Pna703503 Ga15ff
Pna703503 Ga15ff
Pna703503 Ga15ff
Parts list
Unit type : ..................................................................... Owner’s machine No. : ................................................
Motor type : ................................................................. Unit serial No. : ............................................................
Delivery date : .............................................................. Motor serial No. : .........................................................
Service Plan : ................................................................ First start-up date : ......................................................
Selected lubricants
Compressor : ................................................................ Capacity : ......................................................................
Bearing grease type, electric motor ............................
Parts list
l Copyright Notice
Any unauthorised use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
Use only authorised parts any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorised parts is
not covered by warranty or product liability.
Marketing Hadbook
No. 9096 3216 00
Atlas Copco Compressor Sales
2007 - 01
(A Division of Atlas copco (India) Ltd.)
Pune - india
Parts list
Air Receiver
Standard option
- 7
- Dryer equipment........................................................ 16
- Full Feature...................................................................8
- DD filter.........................................................................17
Oil system - DD/PD filters...............................................................18
- 9
Oil circuit......................................................................... - EWD - Pack.................................................................19
- Service kits................................................................. 22
Parts list
1 Drive arrangement
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
Parts list
2 Unloading valve
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1005 1622 1713 00 1 Housing C77 Unloader 1065 0663 2104 98 1 O-Ring
1010 1622 1717 00 1 Cover C77 1070 0160 0996 86 1 Cross Rec Screw
1015 0335 2164 00 1 Circlip 1075 0301 2318 00 1 Washer
1025 1622 1755 80 1 Valve Ass'YC77 1080 1622 3694 80 1 Assembly
1035 1622 1773 00 1 Rod C77 1081 0663 2111 55 1 O-Ring
1040 0261 1090 86 1 Nut M10X1 H5 1085 1622 2906 00 1 Bushing
1045 1622 1789 00 1 Piston C77 Unloader 1090 1622 2905 00 1 High Temperature Sealing
1050 1622 1790 00 1 Guidance Tape C77 1095 1622 2904 00 1 Spring
Unloader 1100 1622 2903 00 1 Spring Guide
1055 1622 1797 00 1 Bushing
1060 1622 1798 00 1 Quad-Ring C77 Unloader
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1613 8719 00 1 Filter Housing 3035 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
1613 8720 00# 1 Filter Element 3040 1622 3551 15 1 Nipple M22X1,5 - G1/2
1015 1622 4741 00 1 Elbow 3045 0663 3125 00 1 O-Ring
1020 1622 4780 00 1 Tube 3050 1622 0164 00 1 Nipple
1025 0347 6114 00 3 Hose Clip 3051 0661 1000 38 1 Seal Washer
1030 1622 1713 80 1 Assembly Unloader C77 3055 1613 9005 01 1 Valve
1035 0663 7142 00 1 O-Ring 3060 0663 2108 11 1 O-Ring
1040 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon Bolt 3220 0581 0001 02 1 Nipple
1045 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 3221 0661 1000 40 1 Seal Washer
2010 1616 6712 90 1 Service Stage 4045 1089 0574 55 1 Temp. Sensor
3010 1622 0014 01 1 Housing 4050 1089070202 1 Solenoid Valve
3015 0663 2111 35 3 O-Ring 5005 1088 1001 01 1 Warning Mark
3020 0663 7134 00 1 O-Ring
3025 0147 1329 03 2 Hexagon Bolt
3030 0147 1335 03 2 Hexagon Bolt
Parts list
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1070 1622 0015 00 1 Hose Assembly 3070 0661 1000 44 1 Seal Washer
1075 0663 7134 00 2 O-Ring 3075 0581 0000 34 1 Coupling
1080 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon Bolt 3080 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1085 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 3085 0661 1000 38 2 Seal Washer
1215 0070 6002 05 5 Plastic Tube 3090 1622 4799 00 1 Support WSD
2005 0574 9911 35 1 Hose Assy 3095 0147 1321 03 2 Hexagon Bolt
2010 1 Cooler 3100 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1622 0942 00 GA15 3105 0147 1963 08 2 Tapping Screw
1622 0943 00 GA18 3110 0070 6002 05 7 Plastic Tube
1622 0944 00 GA22 3115 0070 6002 04 7 Plastic Tube
2015 1 Plate 3120 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe Coupling
1622 4765 81 GA15 3125 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1622 4764 81 GA18 3130 0661 1000 38 1 Seal Washer
1622 4774 81 GA22 3135 0581 0000 43 1 Coupling
2020 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon Bolt 3140 0852 0010 55 1 Ball Valve Iso7-R1/8 F-G1/8 M
3010 0574 9911 41 1 Hose Assembly 4040 1089 0575 54 1 Press. Transducer
3015 1622 4739 50 1 Outlet 6010 1 Ball Valve G3/4
3016 0661 1000 45 1 Seal Washer 0852 0010 34 Floor Mounted
3020 0697 9809 06 1 Lock Nut M40 Metal 6020 1 Elbow
3050 1622 4798 00 1 Pipe WSD 0605 9500 09 Floor Mounted
3055 1613 8222 80 1 WSD25 6100 1 Hexagon Nipple
3060 0686 6128 00 1 Plug 0603 4150 17 Floor Mounted CSA/UL
3065 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple
Parts list
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1070 1622 0015 00 1 Hose Assembly 5015 0147 1963 08 3 Hexagon Bolt
1075 0663 7134 00 2 O-Ring 5035 2 Nipple
1080 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon Bolt 2250 4983 00 A6X
1085 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 0571 0035 90 A7X
1215 0070 6002 05 5 Plastic Tube 5040 2 Seal Washer
2005 0574 9911 35 1 Hose Assy 0661 1000 44 A6X
2010 1 Cooler 0661 1000 46 A7X
1622 0942 00 GA15 FF 5046 0607 1151 06 1 Reducing Socket
1622 0943 00 GA18 FF 5047 0581 1200 26 1 Elbow Coupling
1622 0944 00 GA22 FF 5050 0070 6002 05 5 Plastic Tube
2015 1 Plate 5055 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe Coupling
1622 4765 81 GA15 FF 6010 1 Ball Valve G3/4
1622 4764 81 GA18 FF 0852 0010 34 Floor Mounted
1622 4774 81 GA22 FF 6020 1 Elbow
2020 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon Bolt 0605 9500 09 Floor Mounted
3010 0574991137 1 Hose Assembly 6100 1 Hexagon Nipple
3015 0575078827 1 Hose Assembly 0603 4150 17 Floor Mounted CSA/UL
3020 1622 4739 50 1 Nipple
3021 0661 1000 45 1 Washer
3025 0697 9809 06 1 Lock Nut M40 Metal
4040 1089 0575 54 1 Press. Transducer
5010 1 Dryer
1624 2468 81 A6X 50Hz: GA15 7.5-13
bar(e) / GA18 13 bar(e)
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 4702 50 1 Oil vessel CE/ASME 2255 1619 3770 00 1 Nipple
2090 2235 2544 00 4 Damper 2260 1614 6118 00 1 Flange
2095 0266 2110 00 4 Nut 2265 0663 2101 95 1 O-Ring
2100 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 2270 0147 1246 03 2 Hexagon Bolt
2105 1202 8992 00 1 Plug 2275 0301 2321 00 2 Washer
2110 0663 2102 15 1 O-Ring 2280 1622 3551 16 4 Nipple M22X1,5 - G3/4
2115 1513 0167 00 1 Sight Glass 2285 0663 2113 37 4 O-Ring
2120 0605 9500 09 1 Elbow 3010 1 Housing
2125 1079 5840 27 1 Nipple 1513 0539 00 7.5-8.5-10 bar(e)
2130 0661 1000 43 1 Seal Washer 1622 0257 00 13 bar(e)
2139 1503 2565 04 1 Elbow 1/2 M-F 3015 0661 1000 44 1 Seal Washer
2140 0603 4100 17 1 Hexagon Nipple 3020 1 Spring
2145 0852 0010 36 1 Ball Valve G1/4 1513 0063 00 7.5-8.5-10 bar(e)
2150 0686 3718 24 1 Plug 1622 0259 00 13 bar(e)
2160 1622 4700 50 1 Instrument Block 3025 1513 0402 01 Piston
2165 0663 3128 00 1 O-Ring 3030 0663 2105 40 O-Ring
2170 0147 1342 03 3 Hexagon Bolt 3035 1513 0064 00 Spring
2175 0301 2335 00 3 Washer 3040 1513 0401 01 1 Valve Disc
2180 1622 0351 01 1 Oil Separator 4015 1 Safety valve
2185 1622 0338 00 1 Coupling 0832 1000 77 7.5 bar(e)
2190 1622 0337 00 1 Pipe 0832 1000 78 8.5 - 10 bar(e)
2195 1622 3551 06 1 Nipple M12X1,5 - G1/4 0832 1000 79 13 bar(e)
2200 0663 3119 00 1 O-Ring 4025 1 Thermostatic valve
2210 0581 1200 37 1 Elbow Coupling 1622 7064 01 38°C: 7.5-8.5-10 bar(e)
2225 0562 3106 03 1 Bend 1622 7064 02 65°C: 13 bar(e)
2226 0571 0035 28 1 Hexagon Nipple 5020 1 Oil label
2235 1613 6883 03 1 Valve Housing 1079 9909 57 Label Rotoinject Fluid
2240 0147 1362 03 2 Hexagon Bolt
2245 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
2250 1613 6105 01 1 Oil Filter
Parts list
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1 Cubicle X101 1088 0015 36# 2 Connector Socket
9096 9183 00 GA15-22 15kW/18,5kW X102 1089 0700 01# 1 Connector Female
400V 50Hz X102 1089 0700 02# 1 Connector Male
9096 9184 00 GA15-22 22kW 400V 50Hz X102 1089 0700 03# 8 Connector Pin
X102 1089 0700 04# 8 Connector Socket
Used in all cabinets X103 1088 0037 04# 1 Connector Female
end 1089 0506 30# 3 End Bracket X103 1088 0031 84# 1 Connector Male
100 9820 3570 01# 1 Label X103-X108
2X10 1088 0031 32# 1 Connector Female 1088 0031 18# 4 Adaptor
2X9 1088 0031 06# 1 Connector Female X104 1088 0037 31# 1 Connector Female
F1-F2 #2 Fuse Holder X105 1088 0037 30# 1 Connector Female
supply #1 Cable Gland X106 1088 0031 22# 1 Connector Female
supply #1 Nut X106 1088 0031 82# 1 Connector Male
wh 0697 9809 22# 1 Nut X108 1088 0037 06# 1 Connector Female
K21 #1 Contact Block X108 1088 0031 86# 1 Connector Male
K22 #1 Contact Block
K23 #1 Contact Block 1X0 # 3ph Terminal Block
K5 #1 Clip F1-F2 #2 Fuse
K5 #1 Relay F21 #1 Overload Relay
K5 #1 Socket K21-K23 #2 Contactor
MSA #1 Cubicle K22 #1 Contactor set
S3 #2 Contact Block 0694 5281 34 #3 Cable Lug
S3 #1 Emergency Stop Button 1900 2078 06
WH 1622 4102 00# 1 Wire Harness T1 #1 Transformer
X101 1088 0015 02# 1 Connector Male
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 4711 82 3 Beam 1085 9096 9162 00 1 Hand Protection
1015 0147 1963 08 3 Hexagon Bolt 1090 1079 1472 05 2 Hexagon Bolt
1020 1622 4768 80 1 Baffle Air Inlet Assembly 2030 0697 9810 32 1 Plug M12X1.5
1025 1079 1472 05 3 Hexagon Bolt 2035 0697 9809 30 1 Lock Nut M12 (Pa)
1035 1622 4769 80 1 Support 2040 0697 9810 25 1 Plug M16 Pvc
1040 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon Bolt 2045 0697 9809 20 1 Lock Nut M16 (Pa)
1046 1622 4757 80 1 Baffle Fan 3016 0147 1247 03 4 Hexagon Bolt
1051 0147 1247 03 4 Hexagon Bolt 3017 0301 2321 00 4 Washer
1056 0300 0276 20 4 Plain Washer(A) 4020 0147 1963 08 3 Hexagon Bolt
6.4 X 18 X 1.6 4021 1079 1472 05 1 Hexagon Bolt
1075 1622 4778 80 1 Baffle Cooler
1080 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon Bolt
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 4711 82 3 Beam 1090 1079 1472 05 2 Hexagon Bolt
1015 0147 1963 08 3 Hexagon Bolt 2025 1622 4723 81 1 Plate Dryer
1020 1622 4768 80 1 Baffle Air Inlet Assembly 2030 0147 1963 08 6 Hexagon Bolt
1025 1079 1472 05 3 Hexagon Bolt 2035 1 Plate Dryer Small
1035 1622 4769 80 1 Support 1622 4777 00 A6X dryer
1040 0147 1963 08 2 Hexagon Bolt 1622 4777 10 A7X dryer
1046 1622 4757 80 1 Baffle Fan 2040 0129 3270 33 3 Blind Rivet
1051 0147 1247 03 4 Hexagon Bolt 3016 0147 1247 03 4 Hexagon Bolt
1056 0300 0276 20 4 Plain Washer(A) 3017 0301 2321 00 4 Washer
6.4 X 18 X 1.6 4020 0147 1963 08 3 Hexagon Bolt
1075 1622 4778 80 1 Baffle Cooler 4021 1079 1472 05 1 Hexagon Bolt
1080 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon Bolt
1085 9096 9162 00 1 Hand Protection
Parts list
Parts list
Bodywork - Pack 14
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 4730 80 1 Frame Pack 1095 1089 9068 01 1 Key
1011 1079 9903 48# 1 Label 1150 1622 3880 80 1 Document Holder
1015 1622 4727 80 1 Left Panel Pack 2018 1089 9556 05 1 Air Inlet With Filter 150X150
1020 0147 1964 29 2 Hexagon Bolt 1089 9556 23# 1 Filter For Fpf12 (Spare)
1025 1622 4795 80 1 Right Panel 2020 1900 0712 71 1 Regulator Elektronikon I+
1030 0147 1964 29 2 Hexagon Bolt 2025 0147 1169 03 6 Hexagon Bolt
1035 1622 4794 80 1 Roof Pack 2030 0301 2315 00 6 Washer
1040 0215 0006 14 6 Hex Sock Screw 2035 1089 9125 05 1 Round Disk
1045 1622 4747 80 1 Back Panel Middle 3020 1 Decal
1050 0215 0006 14 3 Hex Sock Screw 1622 4631 39 GA15
1055 1622 4746 80 1 Back Panel Right 1622 4631 41 GA18
1060 0215 0006 14 6 Hex Sock Screw 1622 4631 43 GA22
1065 1622 4771 80 1 Cubicle Door 3025 1622 1900 00 2 Data Label Atlas Copco
1066 1619 7705 00# 2 Lock 3035 1079 9902 55 1 Label
1067 1088 1001 01# 1 Warning Mark 3040 0690 1125 01 1 House Mark
1068 1079 9920 83# 1 Decal 3045 1622 6116 00 1 Warning Suction
1070 1202 6400 00 2 Hinge 3050 1079 9915 89 1 Label
1075 0147 1244 03 2 Hexagon Bolt 3055 1079 9915 98 1 Label
1080 0301 2321 00 2 Washer 4010 1089 0362 51 1 Push Button
1085 1622 4742 80 1 Front Panel
1086 1513 0431 00# 2 Door Lock
1090 1089 9154 02 1 Key
Parts list
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 4731 80 1 Frame FF 1100 1 Front Panel Dryer
1011 1079 9903 48# 1 Label 1622 4743 80 FF
1015 1622 4727 81 1 Left Panel FF 1622 4743 81 FF + Filter Option
1020 0147 1964 29 2 Hexagon Bolt 1101 1513 0431 00# 1 Door Lock
1025 1622 4795 80 1 Right Panel 1102 0690 1125 01# 1 House Mark
1030 0147 1964 29 2 Hexagon Bolt 1105 1089 9154 02 1 Key
1035 1622 4792 80 1 Roof FF 1110 1089 9068 01 1 Key
1040 0215 0006 14 6 Hex Sock Screw 1150 1622 3880 80 1 Document Holder
1045 1622 4746 80 1 Back Panel Right 2018 1089 9556 05 1 Air Inlet With Filter 150X150
1050 0215 0006 14 3 Hex Sock Screw 1089 9556 23# 1 Filter For FPF12 (Spare)
1055 1622 4747 80 1 Back Panel Middle 2020 1900 0712 71 1 Regulator Elektronikon I+
1060 0215 0006 14 3 Hex Sock Screw 2025 0147 1169 03 6 Hexagon Bolt
1065 1622 4748 80 1 Back Panel Left FF 2030 0301 2315 00 6 Washer
1070 0215 0006 14 6 Hex Sock Screw 2035 1089 9125 05 1 Round Disk
1075 1622 4771 80 1 Cubicle Door 3020 1 Decal
1076 1619 7705 00# 2 Lock 1622 4631 40 GA15FF
1077 1088 1001 01# 1 Warning Mark 1622 4631 42 GA18FF
1078 1079 9920 83# 1 Decal 1622 4631 44 GA22FF
1080 1202 6400 00 2 Hinge 3025 1622 1900 00 2 Data Label Atlas Copco
1085 0147 1244 03 2 Hexagon Bolt 3035 1079 9902 55 1 Label
1090 0301 2321 00 2 Washer 3045 1622 6116 00 1 Warning Suction
1095 1622 4742 80 1 Front Panel 3050 1079 9915 89 1 Label
1096 1513 0431 00# 2 Door Lock 4010 1089 0362 51 1 Push Button
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1900 2320 21 Phase Sequence Relay
K11 0000 2964 92# 2 Cable Lug Faston1900 2601 51
160-690V IEC-CSA/UL
K11 0694 5285 12# 2 Isolator Cap Female Faston
F3 1089 0612 01# 1 Fuse Holder 1900 2320 21
6,3x0,8 1900 2601 51
F3 1089 9168 36# 1 Fuse Link 1900 2320 21
K11 1089 9415 16# 1 Contactor 1900 2601 51
K25 1089 9461 07# 1 Phase Seq. Relay
L1-L2 0694 5285 25# 2 Cable Lug 1900 2601 51
1900 2320 21
K11 0694 5900 10# 2 Fork Faston Male 6,3x0,8
L3 0694 5285 25# 1 Cable Lug 1900 2320 21
1900 2601 51
X101 1088 0015 22# 1 Connector Female
X104 1088 0037 63# 1 Connector Combi1900 2601 51
1900 2320 21
X114 1088 0015 05# 1 Connector Male 1900 2601 51
X101 1088 0015 16# 2 Connector Pin 1900 2320 21
X114 1088 0015 36# 4 Connector Socket 1900 2601 51
X106 1088 0031 22# 1 Connector Female
1900 2320 21
1900 2601 93 Prepared connector GA5-30C
1900 2601 04 Dryer rail GA11-30C IEC
X114 1088 0015 26# 1 Connector Female 1900 2601 93
- 1089 0506 30# 2 End Bracket 1900 2601 04
X114 1088 0015 16# 4 Connector Pin 1900 2601 93
100 9820 3547 81# 1 Assembly Drawing
1900 2601 04
1900 2601 94 Prepared connector GA5-30C
1X0 1089 0506 03# 1 Terminal 1900 2601 04
1X2 1089 0506 60# 1 Terminal 1900 2601 04
X114 1088 0015 26# 1 Connector Female 1900 2601 94
2dm 9139 5000 16# 1 Mounting Rail 1900 2601 04
X114 1088 0015 16# 4 Connector Pin 1900 2601 94
F7-F8 1089 0612 28# 2 Fuse 1900 2601 04
F7-F8 1089 0612 01# 2 Fuse Holder 1900 2601 04
1900 2602 25 Trafo with prepared connector
K11 0000 2964 92# 2 Cable Lug Faston
all other voltages
1900 2601 04
T3 1089 9437 52# 1 Autotransformer 1900 2602 25
K11 0694 5285 12# 2 Isolator Cap Female Faston
X114 1088 0015 26# 1 Connector Female 1900 2602 25
6,3x0,8 1900 2601 04
X114 1088 0015 16# 5 Connector Pin 1900 2602 25
K11 1089 9415 14# 1 Contactor 1900 2601 04
L1-L2 0694 5285 25# 2 Cable Lug 1900 2601 04
K11 0694 5900 10# 2 Fork Faston Male 6,3x0,8
1900 2601 04
X104 1088 0037 63# 1 Connector Combi
1900 2601 04
X114 1088 0015 05# 1 Connector Male
1900 2601 04
X114 1088 0015 36# 4 Connector Socket
1900 2601 04
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1 Bushing 1085 1622 4739 50 1 Nipple
0605 8700 27 A6X 1090 0686 6128 00 1 Plug
0605 8700 15 A7X 1095 0661 1000 45 1 Washer
1015 1 Seal Washer 1100 0697 9809 06 1 Lock Nut M40 Metal
0661 1000 44 A6X 1105 1617 7082 02 1 Quick Coupling G 1/4 Female
0661 1000 46 A7X 1110 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow Coupling
1020 0560 0200 85 1 Elbow 1115 0070 6002 05 12 Plastic Tube
1025 0560 4401 34 1 Tee 1120 0581 2000 30 1 Coupling
1030 0605 8820 05 1 Bushing 1125 0607 1151 06 1 Reducing Socket
1035 0661 1000 43 1 Seal Washer 1130 0070 6002 05 5 Plastic Tube
1040 1624 1090 04 1 DDX 55 With Indicator 1135 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe Coupling
1045 1622 6120 00 1 Support Filter Option 2040 1089 0575 54 1 Press.Transducer
1050 0215 0003 73 2 Hex.Socket Screw
1055 0266 2110 00 2 Nut
1060 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1065 0129 3270 33 2 Blind Rivet
1070 0562 3106 03 1 Bend
1075 0571 0035 28 1 Hexagon Nipple
1080 0575 0125 49 1 Hose Assembly
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1 Bushing 1085 0129 3270 33 2 Blind Rivet
0605 8700 27 A6X 1090 0562 3106 03 1 Bend
0605 8700 15 A7X 1095 0571 0035 28 1 Hexagon Nipple
1015 1 Seal Washer 1100 0575 0125 50 1 Hose Assembly
0661 1000 44 A6X 1105 1622 4739 50 1 Nipple
0661 1000 46 A7X 1110 0686 6128 00 1 Plug
1020 0560 0200 85 1 Elbow 1115 0661 1000 45 1 Washer
1025 0560 4401 34 1 Tee 1120 0697 9809 06 1 Lock Nut M40 Metal
1030 0605 8820 05 1 Bushing 1125 1617 7082 02 2 Quick Coupling G 1/4 Female
1035 0661 1000 43 1 Seal Washer 1130 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow Coupling
1040 1624 1090 04 1 DDX 55 With Indicator 1135 0070 6002 05 0.7 Plastic Tube
1045 1624 1090 03 1 PDX 55 With Indicator 1140 0581 2000 28 1 Tee Coupling
1050 0663 2101 97 1 O-Ring 1145 0070 6002 05 12 Plastic Tube
1055 0215 0003 73 2 Hex.Socket Screw 1150 0581 2000 30 1 Coupling
1060 0266 2110 00 2 Nut 1155 0607 1151 06 1 Reducing Socket
1065 1622 6120 00 1 Support Filter Option 1160 0070 6002 05 5 Plastic Tube
1070 0215 0003 73 2 Hex.Socket Screw 1165 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe Coupling
1075 0266 2110 00 2 Nut 2040 1089 0575 54 1 Press.Transducer
1080 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 0574 9911 41 1 Hose Assembly 1135 0661 1000 39 1 Seal Washer
1015 1622 4739 50 1 Outlet 1140 1613 8913 02 1 Ewd 50 110 50/60
1016 0661 1000 45 1 Seal Washer 1145 1622 0833 00 1 Support For Ewd
1020 0697 9809 06 1 Lock Nut M40 Metal 1150 0226 0301 00 2 Tapping Screw
1075 0581 0000 45 1 Coupling 1155 0607 1151 05 1 Reducing Socket
1080 1613 8084 00 1 Pipe Coupling 1160 0581 0000 38 1 Pipe Coupling
1085 0661 1000 38 2 Seal Washer 1165 0661 1000 42 1 Seal Washer
1110 0070 6002 05 5 Plastic Tube 1170 0070 6002 05 4 Plastic Tube
1115 0070 6002 06 5 Plastic Tube 1175 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe Coupling
1120 1503 2566 13 1 Tee 2040 1089 0575 54 1 Press.Transducer
1125 0581 1200 29 1 Elbow
1130 0581 0000 73 1 Pipe Coupling
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1 Elbow 1080 1622 1231 00 1 Plug
1503 2565 41 except US air receiver 1085 0686 3718 24 1 Plug
0560 4400 51 US air receiver 1090 1613 8913 02 1 EWD 50 110V 50/60Hz
1015 1503 2566 11 1 Tee 1095 0607 1151 05 1 Socket
1020 1 Ball Valve 1100 0581 0000 59 1 Coupling
0852 0010 36 except US air receiver 1105 Support
0085 2000 04 US air receiver 1622 1232 00 1 except US air receiver
1025 0581 0000 45 1 Pipe Coupling 1622 1232 01 1 US air receiver
1030 0661 1000 38 1 Seal Washer 1110 0160 6066 00 2 Bolt
1035 0070 6002 06 1 Plastic Tube 1115 Screw
1040 0581 0000 53 1 Pipe Coupling 0160 6100 00 1 except US air receiver
1045 0661 1000 39 1 Seal Washer 0160 6100 00 2 US air receiver
1050 1503 2566 23 1 Tee 1120 Washer
1055 1503 2565 04 1 Elbow 0300 8019 00 2 except US air receiver
1060 0605 8700 90 1 Bushing 0300 8019 00 4 US air receiver
1065 0581 0000 78 1 Pipe Coupling 1125 Nut
1070 0070 6002 05 8.5 Plastic Tube 0261 2110 00 1 except US air receiver
1075 0581 1200 23 1 Pipe Coupling 0261 2110 00 2 US air receiver
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 0574 9911 41 1 Hose Assembly 1135 1089 0640 21 1 Solenoid 110V
1015 1622 4739 50 1 Outlet 50/60Hz 2mm
1016 0661 1000 45 1 Seal Washer 1140 1089 9259 20 1 Timer
1020 0697 9809 06 1 Lock Nut M40 Metal 1145 0581 0000 38 1 Coupling
1075 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling 1150 0661 1000 42 1 Seal Washer
1080 0661 1000 38 1 Seal Washer 1155 0070 6002 05 4 Plastic Tube
1085 0686 3718 15 1 Plug 1160 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe Coupling
1110 0070 6002 05 5 Plastic Tube 2040 1089 0575 54 1 Press.Transducer
1115 0581 1200 23 1 Pipe Coupling
1120 2235 2607 01 1 Filter
1125 1622 6119 00 1 Support
1130 0226 0301 00 2 Tapping Screw
Parts list
22 Service kits
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
2901 0866 01 1 Filter Kit GA/x15-22 1613 9311 80##1 Float Assy WSD25/40
1613 8720 00# 1 Filter Element 1613 9311 00###2 Float Half WSD25/40
1613 6105 01# 1 Oil Filter 1613 9312 00###1 Support WSD25/40
1622 0351 01# 1 Oil Separator 1613 9338 00##1 Vavle Disc WSD25/40 Drain
9820 4572 00# 1 Filter Kit 2901 0866 01 1613 8750 00##1 Insert For Drain WSD25-40
2901 5005 00 1 Shaft Seal Kit GA11-30c 0663 9004 00##1 O-ring 4x1
1616 5742 00# 1 Seal Ring 1613 9247 00##1 Nut WSD25/40
1622 0009 00# 1 Bushing 0663 2111 28# 1 O-ring 61x3
0663 2103 22# 1 O-ring 0663 6137 00# 1 O-ring 64,5x3
2904 0005 00# 1 Instr. Drwg 0663 2133 00# 3 O-ring 39,2x3
2901 1399 00 1 Service Kit Min Press 2904 0154 00# 0 Instruction WSD25-40
Valve 2901 0748 00 1 Kit WSD25/40
1513 0401 01# 1 Valve Disc 1613 9225 00# 1 Clamp WSD25/40
1513 0064 00# 1 Spring 1613 9226 00# 1 Ring WSD25/40
0663 2105 40# 1 O-ring 0663 9289 00# 1 O-ring
1513 0063 00# 1 Spring 0291 1108 00# 1 Lock Nut
0661 1000 44# 1 Seal Washer 2904 0155 00# 0 Instruction WSD25-40
2904 1015 00# 1 Min Press Valve Instruction 2901 0563 00 1 Automatic Drain Kit
2901 1411 00 1 Service Kit Min Press 2901 0563 00 Automatic Drain Kit
Valve 2901 1212 00 1 Spare Element Kit
1513 0401 01# 1 Valve Disc PDX/PDXP 55
1513 0064 00# 1 Spring 2901 1212 00 Spare Element Kit
0663 2105 40# 1 O-ring PDX/PDXP 55
1622 0259 00# 1 Spring 2901 1214 00 1 Spare Element Kit
0661 1000 44# 1 Seal Washer DDX/DDXP 55
2904 1015 00# 1 Min Press Valve Instruction 2901 1214 00 Spare Element Kit
2901 0068 00 1 Thermostat Kit DDX/DDXP 55
1622 7064 01# 1 Thermostatic Valve 38°c 2902 0161 00 1 Unloader Service Kit C77
0663 2101 95# 1 O-ring 1622 1755 80# 1 Valve Ass'y C77
9820 4573 00# 1 Thermostatic Valve Kit 1622 1755 00##1 Valve C77
2904 0036 02# 1 GA30-75 Thermostatic Valve 1622 3694 80# 1 Assembly
Kit 1622 3694 00##1 Housing
2901 0069 00 1 Thermostat Kit 1622 3694 01##1 Cover
1622 7064 02# 1 Thermostatic Valve 65°c 1622 3694 02##1 Piston
0663 2101 95# 1 O-ring 1513 0477 00##1 Piston Ring
9820 4573 00# 1 Thermostatic Valve Kit 1622 3694 03##1 Seal
2904 0036 02# 1 GA30-75 Thermostatic Valve 1622 3694 04##1 Seal
Kit 1622 3694 05##1 Rivet
2901 0709 00 1 Elem.overh.kit 1622 3694 06##2 Insert
GA/GX11-37+GAR 1622 3694 07##1 Glide Seal
0663 2107 37# 1 O-ring 0226 3300 18##4 Bolt
0663 2106 67# 1 O-ring 0663 2112 69##1 O-ring
0508 1108 00# 1 Bearing 1622 1797 00# 1 Bushing
0508 1100 46# 1 Bearing 1622 1790 00# 1 Guidance Tape C77 Unloader
0504 0200 14# 1 Ball Bearing 1622 1798 00# 1 Quad-ring C77 Unloader
0663 7139 00# 1 O-ring 0663 2104 98# 1 O-ring
0504 0605 00# 1 Bearing 1622 2906 00# 1 Bushing Vqb22
0663 2108 34# 1 O-ring 1622 2905 00# 1 High Temperature Sealing
1616 6267 70# 1 Spacer Vqb22
1616 6273 70# 1 Spacer 1622 2904 00# 1 Spring Vqb 22
2901 0712 00 1 Service Kit WSD25- 1622 2903 00# 1 Spring Guide Vqb 22
WSD40 0301 2318 00# 2 Washer
1613 9227 80# 1 Drain Assembly 0160 0996 86# 2 Cross Rec Screw
1613 9227 00##1 Drain WSD25/40 0663 2111 55# 1 O-ring
0663 6128 00##1 O-ring 0663 7142 00# 1 O-ring
0663 6124 00##1 O-ring 0211 1957 50# 2 Screw
1613 9229 00##1 Cover 0661 1000 40# 1 Seal Washer
1613 9228 00##1 Housing 9820 3654 00# 1 Instruct Drwg
Parts list
Service kits 22
Parts list
Parts list
Parts list
e. All electrical leads are secure and in good order.
3. Place the unit where the ambient air is as cool and clean as possible. If necessary,
install a suction duct. Never obstruct the air inlet. Care shall be taken to minimize f. Safety valves and other pressure - relief devices are not obstructed by dirt
the entry of moisture with the inlet air. or paint
4. The aspirated air shall be free from flammable fumes or vapours, e. g. paint g. Air outlet valve and air net, i. e. pipes, couplings, manifolds, valves, hoses,
solvents, that can lead to internal fire or explosion. etc. are in good repair, free of wear or abuse.
5. Air-cooled units shall be installed in such a way that an adequate flow of cooling 8. If warm cooling air from compressors is used in air heating systems e. g. to
air is available and that the exhaused air does not recirculate to the inlet. warm up a workroom, take precautions against air polution and possible
contamination of the breating air.
6. Arrange the air intake so that loose clothing of people cannot be sucked in.
9. Do not remove any of, or tamper with, the sound- damping material.
7. Ensure that the discharge pipe from the compressor to the aftercooler or air net
is free to expand under heat and that it is not in contact with or close to flammable Maintenance
material. Maintenance and repair work shall only be carried our under supervision of
8. No external force may be exerted on the air outlet valve; the connected pipe someone qualified for the job.
must be free of strain. 1. Use only the correct tools for maintenance and repair work.
9. If remote control is installed, the unit shall bear an obvious sign reading : 2. Use only genuine spare parts.
DANGER : This machine is remotely controlled and may start without 3. All maintenance work, other than routine attention, shall only be undertaken
warning. when the unit is stopped, the main power supply is switched off and the machine
has cooled down. Take positive precaution to ensure that the unit cannot be
As a further safeguard, persons switching or remotely controlled units shall take started inadvertently.
adequate precautions to ensure that there is no one checking or working on the
machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the start equipment. In addition, a warning sign bearing a legend such as “work in progress; do not
start” shall be attached to the starting equipment.
10. On units with automatic start-stop system, a sign stating “This machine may
start without warning” shall be attached near the instrument panel. 4. Before removing any pressurized component, effectively isolate the unit from all
sources of pressure and relieve the entire system of pressure.
11. In multiple compressor systems manual valves shall be installed to isolate each
compressor. Non-return valves (check valves) shall not be relied upon for isolating 5. Never use flammable solvents or carbon tetrachloride for cleaning parts. Take
pressure systems. safely precautions against toxic vapours of cleaning liquids.
6. Scrupulously observe cleanliness during maintenance and repair. Keep dirt away
12. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices, guards or insulations fitted on
by covering the parts and exposed openings with a clean cloth, paper or tape.
the unit. Every pressure vessel or auxiliary installed outside the unit to contain
air above atmospheric pressure shall be protected by a pressure-relieving device 7. Never weld or perform any operation involving heat near the oil system. Oil
or devices as required. tanks must be completely purged. e. g. by steam-cleaning, before carrying out
such operations.
13. Pipework or other pars with a temperature in excess of 80 degrees celsius and
which may be accidentally touched by personnel in normal operation shall be Never weld on, or in any way modify, pressure vessels.
guarded or insulated. Other high-temperature pipework shall be clearly marked.
8. Make sure that no tools, loose parts or rags are left in or on the unit.
14. If the ground is not level or can be subject to variable inclination, consult Atlas
9. Before clearing the unit for use after maintenance or overhaul, check that
operating pressures, temperatures and time settings are correct and that the
15. The electrical connections shall correspond to the local codes. The units shall be control and shut-down devices function correctly. If removed, check that the
grounded and protected against short circuits by fuses. coupling guard of the compressor drive shaft has been reinstalled.
Operation 10. Every time the separator element is renewed, examine the discharge pipe and
the inside of the oil separator vessel for carbon deposits; if excessive, the deposits
1. Air hoses shall be of correct size and suitable for the working pressure. Never should be removed.
use frayed, damaged or deteriorated hoses. Use only the correct type and size
11. Protect the motor, air filter, electrical and regulating components, etc. to prevent
of hose end fittings and connections. When blowing through a hose or air line,
moisture from entering them e. g. when steam-cleaning.
ensure that the open end is held securely. A free end will whip and may cause
injury. Make sure that a hose is fully depressurized before disconnecting it. 12. Make sure that all sound-damping material, e. g. on the bodywork and in the air
Never play with compressed air. Do not apply it to your skin or direct an air inlet and outlet systems of the compressor, is in good condition. If damaged,
stream at people. Never use it to clean dirt from your clothes. When using it to replace it by genuine Atlas Copco material to prevent the sound pressure level
clean equipment, do so with extreme caution and use eye protection. from increasing.
2. The compressor is not considered as capable of producing air of breathing quality. 13. Never use caustic solvents which can damage materials of the air net, e. g.
For breathing air quality, the compressed air must be adequately purified according polycarbonate bowls.
to local legislation and standards.
14. The following safety precautions are stressed when handling refrigerant :
3. Never operate the unit when there is a possibility of taking in flammable or toxic
a. Never inhale refrigerant vapours. Check that the working area is adequately
ventilated; if required, use breathing protection.
4. Never operate the unit at pressures below or in excess of its limit ratings as b. Always wear special gloves. In case of refrigerant contact with the skin,
indicated on the Principal Data sheet. rinse the skin with water. If liquid refrigerant contacts the skin through
clothing, never tear off or remove the latter; flush abundantly with fresh
5. Keep all bodywork doors shut during operation. The doors may be opened for
water over the clothing until all refrigerant is flushed away; then seek medical
short periods only. e. g. to carry out checks. Wear ear protectors when opening
first aid.
a door.
c. Always wear safety glasses.
6. People staying in environments or rooms where the sound pressure level reaches
or exceeds 90 dB (A) shall wear ear protectors. Note : With stationery machine units driven by an internal combustion engine, allowance
7. Periodically check that :
Consult Atlas Copco.
a. All guards are in place and securely fastened
b. All hoses and / or pipes inside the unit are in good condition, secure and not
c. There are no leaks Book, will be disclaimed by Atlas Copco.
d. All fasteners are tight