MANAGECALL - Incident Management
MANAGECALL - Incident Management
MANAGECALL - Incident Management
MAXIMUS MANAGECALL is a so ware that helps any service organiza on to streamline its issue-resolu on process and create a strong knowledge base for minimizing
recurrences of the same issues.
Its intui ve and sleek interface enables users to easily log in, track, update and close support calls. The best feature of the so ware is that the applica on is completely web-
§ Organiza on Structure: Allows the system administrator to set up the complete organiza on hierarchy/tree, which automa cally establishes the escala on path.
§ Support Team Structure: Allows team structure to be defined for various support categories to which any ac ve cket can be linked.
§ Project/Asset Module: Allows crea on of complete configura on management database, metadata about each asset, including the model, installa on date, loca on, site-
specific configura on informa on, installa on notes, special instruc ons or condi ons. Support ckets can be tracked with the help of this module.
§ Customizable Item fields: For every asset, product or project, the a ributes can be customized. For any support issue, the user can define his/her own field list together
with their data types.
§ Contact Management Module: Captures complete details about the customer and users along with site contact informa on. Informa on can be categorized by
department, role or func on in the customer organiza on.
§ Log Support Call/Create Ticket: Anyone with a valid login to the system can raise a cket on behalf of a user/customer or directly post the issue. Even customers can be
provided with web login from which they can report and get updates regarding support request progress.
§ Ticket Redirec on: Ticket re-direc on between various departments is possible where an issue has been wrongly iden fied in a certain category.
ATHMA § Ticket Escala on & SLAs: Tickets follow an automa c escala on path in case they are not a ended to or resolved within the s pulated me. This also can be based on
common service level agreements (SLAs) and customer-based SLAs. The escala on can also be determined by other parameters like cri cality of the issue or occurrence.
§ Ticket Closure: Apart from capturing all the informa on rela ng to ac ons or ac vi es with regard to a cket, the so ware also provides interfaces for capturing
summarized informa on rela ng to steps taken during the resolu on process, agreed resolu on, customer feedback and closing comments from the teams and their
FORECASH managers.
OVERSITE § AMC tracking and Billing for Spares and Service: AMC informa on rela ng to each Asset/Project/Product/Installa on can be fed into the system. Cost of support call can
TRACE be calculated based on the services rendered and spares used.
4th Floor, Balaji Infotech Park, Road No.16A,
Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane West – 400604
Maharashtra, India
Enhancing Efciency |