Properties and Supplies Integrated Management System (Pasims)

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A Thesis/Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of

Institute of Information Technology, Aces Tagum College
Mankilam, Tagum City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Paul Eric P. Pancho

Jaime J. Reponte
Jesa P. Mira

October 2018
Chapter I


1.1 Background of the Study

People nowadays are living in an information age dependent upon

digital information or an electronic information processed from the

computer system. Computer enables the efficient processing and storage

of information. Each type of job relies upon getting information and

relaying information to others that is very useful in everybody’s daily


Properties and Supplies Integrated Management System (PASIMS)

is methods and process of modern corporate and institutional buying.

This may be for supplies for internal use, purchasing raw materials for

the consumption during the manufacturing process, or for the

purchasing of goods for inventory to be resold as products in the

distribution and retail process. PASIMS helps combines all related

components of a business into one system for easier management and

operations. It allows the management team to create one system that can

help to effectively and efficiently deliver the organization’s objectives.

From managing employees’ needs, to monitoring risks and hazards, from

reducing inefficiencies and maximizing resources, an integrated

approach can help you achieve your objectives.

In Swanwick United Kingdom, the GSA developed and

implemented an Integrated Management System (IMS) that is

documented and applied to all Agency activities. The Integrated

Management System was developed to consistently achieve Agency

objectives and to ensure its operations are in line with the expectations

of its key stakeholders. The IMS also includes processes for regularly

improving the system and for providing continual assurance of

conformity to applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

In the Philippines Properties and Supplies Integrated Management

System (PASIMS) runs your organization and addresses all of your

objectives at once, whatever they may be. It is a challenge to satisfy the

requirements of several management systems while running one

organization but achieving this can be beneficial to your organization’s

efficiency and effectiveness, as well as reducing the cost and disruption

of external audits. PASIMS is a method and process of modern corporate

and institutional buying. This may be for supplies for internal use,

purchasing raw materials for the consumption during the manufacturing

process, or for the purchasing of goods for inventory to be resold as

products in the distribution and retail process. The Supply Management

function of any organization is responsible for various aspects of

acquiring goods and services for the organization.

In the Provincial Capitol of Davao del Norte, one of the internal

documents that are used in the department for a requisition order is a

purchase requisition form. Using this process, the procurement

department encountered a slow process of their purchase request.

Employee are always the need for supplies or materials and equipment,

these may be office supplies, consumables, machines and other

equipment. In connection, we believe that Properties and Supplies

Integrated Management System (PASIMS) can be the key to progressive

performance and help the organization in giving service to their

employees effectively.

1.2 Technology Application Context

To determine the learning of the users about PROPERTIES AND


problems were observe.

1. The client/employee can’t automatically route purchase

request and will takes more time to approve their

requested items in their specific department.

2. The client can’t easily track their purchase request and

will waste more time to wait for the respond of their

request updates.

3. Slow requisition process.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The Properties and Supplies Integration Management System or

(PASIMS) is aimed to:

1. Automatically route purchase requests –

Requisitioning software streamlines the approval process

by making sure buyers and requesters don’t have to

waste time tracking down the right person.

2. Easily track requisitions – Requesters can check the

status of their order on one central platform, meaning

buyers don’t have to respond to dozens of emails asking

for constant updates.

3. Faster requisitioning process – By centralizing the

purchasing process and organizing all stakeholder

communications, purchase requisitions can be fulfilled

more quickly and more accurately.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Properties and Supplies Integration Management System (PASIMS)

will help the provincial government to easily requests for goods or items

needed in their specific department. When the employees have a need,

this software system gently guides them towards filling that need in the

right way by purchasing a request item. The system will ensure that

these needs are consistently captured and handled. Employees won’t

have to waste time making phone calls and sending through email trying

to determine the status of each request.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study


SYSTEM (PASIMS) provides efficient, reliable, fast, and accurate in

providing good quality of services to secure the files of the client, hence,

in this section out study emphasizes the following:

1.5.1 Scope of the Study

• System can show notifications.

• Can easily monitor the items.

• System can easily track the purchase request.

• This system provides friendly user interface transactions.

• System can view the items in a proper classification.

• System can review the purchase request items.

• System can add two or more users.

• System can add, delete, and update the purchase request.

1.5.2 Limitation of the Study

• The proposed system exclusively for the Provincial Capitol

only. It can’t support online transaction.

• It can’t support other transaction except purchasing a


• The user has a limited access.

• User can only allow viewing their purchase request.

• System will varies on the stockholder.

• Only the authorize person can access the system.

1.6 Technology Background

The system has been developing by the use of different technology

to get the goal of the study.

Visual Studio 2013 - Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated

development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to

develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web

services and mobile apps.

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - It is a database which we used in storing

data of every information we gathered. This software classifies and

categorizes every information encoded in it.

C# - is a designed to be a platform-independent language in the tradition

of Java (although it is implemented primarily on Windows). It's syntax is

similar to C and C++ syntax, and C# is designed to be an object-oriented


Angular - is a platform that makes it easy to build applications with

the web. Angular combines declarative templates, dependency

injection, end to end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve

development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build

applications that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop.

Telerik Reporting - is a reporting solution for all .NET cloud, web, and

desktop platforms that provides a full range of ready-to-use tools and

services to help people throughout your organization create, deploy, and

use reports quickly and easily.

Javascript - JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that

allows you to implement complex things on web pages every time a web

page does more than just sit there and display static information for you

to look at displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated

2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. you can bet that

JavaScript is probably involved. It is the third layer of the layer cake of

standard web technologies, two of which (HTML and CSS) we have

covered in much more detail in other parts of the Learning Area.

JQuery - is a concise and fast JavaScript library that can be used to

simplify event handling, HTML document traversing, Ajax interactions

and animation for speedy website development. jQuery simplifies the

HTML's client-side scripting, thus simplifying Web 2.0 applications


1.7 Definition of Terms

IMS (Integrated Management System) - a single integrated system

used by an organization to manage

the totality of its processes, in order

to meet the organization’s objectives

and equitably satisfy the


Properties - Property is anything that a person

or business has legal title over. It

can be either tangible or intangible,

and having legal title to it grants the

owner certain enforceable rights.

Typical examples of a tangible

property include real state, also

known as real property, vehicles,

furniture, and equipment.

Supplies - a stock of a resource from which a

person or place can be provided

with the necessary amount of

that resource.

Purchase Request/Requisition - are formal requests submitted to

the procurement department for

specific goods or services. They

usually go through an approvals

process that depends on the cost or

nature of the request.

Requester  – any person in an organization who

submits a purchase request,

responsible for notifying buyers of

item specifications and the

purchasing timeline.
Approver  – the budgetary gatekeeper from

outside the procurement


Buyer - the person in charge of making the


Operational Framework




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e e


Figure 1.0 Operational Framework of Properties and Supplies

Integrated Management System (PASIMS)

The diagram above shows the whole operation of the system. The

main user which is the employee who operates the system to purchase

Chapter II


Analysis and Design


Planning Implementation


Initial Planning

Evaluation Testing

Figure 2.0 Agile Developments.

The figure above shows the system development life cycle. We used

agile development because of the short time given in preparing this task.

Apart from that the low cost budget in conducting this project will fit to a

man power that we have in our group.

Initial Planning

In this phase, we conduct a preliminary investigation about how

we can start the project. At first, we gather and think of some ideas

efficient ideas for our project, such as interesting, accommodating and

productive system. We all gathered our ideas and what will the system

its look, we also analyzed the main reference of the system.


In this part, our first task is to review the gathered information

and determine the best sources of the system we currently discuss.

Necessarily our programmers needed to study its scope and limitation.

The programmer conducts an investigation, which it is accommodating

and capable to all users. Lastly, the conclusion of the investigation,

programmer prepares report and recommendation to the management.


All possible requirements are attach in this phase. Then, it

discusses system requirements and fact-finding techniques, which

include interviewing documentation review, observation, surveys or

visiting and questionnaires.

Analysis and Design

We start the physical appearance design of the projects. The

admin/user log in. We describe desired features and operations in detail,

including screen layouts, process diagrams, and other documentation.

We gathered any kinds of idea to provide attractive design/features of the

system, and design elements describe the desired system features in

detail, and generally include functional hierarchy diagrams.


The projects priority is to be tested and documented carefully. The

process of turning formal plans often very detailed conceptual plans in

the system implementation. Like the system development, testing,

documentation, and evaluation of the results. We visited the said

Provincial Capitol of Davao del Norte to know more exactly and gathered

some information, what is the most common problem in times of

purchasing some request in their specific department. First we observe a

manual process, the delayed of process and a hassle process, because

sometimes they can’t easily find the information of some requested



To measure the system or other abilities of this project, involves

the entire software. In testing we predict the error and problems of the

project. In the first test, we observed that the system was lack of efficient

information. It must be tested to assure users and developers that the

system meets all specifications and all the necessary features have been



Evaluation is to reflect on how successful the project is and review

to confirm that the project meets the objectives and identify any

necessary modifications. In this time, we are surely and confidence that

we meet the exact objectives and result of the system we propose to

provide an accommodating, helpful and relevant system in the Provincial

Capitol of Davao del Norte.


When evaluation and testing is done, project is executed in the

productive organization. After the successful testing, the product is

delivered/deployed to the users for their use.

Chapter III


1. International Standards for Managing the Organization

The commitment to give quality services and produce quality

products, to conserve environment and to take care of employee health

and safety is becoming a very important part of strategy and image for

organizations that seek fortune in long-term perspective. Providing

special attention to these areas, organizations recognize taking the

responsibility for the outcomes of their work. In that way organizations

increase the trust and loyalty of their partners and at the same time

economic indicators are being improved (Jorgensen et. al, 2008).

2. Management Systems and Standards (MSS)

The Organizations of the 21st century had evidenced that

Management Systems and Standards have become a key aspect for their

sustainable development and a prerequisite for their existence. In this

recent decade, the Systems for Quality (ISO 9001 the core pillars of the

Organization, supplementing the Financial Accounting. High global

competition, intense pressure and increasing demand from different

stakeholders lead the organization to adopt different Management

Systems and Standards (MSS) (Zeng et al., 2010).

3. Integrated Management System

The idea behind the concept of IMS is that an organization, to the

maximum extent possible, can manage its operations through one

Integrated System (IMS) instead of PMS, thereby catering to the needs of

every aspects of business; including customer satisfaction, quality of

goods/services produced, cost saving, employee welfare, working

environment and the impact of the organization’s operations on the

society. The concept of IMS became relevant with the publication and

adoption of ISO 14000, but has become increasingly pertinent with the

introduction of additional standards (Garvin, 1991)

4. Purchasing management Objectives

Objectives of purchasing management are traditionally recognized

as purchasing at the right quality with the right price at the right delivery
time and in full, and purchasing to retain flexibility (Slack, Chambers,

and Johnston, 2004). Additionally, according to the research by Kannan

and Tan (2002), the firm’s purchasing management objective is to

consistently obtain the good qualities and delivery performance from its

suppliers. (David ze., 2004).

5. PAS 99 Integrated Management System

Management systems help you to get more from your organization.

And integrating these management systems allows you to get even more

without investing extra time or money. PAS 99 is the world’s first

specification for integrated management systems. Many of our customers

asked for one framework to manage all of their certified systems. So we

developed PAS 99 using the ISO guide for writing management system

standards – giving you a world-class framework to work with. (Thomas

Smith, 2001).


4.1 General and Specific Software Used

In this section we emphasized the softwares that has a big effect

on the Properties and Supplies Integrated Management System (PASIMS)

in its design and structure. With the help of this specific softwares our

system will be as we expect, because fulfilling the expectation of the

users is one of our main concern.

Visual Studio 2013 - As the programming language of this

system, this language is easy to understand because it has high

graphical features and components.

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - is also use to create, store, update,

retrieving data for database.

C# - It is mainly used for developing desktop applications and,

more recently, Windows 8/10 applications. It is also a part of .NET so it

is used alongside languages like ASP in web development and apps.

AngularJS - is a structural JavaScript framework for dynamic web

apps. It is widely used for Single Page Application, its features are data

binding, supports form and form validation, HTML templates and

extending HTML syntax and attaching new behavior.

Telerik Report - is a .Net reporting solution for building rich and

interactive reports. It provides a Visual Studio-based report designer and

report viewing clients that work across all .Net platforms

JavaScript - is a programming language commonly used in web

development and commonly used to create interactive effects within web


JQuery - is a JavaScript library that allows web developers to add

extra functionality to their websites. 

4.2 User

There are two specific users of this system. The Admin that can

access all features of this system, and the assigned users, who can only

access in selected feature of this system.

4.3 Requirement Specification and Analysis

To identify the necessary requirements for project implementation,

the team considered to gather all information. Gathering of information

can be don’t in many ways like, internet surfing, watching tutorials, and

visiting the library and other methods and technique of gathering

information that can help in the development of the system.

Through this process, we can eliminate and easily identify the

problems and apply solutions needed by the system. After gathering the

requirements, discussion by the team is needed to integrate all the

information gathered.

After the group discussion, interviews and requirements gathering

and discussion will still be done easily until gaps and errors are slowly


4.3.1 Events, Use Cases, and Events Table Event’s List

Event’s list reveals the events done in the game. The following are

the major events in the developed system:

 Admin can able to log-in in the system/web.

 Admin can able to add user account.

PAS 99

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