Topic Assignment14
Topic Assignment14
Topic Assignment14
Abstract—This paper proposes a new interleaved single- duty control for power factor correction (PFC) as well as
stage ac-dc converter that can achieve power factor power regulation. All of the switches can achieve ZVS
correction without input current sensing. The converter use turn-on with the help of small magnetizing inductance. But,
a bridgeless structure that can operate in CCM without the low-frequency component free in the transformer is not
reverse recovery issue. All switches achieve ZVS turn-on and guaranteed due to asymmetrical duty cycle control.
all diodes achieve ZCS turn-off, which are maintained
throughout the whole grid cycle. A SDAB-based modulation
Moreover, a large input inductance value is needed to
strategy is applied which result in simple power control, achieve the current harmonic distortion requirement.
switching ripple-free input current, open-loop PFC operation Another CCM single-stage ac-dc converter based on
and wide-range of output voltage. Experimental results from current-fed L-type half-bridge in [8]-[9] uses an
a proof of concept 2.5-kW, 220Vac, and 200Vdc – 350Vdc interleaving CCM operation. Therefore, smaller input
prototype are given to verify the working principle and inductor can be used to achieve the required harmonic
feature of the proposed converter. distortion requirement. Moreover, due to the transformer
connected to two legs with 1800 phase-shift in the
Index Terms— Single-stage AC-DC converter, wide switching period, it can be guaranteed that the transformer
voltage range, soft-switching, and switching ripple-free only consists of a pure-high frequency component.
Varying duty control is also implemented for PFC and
I. INTRODUCTION power regulation. All of the switches can achieve ZVS
A plethora of applications, such as electric vehicle (EVs) turn-on when the duty cycle is more than 0.5 but it loses
battery charger, front-end of switch mode power supply ZVS turn-on when the duty cycle is below 0.5. These
(SMPS), and telecom power supply, requires an ac-dc converters have basically a step-up conversion gain. Thus,
converter. Electrical isolation by means of using a high- most of the aforementioned single-stage ac-dc converter
frequency transformer is preferred to satisfy the safety can be considered having a narrow output voltage range.
regulation in these applications. A recent paper, published by the author in [10], proposed
In general, there are two types of high-frequency isolated a bridgeless single-stage ac-dc converter that can maintain
ac-dc converter, which are two-stage [1]-[2] and single- the soft-switching operation for whole grid-cycle with a
stage configuration. The single-stage isolated ac-dc simple one degree of freedom power control and can
converter has the advantages of single power conversion achieve a step-up and step-down conversion gain.
from ac-side to the dc-side by combining the PFC Moreover, it guarantees that the transformer is low-
converter and isolated dc-dc converter into a single frequency component free due to fixed 0.5 duty cycle of
converter [3]-[4]. Therefore, great attention has been given primary switches. However, the converter only uses one
to a single-stage approach because a higher efficiency and input inductor. Thus, a large inductance value is needed to
power density can be expected compared with the two- achieve the harmonic distortion requirement. Therefore, it
stage solution. becomes a bottleneck in achieving higher power density.
A single-stage ac-dc converter in [5] can achieve a high To overcome the issues of the previous works, this paper
power factor and soft-switching. However, it uses a large proposes a new interleaved single-stage ac-dc converter
number of semiconductor devices and operates in DCM that can achieve wide output voltage operation. The
with complicated control. Thus, result in low power converter maintains the bridgeless totem-pole structure of
density and efficiency. The converter based on dual- the work in [10] and also able to operate in CCM without
resonant-tank LCL in [6] reduces the number of the device reverse recovery issue. All switches can achieve ZVS turn-
by using a bridgeless structure with simple phase-shift on and all diodes can achieve ZCS turn-off for the whole
control. However, it is also operated in DCM which result grid cycle. An open-loop power factor correction and
in extra passive component for input filter to remove the simple power control are achieved by implementing a
switching component in the input current. Thus, the overall
DAB/SDAB-like modulation strategy [10]-[12]. Because
power density of the converter is decreasing. The converter
of a fixed 0.5 duty cycle of the primary switches and
in [6] only operates in step down conversion ratio.
A CCM single-stage ac-dc converter is proposed in [7]. 1800 phase-shift of the two primary switch legs, an input
This converter is based on a boost-half-bridge converter current with zero switching ripple is achievable
which use a diode bridge at the input side and a varying independent of the inductance value.
Fig. 3. Current ripple magnitude variation with duty cycle in the two-
phase interleaving structure.
Vg 1 - 2D
L f D , D 0.5
g s 1- D
I g (1)
2 - 2D
, D 0.5
Lg f s 1- D 2
Other than input current switching ripple-free, a fixed 0.5 Fig. 4. Key operating waveforms of the proposed ac-dc converter in
duty cycle gives an equal voltage for the top and bottom switching period.
clamp capacitor, vC1(t) = vC2(t) = |vg(t)|, which result in no
abrupt change of clamp capacitor voltage at zero crossing. with the magnitude of Vo on the secondary side of the
The voltage applied to the transformer is vC1(t) when ST,i is transformer. The pulse-width of this three-level voltage is
on and -vC2(t) when SB,i is on. Because of fixed the 0.5 duty following the shape of (2) as shown in Fig. 2.
cycle, the period for each vC1(t) and -vC2(t) applied to the
transformer is equal to 0.5Ts. Therefore, the transformer is d (t ) m f sin 2 f g t (2)
guaranteed to have only high-frequency component
despite having a voltage envelope with |sin(2πfgt)| function There are two variables that can be used to regulate the
as shown in Fig. 2 and 4. DC output power or voltage, which are modulation index,
The semi-active-rectifier (SAR) in the secondary side mf, and the phase shift, φ, between primary and secondary
has two switches, S3 and S4, and two output diodes, D3 and carrier signals as shown in Fig.2. For simplicity, only
D4. These two switches are 1800 phase-shift switched with output power regulation by phase shift control is
a duty cycle of d(t) as defined in (2). The duty cycle of the considered in this paper and modulation index is selected
switches in SAR is shaped with |sin(2πfgt)| waveform with to be 0.5. The effect of modulation index control will be
the peak value of modulation index, mf, in order to achieve addressed in future work.
open-loop PFC operation [10]. Unlike some of the The control structure of the proposed ac-dc converter is
previous works which need a direct shaping of input shown in Fig. 5. The voltage or power regulation is done
current, by means of input current sensing, to achieve using a simple PI control which produces a phase shift
CCM unity power factor, the proposed ac-dc converter can between the primary and secondary carrier signal. A fixed
remove the input current sensor and still achieving CCM 0.5 duty cycle is compared with the primary carrier signal
unity power factor. Therefore, a simple control structure and gives the turn-on or off command to the primary
can be used in the proposed ac-dc converter. The switching switches.
action in SAR produces a three-level square wave voltage
n vg (t ) Vo 2 (t ) m(t ) (t )
poI (t ) Ts
(t ) (6)
4 f s Ls
n v g (t ) Vo m 2 (t ) (t ) m (t ) (t ) 2 (t ) (t )
poII (t ) (7)
4 f s Ls m (t ) 2 (t ) 2 (t ) (t ) 2
2 (t ) 1 m(t )
(t ) (4)
m (t ) 2
m (t ) (5)
n vg (t )
(a) (a)
Fig. 6. Grid operation key waveforms at different output voltage: (a) Vo
= 200V, (b) Vo = 350V.
IV. CONCLUSION switching AC-DC converter," 2018 IEEE Applied Power
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [13] H. Belkamel, H. Kim, B. Kim, Y. Shin and S. Choi, "Bi-
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Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea Charger," 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
Government (MSIT) (2017R1A2A2A05001054). Exposition (ECCE), Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 6721-6724.
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