+-An Internship Report On: Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College
+-An Internship Report On: Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College
+-An Internship Report On: Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College
Internship Report
Regd. No.: 22P15A0229
This is to certify that the Internship report on “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND
First, I would like to thank our chairman sir Dr. CHADALAWADA KRISHNA
MURTHY for the facilities provided to accomplish this internship.
I am very much thankful to dean (academics) Dr. C. SUBHAS for his continuous
support in academics.
I would like to extend my thanks to our Head of the Department Dr. J. SRINU
NAICK for his constructive criticism throughout my internship.
I would like to thank my guide Ms. GOGULA VYSHNAVI for her guidance and
I would like to thank the Director of YBI Foundation, Dr. ALOK YADAV for
allowing me to do an internship within the organization.
I also would like all the people that worked along with me YBI Foundation, Delhi
with their patience and openness created an enjoyable working environment.
I am extremely great full to my parents, department staff members, and friends who
helped me in the successful completion of this internship.
It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I
acknowledge the help of these individuals.
Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are becoming
increasingly useful in various domains. Here we give a review of their application in various
computer systems. The ubiquity of applications in AI and ML are fostered by an increase in
availability of data, advances in computing technology, and new robust techniques. Unlike
the present trend of Deep Learning approaches, here we present techniques that can be
applied to a variety of applications without huge training data requirements. In this paper,
we show how Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence methods are applied in various
domains in computer systems, including those of networks and operating systems. In
summary, AI solves tasks that require human intelligence while ML is a subset of artificial
intelligence that solves specific tasks by learning from data and making predictions. This
means that all machine learning is AI, but not all AI is machine learning. In today's world,
technology is growing very fast, and we are getting in touch with different new technologies
day by day here, one of the booming technologies of computer science is Artificial
Intelligence which is ready to create a new revolution in the world by making intelligent
machines the Artificial Intelligence is now all around us. It is currently working with a
variety of subfields, ranging from general to specific, such as self-driving cars, playing
chess, proving theorems, playing music, painting, etc.
4. 2 Unsupervised Learning 9
Advantages of AI&ML 18
Applications of AI&ML 19
2.1 Disciplines of AI 2
3.2 Statements 5
3.3 Indentation 5
3.4 Tokens 7
5.1 Architecture of ML 13
5.3 Applications of AI 22
5.4 Applications of ML 23
Artificial Intelligence
With the help of AI, you can create such software or devices which can
solve real-world problems very easily and with accuracy such as health
issues, marketing, traffic issues, etc.
With the help of AI, you can create your personal virtual assistant, such as
Cortana, google assistant, Siri, etc.
1. Proving a theorem
2. Playing chess
Python statements are nothing but logical instructions that interpreters can read
and execute. It can be both single and multiline. There are two categories of
statements in python:
Expression statements
Assignment statements
Assignment statement allows a variable to hold different types of values during its
program lifespan. The types of statements is shown in figure 3.2.
According to python style guidelines or pep8, you should keep an indent size
of four.
Comments are nothing but tagged lines of in codes which increases the
readability of the code and make the code self-explanatory. Comments in
Python are the lines in the code that are ignored by the interpreter during the
execution of the program. Comments enhance the readability of the code and
help the programmers to understand the code very carefully. There are three
Types of comments in Python:
Multiline Comments
Docstring Comments
A variable is a memory address that can change and when a memory address
cannot change then it is known as constant. Variable is the name of the
memory location where data is stored. Once a variable is stored then space is
allocated in memory. It defines a variable using a combination of numbers,
letters, and the underscore character.
Tokens are the smallest unit of the program. There are the following
tokens in python. Tokens is shown in figure 3.4.
Introduction of ML
Reinforcement Learning
In Supervised learning, you train the machine using data which is well “labeled”.
It means some data is already tagged with the correct answer. It can be compared
to learning which takes place in the presence of a supervisor or a teacher.
The main goal of the supervised learning technique is to map the input
variable(x) with the output variable(y). differences. Machines are instructed
to find the hidden patterns from the input dataset. Now, the machine is well
trained, so it will check all the features of the object, such as height, shape,
Data Pipeline:
Once the training systems leverage the data and (hopefully) learn best
practices, data scientists must evaluate the training results.
Data Orchestration:
Between training, application, and data intake, it’s critical that data and
operations move and act in the best interests of the system. An orchestration
infrastructure helps automate the coordination of these different components
for maximum efficiency.
3. Decision Tree
4. SVM
5. Naïve Bayes
6. KNN
7. K-Means Clustering
Logistic regression is like linear regression in that the goal is to find the
values for the coefficients that weight each input variable. Unlike linear
regression, the prediction for the output is transformed using a nonlinear
function called the logistic function.
The logistic function looks like a big S and will transform any value into
the range 0 to 1. This is useful because we can apply a rule to the output of
the logistic function to snap values to 0 and 1 (e.g. IF less than 0.5 then output
1) and predict a class value.
P(A|B) =P(B|A) P(A)/P(B) Naïve Bayes classifier is one of the best classifiers that
provide a good result for a given problem. It is easy to build a naïve Bayesian
model, and well suited for the huge amount of dataset. It is mostly used for text
Random forest is the supervised learning algorithm that can be used for
both classification and regression problems in machine learning. It is an
ensemble learning technique that provides the predictions by combining the
multiple classifiers and improve the performance of the model.
It contains multiple decision trees for subsets of the given dataset, and
find the average to improve the predictive accuracy of the model. A random
forest should contain 64-128 trees. The greater number of trees leads to
higher accuracy of the algorithm. To classify a new dataset or object, each
tree givthe classification result and based on the majority votes, the algorithm
predicts the final output.
With ML, you don’t need to babysit your project every step of the way.
Since it means giving machines the ability to learn, it lets them make
predictions and also improve the algorithms on their own. A common
example of this is anti- virus software’s; they learn to filter new threats as
they are recognized. ML is also good at recognizing spam.
Continuous Improvement:
Machine Learning algorithms are good at handling data that are multi-
dimensional and multi-variety, and they can do this in dynamic or uncertain
High reliability: AI machines are highly reliable and can perform the
same action multiple times with high accuracy.
Every technology has some disadvantages, and the same goes for
artificial intelligence. Being so advantageous technology still, it has some
disadvantages which we need to keep in our mind while creating an ai system.
Following are the disadvantages of AI.
Can't think out of the box: Even we are making smarter machines
with AI, but still they cannot work out of the box, as the robot will only do
that work for which they are trained, or programmed This can mean
additional requirements of computer power for you.
Speech Recognition:
But the inputs to the human and computer’s TV cameras are two dimensional.
2. Robotics
3. Health care
4. Text Analysis
5. Video Games
[2] Machine Learning. Tom Mitchell. First Edition, McGraw- Hill, 1997.
[5] https://www.datasciencecentral.com
[6] https://towardsdatascience.com