MANAGECALL - Incident Management

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MAXIMUS MANAGECALL is a so ware that helps any service organiza on to streamline its issue-resolu on process and create a strong knowledge base for minimizing
recurrences of the same issues.
Its intui ve and sleek interface enables users to easily log in, track, update and close support calls. The best feature of the so ware is that the applica on is completely web-

based and does not require any client applica on to be installed.

The core module is integrated with Contact Management and Asset/Project Management modules, which helps keep track of the support call history. Further, the alerts
engine automa cally alerts and escalates any pending support calls/tasks according to the pre-defined escala on hierarchy (based on the organiza on or support category's
structure). Complete event logs of all support calls with their progress details and alerts history are available for the managers and applica on administrators for further
Field support organiza ons are further benefited by the so ware's interface with personal digital assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones. Armed with these devices, the field
support engineers can receive alerts, view and update the status of the support ckets. The PDAs and mobile phones facilitate distributed opera ons by the field engineers,
who have to travel to various sites. They can receive and update support cket details without returning to their offices.

§ Organiza on Structure: Allows the system administrator to set up the complete organiza on hierarchy/tree, which automa cally establishes the escala on path.
§ Support Team Structure: Allows team structure to be defined for various support categories to which any ac ve cket can be linked.
§ Project/Asset Module: Allows crea on of complete configura on management database, metadata about each asset, including the model, installa on date, loca on, site-
specific configura on informa on, installa on notes, special instruc ons or condi ons. Support ckets can be tracked with the help of this module.
§ Customizable Item fields: For every asset, product or project, the a ributes can be customized. For any support issue, the user can define his/her own field list together
with their data types.
§ Contact Management Module: Captures complete details about the customer and users along with site contact informa on. Informa on can be categorized by
department, role or func on in the customer organiza on.
§ Log Support Call/Create Ticket: Anyone with a valid login to the system can raise a cket on behalf of a user/customer or directly post the issue. Even customers can be
provided with web login from which they can report and get updates regarding support request progress.
§ Ticket Redirec on: Ticket re-direc on between various departments is possible where an issue has been wrongly iden fied in a certain category.
ATHMA § Ticket Escala on & SLAs: Tickets follow an automa c escala on path in case they are not a ended to or resolved within the s pulated me. This also can be based on
common service level agreements (SLAs) and customer-based SLAs. The escala on can also be determined by other parameters like cri cality of the issue or occurrence.
§ Ticket Closure: Apart from capturing all the informa on rela ng to ac ons or ac vi es with regard to a cket, the so ware also provides interfaces for capturing
summarized informa on rela ng to steps taken during the resolu on process, agreed resolu on, customer feedback and closing comments from the teams and their
FORECASH managers.
OVERSITE § AMC tracking and Billing for Spares and Service: AMC informa on rela ng to each Asset/Project/Product/Installa on can be fed into the system. Cost of support call can
TRACE be calculated based on the services rendered and spares used.

committed to building a frictionless transaction ecosystem

§ GUI-rich HTML editor: Descrip on of the issue and further status updates can be made descrip ve with the help of HTML editor, which provides for required highligh ng, inser ng of images and
other rich edi ng features. Mul ple document a achment support is another highlight of the so ware.
§ Time Tracking Capabili es: It is very important for an organiza on to track the me spent in resolving an issue, as well as track the overall me spent by each of its support execu ves or field
engineers or managers. The system provides for me sheets to be filled in for each such me-based ac vity. Most of the data gets generated or captured at the support cket level itself when the field
engineer or support execu ve updates the status of the support cket. The field engineer/support execu ve can also provide various pre-defined reason codes for delay or devia on in the resolu on
process along with the details of the devia ons. The me data generated thus can be used in various analysis reports, which enables the organiza on to plan and meet SLAs in a be er and organized
§ Reports: Apart from providing various graphical reports, the system also provides for a lot of text-based reports which can be exported in standard formats for further analysis or consump on into
third party systems.
§ Advanced Search Func onality: The advanced search func onality allows users to search through open and closed ckets across various support categories, especially through the knowledge
§ Knowledge Base: The system supports se ng up of guidance ar cles for common technical and business issues. Knowledge base ar cles also support a achments using which documents, videos
and other rich content can be provided. FAQs and Tips & Tricks can be provided and organized into categories and sub-categories. These help the field engineers or support execu ves to locate
informa on rela ng to known issues. This cuts down huge R&D me for the support and technical staff. Further, any closed support issue can be dumped to the knowledge base as an ar cle under a
relevant category. The search func onality allows data to be searched for and located easily.
§ Customer Self-Service Module: Customers can also be given login to the system using which they can create, update and track status of the support ckets. The updates posted by the support
execu ves or field engineers against the support request can be marked as “hidden from customer”, giving the flexibility of determining which status has to be reported to the customer and which
one needs to be controlled.
§ Support for PDAs and mobiles: The applica on has an extended PDA/mobile phone module which helps field engineers to access and update the support call status in real- me. Field engineers can
view all data rela ng to support calls, access knowledge base and refer to product specifica ons, service history and product diagrams, which accelerates resolu on of support calls onsite.
§ SSL support for secure communica on: The web applica on is made secure by using SSL. The applica on is fully compliant with SSL-based data transfer.


4th Floor, Balaji Infotech Park, Road No.16A,
Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane West – 400604
Maharashtra, India
Enhancing Efciency |

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