Advances Switched-Mode Power Conversion: Vref. VO High
Advances Switched-Mode Power Conversion: Vref. VO High
Advances Switched-Mode Power Conversion: Vref. VO High
1, FEBRUARY 1983
Abstract-A new concept in the design of switched-mode power can efficiently raise or lower dc levels, and, with minor modi-
conversion circuitry is presented. Because of its extreme simplicity, fication, bidirectional power flow can be easily achieved, al-
flexibility, and efficiency, it has the potential to replace some con- lowing the roles of power source and load to be arbitrarily in-
ventional electrical power processing methods currently in use. A
thorough discussion of the background, development, and operation terchanged without physically switching their connections. A
of the Cuk converter and several of its extensions is included. The switching power amplifier based on the new converter requires
coupled-inductor technique further improves efficiency and reduces only a single power supply-, enabling efficient dc-to-ac power
size and weight. The basic converter and its extensions to two- conversion. The improved performance of the new switching
quadrant and four-quadrant operation are attractive for many appli- power amplifier design permits the use of a lower switching
cations, i.e., solar (dc) to utility line (ac) power conversion, variable
speed dc or ac motor drives, switching power supplies, uninterrupt- frequency and simple circuits for both the drive and feed-
ible power supplies, and many others. back.
We will begin with a discussion of switching converter de-
I. INTRODUCTION sign, leading to the development of the new converter. Next,
the design of a switched-mode power amplifier using the new
WITCHING POWER supplies and regulators ("switchers") converter and a discussion of its performance will be pre-
.Jhave come into widespread use in the last decade. Because sented.
of their much higher efficiency, smaller size and weight, and
relatively low cost, they are displacing conventional linear
power supplies, even at low power levels (about 25 W). The A. A Review ofSwitching Converter Design
design of switching converters has been extensively studied, In the basic design of the linear power supply shown in Fig.
and it is commonly believed that the designs in commercial 1, the output voltage V0 is regulated to a multiple of the refer-
use today employ the simplest possible switching structures ence voltage Vref. The difference between the unregulated in-
for dc-to-dc level conversion. put voltage and VO results in power dissipation in the transis-
However, even though high conversion efficiency has been tor, which, in high current supplies, can result in considerable
achieved, present switching converter designs possess several energy loss and heating. Consequently, the unregulated voltage
desirable characteristics. Rapid switching of the input or out- must be kept as low as possible while still allowing adequate
put currents can cause severe electromagnetic interference regulation.
(EMI) problems, requiring the addition of appropriate filters Switching power supplies are based on the principle that,
that increase both the complexity and cost of the circuit. Also, by alternately switching the transistor completely off and on,
the implementation of the power transistor switch requires its power dissipation can be held to a minimum. Passive energy
complex drive circuitry in configurations where the emitter storage elements, inductors, and capacitors can then be used to
voltage "floats" above ground. In switched-mode power ampli- transfer energy from the source to the load, performing the ap-
fier designs, additional problems are imposed by the require- prop-riate level conversion in the process.1
ments for dual (bipolar) power supplies, high switching fre- Fig. 2 shows the most commonly used switching configura-
quencies, and complex feedback circuitry. tion, referred to as the "buck" converter. The ideal switch S
A revised look at present converter designs and an analysis can be realized by the combination of bipolar transistor and
of switching circuit topology has led to the discovery of a new commutating diode as shown. In operation, the input voltage
design that retains all the desirable properties of conventional is connected by S to charge inductor L to the output current
designs, with none of their undesirable attributes. Both input necessary to produce the desired voltage V across load R. Once
and output currents are essentially nonpulsating dc, and, in V is attained, S disconnects the input and provides an alternate
fact, ripple can be reduced to zero. Furthermore, the new path for the inductor current, which then begins to decay. The
topology may be implemented with fewer parts than com- output capacitor C helps reduce the residual voltage ripple
parable solutions, and thus may be said to be an "optimal" caused by the switching. The cycle repeats at a fixed rate, and
design. the average voltage gain is equal to the duty ratio D (the frac-
Because of its simplicity and generality, the new converter
1 Recall from basic physics that energy is stored by an inductor in
the magnetic field produced by the current through its winding. A volt-
Manuscript received October 15, 1982. This article is reprinted from age applied across it either increases or decreases this current to ener-
Robotics Age Magazine. gize or deenergize the field. Conversely, the current through a capacitor
The authors are with the California Institute of Technology, Pasa- either charges or discharges the energy stored in an electric field, re-
dena, CA 91125. spectively raising or lowering the voltage across its terminals.
Vg- -Ci C
vg -
Fig. 4. Cascade combination of a boost and a buck power stage.
Fig. 1. Conventional linear power conversion.
ples of simplification and optimum interconnection while
L v
L v
simultaneously maximizing performance. The details of the
analytical technique, described more completely in [1], will
c R
be abbreviated here.
Consider the cascade connection of a boost power stage
(a) (b) followed by a buck power stage, resulting in the converter
Fig. 2. The basic "buck"-type switching converter configuration, shown in Fig. 4. This configuration retains the desirable prop-
showing (a) the topology of the circuit, using an idealized switch
S, and (b) the implementation of the switch using a bipolar transistor erties of the low input current ripple of the boost converter
and a commutating diode. and the low output current ripple of the buck stage. The volt-
age gain of the converter is the product of the gains of the two
L v L
stages. Assuming that S, and S2 are synchronized so that both
switch from position I to 2 (and back) simultaneously, the
Vg= L3RCRR resulting ideal gain is D/D', where D' = 1 - D. Thus, the same
converter can be used for both level reduction (D < 0.5) and
(a) (b)
increase (D > 0.5).
Fig. 3. The common "boost' converter configuration. (a) Circuit
The undesirable output ripple of the boost converter is now
topology, using
an ideal switch, and (b) implementation. isolated between the stages, and, in fact, the capacitor serves
as the sole energy transfer mechanism between the stages. To
see this, note that during the part of the cycle when both
tion of the switching cycle that the transistor is on). switches are in position 2, C1 is isolated from the output cir-
Note that the input current to the regulator alternates be- cuit and is charged by the input current through L1 . In the
tween the full output current and zero. This abrupt variation rest of the cycle, C1 is completely transferred to the output
in the input energy flow causes severe EMI, and invariably re- circuit and is discharged by the output current through L2,
quires the presence of an input filter to smooth out the sub- reenergizing L2 while LI stores energy from the input. Posi-
stantial current ripple component at the switching frequency. tion 2 of S2 provides a path to sustain the output current
Also, since the emitter floats above ground, isolated drive cir- (from energy in L2) while C1 is being recharged by L 1.
cuitry (not shown) is required to switch the transistor. A The issue remains, however, as to whether or not this de-
further limitation of this design is that only voltage reduction sign represents the optimal configuration of this attractive
is possible, since D is less than 1. boost-buck cascade. It is apparent that the two inductors
For applications requiring a voltage step-up, some of the are essential to the continuity of the input and output cur-
drawbacks of the buck configuration can be avoided by using rents, and that the intermediate capacitor is required for
the "boost" converter configuration, shown in Fig. 3. In this energy transfer. The issue of optimality thus resolves to the
design, the inductor is always in series with the input, so that questions, can the number of switches in this cascade configu-
the supply current is continuous. The inductor stores energy ration be reduced from two to one and still achieve capacitive
when grounded by S, and then the stored energy is released to energy transfer?
the output. The output voltage of the boost converter is al- The answer to this question may at first seem surprising.
ways greater than the supply, with an ideal gain equal to /(1 Switches SI and S2 may indeed be combined, resulting in a
D). Note also that the grounded emitter of the transistor new optimal converter configuration. The solution is found by
switch simplifies the drive circuit. The drawback of the con- considering the topological properties of known converter
figuration, however, is that during the inductor charging in- types and their cascaded combinations [1], [2] . A key to the
terval, all the output current must be supplied by discharging solution is that inversion of the converter's output voltage is a
the output capacitor, resulting in considerable output ripple. necessary feature of the new design. Since both of the basic
converter types are noninverting, the only way to achieve this
II. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW CONVERTER is by reversing the polarity of the charged energy transfer capa-
TOPOLOGY citor when it is switched into the output circuit. Attention to
this issue alone leads to the solution shown in Fig. 5.
The discovery of the new converter design resulted from Even though a true dc-to-dc transformer is physically im-
the objective of retaining the desirable properties of both possible, the new converter can functionally be considered as
types of converters. This goal was realized by examining com- such, since both its input and output voltages and currents are
binations of the two basic types, with the underlying princi- very close to true dc quantities, owing to the negligible switch-
,_. , ~ ~ ~I_
I -
M (D)
input and output shown in Fig. 8, often required in many Fig. 9. A symmetrical implementation of the Cuk converter, capable-
of power transfer in either direction.
s s
ductors in this dcisolated extension leads also to zero current N CHANNEL L. -x _ P CHANNEL
ripple on one side.
The latest generalization of the new coupled-inductor con-
verter concept has resulted in what may be considered the ulti- Fig.
10. Bidirectional switching converter using MOSFET power
mate solution: a dc-isolated switching dc-to-dc converter with
zero current ripple at both input and output terminals, which a load normally
requires the transfer of power to the load.
functionally emulates the ideal dc-to-dc transformer of Fig. However, when two sources of stored energy are coupled by a
8.3 bidirectional converter, precise control of the duty ratio is es-
sential to restrict the resulting power flow to an acceptable
B. Bidirectional Power Flow in the New Converter
limit. The bidirectional current switch implementation is
Note that the configuration of the new converter shown in equally applicable to the coupled-inductor extension (Fig.
Fig. 5 is completely symmetrical with respect to the designa- of the new converter. 7)
tion of the input and output terminals. Because the ideal Since both of the transistors in Fig. 9 are referenced to
switch S allows current flow in either direction, either termi- ground, the complementary switching of the pair can be ac-
nal of the converter can behave as a current source or as a cur- complished by a single drive source as shown.
rent sink. However, when the switch is implemented by a because the two base junctions are tied
together, the circuit
single transistor and diode, only unidirectional current flow is also automatically prevents the simultaneous turnon of both
allowed. The addition of a single p-n-p transistor and a diode transistors (and thus prevents shorting out capacitor C), in
removes this constraint and results in bidirectional current and spite of the presence of transistor switch storage time.
power flow as shown in Fig. 9. Another implementatation of the bidirectional current
The converter circuit is thus symmetrical, and the input and switch is made possible by recent technological advances in
output terminals can be arbitrarily designated (as long as the metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors
voltage polarities are respected). The configuration shown in FET's). Formerly limited mostly to small signal applications, (MOS-
Fig. 9 is ideal for battery charger/discharger applications, since newer MOSFET devices are capable of switching to a relatively
both functions are accomplished by this single converter cir- low ON resistance, with a substantially higher current rating. It
cuit [5]. The direction of power flow through the converter is not widely known that the power MOSFET's are capable of
is determined by whether the duty ratio is greater or less than bidirectional current flow. Owing to the device's internal con-
the value that gives a voltage gain equal to the ratio of the bus struction, there is effectively an inherent diode connected be-
to battery voltages. In general, attempting to reduce the volt- tween drain and source which provides the alternate
age to a load that stores energy causes power to be transferred current
path. Hence, each transistor/diode pair can be replaced
from the load,4 just as attempting to raise the voltage across by a single power MOSFET device, resulting in the bidirect-
ional converter shown in Fig. 10. If both p-channel and
3 Technical details of this latest development have not yet been n-channel MOSFET's are
publicly released, but are contained in a patent application. The basic used, the source terminals of both
Cuk converter configuration and many of its improvements, as well as devices may be grounded, allowing a simple driving scheme
new switching power amplifier configurations, are protected by a series similar to that used for the grounded emitter transistors in Fig.
of patents [91-[12].
4 Editor's note: A very useful application of this is to use a dc drive 9-
motor as a generator for regenerative braking, recovering some of the Besides reducing the component count, power MOSFET's
energy stored in a robot's momentum or provided by an external source have a number of advantages over bipolar transistors which
(as when rolling down a slope). make them especially attractive for switching converter appli-
cations [6]. Whereas bipolars are current-controlled devices, L V
FET's are voltage controlled. As a consequence, they require V.
much lower drive currents and are capable of very fast switch-
ing speeds. Also, unlike bipolars, several MOSFET's can be +Vgf0 T-g c=. R
A. SwitchingAmplifier Principles of Operation Fig. 14. Open-loop buck-type switching power amplifier.
The major difference between the power stages of a switch-
ing amplifier and a switching power supply is that the former To apply this dual-polarity power stage in a switching
must be capable of producing an output of either polarity. In power amplifier, it is necessary to control the duty cycle so
all- present designs, this is accomplished by modifying the basic that the output voltage varies in proportion to the input signal.
buck power stage to use two power supplies +Vg and -Vg as The linear voltage gain of the buck power stage facilitates this
input, with the switch S switching between positive and nega- function, and is incorporated into the open4oop amplifier con-
tive supplies as shown in Fig. 11. figuration shown in Fig. 14. The design is the same as that for
The resulting voltage gain, shown in Fig. 12, is a linear an open-loop dc-to-dc converter operated at a constant switch-
function of the duty ratio D. For D greater than 0.5, the out- ing frequency f = l/Ts, with the only difference that a time
put voltage is positive, while for D less than 0.5, it is negative. varying (sinusoidal, for instance) input signal is used at the
Note that since the load voltage may be negative as well as comparator input, instead of a dc reference voltage. When the
positive, the implementation of switch S shown in Fig. 2 is input signal is positive, a pulse with D greater than 0.5 is gen-
inadequate. Since the output voltage is determined by the erated, producing positive output, while for negative input, D
inductor current, the hardware implementation of the switch is less than 0.5 and negative output is produced. In fact, com-
must permit bidirectional current flow, as shown by the parison of the low-frequency input signal and the high-fre-
arrows in Fig. 11. This is readily accomplished by the two- quency sawtooth (clocked ramp), generates a pulse width
transistor, two-diode circuit shown in Fig. 13. This bidirec- modulated (PWM) signal, whose low frequency spectrum is,
tional implementation is similar to that required for the sym- in effect, recovered by low-pass filtering with the inductor.
metrical converter in Fig. 9, but with the significant difference Hence, a close replica of the input signal is generated at the
that neither transistor is referenced to ground, necessitating output, but at a high power level.
the use of isolated drive circuitry to accomplish the comple- The comparison of this switching amplifier approach with
mentary switching action. conventional linear designs with respect to the two foremost
L Ci L
i2 A2 , 2 B V2T R2
L Ci L
Fig. 16. Two bidirectional Cuk converters operating in parallel from
COMPARATOR YYJ, -,LOOP COMP - a single power supply.
Fig. 15. Closed-loop buck-type switching power amplifier.
L Ci L
Fig. 18. The Cuk push-pull switching power stage.
ii Ci
I I I, vv
Fig. 20. Cuk push-pul switching power amplifier.
L Ci L
, /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,
5 - V9
3 3
i .l t t D
A c 15
-11 .u 05 1.0
Fig. 22. Theoretical and actual dc voltage gain characteristics of a
typical test circuit. Experimental measurements confirm the pre- -2
dicted gain curve.
taneously offering improvements due to the push-pull config- /a, - Q.0 a2 0.01
bidirectionc power flow
K -V
Fig. 24. Prototype version of a Cuk switched mode audio power amp-
lifier. The circuit delivers 40 W rms to an 8 S1 speaker load, with a
flat frequency response over the 20-Hz-20KHz range, and over 90
percent efficiency. A recently built model has been reduced to less
than one quarter this size.
the input and output stages rather than the inductive energy
transfer of other converters, resulting in nonpulsating input -V L
and output current. Its implementation requires fewer parts (C)
and simpler drive circuitry, with attendant savings in circuit Fig. 25. (a) Basic Cuk converter with one-quadrant classification. (b)
size, weight, and cost. Battery charger/discharger with two-quadrant classificatiox). (c) Bi-
The excellent frequency response characteristics of the new directional power amplifier with four-quadrant classificationi.
design allow highly stable feedback regulation to be achieved
with simple circuitry. As a result, the basic converter may be Simply by doubling the number of power devices in the
used in a new switching power amplifier design that offers per- Cuk converter of Fig. 25(a), the output capability of a dc-to-
formance comparable to linear amplifiers but at much higher dc converter can be extended so that current can flow in either
efficiency and lower cost-offering, for the first time, efficient direction (bidirectional current switch irnplementation), and
dc-to-ac power conversion. the system becomes a two-quadrant converter as shown in
Thus, the new optimum topology converter superior
is to Fig. 25(b). Thus, INPUT and OUTPUT can be arbitrarily inter-
any of the currently known switching converters, out. perform- changed, and the converter is capable of bidirectional power
ing them in every respect (Fig. 24). flow.
Finally, by the new general concept of converter topologi-
APPE.NDIX cal interconnection illustrated in Fig. 21, a two-quadrant con-
A GENERAL AND UNIFIED APPROACH TO POWER verter is extended into a four-quadrant converter in which the
CONVERTER TOPOLOGY directions of both voltage and current can change independ-
A. Modular Concept ently as shown in Fig. 25(c). Hence, a true ac output can be
A large number of switching configurations are currently obtained together with bidirectional power flow.
available for a multitude of power conversion functions. Here- Although this vertical integration has been conceived for
tofore, some circuit configurations have been used solely to the family of Cuk converters, it can be directly applied to
perform the dc-to-dc conversions function (converters), others other converter types, such as buck, boost, or any other
for dc-to-ac conversion (inverters), and yet another for power switching configuration.
amplificiation, with their circuit configurations having nothing
or very little in common. With the family of Cuk converters, C. Applications
however, a vertical integration has been made, and for the first The Cuk converters have a broad range of applications in all
time a logical extension from a single-quadrant to a two-qua- aspects of power processing. Robotics, in particular, will bene-
drant converter (battery charger/discharger) and finally to a fit from the excellent performance of Cuk converters in motor
four-quadrant converter (bidirectional power amplifier) has contTol. Its high efficiency and low noise make it an obvious
been realized. choice as a dc motor servo drive, with regenerative braking,
B. Quadrant Classification in either the two- or four-quadrant configurations. In fact, the
Power processing systems may be classified according to the high performance of the Cuk bipolar amplifier makes it possi-
nature of their output capabilities. The simplest is a dc-to-dc ble to design servo-systems employing ac induction motors,
converter in whieh output current is delivered in one direction capable of optimum motor drive, as well as regenerative brak-
at one output voltage polarity. This means that on a graph of ing.
output voltage V versus output current 1, only one quadrant is
available, as shown for positive V and I in Fig. 25(a). This is ACKNOWLEDGMENT
structurally the simplest switched-mode converter, and can be Special thanks go to R. Erickson and W. Behen, members
realized with only one transistor and one diode, as in the Cuk of the Power Electronics Group at the California Institute of
converter illustrated. Technology, for many devoted hours spent in building the first
prototype of the new switching power amplifier and the later output extensions of a new optimum topology switching dc-to-dc
improvements. converter," in 1978 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf.
Rec., pp. 256-264.
[51 R. D. Middlebrook, Slobodan Cuk, and W. Behen, "A new battery
REFERENCES charger/discharger converter," in 1978 IEEE Power Electronics
Specialists Conf. Rec., pp. 251-255.
[1] Slobodan Cuk and R. D. Middlebrook, "A new optimum topology [6] L. Shaeffer, "VMOS-A breakthrough in power MOSFET tech-
switching dc-to-dc converter," in 1977 IEEE Power Elec. Spe- nology," Siliconix Applications Note AN76-3, Santa Clara, CA,
cialists Conif. Rec., pp. 160-179. 1976.
[2] Slobodan Cuk, "Modelling, analysis, and design of switching [7] R. D. Middlebrook and Slobodan Cuk, "Modelling and analysis
converters," Ph.D. thesis, California Inst. Technology, Nov. methods for dc-to-dc switching converters," (invited review paper)
1976. Also, NASA Rep. CR-135174. in 1977 IEEE Int. Semiconductor Power Converter Conf. Rec., pp.
[31 Slobodan Cuk and R. D. Middlebrook, "Coupled-inductor and 90-111.
other extensions of a new optimum topology switching dc-to-dc [8] Slobodan Cuk and Robert W. Erickson, "A conceptually new high-
converter," in 1977 IEEE Industry Applications Soc. Ann. Meet. frequency switched-mode amplifier technique eliminates current
Rec., pp. 1110-1126. ripple," in Proc. Fifth Nat. Solid-State Power Conversion Conf.,
[4] R. D. Middlebrook and Slobodan Cuk, "Isolation and multiple May 1978, pp. G3.I-G3.22.
Abstract-A number of important practical extensions to the basic avoiding the electrical noise problems associated with switch-
Cuk converter are presented. They include dc isolation, multiple- ing either the input or output current and resulting in in-
output power sources, and a physical realization of the sought for creased conversion efficiency. The new converter has the de-
hypothetical dc-to-dc transformer, a device which converts from pure
dc (no voltage or current ripple) at one terminal, to pure dc (at a sirable property that its output voltage can be either higher or
different voltage) at the other terminal. The application of the circuit lower than that of the input supply, as determined by the duty
in a highly efficient amplifier for the servo control of a dc motor or ratio of the switching transistor (the fraction D of the switch-
other loads is also presented. ing period (Ti) that the transistor is turned on).
Also presented in Part I were several important extensions to
1. INTRODUCTION the basic converter design. These include adding the capability
IN PART I of this series we provided a review of the basic for bidirectional power flow between input and output, coup-
types of switched-mode power converters and showed how ling the input and output inductors via a single transformer
the effort to solve the characteristic problems of these earlier core, and a high-performance switched-mode power amplifier
designs led to the development of a fundamentally new con- configuration using parallel converters driving a differentially
verter configuration. Fig. 1 shows a summary of the basic con- connected load.
verter types and a physical realization of the new converter An important result of the coupled-inductor extension of
in its simplest forn. The new converter topology embodies all the new converter, apart from the further reduction in the
of the desirable features of previous types while retaining none number of components, is that, by proper adjustment of the
of their liabilities. Whereas other converters rely upon the in- magnetic coupling between the input and the output induc-
ductive coupling of energy between the input and output, the tors, the residual current and ripple at one of the terminals can
new converter uses a capacitor to transfer stored energy be- be reduced exactly to zero, resulting in pure dc. Naturally, this
tween input and output inductors as shown. motivated the search for a converter configuration which
Due to the presence of inductors on both the input and would achieve the desired characteristic of having zero current
output, the current on either terminal remains continuous ripple at both input and output simultaneously, thus resulting
in a physical realization of an ideal dc-to-dc "transformer."
Manuscript received October 15, 1982. (See Fig. 8 in Part I.)
The authors are with the California Institute of Technology, Pasa-
dena, CA 91125. In this article, we will show how, by pursuing the desirable
This article is reprinted from Robotics Age Magazine. property of dc isolation between the input and the output cir-
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