GTAC Support Services Guide

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GTAC Services

Siemens PLM Software

A guide to support services from the Siemens PLM Software

Global Technical Access Center (GTAC).
+1 800 955 0000 (US & Canada) or +1 714 952 5444
Or Contact support in your local country as listed in this guide

2 The Value of Support Maintenance, Enhancements & Support

3 GTAC Value Proposition
4 Support Services Overview
5 One Stop Electronic Support Shop
6 E-Mail Subscription Lists
7 WebKey Accounts
8 Support Telephone Numbers

>> The Value of Support Maintenance, Enhancements & Support

Welcome to the Siemens PLM Software family of productive users! Siemens' PLM solutions represent a
unified approach to extended enterprise collaboration that enables all participants in your product lifecycle
to work in concert as you bring products to market and support your customer base.
Product lifecycle management enables you to marshal the skills, expertise, knowledge, and experience of
your entire extended enterprise and apply them to every major stage in your product lifecycle to achieve
competitive excellence.
Software Maintenance, Enhancements & Support are essential for your successful utilization of Siemens
PLM Software products. When you purchase maintenance, you’re entitled to the following components to
ensure that you maximize your effective use of our software products:
>Major releases of software products with new features, functions, and software corrections.
New product releases provide you with the latest and most productive tools and technology to
improve your product development process. Every major release includes significant new features
and corrections for software errors found in earlier releases. Major releases may include significant
changes in data architecture to take advantage of new technology.
>Point releases of software products with software corrections and limited new features.
Point releases provide you with timely corrections for software bugs, plus enhancements to existing
features, and sometimes even new features. Point releases are made available between major
releases, as needed. Point releases do not include changes in data architecture. Note that we
normally only offer this for the current release and previous major releases. Maintenance of
releases older than that can only be offered through Premium Extended Maintenance at a
>Prompt and effective telephone-based technical support.
Your calls are routed directly to technical support engineers who have the knowledge and skills to
understand, investigate, and resolve problems quickly. Phone-based support includes problem
escalation, management visibility, and the input process for reporting software errors and
enhancement requests.
>Web-based technical support.
Our customer support web pages provide you with instant access to problem reporting, a symptom/
solution database for FAQs, tips, techniques, and software error listings, progress tracking on open
issues, ability to download and upload files, participation in newsgroups, product certification
information on software and hardware configurations, and e-mail subscription services for support
bulletins and other critical technical support information. We also offer a technical newsletter with
current product information and useful tips and techniques.
Our support team, the Global Technical Access Center (GTAC), has the following vision statement:
To be recognized as a global provider of quality support and services that consistently
meets or exceeds customer expectation.
Customer loyalty will be sustained by maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction
through timely, results-oriented, and cost effective service and support.
We will understand global requirements and deliver support and services that contribute to
the success of our customers and our overall business.
And our mission is to increase our customers’ productive use of our software by providing
responsive and specialized support. This is the value provided by your software maintenance dollar
and our commitment to you, our customer.

>> GTAC Value Proposition

The value of GTAC technical support services to the -
End User is:
• Having all of the support requirements satisfied by the product experts through a single
• The GTAC support agents are closely involved with the product lifecycle and take
ownership of the problem until it is resolved.
• The tools and services available for problem resolution, including:
Telephone support for:
Incident reporting for problems or questions; 3
Problem diagnosis;
Problem report status;
Product installation support;
Product application support;
System management support (Operating System and environment related);
Configuration management support
Electronic services, available 24 x 7, with unlimited usage at,
Newsgroups and conferencing;
Incident reporting via electronic call logging;
Access to the status of any reported issues or incidents;
A symptom/solution knowledge database for information queries;
Reporting of errors or requests for enhancements from within many of our products;
The GTAC Quarterly technical newsletter;
Software Field Bulletins (SFBs);
On-line documentation;
Patches and software releases are available for downloads;
Automatic distribution via e-mail subscription of technical information as it becomes
FTP server for data downloads and uploads;
License file retrieval and emergency license generation;
Access to all electronic tools and services via a WebKey account
Manager is:
• The reductions in the distraction caused by, and the time consumed with unassisted
problem diagnosis and resolution;
• A more productive work environment resulting in increased efficiency and faster art-to-part
turnaround time;
• Automatic shipment of software updates and maintenance releases as part of the standard
maintenance service contract;
• Automatic call tracking and escalation procedures for all incidents or problems reported;
• The ability to get both application and operating system support from a single vendor.
Executive Manager is:
• A higher profit margin resulting from increased productivity and efficiency;
• The ability to exceed, rather than simply meet, customer expectations of product quality and
required time to deliver;
• The simplified contract administration of having a single vendor for all support requirements.

>> Support Services Overview

The Global Technical Access Center (GTAC) is Customer Services - Option 1, When it’s
your focal point for post installation software Business
support. The center provides both your
application and operating systems software The GTAC US 800 number also allows you to
support through telephone and electronic contact your Customer Account Analyst (CAA) to
access. discuss any contract, billing, or maintenance
issues. You can also select an option to make
Only through the use of this service can your call inquiries on software product distribution,
be logged, tracked and followed until resolved. In shipments and delivery.
4 some instances, the solution to your problem or
answer to your question may already exist and can Technical Support—Option 2
be readily provided. All of your technical support options are provided
here. Select option 2 to request support or report
GTAC is organized into specialized teams which
a problem of a technical nature related to your
support specific product disciplines. These teams
Siemens PLM Software products. You selection
are located in close proximity to their parallel
will route you to the appropriate support team
product development groups, so they can quickly
and support specialist for help.
locate the path that will lead you to improved
‘Call Back’ - Option 3, For IR Follow-up
Telephone Support - Automated Attendant and
Automated Call Distribution Our GTAC phone system has a ‘call back’
option, Option 3 on the main menu, to allow you
When you call the GTAC at: to go directly to the GTAC support agent
handling your existing incident report. You are
+1 (800) 955 - 0000 or +1 (714) 952-5444
asked for your SoldTo ID, and your incident
Monday - Friday 5:00 am - 5:00 pm PT
report (IR) number. The phone system then
(for all products except e-Breviate)* routes your call to the support agent assigned to
your call is answered by an automated attendant. that incident report. This gives you direct access
You will be asked to key in your SoldTo ID and to the agent and the status of your call.
then given a number of support options and asked
to select the option corresponding to your specific Education Services - Option 4 - For Your
need. To view the list of available telephone Training Needs
support options, please see the GTAC Service
Selection Guide at: You can get the latest class schedules and
training information, or register for the latest training classes by selecting Option 4 from the
main menu. Ask about the many training options
If you are calling for technical support, an Incident
and delivery methods available. You may also
Report (IR) will be opened for you to record and
get technical assistance with the web application
track your request. You should keep this number
through this option.
for your records and for reference later if the issue
is not immediately resolved.
Data Exchange Services - Option 6
If you are outside North America, contact your local
country office for support. If you use a distributor, Data exchange services can help you
contact your reseller and ask about the process communicate between your Siemens PLM
you should follow for getting support. Please refer Software system and other CAD/CAM providers.
to the list of global telephone numbers on the last Or you may need data converted due to changes
page of this document for the support numbers in in hardware platforms or media devices. GTAC
your area. offers these services too!
* If you are calling for support on the e-Breviate
product at +1-866-254-2745, we are available on a
24 x 5 basis, US Central Time.

>> One Stop Electronic Support Shop

The following is a description of our Certification Table - A guide to the currently

support services and tools available supported revisions of operating systems and
electronically via the web at: http:// associated vendor software products, graphics and You will need a related hardware products. You will find current
WebKey account to access these and previously certified systems and configuration
services. information for all of our offered products

UGSolutions - Symptom/Solution Information Documentation – You can access on-line

Query - The accumulated knowledge of the documents including Release Notes, User
GTAC support staff available on-line, 24 hours Guides, README Files, Deployment Guides, 5
a day. This is the knowledge database the tutorials, and other product guides and technical
GTAC agents reference when resolving information. You will also find our technical
problems. Many of the articles are based on newsletter, the GTAC Quarterly, which is written
problems or questions submitted by our and produced by GTAC and distributed
customers. It is updated with new articles and electronically. A ".PDF" file for each newsletter
current technical information daily. UGSolutions issue is available and can be downloaded and
may be accessed through the GTAC Support printed.
web page.
Electronic Call Entry - This call handling tool
Software Field Bulletins (SFBs) - The SFB is allows you to electronically log support calls with
our vehicle to inform you of any technical tips, the Global Technical Access Center (GTAC) via
updates, workarounds, and vendor hardware & the web. You now have even more flexibility in
software release certifications. These technical reporting questions or problems. You will be
information bulletins are available through the immediately notified of the IR number, your
UGSolutions knowledge base search engine and reference for that incident report.
through the SFBMAIL Electronic Distribution List.
If you have your support through a distributor or
Problem Report (PR) Status - Incident reports reseller, you need to contact your distributor or
(IRs) that uncover software errors are converted reseller to inquire about the support process.
into Problem Reports (PRs) and sent to Often your reseller can log an IR for you.
development for correction. The customer
reporting the defect is informed via e-mail initially, Newsgroups and Conferencing -
& when there is a fix or resolution to the problem. An electronic forum for exchanges of information
relating to our product lines is available. To help
Call Tracking– On-Line Call Status - A web- you use the products more effectively, you can
based call handling tool, QTAC (Query the exchange ideas or ask questions and get
Technical Access Center), allows customers to responses from other users, our GTAC support
look into the support database for the latest staff, developers, technical sales support,
status of their reported issues. A simple marketing or the user community.
authentication scheme controls access and
serves to guarantee the privacy of all customer To stay current, access to the electronic services
data. is critical. You can stay updated on a daily or
weekly basis, augmenting any information you
Down & Upload Files - From our web page receive from us.
you have the option to download or upload files
using ftp or http. Select the Download & License Retrieval and Emergency Licenses -
Upload label to direct you to the appropriate link. This tool allows you to obtain an electronic copy of
You can quickly send us your parts & data when your license file or obtain a Product Password as
needed to analyze problems. You can also needed or required to run your licensed software.
download programs, full releases, maintenance You can also request an emergency license file
releases, patches, drivers, documentation, valid for 7 days on any machine if your situation
bulletins & other information using ftp or http requires it.
protocols. All you need is a WebKey account to
gain access.

>> E-Mail Subscription Lists

Plug-in to the electronic advantage by subscribing to our e-mail distribution services. This service keeps
you informed of pertinent technical and training information automatically and in a timely manner using
electronic mail. There are currently 4 electronic mail distributions available that are regularly updated and
sent to all subscribers.
• NEWSLETTER - notification and a link to the latest issue of our technical newsletter, the GTAC
Quarterly. The link will place you on our web page where you can view the newsletter using a
browser, or download a PDF file for viewing and printing using the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

• SFBMAIL - all Software Field Bulletins (SFBs) are distributed as soon as they are posted in the
6 UGSolutions database to the SFB collection under the specific product the bulletin addresses.

• SUMMARY - a weekly summary list containing the document ID and a short description or title of
new UGSolutions articles and a monthly summary of new SFBs. You can select any article title listed
in the SUMMARY report with your mouse and your web browser should activate and bring up the
contents of that article from our UGSolutions knowledge database.

• TRAINING - current class schedules and training course descriptions, along with specials or
promotions offered by our Education Services Centers.

To initiate your subscription to any or all of these 4 mailing lists, Click Here to access our web interface
to the mailing list utility ( You will need a WebKey account to
access the web interface.

Or you can subscribe to the mailing lists by sending an e-mail message to the addresses shown below.
You will need to send a separate message for each list. The message and subject line should be blank.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

To remove yourself from the NEWSLETTER, SFBMAIL, SUMMARY, or TRAINING list, you may
Click Here or go to to access the web interface to our mailing
lists, or send the following e-mail messages:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

>> WebKey Accounts

Question: What is a WebKey Account and why is it


A WebKey Account is a custom account that will give

you access to the GTAC web tools and services
available at including:
• License file retrieval
• Emergency license file request
• Newsgroups and Usenet News servers 7
• E-mail subscription lists
• Downloads of software and patches from the FTP server
• Certification & Patch Tables – Certified system and configuration information for our products
• UGSolutions – our searchable Symptom/Solution database
• Electronic Call Handling – Incident Report logging (LogIR) and status (QTAC)
• Documentation – Product documentation, Newsletters, Tutorials, Release Notes, etc.

Question: How can I obtain a WebKey Account?

Your WebKey account is your personal, single point of authentication that will allow access to
product information and associated support tools. To request a WebKey account, select the
WebKey link on or select any WebKey icon presented on a WebKey login
prompt or page. Then select the option to “Create Account” and provide the requested information.
After your WebKey account has been created, make sure to write down your WebKey username
and password; the system will ask you for this information when you access any of the WebKey-
controlled documents or applications. You need to enter this information only once per browser

Question: Where can I download full releases of software?

Full downloads of our products are available to you via the FTP Server at This
server supports both the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the File Transfer Protocol (FTP -
using an FTP client). Anonymous FTP is not supported; you must have a WebKey account to
access this system. Full downloads have a further restriction in that your IP address must be
registered with your Customer Account Analyst (CAA) and downloads must occur from that
system only. Maintenance releases, patches, service packs, updates, and other files do not have
this restriction.

Question: Who do I contact for help with my WebKey account?

If you encounter problems with the creation or use of your WebKey account, call GTAC at +1 (800)-
955-0000, if you reside in the U.S. or Canada, or use +1 (714)-952-5444. Enter option 2, 6 to get
help with our support tools and products. You may also contact your local office for help.

>> Support Telephone Numbers

AUSTRALIA (Distributor): INDIA: NETHERLANDS (Resellers) continued:
+61 180 065 9758 +1800 102 4822 Femap Resellers
Web: +91 0124 4092233 (Toll number) FEMTO Engineering
Customer Services=>Software Support e-mail: +31 15 285 05 80
[email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
NX & Teamcenter Engineering ISRAEL (Distributor): NEW ZEALAND:
+43 732 377 550 38 Mckit +64 0800 881 883
e-mail: [email protected] +97 2 538 78590
NORWAY (Distributor):
NX I-deas & Teamcenter Enterprise
ITALY (Milan): +47 66 77 6344
+41 44 7557 285
+800 900 047 e-mail: [email protected]
8 e-mail: [email protected] +39 02 21057 1
BELGIUM (Brussels): Tecnomatix Mechanical
NX Support
+32 2 709 56 66 +800 900 047
+48 22 339 36 90
e-mail: [email protected] +39 02 21057 1
Velocity Support
e-mail: [email protected]
BELGIUM (Reseller): +00 800 200 201
PORTUGAL (Distributor):
+32 3 8269363 +81 3 5354 6700
+35 126 190 905
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Tecnomatix Mechanical SINGAPORE:
+81 3 3265 6060 +65 6333 8998
+55 11 4224 7111
+82 2 2055 2016 +34 900 87 88 80
+55 11 4224 7157 or +55 11 4224 7111
e-mail: [email protected]
LUXEMBOURG (use Brussels,
Belgium): SWEDEN (Stockholm):
+32 2 709 56 66 +46 8 506 990 80
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
DENMARK (Kolding):
MEXICO: SWITZERLAND (Biel) French Speaking:
+45 70 10 19 48
+52 55 52614770 x4776 or x4784 +41 323 331 980
e-mail: [email protected]
+52 81 12342244 SWITZERLAND (Zurich):
FINLAND (Distributor): +52 81 12342703 NX & Teamcenter Engineering
+35 8 9 540 4840 e-mail: [email protected] +41 44 7557 282
e-mail: [email protected]
NETHERLANDS e-mail: [email protected]
FRANCE (Paris): (’s-Hertogenbosch): NX I-DEAS & Teamcenter Enterprise
+33 1 30 67 71 11 +31 73 680 25 43 +41 44 7557 285
Tecnomatix Mechanical e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
+33 1 34 58 24 00
Tecnomatix High Tech & Electronics NETHERLANDS (Resellers):
Solid Edge Resellers +00801-86-1970
(Europe & Africa)
Bosch Engineering e-mail: [email protected]
+33 4 76 41 77 03
+31 541 53 42 58 UNITED KINGDOM:
GERMANY (Cologne): e-mail: [email protected] +44 (0) 1462 445001
+49 221 208 02222 CadCenter B.V. e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected] +31 182 35 71 20 Parasolid Support
Tecnomatix High Tech & Electronics e-mail: [email protected]
+44 (0) 1223-371555
(Europe & Africa)
CAAP Fax: +44 (0) 1223-361315
+49 8382 9497 16
+31 33 457 33 22 e-mail: [email protected]
HONG KONG: e-mail: [email protected]
+00852-22303322 Teamcenter Express Resellers UNITED STATES & CANADA:
e-mail: [email protected] Bosch Engineering +1 800 955 0000
+31 541 53 42 58 +1 714 952 5444
HUNGARY (Distributor):
e-mail: [email protected]
+36 1 436 9610 CadCenter B.V.
e-mail: [email protected] +31 182 35 71 20
Web: e-mail: [email protected]

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