Installation Guide: Devan Water Tanks
Installation Guide: Devan Water Tanks
Installation Guide: Devan Water Tanks
CAPACITY: 30,000 Litres WEIGHT: 475 kg
6,500 gallons OUTLET: 2 x 50 mm (2 inch)
WIDTH: 3.7 metres BSP Brass Fittings
HEIGHT: 3.1 metres
CAPACITY: 5,500 Litres WEIGHT: 112.5 kg
1,200 gallons OUTLE T: 1 x 50 mm (2 inch)
WIDTH: 1.9 metres BSP Brass Fittings
HEIGHT: 2.3 metres
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CAPACIT Y: 1,000 Litres WEIGHT: 35 kg
OUTLE T: 2 x 50 mm (2 inch) &
WIDTH: 0.87 metres 2 x 16 mm Brass BSP
HEIGHT: 2.0 metres Fittings
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1350 mm LENGTH
1050 mm HEIGHT
CAPACIT Y: 750 Litres WEIGHT: 35 kg
WIDTH: 0.9 metres
LENGTH: 1.35 metres
HEIGHT: 1.05 metres
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Foundation and location
Fig I: Sand base installation
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In high wind areas such as hilltops, place, all four lifting eyes must be used
the Devan tank can be secured to the in doing so. The lifting eyes are not
ground using all four lifting lugs. Do not rated sufficiently to be used with any
overtighten the tie-downs or damage water in the tank.
will result.
General Plumbing Guidelines
Devan water tanks are not designed Because polyethylene water tanks
for in-ground installation and therefore expand when full, plumbing to the tank
must not be buried any further than a must be flexible. All plumbing attached
maximum of one metre below ground to the tank must be done properly with
level, with free space of at least 500mm all connections free from stress.
around the tank. Devan tanks can be
recessed into banks or similar, providing All drilling and plumbing should be
the tank is not backfilled against and completed prior to filling.
there is free space of at least 500mm
around the tank. Polyethylene pipe does not constitute
flexible plumbing. Flexi-hose needs to
Do not install water tanks over buried be used to provide sufficient flexibility.
pipes, cables or any other utility
connections which may require No extra penetrations are to be cut into
servicing or maintenance. the walls of the tank without written
approval of the manufacturer. Doing
Do not install water tanks over so will seriously affect the structural
underground structures such as cellars, integrity of the tank and lead to
septic tanks, sewage canals, etc. premature failure.
Do not install water tanks where they Fig II: Top plumbing guide.
could pose a potential hazard to life or
Overflow level determines maximum capacity
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Your Devan product has been 3) The claim for goods under warranty
manufactured to the highest standards arises solely from faulty material or
utilising advanced technology and manufacturers’ workmanship.
production procedures. Devan
Plastics Limited (“Devan”) warrants 4) The customer or agent of the
their products to be free of defects in customer must return goods under
workmanship or materials for the period warranty (where appropriate), stating
defined in Appendix A, provided the the date and place of purchase
provisions detailed below have been promptly and within the product
complied with. liability period.
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Devan Plastics Limited
125 Birch Avenue
PO Box 2602
Tauranga 3140
P 07 578 8726
F 07 577 0437
E [email protected]