101 102 Zotero Tutorials
101 102 Zotero Tutorials
101 102 Zotero Tutorials
A. RESEARCH area you want to CREATE the TITLE and BIBLIOGRAGRAPHY your on your way!!! It not only
save the TITLE of the BOOK, Article, Document, Journal, Dissertation, Blogs, etc., but the
C. INFO (3rd Section) it RECORDS in APA (remember Beginning Tutorial to setup APA format) Bibliography.
• INFO tip (thanks to Dr. Ward for sharing this one with me) remember we must share
• The title in APA format must be first word capitalized unless separated by (:) or (;) then
must edit to capitalize as well.
1 • 1. Right click on Title within INFO to highlight TRANSFORM TEXT
2 • 2. Click on SENTENCE CASE to change all words to lower case except first word.
• Also the PLACE of the publishers location is not download and can be either googled
or located behind the title page of the book or preview page on-line.
Stay tuned for the on-line join.me tutorials for one-on-one instruction
For this Zotero Tutorial, Intermediate, and Advanced features.
A tips and tricks with links to additional resource will also be posted.