NE In2Se3 FeSFET Final Printed Version - 2019

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A ferroelectric semiconductor field-effect

Mengwei Si 1,2, Atanu K. Saha1, Shengjie Gao2,3, Gang Qiu 1,2, Jingkai Qin1,2, Yuqin Duan1,2, Jie Jian4,
Chang Niu1,2, Haiyan Wang 4, Wenzhuo Wu2,3, Sumeet K. Gupta1 and Peide D. Ye 1,2*

Ferroelectric field-effect transistors employ a ferroelectric material as a gate insulator, the polarization state of which can be
detected using the channel conductance of the device. As a result, the devices are potentially of use in non-volatile memory
technology, but they suffer from short retention times, which limits their wider application. Here, we report a ferroelectric semi-
conductor field-effect transistor in which a two-dimensional ferroelectric semiconductor, indium selenide (α-In2Se3), is used as
the channel material in the device. α-In2Se3 was chosen due to its appropriate bandgap, room-temperature ferroelectricity,
ability to maintain ferroelectricity down to a few atomic layers and its potential for large-area growth. A passivation method
based on the atomic layer deposition of aluminium oxide (Al2O3) was developed to protect and enhance the performance of the
transistors. With 15-nm-thick hafnium oxide (HfO2) as a scaled gate dielectric, the resulting devices offer high performance
with a large memory window, a high on/off ratio of over 108, a maximum on current of 862 μA μm−1 and a low supply voltage.

erroelectric materials exhibit a spontaneous polarization in the issues of Fe-FETs in non-volatile memory applications. In our FeS-
absence of an external electric field. This polarization can be FET, a ferroelectric semiconductor is used as the channel material
reoriented by ion displacement in the crystal, and polarization while the gate insulator is the dielectric (Fig. 1b). The two non-
switching can be triggered by an external electrical field such that volatile polarization states in the FeS-FETs exist in the ferroelectric
ferroelectric materials can have two electrically controllable non- semiconductor. Therefore, a high-quality amorphous gate insula-
volatile states1. As a result, ferroelectric random access memory tor can be used instead of the common polycrystalline ferroelec-
(FeRAM) has long been studied as a non-volatile memory technol- tric insulator found in Fe-FETs. Furthermore, the mobile charges
ogy2–14. FeRAM uses a ferroelectric capacitor to build a one-tran- in the semiconductor can screen the depolarization field across
sistor–one-capacitor (1T1C) cell. However, the reading process in the semiconductor. Thus, the charge trapping and leakage current
the capacitor-type FeRAM is destructive and requires a rewrite after through the ferroelectric insulator found in conventional Fe-FETs
each reading operation. This structure has been commercialized but can potentially be eliminated. As a result, our approach could offer
has a limited market share. performance improvements over conventional Fe-FETs in non-vol-
Ferroelectric field-effect transistors (Fe-FETs; Fig. 1a) can be atile memory applications.
used to build a type of one-transistor (1T) non-volatile memory. In Our FeS-FETs use the two-dimensional (2D) ferroelectric semi-
a Fe-FET, a ferroelectric insulator is employed as the gate insulator conductor α-In2Se3 as the channel material. α-In2Se3 was selected19–25
in a metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). because of its appropriate bandgap of ~1.39 eV, its room-temper-
The channel conductance is used to detect the polarization state in ature ferroelectricity23 with a Curie temperature above 200 °C, the
the ferroelectric gate insulator so that the data reading operation in ability to maintain ferroelectricity down to a few atomic layers20,22
Fe-FETs is non-destructive. Fe-FET is a promising memory technol- and the feasibility for large-area growth26,27. When using a scaled
ogy due to the fast switching speed in ferroelectric materials (nano- HfO2 gate insulator, the fabricated FeS-FETs exhibit high perfor-
seconds or less4,9,11,15,16), its non-destructive readout, its non-volatile mance with a large memory window, a high on/off ratio of over 108,
memory state and its simple structure for high-density integration. a maximum on current of 862 μA μm−1 and a low supply voltage.
Despite the fact that this Fe-FET structure was first proposed in
1957 (ref. 17), it has not yet been commercialized because of its short FeS-FET device physics
retention time. The two major causes of this are the depolarization The working mechanism of a FeS-FET is fundamentally different
field and the gate leakage current. The depolarization field is the from a traditional Fe-FET. In a Fe-FET, only the polarization bound
result of the potential drop across the interfacial dielectric and the charges at the gate insulator/semiconductor interface can affect the
band bending of the semiconductor, which leads to charge trap- electrostatics. The ferroelectric polarization switching can tune the
ping at the ferroelectric insulator/semiconductor interface2,6,14,18. threshold voltage (VT) of the device by reversing the polarity of the
Therefore, charge trapping and gate leakage current can cause polarization bound charge, and so a counterclockwise ID–VGS hys-
charge accumulation at the ferroelectric insulator/semiconductor teresis loop can be achieved. However, in a FeS-FET, the polariza-
interface, which leads to threshold voltage (VT) drift and destruc- tion charges accumulate at both the bottom surface (BS) and top
tion of the memory state. surface (TS) of the ferroelectric semiconductor, as shown in Fig. 1c.
In this Article, we report a ferroelectric semiconductor field- As a result, the drain current (ID) of the FeS-FET is determined by
effect transistor (FeS-FET), which has the potential to address the both the bottom and top surfaces of the semiconductor. As shown

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. 2Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West

Lafayette, IN, USA. 3School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. 4School of Materials Science and Engineering, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. *e-mail: [email protected]

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a b c
Source Drain
Top surface (TS)
P FE semiconductor Polarization down
Source Drain Source Drain Bottom surface (BS)
Semiconductor Ferroelectric semiconductor Gate

Ferroelectric insulator Conventional insulator Source Drain

Gate Gate P FE-semiconductor Polarization up

Fe-FET FeS-FET Insulator


d Mobile charge e
Polarization bound charge
P down P down
P down P up


Conducting Insulating

P up
P up P down
P up

Gate Oxide Semiconductor Gate Oxide Semiconductor

Fig. 1 | Schematic diagram and proposal for a ferroelectric semiconductor field-effect transistor (FeS-FET). a, Schematic of a Fe-FET. b, Schematic of a
FeS-FET. In the FeS-FET, the conventional semiconductor channel is replaced by a ferroelectric semiconductor, while the gate insulator is still conventional
dielectric. c, Polarization bound charge distribution in a FeS-FET in polarization down (after negative gate bias) and polarization up (after positive
gate bias) states. d, Band diagram of a FeS-FET with high effective oxide thickness (EOT) in polarization (P) up and polarization down states and the
corresponding ID–VGS characteristics. A clockwise hysteresis loop is achieved due to partial polarization switching. e, Band diagram of a FeS-FET with low
EOT in polarization up and polarization down states and the corresponding ID–VGS characteristics. A counterclockwise hysteresis loop is achieved due to
full polarization switching.

in Fig. 1c, if the FeS-FET is in the polarization down state, negative ferroelectric semiconductor, as shown in Fig. 1d. Accordingly, only
bound charges accumulate at the TS while positive bound charges partial switching happens near the oxide/semiconductor interface.
accumulate at the BS, and vice versa for the polarization up state. For low-EOT devices, the electric field is sufficiently strong to trig-
The coupled ferroelectric and semiconducting nature of α-In2Se3 ger full polarization switching in the ferroelectric semiconductor,
is critical to analyse and understand the device operation of the as shown in Fig. 1e. The high and low EOT conditions are applied
FeS-FET. Due to its semiconducting nature, the channel can exhibit for the following discussion. Numerical simulation confirmed the
mobile charges depending on the relative positions of the conduc- validity of all these conditions and will be discussed later.
tion/valence band edges and the Fermi level, EF. The presence of In the high EOT condition (shown in the band diagram in Fig. 1d)
such mobile charges can allow a non-uniform distribution of the in the polarization down state, mobile charges can accumulate at
electric field (E field) across the different layers of α-In2Se3. The the BS because of band bending, so the channel resistance is low.
amount of E field in the channel, in turn, determines the extent of Similarly, in the polarization up state, the mobile charge density at
polarization switching in the α-In2Se3 layers. Such complex interac- the BS is low, resulting in high channel resistance. A negative volt-
tions in the proposed device lead to unique characteristics, which age below the coercive voltage (VC−) leads to the polarization down
can be broadly categorized into clockwise hysteretic and counter- state and a positive voltage above the coercive voltage (VC+) leads to
clockwise hysteretic. The direction of hysteresis is dependent on E the polarization up state. Therefore, the curve of drain current in
field in the channel, determined by the gate dielectric thickness and the high EOT condition (ID,HE) versus VGS has a clockwise hysteresis
the applied gate voltage, VGS. To explain this in more detail, two dif- loop. In low EOT conditions, the electric field across the semicon-
ferent EOTs are considered: high EOT and low EOT. ductor is sufficiently large that it can penetrate fully into the semi-
For simplicity, the band diagram of the FeS-FET is first dis- conductor. In this case, the TS can become conducting due to full
cussed without considering the band bending induced by its polarization switching. As shown in the band diagram in Fig. 1e,
semiconducting nature. The major difference between a high- in the polarization down state, mobile charges do not exist at the
EOT device and a low-EOT device is the strength of the electric TS, so the channel resistance is high. Similarly, in the polarization
field across the semiconductor. For example, in the experiments in up state, mobile charges can accumulate at the TS, resulting in low
this work, the maximum voltage applied for the high-EOT device channel resistance. Note that the BS is much easier to control with
with 90 nm SiO2 gate insulator is 50 V (EOT ≈ 90 nm, max voltage/ the gate voltage, so by adjusting the gate voltage the mobile charge
EOT ≈ 0.56 V nm−1). The maximum voltage applied for the low- at the BS can be fully depleted. Therefore, the curve of drain cur-
EOT device with 15 nm HfO2 gate insulator is 5 V (EOT ≈ 3 nm, rent in low EOT conditions (ID,LE) versus VGS has a counterclockwise
max voltage/EOT ≈ 1.7 V nm−1). The huge difference on the dis- hysteresis loop. Both directions of hysteresis loop can be realized
placement field (D field) is critical to the I–V characteristics of the depending on the EOT of the dielectric. Note that the above discus-
FeS-FET. For high-EOT devices, the electric field across the semi- sion is a simplified picture that does not consider the band bending
conductor is not strong enough to penetrate to the top surface of the induced by mobile carriers. Sophisticated and complete theory and

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a b deposition (ALD) at 175 °C on top of the α-In2Se3 channel, which
In Se α-In2Se3
provided a significant performance enhancement when compared
α-In2Se3 with α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs without passivation. A high-angle annular
Au Au dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-
Ti Ti
STEM) image of a thin α-In2Se3 flake is shown in Fig. 2c. The dis-
tinct arrangement of atoms can be clearly identified, with the fringe
Insulator space of (100) planes measured to be 0.35 nm, confirming an ideal
p+ Si hexagonal lattice structure for the α-In2Se3. The corresponding
selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) image (Fig. 3c, inset)
shows six-fold symmetry with a perfect hexagonal crystal structure,
Rhombohedral R 3m
indicating that the α-In2Se3 flake is highly single-crystallized. Energy
c d dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) results (Fig. 2d) confirm the atomic
- - percentage (at%) ratio between In and Se of ~2:3. Figure 2e presents
0110 1010
a photoluminescence spectrum of a bulk α-In2Se3 crystal, measured
Intensity (a.u.)

from 1.2 eV to 1.6 eV, indicating a direct bandgap of ~1.39 eV. Figure
2f shows a Raman spectrum measured from a bulk α-In2Se3 crystal,
showing peak positions consistent with literature reports24.
A strong piezoelectric response is observed from a 78.7-nm-thick
In Se
Se α-In2Se3 flake, which is shown in Fig. 3a–c by piezoresponse force
0.35 nm microscopy (PFM). To extract the piezoelectric coefficient, different
2 nm 0 2 4 6 8 10
a.c. voltages were applied on the sample from a conductive atomic
X-ray energy (keV)
force microscopy (AFM) tip, showing a linear relationship between
e f the mechanical deformation (PFM amplitude) and the electric field.
~1.39 eV
105 cm–1 The effective piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of the α-In2Se3 flake is
Raman intensity (a.u.)

32 pm V−1 (Supplementary Section 1). From the background noise

PL intensity (a.u.)

shown in Fig. 3c, it is clear that the mechanical deformation in the

PFM measurement is dominated by the intrinsic ferroelectric polar-
89 cm–1
180 cm–1 ization. Figure 3d,g shows two different measurement schematics
187 cm–1
158 cm–1 194 cm–1 on α-In2Se3, the metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) structure
and the metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) structure. Figure 3e,f
shows the PFM phase and PFM amplitude versus voltage hysteresis
1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 50 100 150 200 250
loop of a 15.3-nm-thick α-In2Se3 flake on conductive Ni, showing
Energy (eV) Raman shift (cm–1)
clear ferroelectric polarization switching under an external electric
field. The photoluminescence measurement of the bandgap and
Fig. 2 | Material properties of the ferroelectric semiconductor α-In2Se3.
PFM measurement of polarization switching together suggest the
a, Crystal structure of the ferroelectric semiconductor α-In2Se3. b, Schematic
α-In2Se3 used in this work is a ferroelectric semiconductor. Note
of the experimental α-In2Se3 FeS-FET, which consists of a heavily doped
that PFM hysteresis is just a necessary condition but is not a suf-
silicon substrate as the back-gate electrode, 15 nm HfO2 or 90 nm SiO2
ficient condition for ferroelectric materials. As mobile charges
as the gate dielectric, 2D thin-film α-In2Se3 as the channel ferroelectric
exist in a semiconductor, such charges may screen and prevent the
semiconductor and 30 nm Ti/50 nm Au as source/drain electrodes.
electric field penetrating into the body of the semiconductor, so
c, HAADF-STEM image and the corresponding SAED image (inset) of thin
the ferroelectric polarization switching may be different in a MOS
α-In2Se3 film. d, EDS spectrum of the thin α-In2Se3 film. The measured at%
structure. Therefore, it is important to test whether the polariza-
values for In and Se are 37 and 63, respectively. e,f, Photoluminescence
tion in α-In2Se3 can be switched by an external electric field in a
(PL) spectrum (e) and Raman spectrum (f) of bulk α-In2Se3, showing a
MOS structure. Figure 3h,i shows the PFM phase and PFM ampli-
bandgap of ~1.39 eV without considering the 2D exciton binding energy.
tude versus voltage hysteresis loop of 6 nm Al2O3/16.3 nm α-In2Se3
Raman and photoluminescence spectrums are measured at room
on Ni. The ferroelectric hysteresis loop suggests that α-In2Se3 has
temperature and confirm the semiconducting properties of the α-In2Se3.
switchable polarization in a MOS device structure. Thus, it is viable
to apply α-In2Se3 as the channel for a FeS-FET. The raw data for the
numerical simulations considering both ferroelectric and semi- PFM measurements are provided in Supplementary Section 1.
conducting natures have been developed and provide the same Figure 4a presents a top-view false-colour scanning electron
conclusion; these will be discussed later. Experimentally, α-In2Se3 microscope (SEM) image of a fabricated α-In2Se3 FeS-FET with
FeS-FETs with 90 nm SiO2 as the gate insulator, as in the high EOT ALD passivation, capturing the α-In2Se3 thin film and Ti/Au elec-
condition, show a clockwise hysteresis loop, while α-In2Se3 FeS- trodes. The electrical performance of the unpassivated device is
FETs with 15 nm HfO2, as in the low EOT condition, show a coun- described in Supplementary Section 2. The α-In2Se3 FeS-FET with-
terclockwise hysteresis loop. out ALD passivation shows a clear clockwise hysteresis loop and a
large memory window over 70 V. A high on/off ratio of over 107 at
Experiments on α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs VDS = 0.5 V between on and off states is also achieved. It was found
α-In2Se3 is a recently discovered 2D ferroelectric semiconductor, that the performance of the α-In2Se3 FeS-FET could be further
which is used in this work to demonstrate the FeS-FET operation. enhanced by ALD Al2O3 passivation, as shown in Fig. 4a. Figure
α-In2Se3 bulk crystals were grown by the melt method with a layered 4b shows the ID–VGS characteristics of a representative α-In2Se3 FeS-
non-centrosymmetric rhombohedral R3m structure19, as shown in FET with ALD passivation and 90 nm SiO2 as gate insulator. Low-
Fig. 2a. The α-In2Se3 FeS-FET (Fig. 2b) consists of a heavily p-doped temperature ALD-grown Al2O3 not only offers passivation on the
Si substrate as the back-gate electrode, 15 nm HfO2 or 90 nm SiO2 α-In2Se3 surface, but also provides an electron doping effect due to
as the gate insulator, 2D α-In2Se3 as the ferroelectric semiconduc- the positive fixed charges28,29. The transfer curve was measured by a
tor channel and 30 nm Ti/50 nm Au as source/drain electrodes. An double gate voltage sweep at different VDS for a device with a chan-
optimized 10 nm Al2O3 capping layer was grown by atomic layer nel length (Lch) of 1 μm and channel thickness (Tch) of 52.2 nm. The

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a b c
In2Se3 n+ Si In2Se3 n+ Si In2Se3 n+ Si

5 µm

Amplitude Phase Background

d e 0 f
PFM tip
α-In2Se3 /Ni

Amplitude (a.u.)
Phase (°)
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8
Voltage (V) Voltage (V)

g h 0 i
PFM tip
Al2O3 /α-In2Se3 /Ni

Amplitude (a.u.)
Phase (°)

Al2O3 150

α-In2Se3 200

Ni 250

MOS 300
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 –8 –6 –4 – 2 0 2 4 6 8
Voltage (V) Voltage (V)

Fig. 3 | PFM measurement on an α-In2Se3 thin film. a–c, PFM amplitude (a), PFM phase (b) and PFM background (c) images of a 78.7-nm-thick α-In2Se3
flake on a heavily doped silicon substrate. d, Schematic of PFM measurements using the MSM structure. e,f, PFM phase (e) and PFM amplitude (f) versus
voltage hysteresis loop of 15.3 nm α-In2Se3 on Ni, showing clear ferroelectric polarization switching under an external electric field. g, Schematic of PFM
measurements using the MOS structure. h,i, PFM phase (h) and PFM amplitude (i) versus voltage hysteresis loop of 6 nm Al2O3/16.3 nm α-In2Se3 on Ni.
The ferroelectric hysteresis loop suggests that α-In2Se3 has switchable polarization in the MOS device structure.

transfer curve shows a clear clockwise hysteresis loop. A high on/ 10 nm Al2O3 ALD passivation when comparing to the unpassivated
off ratio of over 108 at VDS = 1 V is also achieved, suggesting a high- devices shown in Supplementary Section 2 (μFE = 19.3 cm2 V−1 s−1
quality oxide/semiconductor interface. The minimum subthreshold in forward sweep and μFE = 68.1 cm2 V−1 s−1 in reverse sweep). The
slope (SS) at VDS = 0.05 V achieved in this device is 650 mV dec−1, α-In2Se3 FeS-FET with 90 nm SiO2 gate insulator was also character-
indicating an estimated interface trap density (Dit) of 2.6 × 1012 cm−2 ized at very low temperatures down to 80 mK. The existence of a
without considering the semiconductor capacitance. Figure 4c hysteresis window similar to the one at room temperature indicates
presents the ID–VDS characteristics of the same α-In2Se3 FeS-FET that the clockwise ID–VGS hysteresis loop is caused by ferroelectric
as used for Fig. 4b. A maximum drain current of 671 μA μm−1 is polarization switching instead of charge trapping30,31. A detailed
achieved. Considering the long channel length (Lch = 1 μm) used discussion is provided in Supplementary Section 3. Note that the
here, the α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs can have a much higher on current at clockwise hysteresis properties in the FeS-FETs can be integrated
a shorter channel length, with the potential for high-speed applica- together with Fe-FETs as a Fe2-FET, where both insulator and semi-
tions. Figure 4d shows the gm–VGS characteristics at VDS = 0.05 V for conductor are ferroelectric. In the Fe2-FET, a deep steep-slope sub-
the same device as in Fig. 4b. Maximum values of transconductance threshold and hysteresis-free perfomance can be achieved at the
(gm) at VDS = 0.05 V of 0.60 μS μm−1 and 0.94 μS μm−1 are obtained same time (see Supplementary Section 8 for details) if all the device
for the forward and reverse gate voltage sweeps, respectively. The parameters are optimized.
extrinsic field-effect mobility (μFE) calculated using the maximum The clockwise hysteresis loop in α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs indicates that
gm in forward sweep is found to be 312 cm2 V−1 s−1 and in reverse the BS is the dominating conducting channel (Fig. 1d). The coun-
sweep 488 cm2 V−1 s−1 without extracting the relative large contact terclockwise hysteresis loop can be achieved by careful design of
resistance due to the Schottky contacts. Note that the extrinsic field- the device structure. By scaling the gate oxide thickness and apply-
effect mobility is different from the intrinsic mobility of α-In2Se3. ing high-k dielectrics (HfO2), a much higher D field can be applied
Here, it only serves as a reference for the transport properties of inside the gate oxide, where k is the dielectric constant. By applying
the devices (a discussion about the accuracy of field-effect mobil- the high D field, the ID–VGS curve of the α-In2Se3 FeS-FET with 15 nm
ity estimation is provided in Supplementary Section 5). The perfor- HfO2 as gate dielectric becomes counterclockwise (and also with a
mances of the α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs are significantly improved by the high on/off ratio > 108), as shown in Fig. 4e. The device has a channel

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a b
Ti/Au Lch = 1 µm
ALD passivation

ID (A µm–1)
α-In2Se3 10 nm Al2O3
Au Au 10–9
VDS = 0.05 V
Ti Ti VDS = 0.5 V
α-In2Se3 10
VDS = 1 V
15 nm HfO2 or 90 nm SiO2 10–12
–40 –20 0 20 40
p+ Si

c 800
40 10 Lch = 1 µm 1.0 VDS = 0.05 V
35 5
600 30 0 0.8
25 –5

gm (µS µm–1)
ID (µA µm–1)

20 –10 0.6
400 15
VGS (V) 0.4

0 0

0 1 2 3 4 –40 –20 0 20 40

e 10–3 f 1,000
5.0 –0.5 Lch = 1µm
10–4 Lch = 1 µm 900 4.5 –1.0
10–5 4.0 –1.5
800 3.5 –2.0
10–6 3.0 –2.5
10–7 2.5 –3.0
ID (mA µm–1)

2.0 –3.5
ID (A µm–1)

10–8 600
1.5 –4.0
10–9 500 1.0 –4.5
10–10 400
10–11 VDS = 0.05 V
10–12 VDS = 0.5 V
200 VGS (V)
VDS = 1 V
10–14 100
10–15 0
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 0 1 2 3

Fig. 4 | Switching characteristics of α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs. a, Schematic of the experimental α-In2Se3 FeS-FET with ALD passivation and a false-colour top-
view SEM image of a fabricated α-In2Se3 FeS-FET. b–d, ID–VGS (b), ID–VDS (c) and gm–VGS (d) characteristics at room temperature of a representative α-In2Se3
FeS-FET with 90 nm SiO2 as gate dielectric and ALD passivation. The device has a channel length of 1 μm and channel thickness of 52.2 nm. The device
exhibits a large memory window, maximum drain current of 671 μA μm−1, on/off ratio > 108, high electron mobility with μFE = 312 cm2 V−1 s−1 measured in
forward sweep and μFE = 488 cm2 V−1 s−1 measured in reverse sweep. e, ID–VGS characteristics at room temperature of a representative α-In2Se3 FeS-FET
with 15 nm HfO2 as gate insulator and ALD passivation. The device has a channel length of 1 μm and channel thickness of 79 nm. f, ID–VDS characteristics
of an α-In2Se3 FeS-FET device with 15 nm HfO2 as gate dielectric and ALD passivation. The device has a channel length of 1 μm and a channel thickness
of 92.1 nm. The device with 15 nm HfO2 as gate dielectric and ALD passivation exhibits a significantly reduced supply voltage, high on/off ratio > 108 and
maximum drain current of 862 μA μm−1.

length of 1 μm and a channel thickness of 79 nm. The enhanced A maximum drain current of 862 μA μm−1 is achieved. The devices
electric field inside α-In2Se3 can penetrate through to the top sur- with 15 nm HfO2 as gate dielectric and ALD passivation exhibit a
face so that full polarization switching happens instead of partial significantly reduced supply voltage compared to the devices with
switching as in the 90 nm SiO2 case. As a result, TS conduction 90 nm SiO2 as the gate insulator, suggesting the potential of α-In2Se3
can lead to a counterclockwise hysteresis loop, as shown in Fig. 1e. FeS-FETs for low-power non-volatile memory application.
As the charge trapping process cannot lead to a counterclock-
wise hysteresis loop, this result serves as conclusive proof of the Simulation of α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs
existence of ferroelectricity and polarization switching. Figure 4f Theoretical analysis of the FeS-FETs and device-level simulations
shows the ID–VDS characteristics of an α-In2Se3 FeS-FET. The device were conducted to investigate the clockwise and counterclockwise
has a channel length of 1 μm and channel thickness of 92.1 nm. hysteresis in the I–V characteristics of FeS-FETs. More specifically,

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a b Forward: VGS = –1 V Reverse VGS = –3.24 V

EOT = 0.5 nm Off P down P up On
10–6 On
ID (A µm–1)

10–7 Conducting surface

10–12 Off
10–13 Ferroelectric Ferroelectric
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 S/D Gate S/D Gate
semiconductor semiconductor
VGS (V) Oxide Oxide

c d
10–3 Forward VGS = –20 V Reverse VGS = –10 V P up
10–4 On On P down Off
ID (A µm–1)

Conducting surface
10–8 Gate
10–11 P
10–12 Off EOT = 30 nm
–40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 Ferroelectric Ferroelectric
S/D Oxide S/D Oxide
VGS (V) semiconductor semiconductor

Fig. 5 | Simulation of α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs. a, Simulation of ID–VGS characteristics of an α-In2Se3 FeS-FET with EOT = 0.5 nm. b, Band diagram at VGS = −1 V in a
forward gate voltage sweep, where the device is in the off state, and the band diagram at VGS = −3.24 V in a reverse gate voltage sweep, where the device is in
the on state. The counterclockwise hysteresis loop originates from TS conduction because of full polarization switching. S/D, source/drain. c, Simulation of the
ID–VGS characteristics of an α-In2Se3 FeS-FET with EOT = 30 nm. d, Band diagram at VGS = −20 V in a forward gate voltage sweep, where the device is in the on
state, and the band diagram at VGS = −10 V in a reverse gate voltage sweep, where the device is in the off state. The polarization vector near the gate insulator/
semiconductor interface is enlarged for better illustration. Note that the polarization direction near the interface is opposite the ones in the bulk and surface.
The clockwise hysteresis loop originates from the bottom surface conduction because of partial polarization switching. S/D, source/drain. A detailed analysis
via band diagrams at different gate voltages during a bidirectional gate voltage sweep for both low EOT and high EOT is discussed in Supplementary Section 6.

physics-based self-consistent simulations of the FeS-FET devices passivation method was developed to protect and enhance the per-
were performed by coupling Poisson’s equation, the Ginzburg– formance of the α-In2Se3 FeS-FETs. The fabricated FeS-FETs exhibit
Landau equation and the 2D charge equation. A van der Waals gap high performance with a large memory window, a high on/off ratio
was assumed between the source/drain contacts and the semicon- of over 108, a maximum on current of 862 μA μm−1 and a low supply
ductor channel because of the 2D layered nature of α-In2Se3. Detailed voltage. Our FeS-FETs have the potential to surpass the capabilities
simulation methods are provided in Supplementary Section 6. As of existing Fe-FETs for non-volatile memory applications.
shown in the simulation results in Fig. 5a,c, a clockwise ID–VGS hys-
teresis loop is achieved for the high-EOT (30 nm) device and a coun- Methods
terclockwise hysteresis loop for the low-EOT (0.5 nm) device. For Device fabrication. α-In2Se3 was transferred onto 15 nm HfO2 or 90 nm SiO2
the low-EOT device, at VGS = −1 V in the forward gate voltage sweep, on a Si substrate using Scotch tape exfoliation. The p+ Si wafers with 90 nm
thermally grown SiO2 were purchased from WaferPro. A 15 nm HfO2 layer was
the device is in the polarization down state. As shown in the band deposited by ALD using [(CH3)2N]4Hf (TDMAHf) and H2O as precursors at
diagram in Fig. 5b, the mobile charge density in the semiconductor 200 °C. 30 nm Ti and 50 nm Au were deposited by electron-beam evaporation and
is low, so the device is in the off state. At VGS = −3.24 V in the reverse followed by a liftoff process for α-In2Se3 back-gate transistors. An optimized 10 nm
gate voltage sweep, the device is in the polarization up state. This is Al2O3 layer was finally deposited by ALD using Al(CH3)3 (TMA) and H2O
as precursors at 175 °C.
full polarization switching, as shown in the polarization vector map.
For the high-EOT device, at VGS = −20 V in the forward gate voltage
Material characterization. Material characterizations on α-In2Se3 crystals
sweep, the device is in the polarization down state. The device is in were carried out to investigate α-In2Se3 as a single-crystal semiconducting and
the on state due to BS inversion. At VGS = −10 V in the reverse gate ferroelectric material, including STEM, photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy
voltage sweep, the ferroelectric semiconductor is in the polarization and PFM. HAADF-STEM analysis was performed with an FEI Talos F200X
up state only near the gate oxide/semiconductor interface, indicating equipped with a probe corrector. This microscope was operated with an
that this is a partial polarization switching. As a result, the device is acceleration voltage of 200 kV. Raman and photoluminescence measurements were
carried out on a Horiba LabRAM HR800 Raman spectrometer. Dual a.c. resonance
in the off state without TS conduction (Fig. 5d). A detailed analysis tracking PFM (DART-PFM) was carried out on Asylum Cypher ES AFM. Single-
with band diagrams at different gate voltages during a bidirectional phase PFM characterization was carried out on a Keysight 5500 system in contact
gate voltage sweep for both low EOT and high EOT is discussed in mode and the conductive AFM tip had an averaged spring constant of ~5 N m−1.
Supplementary Section 6. The simulation results considering both
the ferroelectric and semiconducting nature of the α-In2Se3 confirm Device characterization. The thickness of the α-In2Se3 was measured using a
the validity of the simple picture discussed in Fig. 1. Veeco Dimension 3100 AFM system. SEM and EDS analyses were done using
a Hitachi S-4800 FE-SEM system and an Oxford X-Max silicon drift detector.
D.c. electrical characterization was performed with a Keysight B1500 system in a
Conclusions dark environment. Electrical data were collected with a Cascade Summit probe
We have reported a FeS-FET in which the 2D ferroelectric semi- station at room temperature. Low-temperature Hall measurements at 80 mK were
conductor α-In2Se3 is used as channel material. An ALD Al2O3 performed in an Oxford Triton 300 dilution fridge.

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