulin) Clinical notes
provides fine supporting fibres, e.g. Vitamin C deficiency Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of
for liver cells (Fig. 4.3) normal collagen. Normally, collagen molecules are replaced several
■ type IV is in basement membranes months after they are formed by new collagen. If vitamin C is absent from
and provides firm attachments for the diet for prolonged periods the condition known as scurvy develops and
epithelial cells (Fig. 4.4). the new collagen that replaces the old is abnormal. Collagen attaches teeth
to the sockets in jaw bones; in extremely severe cases of scurvy, the teeth
drop out of the sockets because the new collagen is defective.
Elastin Marfan syndrome In this condition a genetic mutation results in the
Elastin molecules are also made and abnormal function of elastin fibres in the body. Many regions are affected
secreted by fibroblasts. The molecules but, in particular, the loss of the normal elastin component in the wall of
may be formed into sheets (laminae) or the aorta (the main blood vessel from the heart supplying the body) can be
distributed irregularly as fibres. Elastin serious as the wall may rupture; this is usually fatal.
molecules are predominantly in parts of
Primary tissues 2: connective tissue 23
Connective tissue
Fibroblast nuclei
Collagen fibres
Fibroblast nucleus
Fig. 4.8 Dense regular connective tissue of a tendon. The collagen fibres are distributed in
parallel arrays and nuclei of fibroblasts appear as dark dots in rows between the fibres. Medium
Connective tissue:
■ fibroblasts which synthesise the protein fibres and other large molecules in the ECM
■ mast cells which synthesise, store and secrete molecules that affect the permeability of blood vessels
■ macrophages which phagocytose and digest cell debris and microorganisms, and aid immune responses
■ white blood cells which migrate through the ECM and may remain localised as part of the immune response
■ adipocytes which store lipids.
Categories of connective tissues (other than bone, cartilage and blood) are:
Chapter 5
Primary tissues 3: muscle tissue
Muscle tissue consists of cells which are as the contractile myofilaments are glands; their contraction aids the
able to contract. The fundamental char- arranged in a repeating pattern in the expulsion of secretions
acteristic of each muscle cell is that it sarcoplasm and this is manifested as ■ myofibroblasts, which occur in many
has contractile proteins (mainly the transverse dark and light striations across regions of connective tissue; they aid
myofilaments actin and myosin) in its the length of the muscle cells (Figs 5.1A,B repair by secreting collagen and
cytoplasm. The force generated by the and 5.2). The precise arrangement of the undergoing contraction during scar
contraction of these proteins is transmit- contractile myofilaments are revealed formation
ted via connective tissue to other struc- only by using an electron microscope ■ pericytes, which surround capillaries;
tures. Contraction of muscles attached (see below). Although smooth muscle after injury they undergo mitosis
(by connective tissue) to bones will cells contain actin and myosin myofila- and replace damaged fibroblasts and
either move the bones at their joints or ments, they are not arranged in a regular smooth muscle cells.
stabilise the bones and joints by resist- pattern and smooth muscle cells do not
ing forces produced by other contract- display striations (Fig. 5.1C). Muscle cells and
ing muscles and by gravity. Contraction Other cell types with the ability to con- connective tissue
of muscles in the walls of various struc- tract have also been detected using tech-
Confusingly, muscle cells are also
tures in the body may increase the pres- niques which identify contractile proteins
referred to as muscle fibres, probably
sure within these structures and thus in their cytoplasm. These types include:
because some are long, thin structures
perform vital functions, e.g. heart muscle
■ myoepithelial cells, which surround which measure several centimetres in
contraction ensures blood flows away
acini and ducts of some exocrine length. (In contrast, connective tissue
from the heart and muscle in the walls
of gut tubes ensures the gut contents
pass from mouth to anus.
Specific terms have been introduced
to identify particular parts of muscle
cells (which are also known as muscle
fibres). The muscle cell membrane is LS TS
known as the sarcolemma, the cyto-
plasm as the sarcoplasm and the smooth
endoplasmic reticulum as the sarcoplas-
mic reticulum.
Cross striations Endomysium
(connective tissue)
Types of muscle tissue B
There are three types of muscle tissue
classified by location and the arrange- LS TS
ment of the contractile myofilaments in
the muscle cells:
Skeletal and cardiac muscle cells are Fig. 5.1 The longitudinal (LS) and transverse (TS) appearance of (A) skeletal, (B) cardiac and
referred to as striped or striated muscle (C) smooth muscle as revealed by light microscopy.
Primary tissues 3: muscle tissue 27
Muscle cell
Muscle cell Nucleus B
Fig. 5.4 The arrangement of actin and
myosin myofilaments in a sarcomere in the
relaxed (A) and the contracted (B) state.
Cardiac muscle
Connective tissue This type of muscle, like skeletal muscle,
appears striated (Figs 5.1B and 5.10)
Space (artefact)
owing to the arrangement of the actin
and myosin proteins in the sarcoplasm.
Unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle
contraction is not under conscious
control. Cardiac muscle cells are cylin-
Fig. 5.5 Skeletal muscle cells sectioned across their length. Connective tissue surrounds each drical and much shorter than skeletal
muscle cell and groups of muscle cells. Some spaces are artefacts due to shrinkage during preparation muscle cells. Each cardiac muscle cell
of the section. High magnification. has a single, centrally placed nucleus
Primary tissues 3: muscle tissue 29
Fig. 5.6 Skeletal muscle cells (yellow) sectioned along their length showing blood vessels
(red). A rich network of small blood vessels passes, in connective tissue, along the length of the
muscle cells. (No details of the muscle cell structure or connective tissue are displayed.) Special stain.
Medium magnification.
Fig. 5.7 Skeletal muscle cells (yellow) from tongue. The skeletal muscle cells are sectioned along
their length and display their peripheral nuclei. Connective tissue (stained red) surrounds each muscle
cell and provides a dense fascial layer of collagen to which the muscle cells are attached. Forces from
contraction of the muscle cells are transferred to the connective tissue and change the shape of the
tongue. Special stain. Low magnification.
Smooth muscle
Smooth muscle cells are fusiform in
shape and tapered at each end with a
centrally placed nucleus (Fig. 5.1C).
Smooth muscle cells are usually grouped
together and form sheets or bundles,
and their appearance in histological sec-
tions depends on the angle at which
they are sectioned (Figs 5.1C and 5.11)
and their state of contraction (Fig. 5.12).
Contraction of smooth muscle cells is
not under conscious control and they
Sarcoplasmic reticulum are described as involuntary muscle
cells. The contractile proteins in smooth
muscle cells are arranged irregularly
and some are linked with adherens-type
junctions at intervals on the inner
surface of the cell membrane. Each
muscle cell is attached to an external
lamina of connective tissue (endomy-
sium) (Fig. 5.1C) and muscle cells are
bundled together by layers of connective
tissue (Fig. 5.11). Between some muscle
cells the external lamina is incomplete
and gap junctions link adjacent smooth
muscle cells. The presence of gap junc-
tions aids the spread of the excitatory
Mitochondrion stimulus for contraction and helps
groups of cells to contract as a single
unit. When smooth muscle cells con-
tract they take on a corkscrew-like shape,
Myofilaments in a myofibril which may be apparent as a change in
shape of the nucleus (Fig. 5.12), and the
Fig. 5.9 Electron micrograph of part of the sarcoplasm of a skeletal muscle cell sectioned
across its length. Myosin (thick) and actin (thin) myofilaments can be seen sectioned across their force is transmitted via their external
length in several myofibrils as dark dots (myosin) and smaller, paler dots (actin). Very high laminae to other surrounding connec-
magnification. tive tissue.
Primary tissues 3: muscle tissue 31
Clinical note
Muscle hypertrophy,
hyperplasia and
repair Adult skeletal muscle is
able to undergo hypertrophy:
the muscle cells become larger
Cardiac muscle cell nuclei as they respond to exercise by
forming more contractile proteins.
Although skeletal muscle cells are
not able to undergo mitosis, if
very minor damage occurs some
repair may occur. This is due to
Fig. 5.10 Cardiac muscle cells sectioned along their length and associated connective tissue a minor population of
(blue/green). Special stain. Medium magnification. undifferentiated cells (known as
satellite cells) in skeletal muscle
which can differentiate into
skeletal muscle cells.
Cardiac muscle cells can
also increase in volume by
hypertrophy, and this can occur
in response to high blood
Smooth muscle cells pressure (hypertension). In
contrast to skeletal muscle, there
are no stem cells in cardiac
muscle and so there is no
replacement of dead cardiac
muscle cells. After a heart attack
Lumen of blood vessel
(myocardial infarction), cardiac
muscle cells die because of loss of
their blood supply and they are
not replaced. Fibroblasts in the
Connective tissue
connective tissue of the heart
proliferate and secrete collagen
and a fibrous scar takes the place
of the dead muscle cells. The scar
Smooth muscle cells may alter the contraction of the
normal heart muscle with
harmful consequences.
Smooth muscle cells can
undergo hypertrophy (increase
in cell size) and hyperplasia
Fig. 5.11 Bundles of smooth muscle cells sectioned along their length (upper region) and
(increase in cell number). These
across their length (lower region). Many of the smooth muscle cells sectioned across their length
do not appear to have nuclei as the section has passed though a region of cytoplasm away from the processes are particularly
nucleus. The nucleus and cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells sectioned longitudinally appear elongated important in ensuring uterine
as the long axis of each cell is in the plane of the section. Connective tissue (green) surrounds and muscle is able to function during
separates the muscle cells and bundles, and two small blood vessels. Special stain. Medium pregnancy and childbirth.
Space (artefact)
Connective tissue
Fig. 5.12 Smooth muscle cells sectioned along their length. Some nuclei of smooth muscle cells
appear normal (fusiform) in shape; others appear kinked, which is typical of smooth muscle cells fixed
in a state of contraction. Some spaces are artefacts due to shrinkage during processing. Other spaces
are the lumina of blood vessels lined by endothelial cells. High magnification.
Muscle tissue
■ Muscle tissue comprises three main types of muscle cell:
■ skeletal, cardiac and smooth.
■ Myoepithelial cells, myofibroblasts and pericytes also have the ability to contract.
■ Intracytoplasmic proteins (mainly the myofilaments actin and myosin) in muscle cells (and the above cell types) are responsible for
■ Connective tissue adjacent to muscle cells transmits the force of contraction to other structures.
Skeletal muscle
■ Cells are multinucleate and nuclei are adjacent to the sarcolemma (muscle cell membrane).
■ Cells are long, cylindrical and display transverse striations reflecting the linear arrangement of the myofilaments in the sarcoplasm (cytoplasm).
■ Contraction moves bones at joints and/or stabilises joints.
■ Contraction is (mostly) under conscious control via the nerve supply.
Cardiac muscle
■ Cells are cylindrical, relatively short, and have a single, centrally placed nucleus.
■ Cells display transverse striations corresponding to the linear arrangement of myofilaments.
■ Cells have intercalated discs showing the end-to-end connection of these cells.
■ Contraction is under the (unconscious) control of nerves.
■ Contractions, transmitted to connective tissue in the heart, move blood through the heart in a synchronised manner.
Smooth muscle
■ Cells are fusiform in shape and a nucleus is in the centre of each cell.
■ Cells have few randomly arranged myofilaments.
■ Cells occur in bundles or layers around many tubes.
■ Contraction is under (unconscious) control of nerves.
Chapter 6
Primary tissues 4: nerve tissue
Neuronal cell body
cell body
Neuronal cytoplasmic process
Fig. 6.5 The structure of (A) a
pseudounipolar and (B) a bipolar neuron.
Arrows indicate the direction of travel of the
nerve impulse.
Fig. 6.4 Neurons in brain. Perikarya and numerous cytoplasmic processes show some of the
variation and complexity of their connections. Special stain. Medium magnification.
Schwann cell
Schwann cell
Fig. 6.6 The relationship of a Schwann cell and myelin in a transverse section of (A) a
myelinated axon and (B) non-myelinated axons.
Fig. 6.7 Peripheral nerve (with cytoplasmic
processes of many neurons) sectioned across
its length. The lipids in Schwann cell
various cells, e.g. muscle and gland afferent neurons have specialised
membranes which form myelin sheaths are
cells. Afferent nerves enter the spinal structures known as sensory shown as black circles. The axons which occupy
cord by dorsal roots and efferent receptors (Fig. 6.11) at the peripheral the centre of the circles are not stained. Special
nerves leave by ventral roots (Fig. end of a cytoplasmic process; others stain. High magnification.
6.10). Some afferent neurons end as ‘free nerve endings’. Sensory
communicate directly in the CNS receptors in, for example, the skin
with efferent neurons and form a detect sensations, and nerve perceived consciously, e.g. changes in
two-neuron reflex arc (pathway) (Fig. impulses are transmitted to the blood pressure, but the body
6.10A). Others transmit information CNS. Sensory receptors in skin can responds to the changes detected.
to interneurons in the spinal cord provide impulses that are perceived Highly specialised sensory neurons
which in turn communicate with as pain, touch (differentiating type are present in the organs involved in
efferent neurons in a three-neuron and pressure) and temperature. sight, hearing, smell and taste; for
arc (Fig. 6.10B). In both types of Signals from sensory receptors in information about these, a more
reflex arc other neurons transmit some organs may be perceived as detailed histology book should be
impulses to the brain. changes in pressure or amount of consulted.
Afferent (sensory) neurons provide stretch. Other sensory receptors Efferent neurons transmit
a variety of information. Some convey information which is not impulses away from the CNS and
Synapses are specialised cell junctions
Node of Ranvier between neurons or between neurons
and other cell types, e.g. muscle cells.
The commonest form of synapse is the
axo-dendritic synapse formed between
the axon of a neuron and the dendrite(s)
of another neuron.
All synapses have similar characteris-
tics (Fig. 6.12). In axo-dendritic synapses
the membrane of the terminal part of
the axon of the presynaptic cell lies in
close apposition to the membrane of a
Myelin sheaths dendrite of the postsynaptic cell. The
space between the two cells is known as
the synaptic cleft. The neuron transmit-
ting the nerve impulse to a synapse has
Node of Ranvier a presynaptic axonal swelling in which
numerous cellular organelles and syn-
aptic vesicles are present. The synaptic
vesicles are small membrane-bound
structures containing neurotransmitter
molecules. The morphology of synaptic
Fig. 6.9 Cytoplasmic processes (axons) of neurons sectioned along their length. Special stain. vesicles is related to their content. The
Very high magnification. main neurotransmitters include acetyl-
Primary tissues 4: nerve tissue 37
Afferent neuronal cell body White Pseudounipolar afferent choline and catecholamines such as
in spinal ganglion matter neuronal cell body noradrenaline and dopamine.
Dorsal root Cytoplasmic
process of The arrival of a nerve (electrical) im-
afferent neuron pulse at a synapse triggers the release of
(from sensory neurotransmitter molecules into the
synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitters
bind to the membrane of the postsynap-
Axon of tic cell and, if it is another nerve cell, a
nerve (electrical) impulse is produced
Spinal nerve and transmitted by the postsynaptic
Synapses between axons and muscle
cells are known as motor end plates (Fig.
Axon of efferent Ventral Grey Axon of efferent neuron 6.13). Each axon usually branches at its
neuron root matter to muscle or gland peripheral end and forms synapses with
A B several muscle cells. The presynaptic
Fig. 6.10 The spinal cord (sectioned transversely) showing grey and white matter. Arrows axonal membrane abuts the highly
show the routes taken by sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) cytoplasmic processes of neurons in folded postsynaptic muscle cell mem-
forming (A) a two-neuron and (B) a three-neuron reflex arc. brane. The two membranes are sepa-
rated by the synaptic cleft. The release
of neurotransmitters triggers changes
in the ionic permeability of the mem-
brane of the muscle cells, which
results in contraction. The motor neuron
and the muscle cell (or cells) with which
it synapses is described as a motor
Neuronal cytoplasm
Peripheral nerves
Peripheral nerves pass between the CNS
and the rest of the body. The peripheral
nerves attached to the brain are known
as cranial nerves and those attached to
the spinal cord as spinal nerves. Periph-
Axon eral nerves may be up to 2 cm in width
and contain the cytoplasmic processes
(axons and dendrites) of a very large
number of neurons. Numerous
Fig. 6.14 Ganglion. Neuronal perikarya are surrounded by satellite cells. Many neuronal cytoplasmic ensheathing Schwann cells and connec-
processes are sectioned across their length. Lipid has been extracted from myelinated axons during tive tissue are also present. Peripheral
processing and this appears as small spaces around some of the axons. Medium magnification. nerves become smaller as they branch
and pass around the body to the sites
where the neuronal cell processes they
contain initiate or receive signals. Their
appearance in histological sections varies
depending on the angle at which they
are sectioned (Fig. 6.11). Individual cyto-
plasmic processes are difficult to dis-
tinguish in peripheral nerves but the
Neuronal cell nuclei nuclei of Schwann cells and supporting
connective tissue cells can be seen,
although not always distinguished
(Fig. 6.11).
Peripheral nerves contain layers of
connective tissue (Fig. 6.17). The connec-
tive tissue wraps around axons at three
Smooth muscle cell nuclei levels of organisation. Endoneurium
surrounds individual axons. Groups of
axons, with their coverings of endo-
neurium, are bundled together and
surrounded by perineurium. The
perineurium also packs the space
between adjacent bundles of axons.
Several bundles of axons within their
Smooth muscle cell layers investments of endoneurium and
perineurium are surrounded by the con-
Fig. 6.15 Parasympathetic ganglion in the wall of the small intestine. These ganglion cells lie
between two layers of smooth muscle. Connective tissue is stained blue. Special stain. Medium nective tissue of the epineurium.
magnification. Most peripheral nerves contain neur-
onal cell processes which transmit
impulses to the CNS and other cell proc-
esses which transmit impulses away
from the CNS, respectively processes
Illustrated Colour Text, 3rd edn. Elsevier: from afferent and efferent neurons. All
Brain and spinal cord 2005). Two principal areas are described peripheral nerves also carry cytoplasmic
The arrangement of neurons in brain in brain and spinal cord as white and processes from sympathetic nerves,
and spinal cord is complex (see Cross- grey matter. In the brain, grey matter whereas some of those in the head and
man AR, Neary D. Neuroanatomy: An forms the peripheral region, whereas in trunk also carry parasympathetic nerves.
Clinical notes
White matter barrier The blood–
brain barrier presents a physical
barrier to molecules over 500
Neuronal cytoplasmic processes daltons in size. If the barrier
breaks down, the brain may swell.
This condition, known as cerebral
oedema, may also develop in
response to a lesion in the brain,
e.g. a tumour or an abscess, or
after trauma, or after a stroke
resulting in ischaemic brain
Tumours of nervous
tissue Such tumours are not
usually derived from neurons.
Neurons do not divide, thus we
Neuronal cell bodies are born with the maximal
number of neurons and many die
as life progresses. Tumours of
nerve tissue are mainly of the
glial cell lineage. Of these,
astrocytomas are the commonest.
The most severe form is highly
malignant and patients have a
Grey matter
very poor prognosis.
Fig. 6.16 Grey and white matter of part of the spinal cord sectioned across its length. Very
Multiple sclerosis In this
low magnification.
condition the immune system
attacks the myelin sheaths of
nerves in the CNS. The cause is
unknown. The demyelination
Axon of neuron
leads to lack of motor and
sensory coordination. The attacks
may be single or sequential, and
the degree of disability varies
between patients and at different
Perineurium times during the life of individual
Fig. 6.17 Arrangement of the three connective tissue layers around cytoplasmic processes of
neurons (axons and dendrites) in a typical peripheral nerve.
Nerve tissue
■ consists of neurons (nerve cells), glial cells and satellite cells.
■ the somatic nervous system that detects sensations and controls the contraction of skeletal muscle
■ the autonomic nervous system that controls the contraction of cardiac and smooth muscle and the secretory activity of many glands.
■ Neurons mostly have large cell bodies (perikarya) with granular cytoplasm owing to RER involved in protein synthesis.
■ They have cytoplasmic processes (usually many dendrites which transmit nerve (electrical) impulses to their perikaryon and a single axon
which transmits signals away from the perikaryon).
■ They transmit impulses fastest along axons ensheathed in myelin formed by Schwann cells in the PNS and oligodendrocytes in the CNS.
■ Sensory signals are transmitted by afferent neurons to the CNS and efferent neurons carry impulses away from the CNS which affect the
function of, for example, muscles.
■ These are specialised junctions between neurons or between neurons and other cell types.
■ A nerve impulse reaching a synapse stimulates the release of neurotransmitter molecules into the synaptic cleft between the pre- and
postsynaptic cells. Neurotransmitters stimulate the postsynaptic cells to transmit a nerve impulse (if they are neurons), or to contract (if
they are muscle cells), or to secrete or to stop secreting (if they are gland cells).
Chapter 7
The skin
Skin is considered to be the largest in the skin varies and this too helps 7.3). It is made up of keratinocytes, the
organ. It covers the whole surface of the in regulating heat loss and thus body protein keratin and other specialised
body and is continuous at entry and temperature. Skin also has important cell types (see below). Extending through
exits points of the body with the mucous roles as a sense organ detecting stimuli the epidermis in many regions of the
membranes lining the nose, mouth and through specific sensory nerve recep- body are hairs (see below) and spiral
anus, and the reproductive and urinary tors. In addition, cells in the surface of channels which end as pores and allow
openings. Skin on the eyelids is replaced skin exposed to sunlight are involved in for the passage of sweat (Fig. 7.3).
on the inner surfaces of the lids by the the production of vitamin D. The epidermis may be described in
moist epithelium of the conjunctiva. At The skin consists of two layers: the five layers, though all layers are present
the ear the skin continues into the exter- superficial epidermis (the epithelium of only in thick skin, such as on the palms
nal acoustic meatus and is continuous skin) and the deeper dermis consisting of the hand and soles of the feet.
with the tympanic membrane which mainly of connective tissue (Figs 7.1 and
separates the outer ear from the middle 7.2). The dermis is superficial to the ■ Stratum corneum. This is the most
ear. hypodermis and the latter is not consid- superficial layer and consists of the
All four types of primary tissue (epi- ered to be part of the skin. The hypo- protein keratin; no cells are present.
thelial, connective, muscle and nerve) dermis is composed mainly of connective In thick skin (Fig. 7.3) the keratin is
are present in the skin and its functions tissue, which may contain large numbers in numerous layers; there is less
are related to its structure. The skin has of adipose cells; the hypodermis is also keratin in thin skin (Fig. 7.2). Keratin
roles in protection against microbes, known as superficial fascia or subcuta- is a filamentous protein produced by
physical and chemical damage and UV neous tissue. keratinocytes in deeper layers of the
radiation; it also prevents excess water epidermis. It confers toughness and
loss. Skin plays an important role in protection on the epidermis and
regulating body temperature by the helps to prevent water loss and
ability of sweat glands to secrete sweat The epidermis is derived from the ecto- dehydration of cells in the epidermis
onto the surface of the skin which cools derm germ layer of the embryo and is (and deeper). Some keratinocytes in
the body as it evaporates. In addition, composed of a stratified, squamous, deeper layers produce lipids which
the amount of blood flowing in vessels keratinised epithelium (Figs 7.2 and are added to the stratum corneum,
Hair shaft
Sweat gland duct Dermis
Arrector pili
Reticular layer of dermis
Hair follicle
Hair papilla
Hair bulb
Blood vessels
Fig. 7.1 The structure of skin, including a hair follicle, sebaceous and sweat glands and an arrector pili muscle.
The skin 43
Dermis (papillary layer)
and this increases the ability of skin thickest layer of the epidermis, and spinosum. Over a period of about 30
to resist water absorption. The is characterised by the presence of days, keratinocytes produced by
surface of the stratum corneum is ‘prickle’ cells (Fig. 7.4). The angular mitosis in the stratum germinativum
constantly being shed, particularly appearance of these keratinocytes in migrate towards the surface of skin,
if it is subjected to abrasion. sectioned material is due to the large die and the keratin they have
Importantly, the stratum corneum is number of desmosomes between formed is shed.
constantly being added to as cells in adjacent keratinocytes, which are
Within the epidermis there are various
the deeper layers move towards the important in holding the cells
cell types in addition to keratinocytes.
surface at a rate which equals the together and resisting shearing
rate at which the keratin is forces. Increasing amounts of ■ Merkel cells. These cells are scattered
shed. cytoplasmic keratin filaments are throughout the stratum
■ Stratum lucidum. This is a thin layer produced by keratinocytes in this germinativum and are thought to act
of keratinocytes, adjacent to the layer. The uppermost cells in this as mechanoreceptors.
stratum corneum, that are at the end layer develop keratohyalin granules, ■ Langerhans cells. These cells are
stage of their lives. The cells are move towards the surface and derived from bone marrow cells and
packed with keratin and do not become part of the stratum they have an immunological
possess nuclei or organelles. They granulosum. function (Chapter 8). They are
lose their cell membrane and ■ Stratum germinativum. This is the mainly located in the stratum
become the basal layer of the deepest layer of the epidermis and spinosum.
stratum corneum. The change is consists of cuboidal epithelial cells ■ Melanocytes. These cells produce
rapid and the layer is seen only in (Fig. 7.4). The basal cells in the pigment and are present in the
the thickest skin. stratum germinativum are attached stratum germinativum between the
■ Stratum granulosum. This layer may to the basement membrane of the mitotically active cells. Melanin is
be up to five cells deep, but in thin epidermis, which, in turn, is adjacent responsible for giving skin a
skin it may be absent. It is to the dermis. The cells in this brownish colour and carotene for
characterised by the presence of stratum undergo mitosis and are the giving it a yellowish colour. The type
cytoplasmic granules of keratohyalin stem cells of the epidermis. Some and amount of pigment present is
(Fig. 7.4). Other cytoplasmic granules offspring cells remain in this layer, affected by the genetic make-up of
contain lipids and these are released undergo further mitotic activity, and the individual and, in the case of
into extracellular spaces and confer thus continue as stem cells. Other melanin, the amount of exposure to
waterproofing on the superficial offspring cells begin to produce ultraviolet light (sunlight stimulates
layers of the epidermis. Upper cells keratin filaments and migrate the synthesis and spread of
in this stratum die and then become towards the surface of the epidermis; melanin). Melanocytes have long
part of the stratum lucidum. this initially replaces the cytoplasmic processes in which the
■ Stratum spinosum. This is the keratinocytes in the stratum melanin granules are present. They
Keratinocytes in stratum
also pass melanin to keratinocytes. attachment of the epidermis and the than in the papillary layer.
The melanin is often located in the dermis is strengthened. The
cytoplasm of keratinocytes between papillary layer is characterised by
the nucleus and the surface of the loose connective tissue, including Glands of skin
skin (Fig. 7.5); there, it helps protect collagen, reticulin and elastin fibres Exocrine glands are present in skin.
DNA from damage by UV light. and fibroblasts. There are also the Some secrete sweat and are involved in
transient cell types typical of temperature regulation. Others, seba-
connective tissue, e.g. white blood ceous glands, secrete lipids and most are
cells (Chapters 4 and 8). In the associated with hairs. In females, modi-
Dermis papillary region there are blood fied glands in the skin (mammary
vessels that supply oxygen and glands) are able to secrete milk in
The dermis is derived from the meso-
nutrients to nearby cells, including response to the hormones present
derm layer of the embryo and consists
epidermal cells, and that are also during and after pregnancy (Chapter
largely of connective tissue fibres and
involved in temperature regulation. 16).
cells. Also present in the dermis are
Some sensory nerve endings are
structures which may extend between
present in the papillary region of the Sweat glands
the hypodermis and the epidermis, e.g.
dermis. ■ Merocrine sweat glands. These are
parts of developing hairs in hair follicles,
■ Reticular layer. The reticular layer is present in skin (Figs 7.1 and 7.6) all
sebaceous glands and sweat glands (see
deep to the papillary layer but the over the body and they are simple,
below). The dermis is divided into two
border between them is a gradual coiled tubular glands (Chapter 3).
layers, the papillary and the reticular
transition: it connects the skin to the The secretory cells are located deep
underlying hypodermis. Dense, in the dermis, and even in the
■ Papillary layer. This is the most irregular connective tissue (Figs 7.2 underlying hypodermis. An
superficial layer and it interdigitates and 7.3) containing many collagen epithelial lined duct (Fig. 7.3) drains
with the epidermis through a series fibres is predominant in the reticular each gland and it passes to the
of dermal ridges and papillae (Figs layer. The transient cell population superficial layer of the epidermis
7.2 and 7.3). In this way, the is less abundant in the reticular layer (stratum corneum). The duct is
replaced by a spiral channel through
the stratum corneum (Fig. 7.3) and
opens at a pore on the surface of the
Keratin skin. Merocrine sweat glands are
innervated by sympathetic nerves
and may be stimulated to secrete
under conditions of stress, as well as
in order to cool the body.
Myoepithelial cells surrounding the
gland cells contract and assist in the
Melanin triangular ‘caps’ over
expulsion of sweat.
■ Apocrine sweat glands. This type of
sweat gland is present in the axilla,
around nipples and in the anal
region. The glands are larger than
merocrine sweat glands, and they
are located more deeply in the
dermis and underlying hypodermis.
Unlike merocrine glands, apocrine
Melanin triangular ‘caps’ over sweat glands do not secrete onto the
keratinocytes surface of the skin; instead, they
secrete around developing hairs in
Dermis hair follicles. Secretion by apocrine
sweat glands is influenced by sex
hormones, and, after bacterial action,
their secretions have a characteristic
Melanin in cells in basal layers odour. It is thought that this odour
may impart pheromone-like qualities
to the secretion.
Sebaceous glands
■ Sebaceous glands (Figs 7.1 and 7.7)
secrete a lipid-based substance
Fig. 7.5 Skin (pigmented with melanin). Melanin is visible in some of the keratinocytes ‘capping’ known as sebum. They release their
the nucleus and forming a barrier to UV light. The melanin is formed in melanocytes in basal layers secretions by the holocrine method
although the precise identity of these cells is not revealed at this magnification. Special stain. High and as the cells die the sebum is
Hair follicles
Hair is formed largely of a compact,
Lumen of sweat gland duct
dense form of keratin. Each hair is pro-
duced in a structure known as a hair
follicle (Fig. 7.1). Hairs are widespread
Connective tissue over the body surface though they are
absent from the palms, soles, parts of
the genitalia, tips of fingers and toes,
and lips. Hairs are of two types: vellus
hairs, which are the short, fine, soft hairs
Lumen of sweat gland secretory on the skin, and terminal hairs, which
are the long hairs such as on the scalp.
Hairs may be coloured, e.g. by the pres-
ence of a pigment such as melanin.
Hair follicles develop as cylindrical
Nuclei of epithelial cells (secreting invaginations of the epidermis and they
sweat) extend into the dermis and, in some
instances, also into the hypodermis.
Straight hair grows from straight folli-
cles, and spiralling follicles give rise to
Fig. 7.6 Sweat gland. Secretory epithelial cells lining the coiled tube forming a sweat gland appear curly hairs. Hair follicles are surrounded
palely stained with eosin in comparison with the cells lining the ducts. Connective tissue supports the
by connective tissue (Fig. 7.8). During the
epithelial cells forming the gland. High magnification.
growing phase of a hair the base of its
follicle is expanded into a bulbous
portion (Figs 7.8 and 7.9). Cell prolifera-
tion in the epidermal-like cells of the
bulb produces a variety of cells. Some of
these cells form part of the follicle and
move towards the surface and others,
centrally placed, form the hair which
External and internal root sheaths grows out from the follicle. Pigment
such as melanin in cells in this region
(Fig. 7.9) affect the colour of the hair.
Each hair bulb is invaginated by a dermal
papilla of connective tissue (Fig. 7.9) con-
Arrector pili muscle taining blood vessels which are essential
for hair growth.
Each hair follicle is lined by layers of
Sebaceous gland
cells similar to epidermal cells, and by
cells produced by mitosis of cells in the
hair bulb. The outer layers of epidermal-
like cells are known as the external root
sheath (Figs 7.1 and 7.9). An inner
sheath, formed by cells produced in the
Dermis hair bulb, extends only part way along
the follicle. It is the innermost cells
within the inner sheath which undergo
keratinisation and form the hair shaft.
External root sheath
At the region where the inner sheath
Fig. 7.7 Part of a hair follicle, sebaceous gland and smooth muscle cells. The developing hair stops, secretions from sebaceous glands
has been lost during processing. The space it occupied and an arrow shows the direction along which drain into the follicle (Fig. 7.7) and coat
it would have grown. Connective tissue is stained green. Special stain. Medium magnification. the hair as it grows out of the
released from the cytoplasm and puberty. In areas where there are Hair growth is cyclical. Growth in
empty spaces may be apparent in hairs, sebaceous glands secrete into length usually occurs for several years
the gland. The activity of sebaceous the follicle of each hair (see below) and then the follicle enters a rest phase
glands is influenced by sex and the sebum ‘conditions’ the hair. when mitosis in the bulb region
hormones and their secretory In locations where there are no hairs stops and the bulb shrinks in size. In the
activity increases substantially after (e.g. the palms and soles) sebaceous rest phase, the hair eventually falls
The skin 47
Melanin in cells
Dermal papilla
Connective tissue
Fig. 7.9 Hair bulb. Melanocytes are present among the epithelial cells in the bulb and melanin can
be distinguished as dark brown material. (The precise detail of melanin in cells is not seen at this
magnification.) Connective tissue of the dermis extends as a papilla into the hair bulb. Special stain.
Medium magnification.
Clinical notes
Psoriasis This is a condition in which there is overproliferation of keratinocytes. This results in patches of
thick, silvery, scaly lesions particularly on the scalp, knees and elbows. The cause is unknown.
Age With age, numerous changes occur in skin. In particular, elastin fibres disappear so the skin loses the ability to
recoil after being stretched. The epidermis becomes thinner with age and less able to withstand trauma.
Tumours Tumours of the skin may be benign or malignant. Of the benign tumours, warts (papillomata) are
common. Warts occur at any site, and are simple proliferations of epidermal cells resulting from infection of the
keratinocytes with a papilloma virus. Basal cell carcinomas of skin are common neoplasms which rarely spread to
distant sites. However, they spread into the dermis and can cause damage in the local region. Of all the skin tumours
the most malignant are malignant melanomas (neoplasms of melanocytes) and they often have fatal consequences.
■ it has a papillary layer adjacent to the epidermis and a denser, reticular layer adjacent to the hypodermis.
Chapter 8
The blood and immune system
Blood and the immune system contain of individual blood cells may not readily
a wide variety of cells and carry out
Blood be distinguished (Fig. 8.1). To study
diverse functions. All the components of Blood consists of cells and parts of blood cells in detail it is usual to spread
blood and the immune system may be cells suspended in a fluid, the plasma. blood onto a glass microscope slide, a
considered as connective tissue and the The cellular components of blood are process which makes a ‘blood smear’.
vast majority of the cells is derived from red and white blood cells (respectively, Smears display the whole of the cells as
mesoderm. Blood flows around the erythrocytes and leucocytes) and parts opposed to cells in histological sections
body in tubes known as blood vessels of cells, platelets (thrombocytes). Plasma which may have been sliced during
(Chapter 10) and is involved in moving is a straw-coloured fluid that contains preparation (and show only part of indi-
cells and molecules. Tissue fluid (extra- electrolytes, carbohydrates, lipids and vidual cells).
cellular fluid), which bathes many of the proteins (including albumin and globu-
cells in the body, is the aqueous compo- lins); however, plasma is mainly water. Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
nent of extracellular matrix (Chapter 4) Erythrocytes constitute just over 40% of An erythrocyte is a membrane-bound
and is formed from blood. The immune blood volume with just 1% leucocytes; cytoplasmic structure which does not
system protects the body from invasion most of the rest is plasma. have a nucleus. Erythrocytes lose their
and damage by microorganisms and Although blood is considered to be a nuclei during their formation in bone
from many potentially harmful mole- form of connective tissue in which the marrow, just before they are released
cules. This system recognises cells and extracellular matrix is the fluid plasma, into blood vessels. Mature erythrocytes
molecules ‘foreign’ to the body and the function of blood differs from the are biconcave discs approximately 7 μm
generates immune cells and molecules functions of other forms of connective in diameter but are easily distorted and
in defensive immune responses. The tissue. Blood circulates via the cardio- are able to pass along narrow blood
immune system involves a wide variety vascular system and delivers oxygen and vessels about 3.5 μm in diameter. Iden-
of cells and molecules including non- various molecules, including nutrients tifying red blood cells and knowing
specialised and specialised cells and and hormones, to cells of the body. their maximum diameter can be used as
molecules which carry out immune Blood also facilitates the removal of a scale for assessing the size of other
responses. The molecules vary in size waste molecules from body tissues, features in histological specimens (Fig.
and type but many are large protein including carbon dioxide. Importantly, 8.1). In blood smears, erythrocytes
molecules such as antibodies which blood is able to coagulate and prevent usually appear rounded and many have
react specifically with other molecules excessive blood loss if blood vessels are palely stained centres reflecting their
(antigens). Blood plays a major role in damaged. central, thinner region of cytoplasm
transporting immune cells and antibod- The ability of blood to deliver mole- (Figs 8.2–8.4).
ies around the body. cules to and remove other molecules Erythrocytes transport oxygen from
The cellular components of the from the body is facilitated by blood the lungs to the other parts of the body.
immune system, as well as circulating in forming tissue fluid (extracellular fluid). The majority of their cytoplasm is made
blood, are widely distributed through- Some of the plasma fluid (and the up of the iron-containing protein
out organs of the body and are pre- smaller molecules it contains) leaves haemoglobin and only a few organelles
dominant in specialised organs (e.g. blood vessels via the endothelial cells (mitochondria and ribosomes) are
the thymus and spleen). Immune cells lining small blood vessels and bathes present. Erythrocytes are referred to as
are also present in large numbers surrounding cells in tissue fluid. White red blood cells because the iron of
in lymph nodes, structures which blood cells also leave small blood vessels haemoglobin confers the red colour on
are integral parts of the circulatory and these are particularly important in blood. Oxygen has a high affinity for the
system that return excess tissue fluid the defence mechanisms provided by iron in haemoglobin in locations where
to blood (see below and Chapter 10). the immune system. Some tissue fluid there is a high oxygen concentration,
Localised clusters of immune cells are and white blood cells eventually return such as the lungs. In regions with rela-
present in other regions of the body, to blood via a series of lymphatic vessels tively low oxygen concentrations, such
particularly where mucosal surfaces and lymph nodes (see below). as in most body regions other than the
are exposed to harmful molecules and lungs, the oxygen is liberated and used
organisms in the environment (e.g. Blood cells in metabolic processes. The reverse is
substances ingested into the digestive Blood cells in routine histological sec- true of carbon dioxide, a waste product
tract or breathed into the respiratory tions may be identified as individual of glucose metabolism. It is the globin
tract). cells. However, in many instances details (the protein component of haemo-
Nucleus of small
lymphocyte Clinical note
Anaemia This common blood disorder occurs when there is not
enough haemoglobin to supply oxygen to support the metabolic
requirements of the body’s cells. An anaemic person may look pale, feel
weak and easily become short of breath. The most common cause of
anaemia is a shortage of iron, the element essential for the formation and
function of haemoglobin. Excessively heavy blood loss, e.g. at menstruation,
may be a cause of anaemia as enough iron may not be available to support
Red blood cell red blood cell production at a rate which replaces the losses, particularly if
the losses have occurred repeatedly over many months.
Other types of anaemia have a genetic basis. For example, in sickle cell
anaemia the haemoglobin molecule is abnormal. In regions of the body in
Nucleus of which oxygen levels are low the haemoglobin molecule becomes rigid and
eosinophil the red blood cells become less flexible and take on the shape of a sickle. As
a result, many red blood cells die prematurely in the spleen or they may
Fig. 8.3 Blood smear. Red blood cells, block small vessels around the body. Life expectancy is likely to be
eosinophil, small lymphocyte. Special stain. Very considerably reduced.
high magnification.
The blood and immune system 51
Leucocytes (white blood cells) into circulation from the bone the lymphocytes in peripheral blood
Leucocytes are referred to as white blood marrow. and they are distinguished by having
cells because of their whitish or buff ■ Eosinophils. An eosinophil is a densely stained nucleus that
colour in the zone between plasma and characterised by its bi-lobed nucleus occupies the bulk of the cell (Fig.
red blood cells after centrifugation of and by numerous granules which 8.3). Lymphocytes responding to an
blood (a process used to determine the stain heavily pink with eosin and immune stimulus are larger than
proportion of red cells in blood). Leuco- with the staining methods for small lymphocytes and have
cytes are categorised by their content of examining blood smears (Fig. 8.3). relatively more cytoplasm – they are
cytoplasmic granules and by their nuclear Lysosomes are also present in described as medium or large
morphology. Leucocytes with granules eosinophils. Eosinophils develop in lymphocytes.
are known as granulocytes and their bone marrow and normally Lymphocytes are also categorised
nuclei have two or more lobes. Granulo- constitute 2–4% of the leucocytes according to their function. Their
cytes are subdivided into three categories present in peripheral blood. morphology does not distinguish the
by the affinity of their granules for certain Eosinophils function by their ability functional types but categories can be
dyes. Leucocytes without granules are to respond to antigen–antibody identified by using labelled antibodies
known as agranulocytes. There are two complexes and to parasites. Their to identify specific molecules on their
categories of agranulocyte: lymphocytes, granules release their contents which cell membrane. The categories are B
which each have a spherical nucleus, and bind to, and kill, parasites. They are lymphocytes, T lymphocytes and
monocytes, which each have an indented, able to phagocytose and digest natural killer (NK) cells.
spherical nucleus. antigen–antibody complexes and the
remains of parasites. In addition, ■ B lymphocytes constitute 5–15% of
Granulocytes they release antihistamines that small lymphocytes in peripheral
■ Neutrophils. These constitute about reduce the inflammatory processes blood. They migrate out of blood
70% of the total leucocyte that are initiated by such complexes vessels and through body tissues
population in peripheral blood. and organisms. Eosinophils are and respond to antigenic
Neutrophils are also known as present in increased numbers in stimulation by increasing in size
polymorphonuclear leucocytes blood and body tissues during and differentiating into plasma
(PMNLs) because each has a allergic reactions, such as hay fever, cells (see below).
multilobed nucleus (Fig. 8.2). The and in response to infections by ■ T lymphocytes constitute 65–75%
nuclei of neutrophils in females are parasites. of small lymphocytes in peripheral
characterised by the possession of a ■ Basophils. The granules of basophils blood. They are small when they
Barr body (Fig. 8.2), which is are stained by basic dyes such as are inactive but differentiate into
manifest as a small drumstick haematoxylin. The nuclei of larger lymphocytes when
projection from one of the lobes of basophils are bi-lobed but the responding to immune
the nucleus. Barr bodies represent granules are often so numerous that stimulation. T lymphocytes are
the inactive second X chromosome they obscure the rest of the responsible for cell-mediated
of females, but they are seen on only cytoplasm and the nucleus in blood immunity, which is the type of
a small proportion of neutrophil smears. Basophils develop in bone cellular immune response engaged
nuclei. The granules of neutrophils marrow and they constitute only in detecting foreign cells and
do not stain with acidic or basic 0.5–1% of the total leucocyte destroying them. This involves T
dyes. Some of the granules are very population in peripheral blood. They lymphocytes detecting certain
small and not readily seen by light leave the blood and are involved in molecules which may be on the
microscopy. Some are lysosomes initiating inflammatory surface of foreign cells, or on the
and the enzymes they contain are reactions. body’s own cells that have become
typical of lysosomes, e.g. acid abnormal (e.g. malignant or
phosphatase. Agranulocytes infected by virus). This recognition
Neutrophils develop in bone ■Lymphocytes. These make up 20– stimulates the T lymphocytes to
marrow, enter blood vessels and 30% of the total number of divide and increases the number
thus circulate around the body. leucocytes circulating in blood. of T lymphocytes able to attack
However, they migrate out of blood Lymphocytes are also present in specifically and destroy ‘foreign’
vessels within a few days and move bone marrow, thymus, spleen and cells. T lymphocytes also produce
rapidly through body tissues where lymph nodes, and in lymphoid a variety of molecular signals that
normally they die after a few days. If regions in other organs, e.g. in parts regulate other cells involved in
neutrophils encounter bacteria they of the gastrointestinal, urinary, mounting immune responses.
are able to engulf and kill them. reproductive and respiratory tracts. ■ Natural killer (NK) cells comprise
They kill bacteria by a variety of Some lymphocytes develop in bone 10–15% of the lymphocytes in
mechanisms, one of which involves marrow but others are produced in peripheral blood. They are larger
hydrogen peroxide. Neutrophils that the thymus and at other sites in the cells than small lymphocytes and
have performed their killing function body in response to immune stimuli. they have a few granules in their
die and accumulate in pus at the site In general, lymphocytes function at cytoplasm. NK cells migrate
of the infection. If the infection such sites, and not in peripheral through body tissues and have the
persists, large numbers of blood. ability to detect and kill foreign
neutrophils leave blood and are Lymphocytes may be described as cells. Their activity is regulated by
attracted to the site(s) of infection small, medium or large. Small factors produced by subsets of T
and large numbers are also released lymphocytes make up about 95% of lymphocytes.
Mast cell
Other cells involved in
immune responses
Mast cells
Mast cells are present in connective
tissues of the body and they are densely
packed with granules which may hide
the nucleus (Fig. 8.5). They resemble the
Mast cell and discharged granules
basophils in blood. Mast cells have rec-
eptors for a type of antibody (immuno-
globulin E) on their cell membranes
and these antibodies are produced in
response to allergen(s). A subsequent
exposure to the same allergen(s) causes Fig. 8.5 Mast cells. The two mast cells are intensively stained amongst other cells (connective and
the mast cells to release histamine (a epithelial) which are revealed only by their palely stained nuclei. One mast cell has discharged its
granules. Special stain. High magnification.
vasoactive molecule which affects the
diameter of blood vessels) from their
granules as well as other mediators of
the inflammatory response. This type of
reaction can be rapid and fatal and is
known as an anaphylactic reaction.
Plasma cells
Plasma cells are often evident at sites of
infection associated with chronic inflam-
mation and in lymph nodes (see below).
They are the end stage of differentiation
of B lymphocytes and they mount a Plasma cell nucleus
humoral immune response by produc-
ing specific antibodies (e.g. immuno-
globulins A and G) to specific antigens.
Plasma cells may appear ovoid in shape,
are larger than the B lymphocytes and
are identified by the eccentric position
of their nucleus (Fig. 8.6). The cytoplasm Plasma cell nucleus
of each plasma cell has large amounts
of rough endoplasmic reticulum syn-
thesising a particular immunoglobulin
which functions as a specific antibody.
The antibody molecules are released
from plasma cells and circulate in tissue
fluids, lymph and peripheral blood Fig. 8.6 Plasma cells in the medulla of a lymph node. The plasma cells have pinkish cytoplasm
where they are able to react with their (reflecting the antibody proteins they contain) and some display an eccentric nucleus. High
specific antigen(s). magnification.
The blood and immune system 53
Macrophages lymphocytes are directed specifically Within bone marrow blood flows in
Macrophages are derived from mono- at individual molecules (which may endothelium-lined blood vessels and a
cytes that have migrated out of blood be free or attached to a cell’s reticulin meshwork surrounding the
vessels and many are transient in tissues membrane). Significantly these vessels is packed with developing blood
and organs (e.g. the lungs) and espe- specific immune responses are cells. Macrophages are associated with
cially in loose connective tissues sup- associated with the ability of a the meshwork and they are involved in
porting the parenchymal cells of organs. lymphocyte to ‘remember’ a destroying aged red blood cells. Mega-
In certain organs macrophages are molecule it has encountered. At a karyocytes are also in the meshwork
present at fixed locations, e.g. as Kupffer subsequent meeting with a and they shed fragments of their cyto-
cells in the liver (Chapter 12). ‘remembered’ molecule such plasm, as platelets, into adjacent blood
Macrophages are able to phagocytose lymphocytes rapidly produce an vessels. The appearance of bone marrow
material such as dead cells and bacteria immune response against the in sections reveals few details of the
and inert particles, e.g. carbon. Some of molecule and, importantly, also structure of the developing blood cells
the material they ingest (not carbon) is undergo rapid mitotic activity and smears of bone marrow are exam-
digested in lysosomes and some is producing more lymphocytes which ined for detailed studies. Megakaryo-
presented as antigenic molecules to can also respond to the same cytes, however, can be identified
lymphocytes which then produce an molecule. This type of memory readily in sectioned material by their
immune response. Macrophages which response is known as acquired large size and multilobed nucleus
have taken up inert material, such as immunity. (Fig. 8.7).
carbon, remain in the body and account
Immune cells are produced in the
for the black colour seen in the lungs of
bone marrow, thymus, spleen and Haematopoiesis
many people at post mortem. Macro-
lymph nodes. In addition, there are All blood cells arise from one type of
phage numbers can increase when
numerous sites, particularly in the res- stem cell in bone marrow which resem-
exposure to antigens increases as mono-
piratory, digestive, urinary and repro- bles a small lymphocyte and is described
cytes leave peripheral blood and become
ductive systems, where lymphocytes are as being pluripotent. These stem cells
present in large numbers and are able undergo successive rounds of mitosis
to respond to foreign molecules or and replace themselves and produce
Dendritic cells
microorganisms. cells which are able to differentiate into
(antigen-presenting cells)
different types of cell with restricted
Dendritic cells are derived from cells in
Bone marrow stem cell ability. After several cycles of
bone marrow and they are able to
Bone marrow occupies spaces within mitotic activity the potential to develop
present antigens to lymphocytes and
bones (Chapter 9). Red and white blood into several types of blood cell is
this initiates an immune response. Den-
cells and platelets develop in bone restricted and unipotent stem cells
dritic cells exhibit fine cytoplasmic proc-
marrow in a process known as haemato- develop. Unipotent stem cells are com-
esses which increase their surface area
poiesis. In regions where haemato- mitted to produce one type of blood cell
and hence the area available for antigen
poiesis occurs the marrow appears red (and replace themselves). Unipotent
binding. They are present in the sup-
to the unaided eye. With age, many of stem cells are categorised by the type of
porting connective tissue of many paren-
the haematopoietic regions are replaced blood cell they produce. For details of
chymal organs and in lymph nodes.
by adipose cells which give marrow a the stages in the formation of erythro-
Dendritic cells in the skin are known as
yellow colour. cytes, eosinophils, basophils, neutro-
Langerhans cells and those in the brain
as microglial cells.
The thymus is an organ in the mid-line
of the upper anterior part of the thorax
which is prominent in young children Blood in vessel
and gradually regresses after puberty.
It is covered by a connective tissue
capsule and has a fine meshwork which
Lymphocytes in cortex
extends throughout the thymus. Unusu-
ally, the meshwork is formed by epithe-
lial, not connective tissue, cells. The
epithelial mesh supports lymphocytes
and two regions, a peripheral cortex and
inner medulla, are described. Virtually Fig. 8.8 Thymus, cortex and medulla. Medium magnification
all of the lymphocytes in the thymus are
in direct contact with the epithelial
meshwork and the epithelial cells
immunologically competent, i.e. able petent. The mature T lymphocytes in
are sometimes referred to as ‘nurse’
to produce immune responses to the medulla are released into blood
attack foreign molecules, cells and vessels. They live for many years and
Lymphocytes are densely packed in
organisms many leave the blood vessels and migrate
the meshwork in the cortex (Fig. 8.8). In
■ to ensure that immature T through tissues where they may be
the medulla, fewer lymphocytes are
lymphocytes also become self- triggered into producing immune
present, and they appear in irregular
tolerant; this process enables T responses.
clumps (Fig. 8.8). The most recognisable
lymphocytes to distinguish ‘self ’
components of the support meshwork
from foreign cells and molecules
are the epithelial cells which form Spleen
and thus avoid attacking ‘self ’ body
whorl-like, lamellated structures in the The spleen lies in the left, upper region
cells and molecules
medulla known as Hassall’s corpuscles of the abdomen. It is the largest lym-
■ to release mature T lymphocytes
(Fig. 8.8). The function of these corpus- phoid organ of the body and it has two
into circulation.
cles is not known. main functions:
The thymus secretes factors that facili- The processes that produce mature T
■ it monitors circulating blood for
tate its functions. The functions are par- lymphocytes involve the generation of
foreign material, particularly bacteria,
ticularly important in the early stages of many new T lymphocytes by mitosis of
and ensures immune responses
life and they are: the T lymphocytes in the cortex of the
develop to such material
thymus. Many of these new lymphocytes
■ it destroys aged red blood cells,
■ to provide an environment to receive die; these are thought to be T lym-
probably when they have become
immature T lymphocytes from bone phocytes which are not self-tolerant.
relatively rigid.
marrow Other T lymphocytes move towards the
■ to ensure that immature T medulla as they mature and become The spleen has a connective tissue
lymphocytes become self-tolerant and immunologically com- capsule which is covered by a serosal
The blood and immune system 55
tissue fluid from specific regions of the the region between the cortex and by being lined by cuboidal
body. Lymph nodes, sometimes known the medulla (the paracortex) and endothelial cells and is found only
as glands, are roughly bean shaped and interact with T lymphocytes. As a in lymph nodes.
their size depends on whether they result, these B lymphocytes ■ Medulla. The medulla of lymph
are resting or are actively undergoing differentiate into plasma cells (Fig. nodes is composed of numerous
immune responses. In the case of an 8.6) and secrete specific antibodies. endothelium-lined lymph vessels
infection or tumour in a particular part The antibodies leave the node in (sinuses) and medullary cords which
of the body, the draining lymph node(s) efferent lymph. ‘Memory’ B are packed with immune cells (Fig.
can become swollen and painful. lymphocytes are also generated in 8.12), including plasma cells. Within
Lymph nodes are encapsulated by germinal centres and these are the lymph in the sinuses are
connective tissue (Fig. 8.10). Projecting involved in speedy specific responses immune cells generated in the
inwards from the capsule, at intervals, to subsequent exposure to their cortex and antibodies produced by
are connective tissue trabeculae (septa) ‘remembered’ antigen. plasma cells. Lymph, carrying many
and a fine meshwork of reticulin fibres In the paracortex, lymphocytes are lymphocytes and antibodies, passes
extends throughout each node. Blood able to crawl out of blood in small from the medullary sinuses to the
vessels enter and leave at the hilum of veins and take part in the immune efferent lymphatic vessel and is
each node. Lymph is delivered to each responses occurring in lymph nodes. eventually returned to blood
node by several afferent lymphatic This type of venule is characterised (Chapter 10).
vessels which penetrate the capsule.
Only one efferent vessel drains each
node of lymph and this leaves at the
hilum. Lying within the parenchyma of Cortex
each node are aggregations of lym-
phocytes in two main regions, the cortex
and medulla (Fig. 8.10). Connective tissue
Afferent lymphatic Subcapsular sinus
■ Cortex. Afferent lymph vessels Hilus
deliver lymph into endothelium- Paracortex Efferent lymphatic vessel
lined sinuses which extend around Artery
Medullary cord
each node immediately beneath the
Medullary sinus Vein
capsule (Fig. 8.11). From these
subcapsular sinuses some lymph Valve
continues in endothelium-lined Primary lymphoid follicle
sinuses through the cortex and
medulla and some filters past Secondary lymphoid follicle
lymphocytes in the cortex. Many of
the lymphocytes in the cortex are in
spherical aggregations forming
Fig. 8.10 The internal structure of a lymph node. Arrows show the direction of flow of lymph.
lymphoid follicles which also
contain antigen-presenting cells.
Lymphoid follicles which are
inactive are composed mainly of Subcapsular sinus
small B lymphocytes which stain
densely blue with haematoxylin. If B
lymphocytes are responding to
antigens the follicle has an outer rim
of densely packed, small B
lymphocytes and a central core of
palely stained lymphocytes (Fig.
8.11). Such follicles are described as Lymphocytes in dense rim of follicle
secondary follicles (Fig. 8.10) and the
palely stained region is known as
the germinal centre. New B
lymphocytes are produced by
mitosis in secondary follicles and Palely staining centre of follicle
become activated. Many activated B
lymphocytes appear as medium- or
large-sized lymphocytes and they
have more cytoplasm than small
lymphocytes. The cytoplasm of Connective tissue capsule
activated lymphocytes gives the
palely stained appearance to the
centre of secondary follicles.
Activated B lymphocytes travel to Fig. 8.11 Lymph node, cortex with a secondary lymphoid follicle. Low magnification.
The blood and immune system 57
Clinical note
Metastasis This is the
process by which Cord
tumour cells may become
detached and spread from their
original site to distant sites. One
route by which they spread is via
lymphatic vessels. Some tumour
cells may enter lymphatic vessels
and pass to lymph nodes draining
the region where the tumour
originated. They may remain in
these lymph nodes and undergo
further rounds of mitosis and
initiate immune responses, and
the nodes may swell. Some
tumour cells may pass from the
lymph nodes in efferent lymph
and eventually pass around the
body in blood and continue to
proliferate and form metastases
elsewhere. Screening lymph
nodes for tumour cells helps to
assess the spread of tumour cells, Fig. 8.12 Lymph node, medulla with cords and sinuses. Medium magnification.
but once tumours have spread to
lymph nodes such cancers are
much more difficult to cure.
(Tumours may also spread via
veins (and/or directly) into
adjacent tissues.)
■ This comprises red and white blood cells and platelets suspended in plasma.
■ Blood forms tissue fluid (extracellular fluid) and is able to clot and stop flow from damaged blood vessels.
■ have no (or very few) cytoplasmic granules and are categorised according to nuclear shape
■ lymphocytes have spherical nuclei and form about 25% of white blood cells:
■ B lymphocytes respond to antigens by secreting antibodies and T lymphocytes, respond to ‘foreign’ cells by killing them; NK cells kill
‘foreign’ cells
■ monocytes have indented nuclei and form about 5% of white blood cells
■ migrate from blood and become macrophages in tissues.
■ These are small, membrane-bound fragments of cytoplasm that bud off from megakaryocytes in bone marrow. They aid blood clotting.
Bone marrow
■ This comprises a meshwork of reticulin fibres supporting blood vessels and developing red and white blood cells and megakaryocytes which
form platelets.
■ This comprises a meshwork of epithelial cells supporting blood vessels and lymphocytes in an outer cortex densely packed with lymphocytes
and an inner medulla where lymphocytes are less densely packed. Hassall’s corpuscles are present in the medulla.
■ It is particularly active in neonates and regresses with age.
■ Lymphocytes leave the thymus and enter the circulation as mature T lymphocytes which recognise self from non-self cells.
■ This comprises a meshwork of reticulin fibres supporting blood vessels, red blood cells and lymphocytes and various antigen-presenting cells.
■ It has red and white pulp regions with sheaths of lymphocytes surrounding arterioles.
■ It monitors blood for foreign material and mounts immune responses and destroys aged red blood cells.
Chapter 9
Bone and cartilage
Bone and cartilage are derived from the fibres are capable of deformation under which is composed mainly of fibroblasts
mesoderm layer of the embryo and are stretching forces (and they recoil when (Fig. 9.1). However, there are sites where
specialised forms of connective tissue. the force is reduced). perichondrium is not adjacent to carti-
Together with other connective tissue lage, e.g. on the articulating surfaces of
and skeletal muscle they constitute the bone (Fig. 9.2). Blood capillaries are not
musculoskeletal system. The musculo- present in cartilage and the oxygen and
skeletal system is involved in producing Cartilage has cellular and non-cellular nutrients required by chondrocytes
movement and stability of the body by components. Cartilage cells (chondro- diffuse through the matrix from nearby
transmitting and resisting forces pro- cytes) lie in spaces, known as lacunae, capillaries in the perichondrium.
duced by, for instance, muscle contrac- surrounded by cartilage matrix (the There are three types of cartilage
tion and gravity. Common features of non-cellular component) (Fig. 9.1). The defined by the major type of fibre
bone and cartilage are that they contain matrix is produced by cartilage cells and present:
connective tissue fibres and ground sub- it is a semi-solid material composed of
■ hyaline cartilage contains mainly
stance, forming an extracellular matrix ground substance comprising large mol-
type II collagen fibres and is the
which is relatively rigid compared with ecules (e.g. glycosaminoglycans and pro-
most abundant type of cartilage in
the rest of the body and is able to resist teoglycans), water and connective tissue
the body
mechanical stress. In the extracellular fibres. Cartilage in many regions is sur-
■ elastic cartilage contains type II
matrix, collagen fibres are important rounded by a thin layer of connective
collagen and elastin fibres
in resisting tensile forces and elastin tissue known as the perichondrium,
■ fibrocartilage contains type I collagen
Hyaline cartilage
Hyaline cartilage is present in a wide
range of locations and is important in
resisting forces and in supporting soft
tissues. It forms the articulating surfaces
Chondrocyte nucleus of bones in synovial joints (Fig. 9.2),
where it provides a smooth, friction-free
surface at which movements occur, and
it acts as a shock absorber. Hyaline car-
tilage also aids respiration by provid-
ing rigidity in the larynx, trachea and
Extracellular matrix bronchi, thus ensuring their patency
during inspiration (Chapter 11). It is
also present at the anterior ends of ribs
where movements of the rib cage occur
during respiration. In the embryo,
Chondrocyte nucleus hyaline cartilage forms a temporary
skeleton which eventually is largely
replaced by bone (see below).
There are two cell types in hyaline
cartilage: chondroblasts and chondro-
cytes. Chondroblasts are able to undergo
mitosis and secrete extracellular carti-
lage matrix. They are very active meta-
bolically and may appear in small
clusters. Such clusters (Fig. 9.2) contain
Fig. 9.1 Elastic cartilage and perichondrium, epiglottis. The size of the chondrocytes, and the new cells produced by mitosis from one
lacunae they occupy, varies. Elastin fibres appear as dark strands in the extracellular matrix. Special stain. initial cell in the region. Chondrocytes
High magnification. are the mature form of chondroblasts
Bone Fibrocartilage
Fibrocartilage is present in the second-
ary cartilaginous joints of the body, e.g.
Hyaline cartilage (of growth plate) in intervertebral discs (Fig. 9.3). Fibrocar-
tilage is not invested by perichondrium
and in general it is less rigid than hyaline
cartilage. The chondrocytes in fibrocar-
tilage often appear oriented along the
Region of large chondrocytes
lines of stress on the cartilage and there
are intervening layers of collagen fibres
Cluster of small chondrocytes (type I). Fibrocartilage provides resist-
ance to mechanical forces and some-
times is also present in the dense, regular
connective tissue in tendons and
Hyaline cartilage
Bone plays a vital physical role in pro-
tecting delicate underlying body struc-
Cluster of small chondrocytes
tures, e.g. the heart and brain. Collect-
ively, bones form the jointed skeleton of
the body and, in conjunction with the
attachment sites of skeletal muscles and
Articular surface
tendons, bones act as levers and enable
movements to occur. Although bone is
Fig. 9.2 Hyaline cartilage of an articular surface of bone from a synovial joint. Medium hard and apparently inert, it is able to
remodel in response to changes, e.g. in
the stresses acting upon it, particularly
and are no longer able to undergo increasingly larger regions between the during growth, exercise and after frac-
mitosis but can still secrete and modify cells. Appositional growth occurs at the ture. In addition, calcium in bone acts as
cartilage matrix. The main chemical periphery of clusters of cartilage cells, a store for use by the rest of the body if
components of hyaline cartilage matrix adjacent to the perichondrium. Fibro- calcium uptake in the diet is inadequate.
are proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans blasts in the innermost part of the peri- Bone also provides the framework for
and hyaluronic acid, which all attract chondrium are specialised and known body shape (along with fat and muscle)
water molecules. This composition as chondrogenic cells as they can become and spaces in bones, filled with bone
allows hyaline cartilage to resist com- chondroblasts and secrete cartilage marrow, are sites where blood cell
pressive forces and act as a shock matrix. Most cartilage in the body grows formation (haematopoiesis) occurs
absorber. The type of collagen fibres by appositional growth. However, there (Chapter 8).
(type II) and their orientation in hyaline are exceptions. For example, articular Bone consists of several types of bone
cartilage are important in resisting cartilage is not invested by perichon- cell and associated bone matrix. Most
mechanical forces. The appearance of drium (Fig. 9.2) and grows only by bone cells in adults are osteocytes and
hyaline cartilage is described as ‘glassy’ interstitial growth. Furthermore, growth they lie in lacunae embedded in extra-
and the collagen fibres are not apparent of long bones, which occurs up to cellular bone matrix. Although bone
in routine histological preparations. the age of about 20 years, also occurs matrix resembles cartilage matrix (Fig.
With age, chondrocytes and the lacunae via interstitial growth of cartilage (see 9.4) it has organic and inorganic compo-
they occupy enlarge (Fig. 9.2) and below). nents. The organic components of bone
calcium salts may be deposited in the matrix include type I collagen fibres,
matrix. These changes may alter the Elastic cartilage proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans.
mechanical properties of the cartilage. There are similarities between the struc- The inorganic component of bone
Growth in hyaline cartilage occurs by ture and mode of growth of hyaline and matrix consists largely of calcium
two modes: interstitial and appositional elastic cartilage. However, chondrocytes hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2). The
growth. Interstitial growth (growth from in elastic cartilage are larger than those hydroxyapatite is deposited alongside
within) occurs mainly in the early stage in hyaline cartilage and the volume of the collagen fibres and this produces the
of cartilage development. In interstitial matrix is less. The matrix of elastic carti- rigid hardness of bone. In comparison
growth, cartilage cells in lacunae undergo lage contains type II collagen fibres, but with cartilage matrix, the composition
mitosis, produce matrix and separate in addition it has an abundance of elastin of bone matrix restricts the diffusion of
from one another; the matrix occupies fibres which confers on the cartilage a gases, nutrients and waste molecules.
Bone and cartilage 61
Types of bone
Most bones in the body contain compact
(dense) and cancellous (spongy) bone.
Compact bone is very dense compared
with cancellous bone (Fig. 9.8). In a
typical adult long bone, e.g. the humerus,
compact bone forms an outer collar
Fig. 9.6 Compact bone, transverse section of an osteon showing a Haversian canal. The along the shaft (diaphysis), whereas can-
canaliculi (spaces occupied by cytoplasmic processes of osteocytes) appear as very fine dark strands cellous bone constitutes the less dense
radiating from the Haversian canal to osteocytes. Only the nuclei of osteocytes are clearly seen. Special interior. Cancellous bone forms most of
stain. High magnification.
the ends of long bones (the epiphyses)
in adults although compact bone may
form a thin rim. (Hyaline cartilage is
also a component of epiphyses of bones
involved in synovial joints and it covers
Bone and cartilage 63
Fig. 9.8 Compact and cancellous bone and bone marrow. Low magnification. Bone formation and growth
Bone formation (ossification) and
growth of bones begins in utero and
continues up to the age of 20 or so. After
this time, ossification and bone growth
stops but the components of matrix
are gradually removed and/or replaced
throughout life. In addition, at any stage,
Haversian canals
Haversian canals
Volkmann’s canal
the shape of bones may be remodelled skull. In regions where these bones Endochondral ossification
in response to various factors including develop, some fibroblast-like cells (osteo- The majority of bones in the skeletal
dietary changes, strenuous exercise or progenitor cells) derived from meso- system are formed, and grow, by endo-
physical damage. Bone formation derm of the embryo differentiate into chondral ossification. In this process a
and growth occurs by two methods: osteoblasts which then secrete an irreg- ‘model’ of hyaline cartilage, comprising
intramembranous and endochondral ular framework of bone matrix. Growth chondrocytes and cartilage matrix in the
ossification. occurs as further fibroblast-like cells shape of the adult bone, develops first
on the surface of the developing bone (Fig. 9.11). The cartilage model grows
Intramembranous ossification differentiate and become osteoblasts and gradually bone matrix and bone
This type of bone formation and growth which then add bone matrix onto the cells replace the cartilage in the diaphy-
is associated only with flat bones, such existing matrix, i.e. by appositional sis. In growing long bones the diaphysis
as the clavicle and some bones in the growth. is separated from each epiphysis by an
Bone and cartilage 65
Fig. 9.13 Invasion of bone collar (sectioned across the length of the bone). The invasion ■ Zone of reserve cartilage. This is the
involves blood in vessels, osteogenic cells and stem cells capable of forming blood cells. Only red cells hyaline cartilage connecting each
can be distinguished in this micrograph. Medium magnification. EGP to the adjacent epiphysis.
■ Zone of proliferation. Chondrocytes
proliferate rapidly and new
chondrocytes extend as columns of
cells parallel to the long axis of the
bone and away from the epiphysis.
This is interstitial growth. Older
chondrocytes in the columns, those
farthest from the reserve zone, begin
to secrete cartilage matrix. By
forming these new cells and matrix
Perichondrium in columns, the length of the
diaphysis is extended and a
framework is formed on which bone
is later deposited.
■ Zone of hypertrophy. With increasing
age chondrocytes enlarge.
■ Zone of calcification and chondrocyte
death. Calcium salts are deposited in
Periosteum the cartilage matrix and the oldest
chondrocytes die, probably due to
Bone collar programmed cell death (apoptosis).
■ Zone of ossification. Osteoprogenitor
Old cartilage matrix cells migrate from the diaphysis and
become osteoblasts as they secrete
bone matrix onto the surface of the
calcified cartilage matrix. This
Developing marrow and blood process extends the length of the
bone of the diaphysis. Calcium salts
are then deposited into the bone
Chondrocyte (large, old) matrix and some osteoblasts become
surrounded by bone matrix and
become osteocytes (Fig. 9.15).
Bone marrow
Osteocytes in bone
‘Old’ cartilage matrix
Oldest chondrocytes
Fig. 9.15 Epiphyseal growth plate. See text for details of the processes occurring in growth plates. Special stain. Medium magnification.
Clinical notes
Osteoporosis This condition results from a decreased level of calcium in bones. Age-related loss of bone
mineral density occurs in all persons to an extent. In women especially, there is increased activity of
osteoclasts after the menopause as oestrogen levels decrease due to the loss of secretion of these hormones from the
ovaries. The affected bones are often fractured with minimal force. Oestrogen therapy, and high intake of calcium,
helps to slow the disease progression.
Genetic disorders These may affect epiphyseal growth plates and result in individuals shorter or taller than
normal. (Epiphyseal growth plates and adult height may also be abnormal as a result of abnormal levels of growth
hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.)
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis These inflammatory processes that occur in cartilage are common.
Osteoarthritis affects the hyaline cartilage covering the ends of articulating bones, particularly affecting weight-bearing
joints such as knees, hips and ankles. In this disease the cartilage slowly degenerates with age, with underlying
damage affecting the bone. In contrast, rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease that affects other
organs and tissues as well as joints. Because of its widespread effects, rheumatoid arthritis is much more difficult to
treat. Rheumatoid arthritis, in contrast to osteoarthritis, may affect young people and may pursue a much more
aggressive course.
Bone and cartilage
■ These are connective tissues with relatively rigid extracellular matrix containing collagen fibres and large molecules containing carbohydrates.
Bone is more rigid than cartilage and has extensive deposits of calcium salts in the extracellular matrix.
■ Mature cartilage and bone cells (respectively, chondrocytes and osteocytes) occupy spaces (lacunae) in the matrix.
■ Osteocytes in many regions are nourished by a network of capillaries in Haversian canals.
■ This occurs in three types:
■ hyaline cartilage forms the smooth articulating surfaces of many bones and has a major role in skeletal development
■ elastic cartilage has a matrix containing elastin and collagen and is able to recoil after being deformed
■ fibrous cartilage provides resistance to mechanical forces.
■ Cartilage grows by appositional and interstitial growth.
■ Bone protects many organs and provides firm attachments for muscles and tendons which allows movements to occur.
■ It may be described as compact (dense) or cancellous (spongy):
■ in compact bone the matrix comprises cylinders of lamellae of bone around blood vessels in a Haversian canal
■ in cancellous bone thin trabeculae of bone matrix form a meshwork.
■ It begins to develop in utero as a hyaline cartilage model and becomes bone by endochondral ossification. (A few bones form directly by
intramembranous ossification.)
■ In endochondral ossification the hyaline cartilage model grows by interstitial and appositional growth.
■ The cartilage is replaced as chondrocytes die and osteogenic cells become osteoblasts which deposit bone matrix on old cartilage matrix.
■ Up to about 20 years of age cartilage persists in some bones as an epiphyseal growth plate (EGP) between the diaphysis and an epiphysis.
Growth in the length of bones is a result of cartilage cells proliferating in EGPs and bone matrix being deposited on old cartilage matrix.
■ Osteoclasts digest bone and are involved in remodelling during growth, development and repair.
Chapter 10
The circulatory system
The circulatory system consists of the 12). Lymph eventually drains into larger deoxygenated blood to the right side of
heart and the vessels (tubes) which carry lymph vessels which in turn drain into the heart, which pumps it into pulmo-
blood or lymph. The heart provides a the blood vessels of the cardiovascular nary arteries and on to the lungs. In the
force that moves blood in the vessels of system returning blood to the heart. lungs, the deoxygenated blood passes
the cardiovascular system. This part of into capillaries and there it becomes
the circulatory system, the cardiovas- oxygenated. The oxygenated blood
Cardiovascular system
cular system, ensures blood, carrying returns to the left side of the heart via
oxygen, carbon dioxide, various nutri- The heart is an organ which consists of pulmonary veins. This flow of blood
ents, metabolites, hormones and blood two muscular pumps that work in syn- between heart and lungs is known as
cells, is conveyed to, through and from chrony. The two pumps are attached the pulmonary circulation. Simultane-
the tissues and organs of the body. side by side but blood, in adults, does ously, the left side of the heart pumps
Part of the circulatory system com- not pass directly between the two sides. oxygenated blood into the aorta (the
prises lymphatic vessels which drain The heart develops (in utero) from a largest artery) from where it is distrib-
some of the extracellular fluid from all single tube which duplicates and twists uted around the whole body. Arterial
regions of the body except the central and only takes on the adult structure blood passes through progressively
nervous system. The fluid in lymphatic and the physical separation of the two branching and narrowing arterial vessels
vessels is known as lymph. It is similar sides shortly after birth (see Mitchell B, and eventually through the narrowest
to plasma but does not transport red Sharma R. Embryology: An Illustrated vessels, the capillaries. It is from capillar-
cells. Lymph is an important means of Colour Text. Elsevier: 2004). ies that oxygen diffuses into surround-
transporting immune cells, particularly Arteries are vessels which carry blood ing tissues and blood becomes
lymphocytes, and lymph vessels carry away from the heart whilst vessels car- deoxygenated. Capillaries drain into
lymph into and out of lymph nodes rying blood to the heart are veins (Fig. venules and these in turn drain into
(Chapter 8). Lymphatic vessels in the 10.1). Blood is carried between arteries veins which return the deoxygenated
gastrointestinal system also transport and veins in small vessels, arterioles, blood to the right side of the heart. This
lipids absorbed from the gut (Chapter capillaries and venules. Veins deliver flow of blood around the body is
described as the systemic circulation.
In some regions of the body, e.g. the
Pulmonary Pulmonary Aorta Pulmonary liver (Fig. 10.1), in addition to arterial
veins artery veins blood delivering oxygenated blood to
capillaries, other blood enters the capil-
Right lung Left lung laries from a vein. In the case of the liver,
capillaries draining blood from the gut
join together and drain into the hepatic
portal vein. This portal vein, carrying
LA nutrients absorbed from the gut, sup-
plies blood to capillaries in the liver.
LV This arrangement of vessels involving
RV two sets of capillaries joined by a vein is
Capillary bed in Capillary bed in described as a portal circulation.
circulation to right lung circulation to left lung
(pulmonary circulation) Liver (pulmonary circulation)
Capillary bed in liver Each side of the heart has two compart-
Hepatic vein
Artery to liver Portal ments: an atrium and a ventricle (Fig.
Vein from gut to liver 10.2). The left atrium receives blood
(hepatic portal vein) from the lungs in four pulmonary veins
RA = Right atrium and the right atrium receives blood
LA = Left atrium Capillary bed in
RV = Right ventricle circulation to body from the rest of the body via the
LV = Left ventricle (systemic circulation) superior and inferior vena cavea. The
Fig. 10.1 The cardiovascular components (heart and the systemic, pulmonary and portal atria simultaneously contract and pump
circulations) of the circulatory system. Arrows indicate the direction of flow of oxygenated blood blood into the paired ventricles. The
(red) and deoxygenated blood (blue). ventricles then pump the blood into
Arteries may be classed as conducting Smooth muscle cell nucleus
or distributing arteries or as arterioles.
Most capillaries are 4–10 μm in diameter
and most are also short in length. They
are perfused by blood from arterioles.
Networks of branching and connecting
(anastomosing) capillaries are present in
many regions of the body and are referred Capillary lumen
to as capillary beds. Capillary walls (Figs
10.9 and 10.10) are formed by a single
layer of squamous epithelial cells known
as endothelial cells, and their basement
membrane (Fig. 10.10). The endothelial
cells form the narrow tubes of the capil-
laries through which blood cells and Red blood cells in lumen of
plasma flow. Around the periphery of venule
some capillaries are pericytes, which
have long cytoplasmic processes that
wrap around the walls of capillaries. Peri-
cytes contain contractile proteins and Fig. 10.9 Capillaries and venules. Erythrocytes appear as ghostly circles and can be used to
thus are able to contract and modify the estimate the size of the vessels. Connective tissue (green) surrounds the vessels. Special stain. High
flow of blood through capillaries. After magnification.
injury, pericytes are able to differentiate
and form new blood vessels and support-
ing connective tissue.
Basement membrane
Although capillaries are very small,
they are vital in the functioning of the
cardiovascular system as they are the Endothelial cell cytoplasm
site where exchange of gases, nutrients
and waste molecules takes place. They
Red blood cell in lumen of
are also important sites where some of
the components of blood plasma and
white blood cells pass between capillar-
Cell junction
ies and surrounding tissues. Capillaries
may be categorised into three groups: Endothelial cell cytoplasm
continuous, fenestrated or sinusoidal.
Heterochromatin of endothelial
These groups have significant morpho- cell nucleus
logical and functional differences and
are present in different locations.
present. The structure of the walls of endothelial covering and a fibrous core returning some excess extracellular
sinusoids, in comparison with the of connective tissue. The flaps project fluid and white blood cells to veins.
walls of other capillaries, facilitates towards the heart; thus, if blood flow to The smallest lymphatic vessels are
greater opportunities for exchange the heart stops, the blood cannot pass lymphatic capillaries. These begin as
activities, particularly those involving backwards because the valve flaps are very small blind-ended tubes formed
cells of the immune system. forced together and close the lumen. by endothelial cells. The extracellular
Valves are particularly important where (tissue) fluid which drains into lym-
there is a need to counteract the force phatic capillaries is known as lymph.
Veins of gravity such as in the limbs. Interest- Lymph capillaries resemble blood capil-
Veins are low-pressure blood vessels ingly, the superficial veins in the lower laries but they are characterised by
compared with arteries, and they return limbs in humans have a well-developed the presence of non-return valves. The
blood to the heart. In general, compared component of smooth muscle in their pressure in lymphatic vessels is very
with arteries, there is much less smooth walls which, by maintaining muscle low and the valves help prevent back
muscle and elastin and more collagen in tone, is thought to assist in preventing flow of lymph. Lymph is carried in
the walls of veins, which accords with excess distension of the veins due to lymph vessels to and from lymph
the lower pressure within them. Fur- gravitational forces. The largest veins, nodes (Chapter 8). As lymph passes
thermore, the ratio of luminal diameter close to the heart, do not have valves through lymph nodes immune
to wall thickness is greater in veins than aiding unidirectional flow. Venous responses to foreign molecules occur
in arteries if the comparison is made return from large veins below the heart and immune cells such as lymphocytes
between vessels adjacent to each other is aided by pressure changes that occur may be added to the draining lymph
in the body (Fig. 10.11). in the thorax during inspiration and (Chapter 8). Lymph draining particular
Veins may be grouped into three gravity aids venous return from the organs and regions of the body passes
categories according to their size: small, vessels above the heart. through specific lymph nodes before
medium and large. The smallest veins, draining into wider lymph vessels
venules, drain capillaries. In medium- (lymph ducts). Eventually, the lymph
sized veins valves are present that Lymphatic vessels ducts join veins in the neck region and
prevent the back flow of blood. Valves The lymphatic vessels are an important thus lymph is returned to the cardio-
are flap-like structures which have an component of the circulatory system vascular system.
Wall of artery
Wall of vein
Lumen of vein
Clinical notes
Varicose veins The non-return valves in the superficial veins of the legs may become incompetent,
particularly after excess pressure has been sustained such as in pregnancy, or in persons ‘on their feet a lot’.
When this happens the valves and veins may become dilated and their position becomes apparent as swellings under
the skin. These veins may be removed surgically, after which blood finds alternative drainage routes to deeper veins.
Deep vein thrombosis Deep veins accompany the deeply placed arteries in the limbs. These veins are of relatively
small calibre and normally venous return is aided by valves. Maintaining tone in the smooth muscle in the walls of these
veins helps prevent the veins from distending. In addition, contraction of skeletal muscles in the limb compresses these
veins and helps propel the blood towards the heart (as long as the valves are effective). During lengthy periods of
inactivity, sufficient venous blood may not be propelled away from the lower limb veins. The blood may become
stagnant and clot (i.e. form a thrombus), blocking the deep veins. This causes the limb to swell and become red and
painful. The particular danger is that the clot or part of it may detach and pass, via the heart, to the lung, where it may
lodge in small blood vessels. This is termed a pulmonary embolism and it can be fatal.
Oedema This is the accumulation of tissue fluid in body tissues which would normally have re-entered venules
and lymphatic vessels. It causes swelling of the affected region. It may be part of a local inflammatory reaction or if,
for example, it is present in both lower limbs it may be due
to increased venous pressure as a result of weak contractions of the right chambers of the heart (right heart failure).
The circulatory system
■ Consists of the heart and the vessels which carry blood or lymph.
The heart
■ The heart has paired atria and paired ventricles separated by valves which prevent back flow of blood.
■ It has a connective tissue skeleton.
■ It is supplied by autonomic nerves which modify the rate at which it beats.
■ The myocardium, the middle (thickest) layer, is formed mostly by cardiac muscle cells. Specialised cells (e.g. Purkinje cells) are involved in
organising muscle contraction.
■ The endocardium, the inner layer, is lined by endothelial cells.
■ The epicardium, the outer layer, supports blood vessels supplying the heart, may accumulate fat and is part of the pericardium.
Blood vessels
■ These vary in structure and function.
■ Arteries (and arterioles) carry blood at relatively high pressure from the heart to capillaries.
■ Veins (and venules) carry blood at low pressure from capillaries to the heart. Some veins and venules have valves which aid return of blood to
the heart.
■ Capillaries have only endothelial cells in their walls and gases, molecules, white blood cells and fluid move across their walls.
■ Larger blood vessels have three layers in their walls:
■ tunica intima, the inner layer comprising endothelium and connective tissue
■ tunica media, the middle layer comprising varying amounts of elastin, smooth muscle and collagen
■ tunica adventitia, the outer layer of connective tissue binding vessels to adjacent structures.
■ Contraction of smooth muscle in vessel walls is controlled (largely) by sympathetic nerves.
Chapter 11
The respiratory system
The function of the respiratory system system, there are other related struc- decrease intrathoracic volume and
is to transport gases between the atmos- tures that help propel the gases along stretched elastin fibres in the lung (see
phere and sites in the lungs where the passages. Each lung is enclosed by a below) recoil.
gaseous exchange between air and blood pleural sac formed by a serosal mem-
occurs. Oxygen diffuses into blood in brane (Fig. 11.1). The visceral layer of
Upper respiratory tract
capillaries in the lungs and carbon the pleura is firmly attached to the
dioxide is released from the blood. The surface of each lung and the parietal The upper respiratory tract comprises
respiratory system consists of a series of layer to the inner surface of the chest passages and tubes of decreasing diam-
air-filled passages connecting the nose wall. The pleural cavity (the space eter which connect the nose and mouth
and mouth to the two lungs in the enclosed by the pleura) contains fluid to the lower respiratory tract in the
thorax (Fig. 11.1). Two categories of pas- secreted by the serosal cells and the lungs. From the exterior inwards,
sages are described, the upper and the lungs are thus able to move during the upper respiratory tract comprises
lower respiratory tracts. The structure of respiration in a relatively friction-free the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx,
the walls of the passages of the upper environment. The pleural cavity has an trachea, bronchi and some bronchioles.
respiratory tract ensures that they do important role in breathing as the pres- These passages are also known collec-
not collapse during breathing. The sure in the cavity is less than atmos- tively as the conducting portion of the
structure of the walls of the lower respi- pheric pressure. As the thoracic respiratory tract as they conduct air to
ratory tract ensures that efficient gaseous boundaries (the ribs, intercostal muscles the sites of gaseous exchange in the
exchange occurs across a barrier which and diaphragm) move during breathing lungs.
is 0.1–1.5 μm thick. It is also essential the pleural membranes and lungs move During inspiration the upper respira-
that the passages in the lower respira- with them. Inspiration increases tory passages are under increasing nega-
tory tract do not collapse during intrathoracic volume (and the negative tive pressure as the intrathoracic volume
respiration. pressure in the pleural cavities) and increases. Air will be drawn into the
Whilst the respiratory passages draws air into the lungs. Expiration lungs only if the walls of these passages
conduct gases through the respiratory occurs as the thoracic boundaries do not collapse. The larger passages
have bone or cartilage in their walls
which make them relatively rigid and
ensure that they remain patent during
Visceral pleura inspiration. The smallest passages within
Parietal pleura the lungs, the bronchioles, do not have
bone or cartilage in their walls. Bronchio-
les are held open during inspiration as
Nasal cavity
elastin connective tissue fibres attached
Oral cavity to the outer surface of their walls are
stretched as a result of the thoracic
Larynx volume increasing during inspiration.
Oesophagus Most of the upper respiratory tract is
lined by a mucosa which consists of
a respiratory epithelium and a lamina
propria which supports numerous
Primary bronchus blood vessels. In some regions submu-
cosal connective tissue and aggregations
Secondary of lymphoid cells are also present. The
Lung respiratory epithelium is described as
pseudostratified with ciliated columnar
Pleural cavity
epithelial cells and goblet cells (Fig.
11.2). The goblet cells secrete mucus
Diaphragm onto the surface of the epithelium and
this traps particulate matter which may
Fig. 11.1 The components of the respiratory system including the arrangement of the pleural be harmful. Importantly, the beating
coverings of the lungs. motion of cilia of columnar epithelial
Goblet cell cytoplasm Inspired air passes from the naso-
pharynx into the larynx and then into
the trachea. The larynx has walls con-
BALT taining hyaline cartilage which maintain
the patency of the airway, and most of
the lumen of the larynx is lined by res-
Fig. 11.2 Bronchus (part of wall). The mucus in the cytoplasm of goblet cells in the respiratory piratory epithelium. However, there are
epithelium is stained pink. BALT, bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue. Special stain. High magnification.
flaps (the vocal folds) extending from
the walls of the larynx into the lumen
which are covered by a stratified squa-
cells moves the mucus so that it is swal- nasal cavity. Thus, sniffing odours into
mous epithelium. Vocal cords vibrate
lowed or discharged from the nose or the upper part of the nasal cavity is the
and produce sounds and the stratified
the mouth. In addition, moisture on the most efficient way of detecting smells.
squamous epithelium resists the wear
surface of the respiratory epithelium, Lying adjacent to the nasal cavity are
and tear resulting from the vibrations.
provided by mucus, humidifies inspired paranasal sinuses. They are four paired
During swallowing, the entry to the
air. This prevents dehydration of the structures (the maxillary, frontal, sphe-
larynx from the pharynx is closed tem-
cells lining the lower respiratory tract noid and ethmoid sinuses) which open
porarily by a large flap-like structure, the
where gases have to enter an aqueous into the nasal cavity. These sinuses are
epiglottis. This arrangement prevents
phase to allow exchange between air air-filled spaces in skull bones which are
ingested food and liquid entering the
and blood. The respiratory epithelium lined by respiratory epithelium. The
trachea and producing coughing and
also contains stem cells which can function of the sinuses is unclear, though
choking. The stratified squamous epi-
replace damaged goblet and ciliated epi- it may be related to insulating the brain
thelium covering the anterior surface
thelial cells and replace themselves. from the effects of inspiring cold air.
of the epiglottis is continuous with the
Neuroendocrine cells are also present Other suggested functions include
dorsal surface of the tongue and, as it is
which secrete molecules (paracrine giving resonance to the voice, lightening
in contact with food during swallowing
hormones) that regulate the local the weight of the skull and adding to the
is subject to abrasion. In contrast, the
environment. ability of the upper respiratory tract to
posterior surface of the epiglottis is
‘air condition’ (warm and moisten)
exposed only to air and is covered by
Nasal cavities and sinuses inhaled air.
respiratory epithelium. The flexibility
The openings of the nostrils are guarded In the nasal cavities and the sinuses
and recoil movements of the epiglottis
by short hairs projecting from skin the mucosa and associated blood vessels
during swallowing are aided by its core
which extends a short distance into the are firmly attached to underlying bone
of elastic cartilage (see Fig. 9.1).
nasal cavity. The hairs are efficient at or cartilage, and the rigidity conferred
trapping particles in inspired air. The by such attachments means that inspira-
nasal cavity is separated into left and tion does not collapse the air passages Trachea
right sides by a septum, and respiratory in these regions. The trachea is a tube attached to the
epithelium lines most of the cavities. larynx in the neck and it extends about
The mucosa lining the cavities is highly Nasopharynx 10 cm into the thorax. It is 2–3 cm in
vascular and the vessels are vulnerable, The nasopharynx and the oropharynx diameter and is kept patent by 15 to 20
hence the risk of epistaxis (nose bleeds). are contiguous parts of the pharynx (a incomplete ‘C’-shaped rings of hyaline
The proximity of blood in vessels to the large passage shared by the respiratory cartilage in its wall (Fig. 11.3). Each ring
mucosal surface, particularly in the nasal and the digestive systems). The naso- of cartilage is completed on the poste-
passages, ensures air is warmed as it pharynx, which is traversed by air, is rior wall of the trachea by smooth
travels along the tract. Indeed, air enter- lined by respiratory epithelium, but the muscle and connective tissue containing
ing the nose at 4°C reaches tempera- oropharynx, which carries food (and elastin fibres. The trachea is lined by
tures not much below blood temperature drink and air) from the mouth, is lined respiratory epithelium (Fig. 11.3) and
before arrival at the lower respiratory by a stratified squamous epithelium there are serous and mucous glands
tract. which is able to resist the ‘wear and tear’ (Fig. 11.4) in submucosal connective
Specialised epithelial cells involved in caused by the passage of food. tissue. Secretions from the sub-
detecting smells, olfactory epithelial Aggregations of lymphocytes are a mucosal glands and goblet cells in the
cells, lie in the uppermost parts of the prominent feature deep to the epithe- epithelium are propelled by ciliary
The respiratory system 79
Fig. 11.4 Serous and mucous glands. Special stain. High magnification. Bronchioles, passages of less than 5 mm
in diameter, do not have cartilage in
activity toward the pharynx and are enter the lungs and divide into lobar their walls but have smooth muscle (Fig.
usually swallowed. (secondary) bronchi. Each of these sub- 11.7). The patency of bronchioles during
divides about 10 times into segmental inspiration is assisted not by cartilage in
Bronchi (tertiary) bronchi which supply specific their walls but by elastin fibres in sur-
The trachea bifurcates into two main areas of lung known as bronchopulmo- rounding connective tissue attached to
(primary) bronchi (Fig. 11.1). These nary segments. Each of these segments the bronchioles which are stretched as
Air Air
Clinical notes
Infantile respiratory distress syndrome Prior to 28 weeks of development in utero, type II
pneumocytes are unable to synthesise surfactant and, as a consequence, alveoli do not fill with air on
inspiration; as a result, premature infants may not survive. In addition, the alveolar wall before about 26 weeks of
development is insufficiently thin to enable gaseous exchange.
Smoking Goblet cells increase in number and ciliated cells decrease in number in smokers. One consequence is
mucus is not cleared readily from the respiratory passages. Coughing may help clear the passages and prevent mucus
from reaching the alveoli and decreasing the efficiency of gaseous exchange. Smoking is associated with an increased
risk of heart disease and lung cancer.
Asthma In this condition the airways are abnormally constricted by contraction of the smooth muscle, particularly
in the bronchioles. It is often a consequence of immune (allergic) reactions. In asthmatics the airways are inflamed
and produce excessive amounts of mucus. Attacks are usually acute episodes of wheezing, coughing and difficulty in
breathing. These episodes may be effectively treated with inhalers containing drugs which dilate the airways, and
steroid-based drugs which reduce the inflammation.
Cystic fibrosis This is an inherited condition in which excessive amounts of viscous mucus are produced. It is
often thought of as a purely respiratory disorder but it is a disorder of exocrine glands. The excess secretions of the
exocrine glands cause obstruction in the lungs and a range of other organs such as the pancreas, liver and intestines.
The disease pursues a chronic course and sufferers rarely live beyond their third decade.
■ The respiratory system consists of the lungs and a series of passages carrying air to them:
■ the upper respiratory tract passages transport air to and from the lower respiratory tract, where exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon
dioxide) between blood and air occurs.
■ The chest wall, diaphragm and pleural membranes around the lungs are involved in moving air in and out of the lungs (during inspiration
and expiration).
■ The walls of the trachea and bronchi contain hyaline cartilage which provides rigidity and prevents the passages collapsing during inspiration:
■ all these passage are lined by the typical respiratory epithelium.
■ The walls of bronchioles do not contain cartilage and they are kept open during inspiration as elastin fibres attached to their walls are
■ the respiratory epithelium is gradually replaced in bronchioles by a simple columnar or cuboidal (non-ciliated) epithelium.
■ Smooth muscle is present in the walls of bronchi and bronchioles and is controlled by autonomic nerves.
■ The walls of the lower respiratory tract are extremely thin and gaseous exchange occurs mostly in alveoli.
■ The blood–air barrier in alveoli comprises:
■ endothelial cells and their basement membrane, sparse elastin fibres, alveolar epithelial cells and their basement membrane
■ alveolar epithelium is formed mostly by very flattened cells (type I pneumocytes), and some type II pneumocytes which are rounded and
secrete surfactant.
■ Aggregations of immune cells are present in the walls of the respiratory tract and macrophages are present in alveolar walls and on the
surface of the alveolar epithelium.
Chapter 12
The digestive system
The digestive system consists of the ali- canal is lined by a stratified, squamous components of food that have not been
mentary canal, which is a tube connect- epithelium which is not keratinised. digested. The stored, undigested food
ing the mouth and anus, and associated The digestive system has two primary and waste products of the body, e.g.
structures that facilitate digestion of functions. It breaks down food and from the breakdown of red blood cells,
ingested food and drink (Fig. 12.1). The drink into small molecules such as are emptied from the alimentary canal
alimentary canal comprises the mouth, glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and at defecation.
oesophagus and gastrointestinal tract. triglycerides, a process which involves The structure of the alimentary canal
The gastrointestinal tract comprises the enzymic activity and is known as diges- is related to its functions and different
stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, tion. The second primary function of aspects of function occur at different
colon, appendix, rectum and the upper the digestive system ensures the small locations along the canal. The gastro-
part of the anal canal. The associated molecules produced by digestion in the intestinal tract itself is several metres in
structures are the teeth, tongue, salivary lumen of the alimentary canal enter the length in humans, which is a reflection
glands, liver and pancreas. At the mouth, body ‘proper’ by being absorbed across of the space required to accomplish all
lips intervene between skin and the the epithelium lining the alimentary aspects of its function and is related to
mouth and they are covered by a strati- canal and into the blood or lymphatic the transit times required for these
fied squamous epithelium which is not vessels. In addition, the digestive system functions.
keratinised. At the anus the stratified, absorbs water, minerals, vitamins and
keratinised squamous epithelium of ions from the material in the lumen of
General structure of the
skin extends a short distance into the the gastrointestinal tract. The terminal
alimentary canal
anal canal. The upper part of the anal part of the tract functions as a store for
All the alimentary canal is lined by a
mucosa (Chapter 3), which consists of
an epithelium, connective tissue lamina
propria and, in many regions, a layer of
smooth muscle forming the muscularis
mucosae (Fig. 12.2). The epithelium
of the mucosa reflects the primary
Pharynx function(s) occurring in that region.
However, in all regions the mucosa is
important in forming a barrier between
substances ingested, including micro-
Oesophagus organisms, and the internal environ-
ment of the body. In regions where the
muscularis mucosae is present, contrac-
Cardiac region tion of this muscle moves and folds the
of stomach Diaphragm
mucosa, aiding contact between the con-
Fundus of stomach tents of the lumen and the surface epi-
Liver thelial cells.
A submucosal layer of connective
Pylorus of stomach Body of stomach tissue, which supports nerves and blood
Duodenum Jejunum and lymph vessels, attaches the mucosa
Transverse colon in most parts of the alimentary canal to
outer layers of muscle (the muscularis
Ascending colon
Descending colon externa) (Fig. 12.2). In most regions of
the alimentary canal two layers of
Sigmoid colon
Caecum muscle are present in the muscularis
Rectum externa. In the outer, longitudinal layer
Appendix Anal canal the long axis of each muscle cell lies
Anus roughly parallel to the length of the
lumen. In the inner, circular layer the
Fig. 12.1 Components of the digestive system. long axes of the muscle cells lie around
The mouth (oral cavity) contains the
Fig. 12. 2 Generalised transverse section through the gastrointestinal tract. The outer and inner
smooth muscle layers form the muscularis externa. tongue and teeth. The epithelium of the
mucosa lining the cheeks and tongue
is able to resist the wear and tear in-
volved in chewing food, and in most
regions it is a stratified, squamous (non-
keratinised) epithelium. This epithelial
Lumen of serous gland acinus
surface is moistened by secretions from
small serous and mucous glands in the
submucosal layer and from salivary
glands (Fig. 12.3) which drain their
saliva into the oral cavity. Physical break-
down of food occurs in the mouth and
it is mixed with salivary gland secretions
which begin to break down large carbo-
Adipocyte hydrate molecules.
Salivary glands
There are three, paired salivary glands,
the parotid, submandibular and sub-
lingual glands. Each gland is invested by
Serous demilune a connective tissue capsule, and connec-
tive tissue forms trabeculae which pen-
Cytoplasm of mucous cell etrate the glands and provide support
for the blood vessels and nerves supply-
ing the glands and for the ducts drain-
Lumen of mucous gland acinus ing them. Each gland has secretory cells
arranged as compound, tubuloacinar,
exocrine glands (Chapter 3). The secre-
Fig. 12.3 Submandibular gland, serous and mucous glands. The carbohydrate content in the tory acini drain into small ducts (lined
cytoplasm of mucous gland cells is palely stained and the protein content of serous cells is darkly by a simple cuboidal epithelium) which
stained. Empty spaces are where lipid in adipocytes has been extracted. Medium magnification. join together in a branching system; the
larger ducts are lined by columnar epi-
thelial cells, which may be stratified.
the lumen. Contractions of the muscu- nal cavity, the muscularis externa is The ducts drain the saliva into the oral
laris externa cause peristalsis, which covered by a serosal membrane (Chapter cavity.
provides the motive force transporting 3) which is the inner (visceral) layer of Two types of secretory cell, serous
the luminal contents of the canal the peritoneum. The visceral peritoneal and mucous cells, are present in salivary
towards the anus. In the submucosal membrane is continuous with the pari- gland acini (Fig. 12.3) and, respectively,
layer and the muscularis externa, para- etal peritoneal membrane, which is they produce a watery secretion contain-
sympathetic neuronal cell bodies are attached to the abdominal walls (and part ing proteins which function as enzymes
present and some are involved in co- of the liver). Squamous epithelial cells on and a viscous mucus in which large
ordinating muscle activity. the surface of the peritoneal membranes carbohydrate complexes are major com-
In some regions of the alimentary canal secrete small amounts of fluid into the ponents. In addition, myoepithelial cells
the muscularis externa is attached to adja- peritoneal cavity. The surface of perito- wrap around the acini and their contrac-
cent structures by connective tissue neal membranes is kept moist by these tions help to expel the secretions. The
known as the adventitia. However, in secretions, which provide lubrication to secretions assist the process of digestion
most regions of the canal in the abdomi- ensure that, as gut tubes move against by moistening and lubricating the food,
The digestive system 85
Parotid glands
The parotid glands are the largest of the Cytoplasm of serous cells
salivary glands. Each parotid gland is
located close to an ear, and each duct
drains into the oral cavity near the
ipsilateral second upper molar tooth.
Serous cells line the acini and form the
majority of the parenchyma of the parotid
glands (Fig. 12.4). Adipose cells appear in Adipocytes
the parotid glands with age. Many small
ducts are distributed throughout the
parenchyma of parotid glands and they Fig. 12.4 Parotid gland. Medium magnification.
are lined by epithelial cells which stain
readily with eosin (Fig. 12.4).
Submandibular glands
A submandibular gland lies beneath the phocytes deep to the epithelium. In Pharynx and oesophagus
mandible on each side, wrapped around addition, three distinct types of pro- Swallowed food and drink pass via the
the muscle which supports the tongue. jection known as papillae are also pharynx to the oesophagus (gullet). The
Each gland drains via a duct that opens described, and all assist in macerating structure and function of the epithelium
on the ipsilateral side of the ridge (the food and resisting abrasion: lining the component parts of the
frenulum) on the undersurface of the pharynx are described in Chapter 11.
■ Filiform papillae. These are
tongue. Mucous glands are a prominent Aggregations of lymphoid cells are a
numerous on the upper surface and
feature of submandibular glands, but prominent feature of the walls of the
are in parallel rows which converge
serous cells are also present. The arrange- pharynx and form tonsils (Fig. 12.5).
towards the midline. The surface
ment of the serous and mucous gland The lymphoid cells are important com-
of these papillae is covered by a
cells together in some acini is such that ponents of the immune mechanisms
keratinised, stratified squamous
these are described as mucous glands defending the alimentary canal (and the
with serous demilunes (Fig. 12.3). respiratory tract).
■ Fungiform papillae. These are covered
The major part of the oesophagus is
by a stratified (non-keratinised)
Sublingual glands in the thorax, but a small segment lies in
squamous epithelium. Specialised
The sublingual glands are the smallest the abdominal cavity and is continuous
clusters of sensory cells (taste buds)
of the salivary glands. Mucous gland with the stomach. The structures in the
are present in the epithelium
cells are predominant in sublingual walls of the oesophagus conform to the
covering this type of papilla.
glands and the ducts open directly into general plan for the gastrointestinal tract
■ Circumvallate papillae. There are
the floor of the oral cavity, rather than (Fig. 12.2). In the thorax, the connective
8 to 12 large, circumvallate papillae
via a single duct system. tissue of the adventitia binds the muscu-
visible to the unaided eye just
laris externa of the oesophagus to adja-
anterior to the ‘V’-shaped groove of
Tongue cent structures. The muscularis externa
the tongue. They are also covered
The tongue is covered by a stratified, consists of an outer, approximately lon-
by a stratified (non-keratinised)
non-keratinised, squamous epithelium gitudinal layer and an inner circular
squamous epithelium which
which on the undersurface is similar to layer. In the upper part of the muscularis
contains taste buds.
the epithelium lining the mouth. The externa, striated voluntary muscle (Fig.
upper surface of the tongue is divided Deep to the mucosa of the tongue 12.6) is present, whereas in the lower
by a ‘V’-shaped groove into an anterior there are numerous, small serous and region it is replaced by smooth involun-
(two-thirds) and a posterior region mucous glands which secrete onto the tary muscle. In the middle region there
developed from different parts of the surface of the epithelium. The major is a transition between the two types of
embryo (see Mitchell B, Sharma R. component of the inner part of the muscle. Coordinated contraction of
Embryology: An Illustrated Colour Text. tongue is skeletal muscle (see Fig. 5.7). muscle cells in the different regions of
Elsevier: 2004). The stratified squamous The bundles of muscle cells are arranged the oesophagus ensures that swallowed
epithelium on the upper surface is in a complex three-dimensional mesh- food and drink normally pass to the
studded by prominent projections. In work and coordinated contraction of the stomach. In some regions, the submu-
the posterior region, many of the projec- muscle cells is important in chewing, cosal tissue of the oesophagus contains
tions are due to aggregations of lym- swallowing and in sound production. serous and mucous glands in addition to
The interior of the empty stomach is channels known as gastric pits (Fig. fundus) the gastric glands are straight
characterised by thick folds which run 12.7). All the epithelial cells on the tubules and the epithelium lining them
longitudinally. They are known as rugae surface of all regions of the stomach and contains several types of cell:
and are formed by submucosal and lining all the gastric pits are columnar
mucosal layers. The rugae unfold as the and they secrete mucus (Fig. 12.8). This ■ Zymogenic (chief) cells (Fig. 12.9).
stomach fills. They also help to channel mucus forms a thick protective layer These produce and secrete
chyme towards the pylorus and help to which helps to ensure that the stomach pepsinogen (and lipase, which
maintain a large interface between the cells are not damaged by gastric secre- digests lipids). Pepsinogen is inactive
contents of the stomach and the surface tions. At the base of the pits, gastric until it is converted by the acidity of
epithelium. glands extend as tubes deep into the the gastic juices, into pepsin, which
The gastric mucosa has a simple epi- lamina propria and reach the muscularis breaks proteins down into smaller
thelium which contains a variety of cell mucosae. The gastric glands secrete molecules. The release of gastric
types and it is supported by a sparse various substances which drain into the enzymes is stimulated by the vagus
lamina propria. The underlying muscu- pits, and from there to the lumen of nerve, which is part of the
laris mucosae is atypical in that it has the stomach. In the cardiac and pyloric parasympathetic nervous system.
three layers of smooth muscle. It actively regions of the stomach gastric glands are ■ Oxyntic (parietal) cells (Fig. 12.9).
moves the mucosa, thus increasing coiled tubules lined by columnar cells These produce and secrete
contact between mucosa, gastric juices which secrete mucus. Their appearance hydrochloric acid, which helps
and ingested substances. in routine H&E-stained sections resem- provide the optimum pH for
The epithelium of the gastric mucosa bles the mucous cells lining gastric pits. enzymes secreted by zymogenic
dips into the lamina propria and forms In the rest of the stomach (body and cells. The acid also destroys some
Neck region
Columnar mucous cells
(sectioned transversely)
Lumen of stomach
Lamina propria
Fig. 12.7 Epithelial cells lining a gastric pit
and gastric glands (typical of the fundus and
body region). Fig. 12.8 Stomach, body region showing gastric pits. Arrows show the entrance to pits. Medium
Brush border
Epithelium of villus
Smooth muscle
Muscularis mucosae
the mucosa into the lumen (Figs Fig. 3.4) and which appear as finger- activity (Fig. 12.11) of stem cells in the
12.12 and 12.13). They are covered like projections when examined by epithelium at the base of intestinal
by columnar epithelial absorptive an electron microscope. glands which ensures that new cells are
cells and goblet cells (Fig. 12.13) and ■ Intestinal glands (crypts of produced. Some of the new cells differ-
have a core of connective tissue Lieberkühn). These are tubes which entiate and become columnar epithelial
supporting blood vessels and dip into the mucosa as far as the cells, others become goblet cells, yet
lymphatic vessels (lacteals). A few muscularis mucosae (Fig. 12.12). As others remain as stem cells. The new
smooth muscle cells are also present well as columnar epithelial and columnar and goblet cells migrate from
in villi (Figs 12.10, 12.12 and 12.13) goblet cells, Paneth cells (Fig. 12.11), the intestinal glands along the epithe-
and their contractions move the villi neuroendocrine cells and stem cells lium and up to the tip of the villus
amongst the chyle, thus aiding (Fig. 12.11) are present in the where, in turn, they die.
absorption. epithelium of intestinal glands. The first part of the small intestine,
■ Microvilli. These are small folds in the duodenum, is characterised by the
the apical membrane of each The life span of epithelial cells in the presence of glands in the submucosal
columnar epithelial cell which are mucosa of the small intestine is less layer (Fig. 12.14). These glands (Brun-
revealed by the light microscope as a than a week; cells at the tip of villi die ner’s glands) make and secrete alkaline
‘brush border’ (Fig. 12.10; see also and are rapidly replaced. It is the mitotic mucus which helps neutralise the acidic
Smooth muscle
Lymphocytes (GALT)
Large intestine
The large intestine comprises the colon,
appendix, rectum and the upper part of
the anal canal (Fig. 12.1). Its structure
Fig. 12.15 Large intestine, upper region of intestinal glands. An arrow shows the entrance to an
largely conforms to the general plan intestinal gland. Goblet cell cytoplasm is stained blue/turquoise. Special stain. High magnification.
(Fig. 12.2). The mucosa is similar along
the length of the large intestine, and Lumen of large intestine
goblet cells (Figs 12.15 and 12.16) are far
more common than in the small intes- Columnar epithelial cells
tine. The mucosal epithelium dips into
the mucosa and forms intestinal glands
which reach the muscularis mucosae
(Fig. 12.16). This arrangement increases
Goblet cell cytoplasm
the area of interface between the luminal
contents and the epithelial cells. Colum-
nar epithelial cells, absorbing mainly
water, are present mainly on or near the
luminal surface, and stem cells and a Connective tissue lamina propria
few neuroendocrine cells are also
present in the epithelium. Villi and sub-
mucosal glands are not present in the
large intestine.
The muscularis externa of the large
intestine differs from the general plan in
that although it has an inner circular
layer its outer longitudinal layer is
arranged in three bands (taeniae coli).
Peristaltic contractions of the muscula-
ris externa move the contents in the
lumen towards the anus. Although
the large intestine is much shorter than
the small intestine, the transit time
through the large intestine takes rela-
tively longer at up to about 48 hours.
During transit, water and salt absorp-
tion occurs and the remnants form Muscularis mucosae
feces. The mucus secreted by goblet
cells in the epithelium is important in
lubricating the movement of feces along Submucosal connective tissue
the large intestine.
Fig. 12.16 Large intestine, intestinal glands and muscularis mucosae. Goblet cell cytoplasm is
stained turquoise/blue. Special stain. Low magnification.
The appendix is a blind-ended tube con- Clinical notes
nected to the colon. It is similar in struc- Chemotherapy Many chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer
ture to the large intestine and lymphoid target and kill cells in mitosis. As well as killing rapidly dividing
tissue is a prominent feature (Fig. 12.17). cancer cells these drugs kill normal dividing cells such as those in epithelia
Lymphoid tissue may extend between lining the small (and large) intestine. Normally, intestinal epithelial cells are
the muscularis externa and the luminal replaced every few days. After this type of chemotherapy there is impaired
surface, replacing the submucosa and replacement of the columnar cells and goblet cells in the intestinal epithelia.
the mucosa. The lymphoid tissue is As a result, absorption of nutrients and water is impaired and usually
most prominent in children, and largely diarrhoea occurs.
disappears in adulthood as the appendix Appendicitis The appendix is a blind-ended tube which may become
atrophies. inflamed due to stagnation and impaction of the contents of the gut. This
results in appendicitis. If the inflammation destroys the wall of the appendix
Liver it spreads into the peritoneal cavity. As a result, microorganisms from the
gut enter a large potential space where they can readily multiply: this may
The liver is a large, highly vascular, glan- be fatal.
dular structure situated in the upper
abdomen. It has significant roles in the
function of the digestive system. It is
covered by a connective tissue capsule
and, in turn, by peritoneum. The cell
type which forms the majority of the
parenchyma of the liver is the hepato-
cyte (Fig. 12.18). The liver receives blood
drained from most of the gastrointesti- space of Disse. The hepatocytes adjacent the basis of the functional unit. Hepato-
nal tract. This brings products of diges- to the space of Disse take up the small cytes closest to where hepatic arteries
tion, principally amino acids and mono- molecules produced by digestion and and hepatic portal veins (in portal tracts)
saccharides, directly from the gut. synthesise larger molecules required by open into sinusoids are exposed to the
Hepatocytes synthesise a range of large the body. Blood drains from sinusoids highest concentrations of oxygen and
molecules, some of which they store, into small veins, known as central veins molecules absorbed from the gut. These
e.g. glycogen; others they secrete into (Fig. 12.18), which join together and include the small molecules produced
blood, e.g. albumin. Hepatocytes also leave the liver as the hepatic vein. by digestion and any ingested toxic mol-
break down absorbed harmful mole- Between adjacent hepatocytes there ecules or harmful microorganisms.
cules (e.g. alcohol) and waste molecules are very small spaces, bile canaliculi Conversely, hepatocytes closest to
(e.g. from the breakdown of haemo- (Fig. 12.19). These channels receive bile central veins draining the sinusoids are
globin). Some waste molecules are secreted by hepatocytes. The direction exposed to lower levels of all these sub-
secreted by hepatocytes into bile (see of flow in bile canaliculi is opposite to stances. Hepatocytes in different regions
below), which drains into the duode- the blood flow in sinusoids. Bile canal- may appear similar but, in varying
num, from where they are eventually iculi join together and drain into a nutritional states and pathological con-
excreted in feces. network of epithelium-lined bile ducts. ditions, their appearance may depend
The liver receives blood from two The bile ducts pass through the liver on their position in relation to blood
sources: the hepatic artery, which sup- alongside branches of the hepatic arter- supply.
plies blood that is high in oxygen ies and hepatic portal veins in structures
content, and the hepatic portal vein, known as portal tracts (Figs 12.18 and
which supplies blood that is low in
Gall bladder
12.20). The ducts join together and
oxygen content. The hepatic portal vein eventually bile drains into a single Ducts draining bile from the liver even-
drains blood from the gastrointestinal duct which transports bile, via the gall tually drain into a single bile duct which
tract and carries the molecules produced bladder, to the duodenum. Bile aids the drains into the gall bladder. The gall
by digestion to the liver. These two digestion of fats as well as being the bladder lies on the right, close to the
sources of blood pass into liver sinu- route by which the breakdown products liver, and stores and concentrates bile
soids (wide vascular channels) lined by from the destruction of red blood cells prior to its release. The gall bladder is
irregularly placed endothelial cells lying are excreted. lined by a simple columnar epithelium
on an incomplete basement membrane. The classical functional unit of the which absorbs fluid and concentrates
Non-migratory macrophages, known as liver is a hexagonal lobule enclosed by the bile by up to 20 times. Smooth
Kupffer cells, are interspersed between connective tissue. In humans, connec- muscle forms the majority of the wall of
the endothelial cells and they phago- tive tissue is sparse between lobules but the gall bladder and its contraction helps
cytose effete red cells (and microorgan- is present in portal tracts supporting to expel stored bile. Parasympathetic
isms if present in the blood). Columns branches of the hepatic artery, hepatic nerves and molecules produced by
of hepatocytes lie alongside the sinu- portal vein and bile duct (Figs 12.18 and neuroendocrine cells in the duodenum
soids separated from the basement 12.20) and around central veins (Fig. control the flow of bile in relation to
membrane by a space (the space of 12.18). A fine meshwork of reticulin the contents of the gastrointestinal tract.
Disse) (Fig. 12.19). Blood passes along fibres supports the sinusoids (see Fig. Bile expelled from the gall bladder
the sinusoids and some plasma passes 4.3). From a functional view, it is appro- enters the common bile duct, which
between the endothelial cells into the priate to consider the blood supply as drains into the duodenum.
The digestive system 93
Lymphocytes (GALT)
Blood Blood
Bile Reticulin
canaliculus fibres
Hepatocyte nuclei
Lumen of sinusoid
Clinical note
Cirrhosis of the liver Hepatocytes are exceptionally efficient The pancreas lies in the abdominal
at repairing themselves by undergoing mitosis and replacing cavity and functions as an exocrine and
hepatocytes lost by damage (or surgery). However, some viruses and alcohol endocrine (Chapter 14) gland. It has a
can slowly and progressively alter the normal structure of the liver, and thus thin connective tissue capsule and is
its function. Many collagen fibres may be deposited and the normal divided into lobules by connective tissue
relationship of blood vessels, bile canaliculi and hepatocytes destroyed and septa. The exocrine cells are columnar
cirrhosis occurs. Bile excretion is reduced and bile pigments accumulate in epithelial cells (Fig. 12.21) arranged as
blood. The person appears yellow and death may be the result. acini or tubules and they secrete bicar-
bonate ions (which help neutralise
gastric acid) and pancreatic enzymes
(proteinases, peptidases, lipases and
amylases), which are inactive until they
Red blood cells in vessel reach the duodenum. The enzymes are
stored in zymogen granules in the apical
portions of the columnar cells; the
nucleus and rough endoplasmic reticu-
lum are in the basal portions of the cells
(Fig. 12.21). The release of secretions is
Cytoplasm of exocrine cells controlled by parasympathetic nerves
and molecules secreted by neuroendo-
crine cells in the duodenum. A duct
drains each acinus. Ducts join together
Nuclei of exocrine cells within the lobules and eventually all join
and form a single pancreatic duct. The
duct system is lined by epithelial cells
which, in the larger ducts, may be a
Nucleus of columnar epithelial cell double layer of columnar epithelial cells.
lining duct The pancreatic duct joins the bile duct
and bile and pancreatic juices drain into
Lumen of duct the duodenum.
Fig. 12.21 Pancreas, exocrine cells and part of a duct. The eosinophilic cytoplasm is due to the
proteins in the apical regions of the exocrine cells, and the basal, bluish cytoplasm, adjacent to the
nuclei and stained with haematoxylin, is due to rough endoplasmic reticulum. High magnification.
The digestive system
■ The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal connecting the mouth to the anus and associated structures, e.g. salivary glands, liver
and pancreas.
■ The oesophagus is lined by a stratified squamous epithelium and has serous and mucous glands in the submucosal layer.
■ It has striated voluntary muscle in the muscularis externa in regions close to the mouth and smooth muscle in lower regions.
■ It has an outer adventitia binding it to adjacent structures.
■ The stomach is lined by a simple epithelium. Cells lining gastric pits secrete mucus; cells lining gastric glands (in the main part of the
stomach) secrete acid and enzymes.
■ It has three layers of smooth muscle in its wall and an outer serosal layer.
Small intestine
■ Epithelia covering villi and lining intestinal glands comprise columnar absorptive cells, goblet cells, stem cells and Paneth cells.
■ In the duodenum submucosal glands secrete alkaline mucus into the lumen.
■ In the ileum lymphoid follicles are usually present.
Large intestine
■ A simple epithelium lines intestinal glands and contains absorptive columnar and goblet cells (no villi are present).
Chapter 13
The urinary system
The urinary system consists of paired former is important in regulating blood tubules may be distinguished in histo-
kidneys and the urinary tract, which pressure and the latter in stimulating logical sections even at low magnifica-
comprises paired ureters, a urinary the formation of red blood cells. tion (Fig. 13.3). In humans, the medulla
bladder and a urethra (Fig. 13.1). Urine projects centrally as several pyramids
is produced by the kidneys and passes and the cortex extends as columns
along the ureters to the urinary bladder, between the pyramids (Fig. 13.2). The
where it is stored until it is voided via The gross structure of a kidney is best apices of the pyramids project as renal
the urethra. The route taken by urine described as seen in a longitudinal hemi- papillae into urine-filled spaces (minor
along the urethra to the exterior is an section (Fig. 13.2). Facing towards the calyces). Urine drains from tubules in
independent closed system in females, mid-line of the body, each kidney has the medulla into the calyces. Each minor
but is shared with the reproductive an indentation forming a hilum. At calyx drains urine into major calyces
system in males (Chapter 15). the hilum blood enters and leaves each that together form the renal pelvis. The
The urinary system is essential in kidney in, respectively, a renal artery relatively large, fluid-filled space of each
maintaining the homeostasis of the and a renal vein, and urine drains into renal pelvis drains into a ureter (Fig.
body. It does this by regulating the water a ureter. 13.2). Fat cells surround the renal pelvis,
and mineral salts in, and the acid–base The gross appearance of the kidney the ureter and vessels at the hilum of
balance of, blood. It is particularly displays an outer and an inner region, the kidney and pack a space known as
important in excreting toxic molecules the cortex and the medulla. The cortex the renal sinus. A dense layer of fat
containing nitrogen (e.g. urea and creati- has a granular appearance due to the surrounds each kidney.
nine) produced by the breakdown of presence of spherical structures about The blood supply to kidneys ensures
endogenous proteins. The urinary 200 μm in diameter known as renal that the whole volume of blood in the
system also ensures that useful mole- corpuscles. These corpuscles filter blood body passes through the kidneys every
cules in blood, e.g. proteins and carbo- in the initial stage in the formation of 5 minutes or so. The arrangement of
hydrates, are not lost during the urine. The cortex also contains convo- blood vessels is based on supplying (and
formation of urine. The toxic molecules luted tubules involved in forming urine. draining) each medullary pyramid and
and excess ions, dissolved in water, leave Renal corpuscles are not present in its associated cortical tissues separately,
the kidneys as urine, which passes along the medulla and the medulla appears a unit described as a renal lobe. (The
the urinary tract before being voided at smooth or may show striations. Straight human kidney is multilobar, but uni-
micturition. In addition, the kidneys and arching tubules are present in the lobar kidneys occur in many species.)
produce and secrete into blood two mol- medulla and they also are involved in Each renal artery branches and forms
ecules, renin and erythropoietin. The forming urine. Renal corpuscles and interlobar arteries. In turn, interlobar
Kidney Cortex
Fat surrounding
connective tissue
capsule of kidney
Renal pelvis
Fat in renal sinus
Ureter Renal artery
Renal vein
Apex of medullary
Medullary pyramid
Collecting ducts
Urinary (and other straight
bladder tubules in
medullary rays)
Fig. 13.1 The components of the urinary Cortex
tract. Fig. 13.2 A longitudinal section through a kidney. Arrows show the direction of flow of urine.
Renal corpuscles Arcuate
Medullary ray artery
Urinary space
Blood cells in glomerular capillary
Fig. 13.8 Kidney, renal corpuscle, tubular pole and the initial part of the draining proximal tubule. The arrow shows the tubular pole where
filtrate from the urinary space drains into the proximal tubule. This section along some of the length of the proximal tubule displays the first part of its
convoluted course, in the plane of the section. The vascular pole of the corpuscle is not in the plane of this section. High magnification.
Podocyte nucleus
Lumen of glomerular
Podocyte foot
processes (large)
Lumen of glomerular
carbohydrate molecules. Several factors (Fig. 13.6). Collecting ducts are straight the hypertonic interstitium. This aids
are involved in modulating the tonicity tubules which lie clustered in parallel resorption of water and the production
of the interstitium: with other straight tubules (e.g. loops of of hypertonic urine. Two hormones are
Henle) that pass between the cortex and involved in controlling this resorption of
■ the descending thin limb of the loop
the medulla. The regions containing water and some ions. Aldosterone stim-
of Henle is freely permeable to
parallel tubules are known as medullary ulates the epithelial cells lining collect-
sodium and chloride ions and water
rays (Fig. 13.3). Collecting ducts are ing ducts to resorb sodium and chloride
■ the majority of the (cuboidal)
lined by a simple cuboidal epithelium ions, and water follows passively. In
epithelial cells lining the ascending
and in the medulla are surrounded by addition, antidiuretic hormone (from
limb is impermeable to water
■ cuboidal epithelial cells lining the
ascending limb actively pump sodium
ions into the interstitium and chloride
ions follow passively; the hormone
aldosterone from the adrenal glands Proximal convoluted tubule
(Chapter 14) stimulates this
resorption of sodium ions
■ some ions in the interstitium diffuse
into nearby straight capillaries (vasa Renal corpuscle
recta) (Fig. 13.12)
■ some ions re-enter the descending
limb but may be pumped out again
as they pass again along the distal
(ascending) limb
■ the net movement of ions results in:
■ a hypertonic interstitium
(particularly near the apex of the
medullary pyramids)
■ a hypotonic fluid passing into the
distal tubule in the cortex.
Distal convoluted tubule
The term ‘countercurrent multiplier
mechanism’ is used to describe this
complex movement of ions.
Urinary tract
Fig. 13.13 Kidney, cortex. Connective tissue is stained blue. Special stain. High magnification. Renal pelves and ureters
Urine drains from the ducts of Bellini in
the medulla of each kidney into the
lumen of the pelvis of the kidney. The
Lumen of proximal renal pelves are lined by transitional epi-
tubule draining this thelium, the specialised layered epithe-
lium (urothelium) lining all the urinary
Glomerular capillaries adjacent to tract. Each pelvis narrows and is contin-
glomerular uous with a ureter (Fig. 13.2).
Flow of filtrate in The wall of each ureter is formed
Urinary space uriniferous tubule from three layers (Fig. 13.16):
Urinary bladder
Lumen of proximal tubule The urinary bladder is similar to the
ureters in that its wall comprises three
layers: a mucosa, a muscularis and an
outer layer. However, the bladder is able
Urinary space of renal corpuscle
to distend and store large quantities of
urine and, after infancy, it is able to con-
tract and expel urine at socially accepta-
Bowman’s capsule ble times.
The bladder mucosa is composed
of transitional epithelium (urothelium)
and a supporting connective tissue
lamina propria (Fig. 13.17). The mucosa
is folded and forms rugae in an empty
bladder and there are several layers of
Fig. 13.15 Kidney, cortex, renal corpuscle, macula densa of the distal tubule. High
cells in the epithelium; some surface
cells may appear domed (Fig. 13.17). In
addition, in the empty bladder parts of
the cell membrane of surface epithelial
cells are drawn into the cytoplasm. As
Connective tissue covering ureter the volume of urine stored in the bladder
increases the rugae unfold, the number
of cell layers in the epithelium decreases
and the epithelial cells are flattened and
their cell membranes lengthen. The epi-
Lumen thelium lining the bladder is imperme-
Connective tissue able and it ensures that hypertonic urine
does not equilibrate with surrounding
isotonic tissues and blood, and that toxic
Epithelium (transitional) molecules, e.g. urea, remain in urine and
are excreted.
The lamina propria of the bladder
mucosa connects the epithelium to the
Smooth muscle layers
muscularis layer, which is known as the
detrusor muscle. The smooth muscle
cells in the detrusor muscle are arranged
in three interlacing layers. Contraction
Fig. 13.16 Ureter, transverse section. Connective tissue is stained green. Special stain. Very low of the detrusor muscle is brought about
magnification. by stimulation of the muscle cells by
parasympathetic nerves which are under
conscious control after infancy. This
contraction empties the bladder as urine
is voided via the urethra. Parts of the
Connective tissue bladder are covered by peritoneum and,
as the bladder fills, it moves smoothly
Transitional epithelium against adjacent structures. Connective
tissue over other parts of the bladder
attaches it to adjacent structures.
The urethra is a tube that carries urine
Surface epithelial cell (domed)
from the urinary bladder to the exterior.
In the male, it also shares reproductive
functions. Further details of the male
Lumen of urinary bladder urethra are given in Chapter 15. In
females, the urethra is a relatively short
tube and most is lined with a stratified
Fig. 13.17 Bladder, mucosa. High magnification. squamous epithelium.
The urinary system 105
The urinary system
■ This consists of paired kidneys and the urinary tract (paired ureters, urinary bladder and urethra).
■ The kidneys comprise cortex and medulla.
■ The functional unit is the nephron, comprising the renal corpuscle and uriniferous tubule.
■ Renal corpuscles are present in the cortex:
■ an afferent arteriole supplies glomerular capillaries within each corpuscle and an efferent arteriole drains the glomerular capillaries
■ the glomerular capillaries are surrounded by a double-walled cup lined by epithelial cells
■ the inner layer of epithelial cells (podocytes) is closely applied to the endothelial cells lining the capillaries and they share basement
■ filtration of blood occurs across the endothelial cells, basement membranes and podocytes
■ the filtrate enters the urinary space between the walls of the cup
■ the filtrate drains from the cup into a uriniferous tubule.
■ Each uriniferous tubule comprises an initial, convoluted proximal tubule (in the cortex), a straight looped portion (loop of Henle) extending
from the cortex and into the medulla and a distal convoluted tubule (in the cortex).
■ The low columnar epithelial cells lining proximal tubules absorb water, proteins and many of the filtered sodium and chloride ions.
■ Some of the cuboidal epithelial cells lining the loops of Henle actively pump sodium ions into the surrounding connective tissue, which
becomes hypertonic.
■ Cuboidal epithelial cells lining the distal tubules resorb sodium ions.
■ Some resorbed ions return to blood capillaries in the cortex and medulla.
■ Uriniferous tubules drain into collecting ducts.
■ Aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone control the amount of water and ions resorbed and the tonicity of urine, thus aiding homeostasis.
■ Each transports urine from a renal pelvis to the urinary bladder.
■ They are lined by a mucosa consisting of a transitional (multilayered) epithelium and connective tissue:
■ the transitional epithelium ensures hypertonic urine does not equilibrate with isotonic tissue fluid and blood
■ They have smooth muscle layers which contract and pass the urine into the bladder.
■ They are attached by an outer layer of connective tissue to adjacent structures.
Urinary bladder
■ The urinary bladder has a mucosa and muscularis similar to the ureter but is able to store a large volume of urine. As urine is stored the
mucosa unfolds, the number of layers of epithelial cells is reduced and the epithelial cells flatten.
■ After infancy, parasympathetic nerves (under conscious control) stimulate contraction of the muscularis and this empties the bladder into the
urethra at micturition.
■ It is short in females and lined by a stratified squamous epithelium.
■ It is longer in males and shared with the reproductive system.
Chapter 14
The endocrine system
The endocrine system comprises cells The endocrine organs comprise the ies in endocrine glands. This arrangement
which synthesise particular molecules pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathy- facilitates the movement of molecules
and secrete them into blood vessels. roid glands, adrenal (suprarenal) glands from and to the capillaries.
This contrasts with exocrine secretions and the pineal gland. In addition, the
in which secreted molecules pass along pancreas contains clusters of endocrine
a duct system to their site of action, e.g. cells known as islets of Langerhans
from salivary glands to the mouth. The amongst the pancreatic exocrine cells
Hypothalamus and
particular molecules secreted by endo- (Chapter 12), the gonads contain cells
pituitary gland (hypophysis)
crine cells are known as hormones and secreting reproductive hormones (Chap-
the vascular circulation carries them ters 15 and 16) and secretions from The hypothalamus and pituitary gland
around the body where they interact endocrine cells in the hypothalamus function together (Fig. 14.1). The
with various cells described as target affect the secretory activities of the pitui- hypothalamus is the part of the brain
cells. The principal means by which hor- tary gland (see below). There are also connected by a stalk to the pituitary
mones achieve their specific action is small groups of neuroendocrine cells in gland. The hormones produced by the
by interacting with receptor molecules many other regions, e.g. in the epithelial hypothalamus and the pituitary affect
expressed by the target cells in various linings of the gastrointestinal tract. the function of many cells in different
tissues and organs. Once stimulated, Some are known as paracrine cells and parts of the body.
target cells respond in a variety of ways, their secretions act in surrounding The pituitary gland is situated in the
e.g. by increasing synthesis of certain areas. cranial cavity in a depression in the
molecules. Hormones may be steroids, All endocrine glands and endocrine sphenoid bone of the skull known as
peptides or proteins, or other molecules cells are well supplied by blood provid- the pituitary fossa. The pituitary has a
derived from amino acids. In general, ing the metabolites needed to synthesise secretory (glandular) and a neural com-
hormones are involved in regulating hormones. The capillaries in endocrine ponent called, respectively, the adeno-
metabolic activities in cells in many glands are fenestrated and most hor- hypophysis and neurohypophysis.
organs and tissues of the body, many mones are secreted directly into them. Connective tissue surrounds these two
of which are important in controlling A fine meshwork of reticulin fibres sup- components as a capsule. The compo-
homeostasis. ports most endocrine cells and capillar- nents differ in embryological origin,
Capillary bed in
Hypothalamus hypothalamus
(median eminence) TrH
Pars tuberalis
Neurons in the hypothalamus
Infundibulum secreting releasing hormones (rH)
Neurons in the hypothalamus
Portal veins in storing and secreting hormones
pituitary stalk in the hypophysis
Axons in posterior To hypothalamus Endocrine cells in the hypophysis
lobe of the pituitary secreting trophic hormones
Indicates stimulation of secretory
Stored hormone TSH activity
Indicates inhibition of secretory
Capillary bed activity
in anterior lobe
Pars nervosa of pituitary
Pars intermedia
Pars distalis
To hypophysis and
Stimulates Thyroxine Thyroid gland
Fig. 14.1 The structure of the pituitary gland (hypophysis) and its relationship to the hypothalamus. Only blood vessels involved in the portal
circulation are shown. An example of how feedback mechanisms affect the production of thyroid-releasing hormone (TrH) from the hypothalamus, thyroid-
stimulating hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland, and thyroxine from the thyroid gland is shown.
The endocrine system 107
structure and function. The adenohypo- of the pituitary gland formed by the endocrine cells. The cytoplasm of
physis develops from oral ectoderm and neurohypophysis. These neurons chromophobes is virtually unstained
it has clusters or strands of secretory synthesise peptide hormones which with most dyes, and in some chromo-
(glandular) cells. The neurohypophysis pass along their axons. These phobes the cytoplasm is sparse (Fig.
develops from the part of the brain hormones are stored in the end 14.3). Other methods of staining cells of
which forms the hypothalamus. Nerve regions of the axons in the the pars distalis emphasise the differ-
axons are a prominent structural com- neurohypophysis before they are ences between the chemical composi-
ponent of the neurohypophysis and released into the vascular tion of their cells by specifically staining
hormones are released from the axons. system. the glycoproteins in basophils (Fig. 14.3).
The hormones secreted by the pitui- Immunohistochemical methods using
tary gland are dependent in two distinct Adenohypophysis light and electron microscopy have now
ways on hormones produced by cells in The adenohypophysis consists of three determined precisely which cells in the
the hypothalamus (Fig. 14.1). parts, the pars distalis (anterior lobe), pars distalis produce the various ante-
the pars intermedia and the pars tubera- rior lobe hormones.
■ Adenohypophysis and its vascular lis (Fig. 14.1). The cells of the pars dista- Hormones produced by the adenohypo-
connections (Fig. 14.1). A portal lis form several specific hormones (see physis are collectively termed trophic
system of capillaries connects the below). In humans, the pars intermedia hormones in that they stimulate the
hypothalamus, via the pituitary stalk, and pars tuberalis are relatively small release of other hormones from endo-
with the adenohypophysis. (The regions and their significance is not crine cells in endocrine glands or in other
definition of a portal system is two clear. regions. In general, each endocrine cell in
capillary beds connected by a set of The cells of the pars distalis have been the pars distalis produces only one type
veins; see hepatic portal system categorised by the reaction of their cyto- of trophic hormone. Some acidophils
Chapters 10 and 12.) Some plasm to various dyes. Cells that bind produce the protein somatotrophin,
hormones produced by neurons dyes are termed chromophils and those which is also known as growth hormone
in the hypothalamus are secreted that do not are categorised as chromo- (GH) as it is important in stimulating
into the first capillary bed in the phobes. In routine H&E preparations growth, particularly in bones. Other
hypothalamus. These capillaries some chromophils bind eosin and are acidophils produce the protein prolactin
drain into portal veins which carry known as acidophils; others bind hae- (PrL), a hormone which has a major
the hormones along the pituitary matoxylin and are known as basophils effect on milk production by the
stalk to the second capillary bed in (Fig. 14.2). The differences are due to mammary glands and is also known as
the adenohypophysis. By this route variations in the pH of the hormones mammotrophin. All basophils produce
hormones from the hypothalamus stored as cytoplasmic granules in the glycoproteins; some produce TSH and
interact specifically with endocrine
cells in the adenohypophysis and
control their secretion of a variety of
other hormones.
The hypothalamic hormones
Basophil cells
which pass in the portal system to
the adenohypophysis are peptides
and most stimulate specific cells
Basophil cytoplasm
in the adenohypophysis to release
their specific hormone. These
hypothalamic peptides are known
as releasing hormones (rH). For
example, the rH from the
hypothalamus that stimulates cells
in the adenohypophysis to release
their hormone which stimulates
the thyroid is known as thyroid- Acidophil cells
releasing hormone (TrH). The
pituitary hormone is known as
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
and it stimulates the thyroid gland
to secrete thyroid hormones, e.g.
thyroxine (Fig. 14.1). (In contrast,
Red blood cells in vessel
a few peptide hormones from the
hypothalamus inhibit the release
of some hormones from the
adenohypophysis.) Acidophil cytoplasm
■ Neurohypophysis and its neural
connections (Fig. 14.1). Axonal
processes of some nerve cell bodies
in the hypothalamus extend along Fig. 14.2 Pituitary gland, anterior lobe (pars distalis) of the adenohypophysis. High
the pituitary stalk and into the part magnification.
The neurohypophysis is described in
Acidophil cells three parts: the median eminence, the
infundibulum and the pars nervosa
(posterior lobe of the pituitary) (Fig.
Basophil cytoplasm
Thyroid gland
Fig. 14.4 Pituitary gland, posterior lobe (pars nervosa) of the neurohypophysis. Pituicytes and
axons. High magnification.
The thyroid gland lies anterior to the
lower part of the larynx and upper
trachea. It comprises two lobes that
others produce adrenocorticotrophic endocrine orchestra’ and this term has are connected across the mid-line by the
hormone (ACTH), which stimulate, also been applied to the hypothalamus. isthmus. The majority of the endocrine-
respectively, the thyroid gland and the They both have coordinating roles in secreting cells of the thyroid are arranged
cells in the cortex of the adrenal glands determining the function of many and as simple (single layered) epithelia sur-
(see below). Yet other basophils produce varied endocrine-secreting cells in the rounding roughly spherical spaces filled
two trophic hormones per cell, both cat- body. In turn, however, many hormones with colloid (Fig. 14.5). The colloid is
egorised as gonadotrophins as they affect produced by endocrine cells in endo- formed by thyroglobulin, an iodinated
endocrine secretion by cells in the gonads crine glands and in other organs in glycoprotein which is stored as the pre-
(ovaries and testes). The gonadotrophins the body are able to regulate the secre- cursor of active thyroid hormones.
are follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) tory activity of cells in the hypothalamus These spheres, known as thyroid folli-
and luteinising hormone (LH). Further and/or the hypophysis that are cles, vary in size and virtually fill the
details of the function of FSH and LH are stimulating their own levels of hormone thyroid gland. Scattered amongst the
described in Chapters 15 and 16. production. This type of regulatory epithelial cells lining follicles, and in
The pituitary gland is sometimes mechanism is known as negative feed- between some follicles, a minor cell
referred to as the ‘conductor of the back (Fig. 14.1). population known as parafollicular (C)
The endocrine system 109
Clinical note
Iodine deficiency Sea
Nuclei of follicle epithelial cells water is rich in iodine
salts and in some countries
supplements of iodine salts are
added to table salt. However, in
some parts of the world,
particularly those distant from a
salty sea, there may be insufficient
intake of iodine in the diet to
provide adequate levels of thyroid
Parafollicular cell nuclei hormones. In such cases, TSH
levels in blood increase, the
thyroid undergoes hypertrophy
and a swelling in the neck,
Colloid in follicles
known as a goitre, develops.
Parathyroid glands
cells is present (Fig. 14.5). Parafollicular ■ secretion of active thyroid
The parathyroid glands are small paired
cells secrete a peptide hormone, calci- hormones into capillaries.
structures on the posterior surface of the
tonin, which lowers blood calcium
Thyroxine is the major hormone thyroid gland. (There is usually more than
secreted by thyroid epithelial cells. Thy- one pair.) There are two major parenchy-
Extracellular storage of hormone pre-
roxine is derived from iodinated tyrosine mal cell types, chief cells and oxyphil
cursor molecules in follicles is unique to
molecules in thyroglobulin and is also cells (Fig. 14.6). Chief cells are relatively
the thyroid and involves the epithelial
known tetra-iodothyronine (T4). Thyrox- small and make and secrete parathyroid
cells lining the follicles in numerous
ine stimulates metabolism, particularly hormone (PTH). Oxyphil cells are larger
complex activities. The appearance of
of carbohydrates and lipids, and pro- and stain with dyes such as eosin; their
these epithelial cells depends on how
motes growth and development. role is not known. In adults, adipocytes
active they are. Less active or inactive
Thyroxine levels in blood are control- appear in the gland (Fig. 14.6).
cells are low, cuboidal or flattened and
led by mechanisms involving TrH from PTH assists in maintenance of
have few organelles. Active thyroid epi-
the hypothalamus and TSH from the calcium levels in the blood and in
thelial cells are columnar and have two
anterior lobe of the pituitary gland (Fig. body fluids, in conjunction with calci-
main functions; both can occur in the
14.1). A low level of thyroxine in blood tonin. Low levels of calcium in blood
same cell at the same time. They are:
stimulates the secretion of TrH and stimulate the secretion of PTH. Calci-
■ Formation and storage of TSH. The action of TSH on thyroid epi- tonin and PTH have opposite effects and
thyroglobulin. This involves: thelial cells stimulates the secretion of together affect the mineralisation of
■ synthesis of glycoproteins, which thyroxine into blood. When the level of bone via the activity of osteoclasts
are the precursors of thyroxine in blood is too high, negative (Chapter 9).
thyroglobulin feedback is activated and thyroxine,
■ uptake of iodide from blood acting on the hypothalamus and the
Adrenal (suprarenal) glands
■ exocytosis of the glycoproteins hypophysis, suppresses, respectively, the
into follicles levels of TrH and TSH secreted (Fig. The paired adrenal glands are adjacent
■ formation of thyroglobulin by 14.1). The consequence of this feedback to the superior surfaces of the kidneys
the iodination (of tyrosine is that secretion of thyroxine decreases in humans and are known as suprarenal
components) of the glycoproteins and blood levels are lowered. glands. Each gland is composed of an
as they enter the follicles. Parafollicular cells in the thyroid are inner medulla surrounded by a much
■ Formation and secretion of active larger than follicular epithelial cells (Fig. larger outer cortex. A connective tissue
thyroid hormone molecules. This 14.5). They secrete the peptide hormone capsule surrounds each gland. The
involves: calcitonin directly into capillaries. Calci- cortex and medulla develop from differ-
■ uptake of thyroglobulin from tonin secretion is stimulated by high ent embryological origins but both
follicles by endocytosis levels of calcium in blood and its actions secrete hormones. The cortex is derived
■ fusion of endocytotic vesicles help lower blood calcium. Calcitonin, from embryonic mesoderm and the
with lysosomes along with parathyroid hormone (see medulla from neural crest cells. Steroid
■ digestion of thyroglobulin by below), maintains calcium homeostasis. hormones are produced and secreted by
lysosomes, thus forming active Calcium is essential for many body cortical cells, and vasoactive amines by
thyroid hormones functions, e.g. the conduction of nerve cells in the medulla.
Adrenal cortex
The location of endocrine cells, fenes-
trated capillaries and reticulin connec-
tive tissue in the suprarenal cortex
shows three main regions or zonae.
They are:
Chief cells
The pancreas is a flattish organ in the
abdominal cavity. The bulk of the pan-
creas is formed by exocrine cells and
Islet of Langerhans
their secretions enter the gastrointestinal
tract at the duodenum via the pancreatic
duct (Chapter 12). The pancreas also
contains endocrine cells in small clusters
known as islets of Langerhans (Fig. 14.9).
There are about a million islets scattered
throughout the pancreas. Fig. 14.9 Pancreas, islet of Langerhans. Low magnification.
Pineal gland
The pineal gland is closely associated
Clinical note with the brain. Despite this proximity,
All endocrine glands may secrete abnormally high, or low, levels and in contrast to the pituitary gland,
of hormones. There are numerous causes. Malignant changes in there are no nerves which directly connect
endocrine cells can result in abnormal levels of hormone production. In the pineal gland and the brain. The pineal
other instances, abnormal levels of a particular pituitary trophic hormone, gland responds to changes in light levels.
e.g. TSH, may be caused by inadequate levels of hormone production by It is concerned with the regulation of
other cells, e.g. inadequate levels of TrH from the hypothalamus. In some circadian rhythm, and is influenced by
cases, an abnormal (auto)antibody may develop which binds to a particular hormones from the gonads. The main
circulating hormone and affects the function of that hormone. Some cell types are pinealocytes and interstitial
autoantibodies affect the thyroid gland and result in hypothyroidism cells. Pinealocytes produce melatonin in
manifest as Hashimoto’s disease. the absence of light. The interstitial cells
may be similar to glial cells.
The endocrine system
Hypothalamus and hypophysis (pituitary gland)
■ The hypothalamus is the part of the brain connected by a (pituitary) stalk to the hypophysis.
■ The hypophysis has a glandular portion (adenohypophysis) and neural portion (neurohypophysis).
■ Some hypothalamic hormones (peptides) affect the function of the adenohypophysis:
■ neurons in the hypothalamus secrete releasing hormones into capillaries in the hypothalamus which pass (in a portal circulation) along the
stalk and stimulate the release of hormones from cells in the adenohypophysis
■ Other neurons in the hypothalamus produce hormones (peptides) which pass via their axons (along the stalk) to the neurohypophysis.
■ Feedback signals from the levels of hormones in blood affect the secretion of most hypothalamic and hypophyseal hormones.
■ Chromophil and chromophobe cells are present:
■ acidophil cells secrete growth hormone or prolactin (proteins)
■ basophil cells secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone or adrenocorticotrophic hormone or follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinising
hormone (glycoproteins).
■ Chromophobe function is not understood
The endocrine system 113
■ Pituicytes support axons from neurons with cell bodies in the hypothalamus.
■ Hypothalamic hormones antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin are stored in the ends of the axons (as Herring bodies):
■ ADH affects kidney tubules and decreases the amount of water excreted
■ oxytocin stimulates lactation and contraction of uterine smooth muscle.
■ A simple epithelium synthesises, secretes and stores thyroglobulin (an iodinated protein) as colloid in spherical follicles.
■ These epithelial cells also endocytose the thyroglobulin, convert it into active thyroid hormones (e.g. thyroxine) and secrete them into blood
■ thyroid hormones stimulate metabolism.
■ Parafollicular cells secrete the peptide hormone calcitonin directly into blood when blood calcium levels are high. Calcitonin lowers calcium
levels in blood.
Parathyroid glands
■ Chief cells secrete parathyroid hormone when blood calcium is low, which raises calcium levels via its stimulation of the activity of osteoclasts.
Oxyphil and adipose cells are also present.
Adrenal glands
■ Adrenal cortex synthesises, secretes steroids:
■ zona glomerulosa cells secrete mineralocorticoids which affect salt balance
■ zona fasciculata cells (spongiocytes) secrete glucocorticoids which regulate metabolism and are immunosuppressive
■ zona reticularis cells secrete, male sex hormones of low activity.
■ Adrenal medulla secretes vasoactive amines:
■ cells are modified sympathetic neurons which secrete adrenaline or noradrenaline involved in responses (fright, fight and flight) to stress.
■ Islets of Langerhans cells secrete hormones (peptides) which affect carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin is secreted by beta cells and it reduces
blood glucose levels. Glucagon is secreted by alpha cells and it raises blood glucose levels.
Pineal gland
■ Responds to light, secretes melatonin and helps regulate circadian rhythm.
Chapter 15
The male reproductive system
The male reproductive system com- the organ of copulation able to deliver iniferous tubules are lined by several
prises paired testes, associated glands, spermatozoa, in semen, into the vagina layers of epithelial cells forming a ger-
ducts and the penis (Fig. 15.1). The of the female reproductive tract. minal (seminiferous) epithelium (Fig.
testes are the male gonads and are 15.2). There are two types of cell in the
the site of production of spermatozoa germinal epithelium of adults: sperma-
(the male gametes). Each spermatozoon togenic cells, which are in layers, and
(in humans) has 23 chromosomes con- Sertoli cells, which form a single layer
taining the haploid amount of DNA. Each testis is an organ suspended within and are supportive of the spermatogenic
Additionally, testes produce and secrete a pouch of skin known as the scrotum. cells (see below). The germinal epithe-
a group of steroid hormones, the male The testes thus lie outside the abdomi- lium lies on a basement membrane and
sex hormones (androgens), of which nal cavity and this ensures that spermato- is surrounded by a thin layer of loose
testosterone is the main type. The glands genesis (the formation of spermatozoa) connective tissue. This connective tissue
that are associated with the male repro- occurs at a temperature slightly below supports blood vessels (Fig. 15.2), lymph
ductive system are the paired seminal body temperature, a requirement for capillaries, nerves and Leydig (intersti-
vesicles, the prostate and paired bulbo- successful gamete production. Each tial) cells (Fig. 15.3) which secrete andro-
urethral glands. All these glands con- testis is surrounded by a tough connec- gens (see below). Myoid cells (Fig. 15.4)
tribute fluid secretions which support tive tissue covering known as the tunica are closely adjacent to seminiferous
spermatozoa and form semen. The albuginea. Connective tissue septa from tubules and are capable of contraction,
ducts form the reproductive tract and the tunica albuginea penetrate into the thus helping to move the spermatozoa
transport spermatozoa and secretions substance of each testis and divide it along tubules and away from where
from the testes and glands to the urethra. into lobules. One septum forms a wedge they develop.
The urethra is shared by the reproduc- which penetrates the posterior surface After puberty, spermatogenesis begins
tive and urinary systems and it passes of each testis. as spermatogenic cells undergo meiosis
from the bladder through the prostate and differentiation in a cycle of events
and penis and opens at a meatus at the Seminiferous tubules that result in the production of sperma-
glans penis. The urethra transports Located within the lobules of each testis tozoa, a process which takes about 65
urine from the urinary bladder as it is are coiled seminiferous tubules which days in humans. The stages of sperma-
emptied at micturition. The penis is also are the sites of spermatogenesis. Sem- togenesis take different lengths of time
Ductus deferens
Ductus deferens
Bulbourethral gland
(contains duct of epididymis)
Glans of penis
Meatus (with seminiferous tubules)
Fig. 15.1 The component parts of the male reproductive system.
The male reproductive system 115
Germinal epithelium
nucleolus and palely stained chromatin, two compartments is known as the
Head reflecting their high levels of synthetic blood–testis barrier and it ensures that
activity (Figs 15.4 and 15.9). Developing large molecules, e.g. antibodies or micro-
spermatogenic cells are enfolded in the organisms in blood, do not readily pass
Middle Mitochondria lateral cell membranes of Sertoli cells to developing spermatozoa.
and as a result detail of Sertoli cell struc- Sertoli cells are also important in
ture is difficult to distinguish in routine nourishing developing spermatogenic
histological sections. Adjacent Sertoli cells and they phagocytose cytoplasmic
cells are joined to each other near to the fragments released from spermatozoa
basement membrane by tight junctions as they develop. An important compo-
Tail (Fig. 15.10). This arrangement separates nent in the secretions from Sertoli cells
spermatogonia into a basal compart- is an androgen-binding protein. This
ment of the germinal epithelium binds testosterone and helps to ensure
and the developing spermatogenic cells levels in the seminiferous tubules are
(from primary spermatocytes to sper- higher than in the circulation and at a
Fig. 15.8 The components of a matozoa) into an adluminal compart- level adequate for the development of
spermatozoon. ment. The barrier formed between the spermatozoa. In addition, fluid secreted
Fig. 15.9 Testis. Seminiferous tubule with Sertoli cells and spermatids developing Leydig (interstitial) cells
acrosomes. High magnification.
Leydig cells are endocrine cells in the
loose connective tissue around seminif-
erous tubules (Fig. 15.3) and they secrete
mainly testosterone. The Leydig cells
Spermatozoon are stimulated to produce and secrete
Lumen testosterone by luteinising hormone
Spermatid secreted by cells in the anterior pituitary
gland (Chapter 14). Testosterone enters
the circulation and stimulates secondary
Secondary spermatocyte sexual characteristics including skeletal
Sertoli cell muscle development and the pattern
of hair growth. However, circulating
Primary spermatocyte
levels of testosterone are insufficient to
Nuclei of
Sertoli cells maintain spermatogenesis. Testosterone
levels in the testis are kept high enough
to stimulate spermatogenesis as the
Tight junction
androgen-binding protein secreted by
(in basal compartment) Sertoli cells binds testosterone in the
Basement membrane testis. Another hormone from anterior
pituitary cells, follicle-stimulating
Myoid cells
hormone, stimulates Sertoli cells to
Fig. 15.10 Sertoli cells in a seminiferous tubule. The relationship of adjacent Sertoli cells is shown secrete the androgen-binding protein.
forming a basal compartment containing spermatogonia and an adluminal compartment containing
developing spermatozoa closely associated with the Sertoli cells.
Ducts draining seminiferous
Most seminiferous tubules are coiled
Clinical note loops which have straight regions (tubuli
Infertility There are numerous causes of infertility. Low recti) at each end through which fluid
numbers of spermatozoa in an ejaculate is one reason why and spermatozoa leave. The tubuli recti
infertility occurs. Malnutrition and alcoholism are factors which also affect drain into a meshwork of spaces, lined
fertility. by cubodial epithelium, known as the
Immotile cilia syndrome is a state which affects all the ciliated cells in the rete testis. The rete is embedded in the
body as well as the flagellum of each spermatozoon. The inability of wedge of connective tissue which
spermatozoa to move and reach an oocyte in the uterine tube will affect extends into each testis from the tunica
fertility. A person with immotile cilia is also likely to suffer from frequent albuginea. The contents of the rete testis
respiratory tract infections as inhaled microorganisms are not swept along drain into 12 to 15 ductuli efferentes,
the mucus escalator and away from the lungs. which in turn drain into a single duct in
the epididymis.
The male reproductive system 119
Outer zone
Middle zone
Inner zone
Urethral lumen
Ejaculatory duct
Connective tissue
Fig. 15.14 A transverse section through the
prostate and urethra.
Smooth muscle cell cytoplasm
Bulbourethral glands
Clinical notes The bulbourethral glands are paired
Benign prostatic hypertrophy This condition afflicts 30–40%
glands that lie at the base of the
of men over the age of 50 years, and more than 95% of men over
penis and drain directly into the urethra.
the age of 80 years. As it is the inner zone of the gland that is affected, any
They secrete a small volume of mucoid
enlargement can readily put pressure on the urethra and affect the ability to
material that precedes the ejaculation of
pass urine.
semen and acts as a lubricant along
Prostate cancer Cancer of the prostate affects about 30% of males over
the urethra; it may also assist with
the age of 75 years, and in older men it is almost always present. However,
lubrication of the vagina during sexual
in older men it is usually a very slow growing form of cancer and the
individuals usually die from some other disease. In cancer of the prostate, it
is usually the outer zone that is affected and, in its most aggressive form, it
may spread via the bloodstream before any swelling compresses the urethra
and inhibits micturition.
A diagnostic test used to indicate an increased risk of prostatic cancer is a In males, the urethra shares urinary and
blood test to measure the levels of circulating prostate-specific antigen (PSA). reproductive functions and is longer
This glycoprotein is secreted by prostatic epithelial cells into the lumina of than the urethra in females, in whom
the glands and normally does not circulate in blood. If prostatic epithelial its sole function is to drain urine from
cells have spread beyond their basement membrane their secretions may the bladder. The urethra in males is
circulate in blood. However, PSA may also be raised in patients with benign described as having three regions: the
prostatic hypertrophy, so its usefulness as a diagnostic test is limited. prostatic, membranous and penile
(spongy) urethra. The initial portion,
The male reproductive system 121
The penis consists of three cylinders
(corpora) of erectile tissue, each sur-
rounded by a dense fibrous connective
tissue sheath (the tunica albuginea)
and enclosed by thin skin. One cylinder,
the corpus spongiosum, surrounds the
penile urethra (Fig. 15.15), and the other Lumen of artery
two (corpora cavernosa) lie dorsally.
The erectile tissue of the corpora con-
sists mainly of interconnecting venous
Fig. 15.15 Penile urethra, corpus spongiosum. Connective tissue is stained red. Special stain.
spaces (Fig. 15.17) which are virtually Medium magnification.
empty when the penis is in its flaccid
The penis has a rich blood supply that
flows in helicine arteries (Figs 15.15 and
15.17), which are spiral in form in the
flaccid state. Most blood, in the flaccid
state, flows directly via arteriovenous
shunts linking arterioles (supplied by the Lumen
helicine arteries) directly to deep venules
and veins draining the penis. However, Epithelium
some arterial blood perfuses capillaries
and thus supplies the penis with oxygen
and nutrients. During an erection, the Connective tissue
arteriovenous shunts are closed and arte-
rial blood is diverted and fills and swells
the venous spaces (Fig. 15.17) in all the
corpora. As a result, venous return from
the penis is restricted, the penis increases
in volume, it lengthens, and the helicine
arteries extend. The arrangement of the
connective tissue around the corpora
Infolds from lumen
(Figs 15.15 and 15.17) ensures that the
penis extends as a column. Parasympa-
thetic nerves supplying smooth muscle
around arterioles in the penis act as
vasodilators and are responsible for the Fig. 15.16 Penile urethra. Very low magnification.
Fig. 15.17 Penile urethra, corpus cavernosus. Connective tissue is stained red. Special stain.
Medium magnification.
The male reproductive system
■ This consists of paired testes, ducts, associated glands and the penis.
■ Testes contain coiled seminiferous tubules lined by a stratified germinal epithelium (which produces spermatozoa), Sertoli cells (which
support the developing spermatozoa) and Leydig (interstitial) cells (between the tubules) which produce testosterone under the influence of
luteinising hormone from the anterior pituitary.
■ This is the series of stages involved in producing spermatozoa: it begins at puberty and continues for life.
■ Spermatogenesis involves mitosis of stem cells (spermatogonia), meiotic division of spermatocytes and spermiogenesis:
■ some cells produced by mitosis of spermatogonia enter meiosis and become primary spermatocytes; others remain as stem cells
■ primary spermatocytes replicate the DNA of their chromosomes prior to meiotic division
■ in the first division (reduction) of meiosis, a primary spermatocyte divides into two secondary spermatocytes, each with half the original
number of chromosomes
■ in the second division (mitotic) of meiosis, each secondary spermatocyte divides into two spermatids, each with half the amount of DNA
(and half the original number of chromosomes)
■ spermatids differentiate into spermatozoa (the process of spermiogenesis):
■ spermatozoa each have a head, neck and tail (the tail beats and provides unidirectional propulsion).
■ Ducts drain spermatozoa and fluid secreted by Sertoli cells from seminiferous tubules.
■ Immotile spermatozoa pass from each testis into a ductus epididymis as fluid is absorbed by epithelial cells lining these ducts.
■ At ejaculation, spermatozoa pass rapidly from each ductus epididymis into and along a ductus deferens, propelled by the peristaltic
contraction of the thick muscle layers surrounding each ductus deferens.
Associated glands
■ These add secretions to the ejaculate which provide nutrients for spermatozoa:
■ the prostate gland has smooth muscle in the stroma which contracts and expels the secretions from the epithelial cells
■ the paired seminal vesicles each contain a coiled tubule lined with epithelial cells and surrounded by smooth muscle.
■ The penis comprises three corpora of erectile tissue, each surrounded by a dense fibrous connective tissue sheath and enclosed by thin skin.
One cylinder, the corpus spongiosus, surrounds the penile urethra.
■ increased blood flow into the blood vessels in erectile tissue, particularly in the paired corpora cavernosus, produces an erect penis.
■ At ejaculation, fluid from Sertoli cells, spermatozoa and secretions from the prostate and seminal vesicles enter the prostatic region of the
urethra, pass along the penile urethra and are discharged at the meatus of the urethra.
Chapter 16
The female reproductive system
In humans the female reproductive Blood (and lymphatic) vessels and human females, between puberty and
system consists of paired ovaries and nerves pass to each ovary within this the menopause, ovarian follicles vary
the reproductive tract comprising paired membrane. The ovary is divided into widely in appearance and size as they
uterine tubes, a uterus and a vagina two main regions, an outer cortex and are in various stages of development.
(Fig. 16.1). Prior to puberty, as in males, inner medulla, though the demarcation Some stromal cells are irregularly dis-
the reproductive system in females is between the two is not well defined. A tributed in whorls in the cortex and
quiescent. At puberty, hormones from simple cuboidal epithelium, known as others lie around developing follicles
the pituitary gland initiate developmen- the germinal epithelium, covers the as layers known as theca (Fig. 16.2).
tal changes which are prerequisites for cortex of each ovary and is continuous Some of the fibroblast-like cells differen-
reproduction. In contrast to the male with the peritoneal epithelium. This tiate and are able to secrete steroid
reproductive system, the female system name arises from the erroneous suppo- hormones.
after puberty in humans is regulated by sition that ‘germ’ cells capable of becom-
hormones secreted by the anterior pitui- ing ova (the female gametes) developed
Oogenesis and ovarian
tary gland on a monthly, cyclical basis. from this layer. It is now known that
follicle development
The cycle of activity begins at puberty the ‘germ’ cells which are the stem cells
and is manifested by the onset of men- (oogonia) for female gametes develop in In utero and prepubertal stages
struation (the loss of blood, cells and the embryonic yolk sac and migrate to In a developing female embryo from
secretions from the uterus which drain the ovaries during fetal development in about the sixth week in utero, primor-
through the vagina). The time when utero (see Mitchell B, Sharma R. Embry- dial, diploid oogonia migrate from the
menstruation begins is known as the ology: An Illustrated Colour Text. Else- yolk sac and enter the developing ovary.
menarche and it occurs between 9 and vier: 2004). From this time oogonia undergo mitosis
15 years of age. During each monthly and produce more oogonia. By about
menstrual cycle female oocytes differen- Cortex of the ovary the fifth month of fetal life each ovary
tiate and usually a single, mature oocyte Immediately below the germinal epithe- contains 5–7 million oogonia and migra-
is shed from an ovary each month, a lium is a thin layer of dense irregular tion of oogonia from the yolk sac stops.
process described as ovulation. The connective tissue, the tunica albuginea. In contrast to spermatogonia, which
ability to produce a haploid gamete (an A connective tissue stroma containing continue to act as stem cells for sper-
ovum), ovulate, conceive, support one or some fibroblast-like cells supports struc- matozoa production throughout life in
more developing fetuses and give birth tures in the cortex known as ovarian males, mitosis of oogonia stops before
continues from puberty until the meno- follicles (Fig. 16.2). Ovarian follicles birth and no new oogonia are formed
pause. During the menopause, which comprise an oogonium, or a developing thereafter. Indeed, the majority of
may begin between 45 and 50 years of oocyte, surrounded by epithelial cells. In oogonia die before birth.
age, the menstrual cycles and ovulation
become irregular and then cease.
During and beyond the menopause the
Perimetrium (broad ligament)
hormonal signals required to stimulate investing uterus and uterine tubes Fundus of uterus
the cyclical activity of the ovaries and
Wall of Lumen of
the uterus also cease but the factor(s) uterine tube
uterine tube
that cause this cessation are not
understood. Fimbriae of
uterine tube
Clinical note
Ovarian cysts These
are common. They are
Granulosa cell layers fluid-filled structures which
develop from ovarian follicles or
corpora lutea. Some may be
Granulosa cells of cumulus follicles which have failed to
oophorus rupture at ovulation. They may
cause pain and/or bleeding. In the
Zona pellucida condition known as polycystic
ovary syndrome a range of
Primary oocyte cytoplasm changes may be present, e.g.
menstruation may be irregular or
cease and the patient may become
obese and infertile. Cysts,
occasionally, become malignant.
The factors causing cysts to form
are not understood.
Once a secondary oocyte, surrounded
by cells of the cumulus oophorus, enters
the uterine tube it remains there for 2–3
days, during which time it is capable of
being fertilised by a spermatozoon. At
Fig. 16.8 Ovary. Corpus luteum. Connective tissue is stained red. Special stain. Medium this stage, it has started the second
magnification. (mitotic) division of meiosis but is sus-
pended in metaphase pending possible
fertilisation by a spermatozoon.
Fertilisation occurs in the uterine tube
when a spermatozoon passes between
Connective tissue lamina propria cells of the cumulus oophorus and
penetrates the cytoplasmic membrane
of the oocyte. Once fertilised, the oocyte
completes meiosis and this restores the
diploid number of chromosomes. (A
second polar body is released at this
division and degenerates.) The fertilised
oocyte undergoes rapid rounds of cell
division (mitosis) and develops into a
Cilia of columnar epithelial cells blastocyst. Further details of the subse-
quent development of the blastocyst are
described elsewhere (see Mitchell B,
Sharma R. Embryology: An Illustrated
Colour Text. Elsevier: 2004).
After fertilisation, the blastocyst
passes to the uterus, carried there in the
fluid flowing from the uterine tube. The
timing of the arrival of the blastocyst in
Columnar epithelial cell nucleus the uterus is critical. The blastocyst has
to be sufficiently developed so that it is
able to attach to the uterine epithelium.
In addition, it must arrive in the uterus
Fig. 16.9 Uterine tube. High magnification.
when, and not before, the uterus is in a
receptive state. This state is dependent
16.1). The structure of each uterine tube provides an environment in the on progesterone from the corpus luteum
consists of three layers: lumen of the tube in which the (see below).
(secondary) oocyte and spermatozoa
■ The inner layer is a mucosa. The can survive and fertilisation can
mucosa is highly folded and consists occur. The ciliated cells beat and
of simple columnar epithelial cells assist in wafting the oocyte toward The uterus in humans is a single mid-
on a basement membrane and a the uterus. The fluid flow towards line organ. It is able to accommodate
thin, supporting connective tissue the uterus must not be stronger and facilitate the development of the
lamina propria (Fig. 16.9). Some than the ability of spermatozoa to blastocyst and differentiation of the
epithelial cells have cilia and others swim from the uterus and along the embryo and its further growth as a fetus.
do not. The non-ciliated cells are tube. The fluid in the uterine tube In addition, the uterus supports the
secretory and the fluid they produce and its direction of flow towards the development of the placenta and expels
the fetus and placenta at parturition. glands dip deep into the connective endometrium is a relatively narrow
The uterus is divided into three regions tissue of the lamina propria and region, though highly significant,
(Fig. 16.1). The superior part is the extend to the myometrium (Fig. since it is this layer that undergoes
fundus. The body is the largest part of 16.10). Some of the epithelial cells cellular proliferation and replaces
the uterus, into which the uterine tubes are secretory and others have cilia. the superficial layer shed at
open. The most inferior part of the The superficial layer of the menstruation.
uterus is the cervix, which projects and endometrium is shed at ■ Myometrium. This is the muscularis
opens into the vagina. menstruation or, if pregnancy of the uterus. It is composed of three
The wall of the uterus in the fundus occurs, adapts and functions as a or four thick and ill-defined layers of
and body regions is composed of three support for the blastocyst and the smooth muscle. Arcuate arteries in
layers: endometrium, myometrium and developing placenta and embryo the middle of the myometrium
perimetrium. (and its development into a fetus). supply the helical arteries in the
Within the superficial layer there are endometrium. Hypertrophy and
■ Endometrium. This is a mucosa; it helical arteries. These supply the hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells
forms the inner layer and varies in endometrium as it increases in are stimulated by oestrogen and
structure under the influence of thickness in response to the these changes are particularly
oestrogens and progesterone (see hormonal changes occurring during important in pregnancy.
below). The endometrium has an the menstrual cycle (and in Contractions of the myometrium are
inner basal layer and a superficial pregnancy). It is from the capillaries stimulated by oxytocin from the
(functional) layer. A simple, supplied by these vessels that blood posterior pituitary (Chapter 14) and
columnar epithelium lines the is lost during menstruation. The by prostaglandins from the region of
uterine lumen and branched tubular inner basal layer of the the uterus in pregnancy known as
decidua (see Mitchell B, Sharma R.
Embryology: An Illustrated Colour
Text. Elsevier: 2004). These
contractions result in expulsion of
the fetus and placenta at parturition.
■ Perimetrium (Fig. 16.1). The thin,
outer, serosal (peritoneal) covering
Connective tissue in basal layer of of the uterus is known as the
endometrium perimetrium. It consists of a single
layer of squamous epithelial cells
Uterine glands (sectioned transversely) beneath which is loose connective
tissue attached to the myometrium.
The perimetrium invests most of the
uterus as the broad ligament,
encloses vessels and nerves passing
to the uterus and is continuous with
the peritoneum. As the uterus
expands during pregnancy the fluid
secreted onto the surface of the
Connective tissue in functional layer of perimetrium by its epithelial cells
endometrium ensures relatively friction-free
movement between the uterus and
adjacent structures such as gut tubes.
The female reproductive system
■ This consists of paired ovaries and the reproductive tract (paired uterine tubes, a single uterus (in humans) and a vagina).
■ Ovaries contain ovarian follicles, which contain oocytes.
■ Each month, after puberty, several follicles begin to grow:
■ follicle cells increase in number and are known as granulosa cells; they surround a developing oocyte and secrete mainly oestrogens.
■ Usually, only one follicle grows to maturity each month and one oocyte is shed at ovulation (other developing follicles become atretic and
■ After ovulation, a corpus luteum develops from the remnants of the follicle and a surrounding layer (theca) of connective tissue cells and
blood vessels.
■ The pituitary hormones follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone, respectively, control the development of follicles and corpora
■ If fertilisation does not occur the corpus luteum degenerates, progesterone levels fall and menstruation occurs.
■ If fertilisation occurs, the corpus luteum grows and secretes progesterone, which prepares the uterus to support the developing embryo until
the placenta forms.
Uterine tubes
■ These are lined by a simple epithelium composed of secretory and ciliated cells.
■ They have sparse connective tissue lamina propria connecting the epithelium to a muscularis of two layers of smooth muscle.
■ They are covered by a serosal (peritoneal) membrane.
■ They receive the oocyte after ovulation, are the site of fertilisation and transfer the blastocyst to the uterus.
■ A simple epithelium lines most of the uterus and glands dip into the mucosa as far as the muscularis externa:
■ most of the mucosa is shed at menstruation and bleeding occurs
■ after menstruation, the remaining cells in the basal mucosal layer proliferate (under the influence of oestrogens) and repair the superficial
■ after ovulation (under the influence of progesterone) the mucosa thickens, the epithelial cells begin to store glycogen and secrete
glycoproteins. The glands become saw-toothed in shape.
■ The muscularis externae is formed of several layers of smooth muscle which undergoes hyperplasia and hypertrophy during pregnancy.
■ Part of the uterus, the cervix, is lined by columnar epithelial cells which secrete mucus. The outer wall of the cervix is formed mostly of
connective tissue.
■ A stratified squamous epithelium lines the vagina and the upper cells contain glycogen.
■ The vaginal wall is formed largely by connective tissue.
Acinus a spherical unit of secretory cells in an exocrine Circadian cyclical activity occurring over a 24 hour period.
Diploid the number of chromosomes in somatic cells of a
Adenoma an abnormal growth of glandular epithelial cells species comprising pairs of homologous chromosomes and
that is non-cancerous. a pair of sex chromosomes. This is twice the number
present in the germ cells (ova and spermatozoa). (There are
Adluminal refers to structures adjacent to the lumen of a
22 pairs of homologous chromosomes and a pair of sex
chromosomes in humans.)
Allergen a substance capable of provoking an immune
Effete worn out or dying.
(allergic) reaction in an individual involving the production
of specific immunoglobulins. Extracellular outside the cell.
Alveolus a small cavity, e.g. the blind-ended epithelial sacs Fusiform a long structure narrowing at each end like a
at the ends of airways in the lungs. spindle.
Anaphylaxis an excessive (sometimes fatal) specific reaction Gamete a mature male or female germ cell which contains
to allergens that results from breakdown of mast cell the haploid number of chromosomes. A male gamete
granules and leads to sudden hypotension and severe (spermatozoon) fertilises a female gamete (oocyte), and
bronchoconstriction. forms a zygote (with the diploid number of chromosomes)
which develops into a new individual.
Anastomosis a union or joining together of parts, e.g. of
arteries, often forming a network. Genitalia external reproductive structures of each sex.
Antibody a protein (immunoglobulin) produced as part of Germ cells primitive, undifferentiated reproductive cells
an immune response to a specific molecule (antigen) and (oogonia in females and spermatozoa in males).
able to bind specifically with that molecule. Haemorrhage escape of blood from vessels.
Antigen a molecule (protein or carbohydrate) capable of Haploid the set of chromosomes found in germ cells (i.e.
stimulating the production of an antibody. the 23 chromosomes in human germ cells).
Apoptosis programmed cell death (programmed in the DNA). Hilum a depressed region on the surface of some organs,
Benign non-cancerous (harmless). e.g. the kidney, where structures enter or leave the
Blastocyst the stage reached when the solid mass of cells
which have developed from a fertilised egg form a hollow Histochemistry the application of chemical reactions to
structure comprising two distinct components. One sections of tissues to demonstrate certain chemical
component will form the placenta and the other an embryo. components.
Interstitium region lying between cells, often occupied by Papilla a projection from a surface of a tissue or organ.
tissue fluid. It may have a specific normal purpose or be abnormal.
Intracellular within a cell. Paracrine indicates a type of secretion exerting local effects,
e.g. as carried out by some neuroendocrine cells.
Isotonic indicates a fluid with the same concentration of
solutes as blood plasma. Parenchyma the main cell type in an organ associated with
its principal function.
In vitro literally in glass. Not in living individuals, e.g. in
tissue culture systems. Parietal related to the wall of a cavity.
Lumen hollow centre of a tubular structure or organ, e.g. Pelvic cavity the lower part of the trunk containing pelvic
urinary bladder. organs.
Malignant harmful or cancerous, applied to the Peritoneum the serous membrane investing the walls of
uncontrolled proliferation and growth of cancer cells. the abdominopelvic cavity and covering the organs
contained therein.
Matrix extracellular matrix is the material outside cells,
and intracellular matrix the components of the cytoplasm Pheromone a naturally occurring molecule from an
within cells supporting the organelles and cytoskeleton. individual that evokes a behavioural response via the
olfactory system of an individual of the same species.
Meatus an opening to the outside of the body.
Photomicrograph a photograph taken using a microscope
Mesenchyme primitive embryonic connective tissue. and camera.
Mesentery the double-layered serosal (peritoneal) Prostaglandins a class of molecule derived from fatty acids
membrane attaching many regions of the gut to the that are widely produced in the body and act locally on a
posterior abdominal wall and supporting vessels passing to variety of cells, e.g. they affect the contraction of the smooth
and from the gut. muscle in the uterus in pregnancy and affect blood flow in
Metastasis the process whereby malignant, cancerous cells many regions.
spread to distant sites from their original site (i.e. the Serous membrane membrane that lines the walls of, and
primary tumour). Also a mass of cancerous cells growing at covers organs in, the three cavities of the trunk, i.e. the
a (secondary) site distant from their original site. pericardial, pleural and abdominal cavities.
Microorganism life forms visible only with a microscope, Somatic of the body. Describes all the cells of the body
e.g. bacteria and viruses. except the male and female germ cells. The somatic
nervous system is that part of the system under
Mucous membrane an epithelium (and its supporting
conscious control.
connective tissue) that covers inner surfaces of the body
(a mucosa). Most mucous membranes secrete mucus which Stroma the connective tissue supporting parenchyma.
keeps the surface moist.
Synovial one of the three different types of joint,
Mucus a secretion of complexes of large carbohydrate characterised by a synovial membrane lining the capsule of
molecules and proteins which are viscous (slimy). the joint (and by articulating surfaces covered by hyaline
Neoplasm a new growth which may originate from
any of the primary tissues and may be benign or System (of the body) a group of organs and structures
malignant. carrying out specific, related functions.
Neuroendocrine indicates cells derived from the neural Tissue the material from which the body is made: there
crest in the embryo, dispersed in the body which secrete are four primary tissue types (epithelial, connective, muscle
hormones. Some secretions have both local and systemic and nerve).
effects; some act as neurotransmitters.
Tract anatomically connected and functionally related
Oedema swelling in tissues caused by excessive structures, e.g. gastrointestinal tract. Also refers to a bundle
accumulation of tissue fluid. of nerve cell cytoplasmic processes passing through the
brain or spinal cord.
Organ a collection of primary tissues joined in a specific
location and carrying out specific functions. Tumour a mass of cells (usually abnormal) which
proliferate and grow abnormally.
Organelle a specific structure in cell cytoplasm with a
particular function. Vasoactive amine an amine that influences the calibre of
blood vessels.
Organism a fundamental life form capable of independent
existence. Visceral of an organ (especially in the thorax or abdomen).
Figures and tables are comprehensively referred to from the text. Therefore, significant material in figures and tables have only been given a page
reference in the absence of their concomitant mention in the text referring to that figure. Entries in bold indicate references to the glossary.
collecting duct, 102–3 cardiac muscle, 30 compound/stratified see stratified gametes, 133
colon, 91 detrusor muscle, 104 epithelium formation, 12
columnar epithelium diaphysis, 64–5, 65, 66, 67 gland see glands see also ovum; spermatozoon
simple, 14–15 digestive system, 83–96 kidney ganglion, 37–8
small intestine, 88 distributing artery, 73 collecting duct, 102 gap junction, 10
stratified, 15 DNA, 6 distal convoluted tubule, 102 smooth muscle, 30
respiratory system, 15, 77–8 cell cycle and cell division, 10, loop of Henle, 102 cardiac muscle, 30
compact bone, 62, 63 11 proximal convoluted tubule, 101 gastrointestinal tract, 86–92
conducting artery, 73 ductus deferens, 119, 122 lining and covering structures, gastro-oesophageal junction, 86
connective tissue, 13, 21–5 ductus epididymis, 119 13–17 genetic disorders
alveolus (lung), 81 duodenum, 86, 87, 90–1, 95 membrane, 17–18 anaemia, 50
bone, 61 ovary, 123 bone growth, 68
cell type, 21, 25 E prostate, 119 genital tract see reproductive system
extracellular matrix, 22 recognising, 18–19 germinal epithelium
heart, 70, 71 ectopic pregnancy, 128 repair, 20 ovary, 123
liver, 92 efferent neuron, 35–6 respiratory, 15, 77–8, 80, 81 testis, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118
lymph node, 56 egg see ovum simple, 13, 13–15 glands (epithelial), 17–18
mammary gland, 131 ejaculation, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122 bronchiole, 80 digestive system, 83–95
muscle, 26–30 elastic cartilage, 59, 60 see also endothelium, loop of endocrine system, 106–113
nerve, 39 elastin, 22, 60 Henle female reproductive system,
recognising, 18–19 alveolus, 81 testis, 23, 114–118 128–131
spleen, 54–5 artery, 22, 72, 73 tongue, 85 male reproductive system, 114,
type, 22–4 bronchiole, 79 urinary tract, 15–17, 103, 104 119–20
ureter, 103 electron microscopy see kidney see subheading above methods of secretion, 17, 18
continuous capillary, 74 ultrastructure vagina, 16, 130 respiratoy system, 77–80
contraction, muscle, 7, 26, 31, 36 endocardium, 70, 70–1 erection, penile, 121–2 skin, 45–6
cardiac, 30, 70, 71 endochondral ossification, 64–6 erythrocyte see red blood cell unicellular, 17
skeletal, 27, 36 endocrine gland, 17, 24, 106–13 erythropoietin, 103 see also specific named glands
smooth, 30, 36 pancreas as, 92, 110 exocrine glands, 17 glial cell, 38
bronchiole, 80 reticulin in, 23 pancreas, 92, 111 glomerulus, 99
detrusor, 104 endocytosis, 7, 8 skin, 45–6 disease, 105
large intestine, 91 proximal convoluted tubule exocytosis, 7, 8 filtration, 99–101
oesophagus, 85 (kidney), 101 expiration, 77 glucagon, 112
prostate, 120 endometrium, 128 extracellular matrix, 10, 134 glucocorticoid, 111
villus, 90 menstrual cycle, 129, 130 connective tissue, 22, 25 glycogen, cytoplasmic, 9
convoluted tubule endomysium, 27 glycoprotein, cytoplasmic, 9
distal, 101, 102 endoneurium, 39 F goblet cell
proximal, 101 endoplasmic reticulum, 7–8 large intestine, 91
corpus cavernosum, 121, 122 rough see rough endoplasmic Fallopian tube, see uterine tube respiratory tract, 77–8, 78, 80
corpus luteum, 126, 129, 130 reticulum fat and fat cell see adipose cell; small intestine, 88
corpus spongiosum, 121, 122 smooth see smooth endoplasmic adipose tissue Golgi apparatus, 8–9
cortex reticulum female reproductive system, 123–32 gonadotrophins, 108
adrenal, 109, 110 endothelium, 14, 19, 72 fenestrated capillary, 74 see also follicle-stimulating
kidney, 97 artery, 72 fertilisation, 127 hormone; luteinising
lymph node, 56 capillary, 74 male infertility, 118 hormone
ovary, 123 endothelium-lined sinuses of fetus, oocyte/ovarian development, Graafian follicle, 125, 126
corticosteroid, 110, 111 lymph nodes, 56 123 granulocyte, 51
crypt of Lieberkühn, 90 vein, 72 fibroblast, 21, 22, 60 granulosa cell, 124, 125, 130
cuboidal epithelium enzymes fibrocartilage, 59, 60 grey matter
kidney gastrointestinal, 86, 87 fibroid, 129 brain, 39
ascending limb of loop of pancreatic, 95 filiform papilla, 85 spinal cord, 37, 39
Henle, 101, 102 eosin, 2 filtration, renal, 99–101 ground substance, 22
collecting duct, 102 eosinophil, 51 fixation, 1 growth
descending limb of loop of epicardium, 70, 71 flagellum, 9 bone, 61–2, 63–7
Henle, 101, 102 epidermis, 15, 18, 42–5, 47 spermatatozoon, 116 cessation, 67
simple, 14 epididymis, 119 in immotile cilia syndrome, 118 cartilage, 60, 65
stratified, 15 epiglottis, 78 follicle, ovarian, 123, 123–5, 130 growth hormone, 107
cyst, ovarian, 126 epimysium, 27 atresia, 125 growth plate, epiphyseal (EGP), 65,
cystic fibrosis, 82 epinephrine (adrenaline), 111 follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 66
cytoplasm, 6–9 epineurium, 39 108 gut-associated lymphoid tissue
molecules stored in, 9 epiphyseal growth plate (EGP), 65, female, 124, 125, 130 (GALT), 84, 91
cytoskeleton, 7 66 male, 118
epiphysis, 64–5 follicular phase of menstrual cycle, H
D growth, 67 129–30
epithelium, 13–20 formaldehyde, 1 haematopoiesis, 53–4
deep vein thrombosis, 76 abnormal growth and fungiform papilla, 85 haematoxylin, 2
dendrite, 33, 37 proliferation, 20 hair follicle, 46
peripheral nerve, 39 alimentary canal mucosa, 83 G Hassal’s corpuscle, 54
see also axo-dendritic synapse mouth, 84 Haversian system (incl. canal), 62,
dendritic cell, 53 oesophagus, 86 G0 phase of cell cycle, 10, 12 63
dense connective tissue, 22, 23 large intestine, 91 G1 phase of cell cycle, 10, 11–12 heart, 69–70
dermis, 45, 47 small intestine, 88–90 G2 phase of cell cycle, 10 muscle, 26, 28–30, 31
desmosome, 10 stomach, 87 gall bladder, 92 contraction, 30, 70, 71
Index 137
hypertrophy and hyperplasia, ion, renal handling, 101, 102 pharyngeal wall (tonsil), 57, 85 monocyte, 52
31 islet of Langerhans, 111–12 lysosome, 9 motor end plate, 37
see also myocardium motor neuron, 36
hemidesmosome, 10 J M mouth, 84
hepatic artery, 92 mucosa (mucous membrane), 19,
hepatic portal vein, 92 jejunum, 87 macrophage, 21, 52, 53 134
hepatocyte, 19, 92 joint lung alveolus, 81 alimentary canal, 83
heterochromatin, 6 cartilage, 59 non-migratory (Kupffer), liver, large intestine, 91
histochemistry, 2, 133 inflammatory disorder, 68 92 small intestine, 90
histology, interpretation in, 3–4 synovial, 59, 134 macula adherens, 10 stomach, 87
holocrine secretion, 17 juxtaglomerular apparatus, macula densa, 103 bladder, 104
hormones, 106 103 male female reproductive tract
adrenal, 110–11 mammary gland, 131 endometrium, 128
hypophyseal, see below pituitary K reproductive system, 114–22 uterine tube, 127
hypothalamic, 107, 108 malignant tumours, 20, 133, 134 vagina, 130
pancreatic, 112 keratin, 7, 15, 42 bladder, 105 respiratory, 77
pituitary keratinised stratified squamous breast, 132 ureter, 103
anterior, 107–8 epithelium, 15 cervix, 130 see also epithelia
posterior, 108 keratinocyte, 42, 44, 45 chemotherapy, 92 mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
thyroid, 109 kidney, 97–103 endocrine, 112 (MALT), 57
see also female and male Kupffer cell, 92 metastasis, 20, 58, 134 mucous gland/cell
reproductive systems prostate, 120 salivary gland, 84, 85
hyaline cartilage, 59, 59–60 L skin, 48 tongue, 85
in bone formation and growth, white blood cell, 52 trachea, 78
64–5 lactating breast, 3, 131 mammary gland, 130, 131 mucous membrane see mucosa
bronchus, 79 lamina propria, 19 mammotrophin (prolactin), 107, mucous neck cell, 87
larynx, 78 bladder, 104 130, 131 mucus, 134
trachea, 78 intestine, 88–91 Marfan syndrome, 22 cervix, 129
hydroxyapatite, 60 Langerhans cell, 44, 53 mast cell, 21, 52 intestine,
hyperplasia, muscle, 31 Langerhans islet, 111–12 matrix see extracellular matrix large, 91
hypertrophy large intestine, 91–2 median eminence, 108 small, 88
chondrocyte (epiphyseal plate), larynx, 78 medulla stomach, 86, 87
66 leucocyte see white blood cell adrenal, 109, 111 multiple sclerosis, 40
muscle, 31 leukaemias, 52 lymph node, 56 muscle, 13, 26–32
prostate, benign, 120 Leydig cell, 114, 115, 118 ovary, 126 cell (muscle fibre), 26, 26–30
hypothalamus, 106–7 Lieberkühn’s crypt, 90 renal, 97 synapse between axon and,
releasing hormones, 107, 108 light microscopy, staining for, 2 megakaryocyte, 53 37
lipid, cytoplasmic, 9 meiosis, 12 connective tissue, 26–30
I liver, 92–5 oogenesis, 124 contraction see contraction
cirrhosis, 95 spermatogenesis, 115 hypertrophy and hyperplasia,
ileum, 87, 91 hepatocyte, 19, 92 Meissner’s corpuscle, 47 31
immotile cilia syndrome, 118 red blood cell, 50 melanocyte, 44–5 nerve supply to, 31, 37
immune system, 53–7 reticulin fibre, 22, 23, 92 melanoma, malignant, 48 in skin, 47
cell, 51–3 long bone, growth and remodelling, membrane type, 26
lung, 81 67 cell, 6 see also specific types
non-specific response, 53 loop of Henle, 101, 101–2 epithelial, 18 muscularis externa in alimentary
small intestine, 91 loose connective tissue, 22–3 serous, 18 canal, 83–4
specific response, 53 lung, 77, 79 mucous, see mucosa large intestine, 91
see also autoimmune disorders immune cell, 81 menopause, 123 oesophagus, 85
immunohistochemistry, 2, 133 luteinising hormone (LH), 108, menstrual cycle, 123, 124–6, stomach, 86
infantile respiratory distress 130 129–30 muscularis mucosae (muscle layer
syndrome, 82 lymph, 55, 75 Merkel cell, 44, 47 of the mucosa), 19
infertility (male), 118 lymph node, 55–6, 75 merocrine gland, 17 alimentary canal, 83
inflammation, 133 plasma cell, 52, 56 sweat gland, 45–6 large intestine, 91
infundibulum, hypothalamic, tumour spreading to, 58 mesangial cell, 103 small intestine, 90
108 lymph vessel, 55, 56, 75 mesentery, 134 myasthenia gravis, 55
inspiration, 77 lymphocyte, 51–2 metaphase, 10 myelin, 34
insulin, 112 appendix, 93 spermatogenic cell, 115, 116 myoblast, 27
intercalated disc, 30 bronchus, 79 metastasis, 20, 58, 134 myocardium, 70
intercellular junction, 9–10 lymph node, 56 microglia, 38, 53 infarction, 71
intermediate filament, 7 nasopharynx, 78 microscopy see also heart, muscle
interphase, 10 production, 54 electron see ultrastructure myoepithelial cell, 18, 26
interstitial cell (Leydig cell), 114, small intestine, 88 light, staining for, 2 salivary gland, 84
115, 118 spleen, 55 microtubule, 7, 10 sweat gland, 45
interstitial growth, cartilage, 60, thymus, 54 cilium and flagellum, 9 myofibril, 27
65 see also specific types spermatazoon, 116 myofibroblast, 26
intervertebral disc, 60 lymphoid follicle, 56, 57 microvillus, 9 myofilament, 26, 27
intestinal gland, 90 lymphoid tissue (non-encapsulated), small intestine, 90 myoglobin, 27, 28
intestine, 87–92 57 milk, breast, 131 myoid cell, seminiferous tubule,
large, 91–2 appendix, 92 mineralocorticoid, 110 114
small see small intestine bronchus-associated (BALT), mitochondrion, 7 myometrium, 128
intramembranous ossification, 64 79 mitosis, 10–12 benign tumour, 129
iodine deficiency, 109 gut-associated (GALT), 84, 91 spermatogonium, 115, 115–16 myosin, 7
female, 125,126, spermatogenic cell, 115 tubular pole, Bowman’s capsule, 99 vas deferens, see ductus deferens
male, see Leydig cell tendon, 23, 27 tubule, renal, 101 vascular pole, Bowman’s capsule, 99
stomach, 86–7 collagen, 27, 61 tumours, 20, 134 vasculature see blood vessel
ulcer, 88 terminal bronchiole, 80–1 cervical, 130 vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone),
stratified (compound) epithelium, terminal hair, 46 malignant see malignant tumours 102–3, 108
13, 15–17 testis, 114–18 nervous tissue, 40 vein, 69, 71, 75
testis, 23 basement membrane and skin, 48 disorder, 76
tongue, 85 stratified epithelium, 23 uterine, 130 wall, 72, 75
stratum corneum, 42–4, 45 ducts draining, 119 tunica adventitia, 72–3, 73 vellus hair, 46
stratum germinativum, 44 testosterone, 117, 118, 119 tunica albuginea, 121 ventricle (heart), 69, 70, 71
stratum granulosum, 44 theca interna and externa, 125 tunica intima, 72, 73 venule, 69, 71, 75
stratum lucidum, 44 thin (micro)filaments, 7 tunica media, 72, 73 vesicle, 8
stratum spinosum, 44 thrombocyte see platelet villi, small intestine, 88–90
striated (striped) muscle, 26 thrombosis, deep vein, 76 U vitamin C deficiency, 22
stromal cell, ovarian, 125 thymus, 54 vocal fold/cord, 78
sublingual gland, 84, 85 thyroglobulin, 108, 109 ulcer, stomach, 88
submandibular gland, 84, 85 thyroid gland, 108–9 ultrastructure (electron microscopy), W
submucosa, alimentary canal, 83, 84 thyroid-releasing hormone (TrH), 5, 6–10
suprarenal (adrenal) gland, 24, 107, 109 skeletal muscle and contraction, water, renal transport, 101
109–11 thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 28 wax embedding, 1–2
sweat gland, 17, 45 107, 109 ureter, 103–4 white adipose tissue, 24
sympathetic nervous system thyroxine, 109 urethra, 104 white blood cell (leucocyte), 21,
arteriole and, 73–4 tight junction, 9 female, 104 51–2
bronchus and, 79 tissue, 13–41, 134 male, 114, 120–1 disorder, 52
bronchiole and, 80 preservation, 1 urinary tract/system, 97–105 synthesis in marrow, 53
ejaculation and, 122 primary, 13–41 transitional epithelium, 15,17, 103 white matter
ganglion, 38 processing for slicing, 1–2 uriniferous tubule, 101 brain, 39
nerve, 39 recognising, 18–19 urothelium (transitional spinal cord, 37, 39
skin, 47 sectioning, 2 epithelium), 15–17, 103, 104 white pulp, 55
synapse, 36–7 staining for visualisation, 2 uterine tube, 126–7
synovial joint, 59, 134 tissue fluid, excess accumulation uterus, 127–9 Z
(oedema), 76, 134
T tongue, 85 V zona fasciculata, 110
skeletal muscle, 29 zona glomerulosa, 110
T cell/lymphocyte, 51 tonsil, 57, 85 vagina, 130 zona occludens, 9
lymph node, 56 trachea, 78–9 epithelium, 16, 130 zona pellucida, 125
production, 54 transitional epithelium, 15–17, 103, valve zona reticularis, 110
spleen, 55 104 heart, 71 zonula adherens, 10
thymus, 55 transverse fold, small intestine, vein, 75 cardiac muscle, 30
telophase, 11 88–90 varicose vein, 76 zymogenic cell, 87
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