Applied Soft Computing: Fabiane L. Lizarelli Lauro Osiro Gilberto M.D. Ganga Glauco H.S. Mendes Guilherme R. Paz
Applied Soft Computing: Fabiane L. Lizarelli Lauro Osiro Gilberto M.D. Ganga Glauco H.S. Mendes Guilherme R. Paz
Applied Soft Computing: Fabiane L. Lizarelli Lauro Osiro Gilberto M.D. Ganga Glauco H.S. Mendes Guilherme R. Paz
article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: Quality tools such as Kano’s model, SERVQUAL, and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) have been
Received 3 June 2020 used to design and improve services. Although these tools can be used separately, their integration
Received in revised form 3 July 2021 can provide a deep analysis of the service quality, generating opportunities for its improvement.
Accepted 4 August 2021
However, the effective integration of these tools requires the proper handling of their variables,
Available online 13 August 2021
which contains imprecision and uncertainties since they are based on customer’s perceptions. Fuzzy
Keywords: approaches are feasible alternatives to overcome these limitations and integrate these tools. Never-
SERVQUAL theless, sophisticated fuzzy methods can deal better with these limitations. This article proposes an
Kano’s model integrative framework involving SERVQUAL, Analytical Kano (A-Kano), and QFD using fuzzy approaches
QFD (Fuzzy Inference System and 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation). The framework comprises four
Improvement actions main phases concerning (i) the identification of quality attributes and service processes using the
FIS A-Kano and SERVQUAL; (ii) the integration of these two quality tools using the Fuzzy Inference
2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation
System (FIS); (iii) the integration between A-Kano and SERVQUAL output and QFD matrix using 2-
Entrepreneurial education service
tuple fuzzy linguistic representation; and (iv) the identification of improvement projects to address
the opportunities identified in the previous phases. The proposed integrative framework was tested and
validated in an entrepreneurial education company that provides experiential services. It contributes
to providing a new method to assess the service quality perceptions, categorizing these perceptions
according to their effects on customer satisfaction, prioritizing improvements, and identifying technical
requirements. Mainly, this study presents a new proposal for integrating the SERVQUAL, A-Kano, and
QFD using advanced fuzzy techniques, which contributes to overcoming the limitations found in the
extant literature.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction (QFD) aims to select the service characteristics that are essential
to meet customer requirements ensuring that the voice of the
It is essential to identify and fulfill customer requirements customer (VoC) is captured [10]. Indeed, QFD provides a better
with the maximum possible quality [1,2]. Several tools, methods, understanding of VoC and deploys it into a set of appropri-
and techniques have been used to assess the service require- ate technical and process service requirements, complementing
ments and quality [3]. SERVQUAL is one of the most widely SERVQUAL and Kano [10–13]. These joined benefits cannot be
used quality tools for measuring service quality [3,4]. Despite achieved through the individual use of these quality tools. There-
its importance, SERVQUAL does not contribute to the precise
fore, the integration of SERVQUAL, Kano‘s model, and QFD can be
identification of the critical quality attributes (QAs) according to
used to improve the service design and, consequently, enhance
customers’ perceptions [5,6]. This limitation can be reached with
the service quality [14–18].
the integration of SERVQUAL with other quality tools [7,8]. For
instance, Kano’s model allows us to prioritize QAs [9]. Further- Several studies have addressed the integration of SERVQUAL,
more, in the service design process, Quality Function Deployment Kano, and QFD since the early 2000s [7,8]. For instance, Baki
et al. [14] applied these tools to transform customer needs into
∗ Correspondence to: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington a customer-focused service design in cargo companies. Tan and
Luis Km 235. CEP 13565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil. Pawitra [5] proposed an integrated approach for developing ser-
E-mail address: [email protected] (G.H.S. Mendes). vices in the tourism sector. Muafi and Sanjaya [19] used
1568-4946/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F.L. Lizarelli, L. Osiro, G.M.D. Ganga et al. Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021) 107786
integrated tools to improve airline service. Sahney [15,20] demon- methods that encompasses our integrative framework. The article
strated the implementation of a three-stage methodology for has three main contributions. First, it presents a new proposal
designing educational services in India. Cho et al. [21] integrated for integrating the SERVQUAL, Analytical Kano (A-Kano), and QFD
QFD and SERVQUAL to improve two global electronics compa- using fuzzy techniques, which contributes to overcoming the
nies’ service centers. Priyono and Yulita [22] used the method gaps found in the extant literature. Second, it provides empirical
proposed by Tan and Pawitra [5] for designing the front-office evidence concerning the validation of the proposed model and
service of a hospital. However, the integration of these tools is its contributions to improving an existing service. Third, specific
based on multiple criteria derived from the opinions, percep- contributions include new ways of assessing the service quality
tions, and judgments of the actors involved during the service perceptions, categorizing these perceptions according to their
design (e.g., customers, and service professionals) and they can effects on customer satisfaction, prioritizing improvements, and
carry uncertainties, bias, and imprecision that can prevent that identifying technical requirements in a particular service design
a service meets the customer requirements. Thus, fuzzy methods context.
have been used to overcome these limitations and integrate these The article is structured as follows. Section 2 presents a brief
tools [21,23,24]. literature review. Section 3 describes the proposed integration of
In special, the integration of these quality tools based on A-Kano, SERVQUAL, and QFD. The proposed model’s application
fuzzy methods can address previous gaps and limitations. First, is presented in Section 4 with the discussion and implications
these quality tools (e.g., SERVQUAL, Kano’s model and, QFD) have in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 presents the conclusions and
different formats of inputs and outputs, leading to uncertainty limitations of this study.
and imprecision. These characteristics increase the difficulty of
adequately representing and aggregating the experts’ and cus-
tomers’ subjective judgments [24–26]. Although fuzzy logic has 2. Theoretical background
been used to address this problem (e.g., [24–26]), previous stud-
ies have concentrated on the integration of two of the three This section presents a brief literature review concerning the
tools. Second, studies considering the integration of three tools investigated quality tools: SERVQUAL, A-Kano, and QFD; and
using fuzzy approaches are still scarce and apply basic opera- fuzzy approaches (e.g., the Fuzzy inference system and 2-tuple
tions (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) of fuzzy linguistic representation.
triangular fuzzy numbers to aggregate variables, which limits the
flexibility to model the relationships between the parameters of 2.1. Quality tools and integration
the three tools (e.g., [1,2]). Third, individually, each quality tool
presents limitations that can be overcome using more advanced 2.1.1. SERVQUAL
and integrative fuzzy approaches. Thus, the traditional Kano’s SERVQUAL is one of the most widely used and tested tools
model can be imprecise for quantitative analysis of customer for evaluating service quality [20,26]. By measuring the differ-
responses [27–30], limiting its integration with other tools. The ence between the expectations and performance perceptions,
SERVQUAL measures the customer’s expectations and perfor- SERVQUAL consists of a diagnostic method that can define service
mance using a Likert scale [13], and the prioritization of QAs is quality and reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the service
based on the average gap values, which may not provide accurate providers [5,20,27]. Although service quality and customer satis-
data. Thus, the outputs from A-Kano (magnitude and angle) and
faction are different constructs, SERVQUAL considers that service
SERVQUAL (p-value - Wilcoxon test) are crisp values that can be
quality leads directly to customer satisfaction [28]. In its first
integrated in a more appropriate way using a Fuzzy Inference
version, SERVQUAL had 97 QAs grouped into 10 dimensions [27]
System. On the other hand, In the QFD matrix-prioritized, 2-tuple
but it was refined [28], resulting in an instrument comprised of
linguistic representation can represent and aggregate the experts’
22 QAs classified into five dimensions: reliability, responsiveness,
team assessment about the relationship between the QA and the
assurance, empathy, and, tangible aspects [4,16,21,27,29].
service processes without loss of information.
The application of SERVQUAL involves the use of structured
Therefore, this study proposes a framework for integrating
questionnaires that are applied to customers asking them about
the SERVQUAL, Analytical Kano (A-Kano), and QFD using fuzzy
their service expectations and perceptions. A five-point Likert
techniques. Thus, it integrates not only two but three of the
scale is used in the SERVQUAL questionnaires [11]. Depending
most important quality tools that are used in the service design.
Furthermore, it addresses the limitations of the individual tools as on the desired level of analysis, the gap between expectations
well. The SERVQUAL gaps are statistically validated and measured and perceptions can be calculated for each QA or a quality di-
using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. A-Kano model intro- mension [16,20]. Service providers can take advantage of this
duces quantitative measurements of customer satisfaction [31]. evaluation (i.e., by using gap analysis) and develop strategies to
Finally, it considers two fuzzy approaches: Fuzzy Inference Sys- reduce the gaps when quality performance fails to meet expec-
tem (FIS) and 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation to deal with tations for specific QAs or dimensions [5,30]. Under this method,
the requirements of each integration regarding quantity and the the prioritization of QAs is normally based on the gap values or
characteristics of the input and output variables. the relative weights given by respondents. Thus, this represents
The proposed integrative framework was empirically imple- a weakness of SERVQUAL. Although SERVQUAL considers that an
mented in a startup company that provides entrepreneurial ed- investment in service quality directly affects customer satisfac-
ucation services. Entrepreneurial education seeks to prepare in- tion, this relationship can be non-linear or asymmetric [6,20,33].
dividuals to achieve goals [32]. Demand for entrepreneurship Consequently, an investment in a particular QA (with a large
education has been increasing, and the excellence of such services gap) may not increase customer satisfaction. On the contrary,
requires a combination of high-quality services and methods of customer satisfaction can rise substantially based on small in-
learning that encourage a wide range of professional and personal crements in the right QAs [5,16,33]. In short, the effective use
skills that promote critical thinking and creativity [25]. There- of SERVQUAL as a continuous improvement method depends on
fore, the mixture of education, entrepreneurship, and leadership how QA can maximize customer satisfaction. For this reason, the
makes this service even more complicated. This case allowed integration between SERVQUAL and other methods is essential [5,
us to develop and validate the set of quality tools and fuzzy 11,34].
F.L. Lizarelli, L. Osiro, G.M.D. Ganga et al. Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021) 107786
Table 1
Kano’s evaluation matrix.
Customer response Dysfunctional question
1. I like it 2. I ex- 3. I am 4. I can tol- 5. I dis-
pect it neutral erate it like it
1. I like it Q A A A O
2. I expect it R N N N M
3. I am neutral R N N N M
4. I can tolerate it R N N N M
5. I dislike it R R R R Q
(A) Attractive; (M) Must-be; (N) Neutral; (O) One-dimensional; (Q) Questionable; (R) Reversal.
2.1.2. Kano’s model and analytical Kano Organizations should prioritize opportunities for improve-
Kano’s model considers that each QA exerts a different im- ments addressing the Must-be attributes since they guarantee
pact on customer satisfaction [9,14]. Thus, it suggests that some a larger impact on customer satisfaction. The second priority
QAs may exhibit a non-linear pattern, which means that an should be Attractive attributes due to their capacity to generate
increase in a specific QA’s quality level may not provide a pro- higher satisfaction. The last priority should be One-dimensional
portional increase in customer satisfaction. In the same vein, attributes [9,15,16]. However, the traditional Kano model fo-
QAs with a similar level of performance in SERVQUAL may have cuses on classification based on qualitative descriptions [38]
different impacts on customer satisfaction [15,34]. As shown in and, there is limited quantitative analysis or measurement of
Fig. 1, Kano et al. [9] proposed six types of QAs: Must-be (M), the relationships discussed in the traditional Kano model [38].
Attractive (A), One-dimensional (O), Reversal (R), Neutral (N), and Consequently, studies have considered the quantitative analysis
of customer answers, recommending a slight modification of the
Questionable (Q). Each type has a different impact on customer
traditional Kano’s model to decrease the subjective aspects of
satisfaction. In general, Must-be (M) attributes refer to the essen-
the qualitative descriptions [39,40]. For instance, Xu et al. [31]
tial attributes of service quality in meeting customer satisfaction.
proposed an Analytical-Kano (A-Kano) model, which extends the
If they are not fulfilled, customers will be dissatisfied with the
traditional Kano model by introducing Kano indices that are
service. Attractive (A) attributes can increase customer satisfac- customer satisfaction quantitative measurements. A quantitative
tion substantially if they are present in services. One-dimensional classification is developed for each QA and respondent according
(O) attributes create customer satisfaction when they are current to the functional and dysfunctional questions (Table 2). Next, the
and dissatisfaction when they are absent. Reverse (R) attributes scale is designed to be asymmetric because positive answers are
cause dissatisfaction when they are present and satisfaction when more robust than negative ones [31,38,41]. An additional problem
they are missing. Neutral (N) attributes have no impact on cus- is included in the questionnaire, the self-stated importance of the
tomer satisfaction, which means that customers are neither sat- QA, and the response weights fall within a range of 0.1–1 (0.1 –
isfied nor dissatisfied regardless of whether these attributes are Not important; 1.0 – Extremely important).
present or absent. Lastly, Questionable (Q) attributes contradict For each respondent tj ∈ s(∀j = 1, 2, . . . ., J), the evaluation
the customer’s answer to Kano’s questionnaire [5,14,35]. of each QA is QAi ∈ s(∀i = 1, 2, . . . ., I), is represented as eij =
Kano’s model is implemented using questionnaires based on (xij , yij , wij ), where xij and yij are the scores given to a QA for the
pairs of questions (functional and dysfunctional) for each QA. dysfunctional and functional question respectively (Table 2), and
Functional (dysfunctional) questions assess the customer’s be- wij is the self-stated importance weight [31]. Two new indices are
havior when the service meets (does not meet) a particular at- calculated, dysfunctional index and functional index, defined by
tribute [15,33,36]. Table 1 presents the responses for each pair of Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively.
functional and dysfunctional questions. In the following, the QAs J
are ranked according to the highest concentration of answers to Xı = wij · xij (1)
a given pair of questions [5,33,37]. J
F.L. Lizarelli, L. Osiro, G.M.D. Ganga et al. Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021) 107786
and uncertainty inherent in the variables coming from linguistic and technical specifications. Thus, those models [1,2] use basic
terms [1,2,21,47,48]. Considering that linguistic terms are used operations for triangular fuzzy numbers to aggregate variables,
in SERVQUAL, Kano, and QFD and the difficulty of adequately limiting their flexibility in representing more complex relation-
representing and aggregating customers’ subjective judgments by ships. Alternatively, FIS [55], and fuzzy computing with words
crisp values, fuzzy logic has been used to address this problem [1, techniques (e.g., fuzzy 2-tuple [56,57]) could be used to improve
2,21,47,48]. For this reason, this study proposes the use of fuzzy the relationships between the parameters of the three tools. In
approaches in the integration of these three quality tools. addition, no research has been found using A-Kano and changes
Several studies have employed fuzzy logic in quality tools [18, in the SERVQUAL gap analysis to improve the performance of in-
21,49]. The fuzzy theory addresses the uncertainty and impreci- tegration. The findings in the literature were compiled in Table 3
sion inherent in certain quality tools such as the QFD, developing and the disadvantages concerning the proposed framework are
various fuzzy QFD models [18,21,49]. In this sense, the judgments also presented.
from customers and QFD design team members can be further Therefore, this study differs from the others by proposing an
captured by the fuzzy methods [46,50]. Fuzzy set theory was also integrative framework that combines SERVQUAL, QFD, and A-
used to develop a modified version of SERVQUAL [51]. Subjectiv- Kano using FIS and a 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation. The
ity is identified as a problem of Kano’s model and, consequently, context of uncertainty and imprecision in the evaluation of the
a fuzzy Kano is proposed [52]. The use of fuzzy theory goes parameters of SERVQUAL, A-Kano, and QFD and the nonlinearity
beyond the three quality tools investigated in this study. For of their relationships justify the relevance of using the most
instance, Chen and Ko [53] used FMEA, QFD, and fuzzy nonlin- suitable fuzzy approaches in the integration of their variables.
ear programming models based on Kano’s concept to design a Due to the characteristics of each technique’s inputs and outputs
new product. Liu [49] also integrated fuzzy QFD and the proto- and the number of variables, these two different fuzzy approaches
type product selection model to develop a product design and are used in the proposal. FIS was used when the model phase
selection approach. has crisp values as input and output and a limited quantity of
Considering the service context, Cho et al. [21] employ the variables. Otherwise, the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation
fuzzy set theory to address the subjectivity of customer require- model was used to aggregate many variables whose assessment
ments and satisfaction. Farokhnia and Beheshtinia [54] use an in- was based on expert judgments.
tegrated approach involving SERVQUAL, three-dimensional QFD,
and fuzzy set theory to help the cooperation between two organi- 2.2. Fuzzy approaches
zations. Raziei et al. [50] proposed a hybrid approach incorporat-
ing group decision-making, SERVQUAL, QFD, and fuzzy numbers 2.2.1. Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)
to improve quality in a public hospital. Lin et al. [47] introduce an Since the seminal work of Mamdani and Assilian [61], the
integrative framework of fuzzy Kano and fuzzy QFD. Nevertheless, FIS has become one of the Fuzzy logic’s essential applications.
to the best of our knowledge, only a few studies integrate the Indeed, this method was proposed by Zadeh [62] and its ability
three quality tools (e.g., SERVQUAL, Kano, and QFD) using fuzzy to incorporate expert knowledge in an interpretable manner has
logic. Only two applications were found in the literature [1,2] been applied in many management problems [23,63]. Fig. 4
but they used a fuzzy approach that is distinct from this study. shows the main elements of FIS in which the input information,
For instance, Vaziri and Beheshtinia [2] combine the SERVQUAL, in a crisp format, goes through the stages of fuzzification, fuzzy
Kano’s model, QFD, and the knapsack problem. Thus, triangular inference, and defuzzification for crisp output information.
fuzzy numbers are applied throughout the model to represent The form of fuzzy partitioning determines the fuzzification of
linguistic variables in calculations. Beheshtinia and Azad [1] in- crisp input data. Many authors highlight the importance of fuzzy
tegrated QFD, fuzzy set theory, SERVQUAL, and Kano for the partitioning. According to Guillaume and Charnomordic [55], in-
hotel industry to maximize customer satisfaction. Similar to [2], terpretable partitions are the main conditions: semantic integrity;
this study also employs the triangular fuzzy numbers to map a wise number of fuzzy sets; normalization; overlapping; and
ambiguity of qualitative parameters such as the importance of coverage. These conditions are fulfilled by a fuzzy partition that
the customer needs and the relationship between requirements must satisfy Eq. (6), where µi (x) is the membership degree of x in
F.L. Lizarelli, L. Osiro, G.M.D. Ganga et al. Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021) 107786
Table 3
Integration strategies used by authors and their disadvantages concerning the proposed framework.
Integration of SERVQUAL and Integration between criticality Disadvantages Authors
Kano’model indices and QFD
Fuzzy logic is not used — Fuzzy logic is not used — The It applies traditional Kano’s model, [5,6,15,16,22,35,58]
One-dimensional, and Must-be QAs criticality indices, are multiplicate does not statistically validate
receive the respective values of 4, in the QFD matrix by values that SERVQUAL gaps, and applies
2, and 1 (or similar), and these indicate strong (9), medium (3), or subjective values to integrate
values are multiplied by the weak (1) relationships. the tools
negative gap value. These are the
criticality indices.
– It integrates SERVQUAL and QFD, There is no integration with Kano’s [21]
using fuzzy set theory (basic model, does not statistically vali-
operation with a triangular fuzzy date SERVQUAL gaps, and uses basic
number) fuzzy operation
– It integrates SERVQUAL and QFD, There is no integration with Kano’s [47]
using fuzzy multiple objective model, which does not statistically
decision model or fuzzy-DEMATEL validate SERVQUAL gaps
method and fuzzy inference system
– It integrates Kano’s model and QFD, There is no integration with [25]
using fuzzy sets SERVQUAL, uses basic fuzzy
It integrates SERVQUAL with the – There is no integration with QFD, [59,60]
Fuzzy Kano model, using a fuzzy uses basic fuzzy operation
Integrates Kano’s model and Basic operations on triangular fuzzy There is no integration with Kano’s [1,2]
SERVQUAL using basic operations numbers model, does not statistically vali-
on triangular fuzzy numbers date SERVQUAL gaps, and uses basic
fuzzy operations
The inference engine integrates the input data fuzzified con- With
sidering the rule base and allocates to aggregate the related fuzzy si , i = round (β)
area [64]. A rule base is developed based on experts’ knowledge. (8)
α = β − i, α ∈ [−0.5, 0.5) ,
A fuzzy rule can be defined in a logical ‘‘if. . . then’’ expression. For
instance, if x1 is l1 and x2 is, then y is l3 , with x1 and x2 being the To aggregate different criteria with different degrees of impor-
input variable, y being the output variable, and l1 , l2 , and l3 being tance, Herrera and Martinez [57] propose the weighted average
linguistic terms. The defuzzification stage yields a crisp value operator, presented by Eq. (9), where βi and wi are respectively
from the output fuzzy area. Depending on the characteristics of the evaluation and the weight of criterion i. According to Herrera
the problem, different defuzzification approaches can be used, and Martinez [56], quantitative variables can be represented
such as the center of the area (COA), mean of maximum (MOM), and aggregated with qualitative variables by the 2-tuple fuzzy
largest of maximum (LOM), and smallest of maximum (SOM).
linguistic representation model if the linguistic term set S is a
fuzzy partition, with membership functions of all its terms being
2.2.2. Tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model triangular.
The 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model proposed by ( )
Herrera and Martinez [56,57] is an approach that permits the use ∑
of the computational technique for Computing with Words (CW) x=∆ wi · βi (9)
without loss of information, working differently than alternatives i=1
F.L. Lizarelli, L. Osiro, G.M.D. Ganga et al. Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021) 107786
3. A proposal for the integration of A-Kano, SERVQUAL, and 4. Application of the proposed framework
The proposed framework was tested through a case study
The integration of the A-Kano, SERVQUAL, and QFD tools en- in a Brazilian startup company (called Company X herein) that
compass four phases as shown in Fig. 5. The first Phase (Phase I) develops entrepreneurial education services for undergraduate
aims for identifying the QAs, applying A-Kano and SERVQUAL to students. Company X aims to develop the entrepreneurial skills of
its customers by using entrepreneurship competitions in Brazilian
deal with the data (e.g., expectations, performance, and require-
universities. In general, competitions involve more than 1200 par-
ments) that is collected from service customers. It also includes
ticipants per year. For five weeks, the students work in teams to
the identification and validation of the service processes (tech-
build a business plan to address a real problem in society, which
nical service requirements) by quality experts. Phase II refers
they self-select based on their experience and knowledge of local
to the integration of A-Kano and SERVQUAL through FIS, with
issues. The participants go through a simulation of developing a
the criticality index as the output. In Phase III, the criticality business plan for a problem they wish to solve as well as the
index will be incorporated into the QFD matrix, which allows the search for investments in the future company.
integration between the three quality tools and the prioritization Different from other competitors, Company X has a differen-
of service processes. Lastly, improvement projects to address the tiated service execution structure due to the use of local teams.
main results of Phase III are suggested in Phase IV. Each Phase Customers are undergraduate students, university professors, and
will be detailed in the next sections. staff who receive guidance and training from the Company X
In Phase I, different activities run concurrently since it involves team before and during the competition. Participants also receive
the identification of QAs and technical requirements (referring to mentoring from local entrepreneurs, while local and national
service processes). The QAs identification is used to the imple- sponsors make the competition feasible by providing financial
mentation of A-Kano and SERVQUAL questionnaires. The A-Kano and infrastructure assistance. Company X is also responsible for
questionnaire differs from the traditional Kano’s questionnaire developing the service and competition methodology, delivering
by adding the respondent’s self-assessment about the QA impor- the processes and materials used, connecting local entrepreneurs
tance. Based on respondents’ answers, it is possible to calculate and sponsors, and providing training to local teams responsible
the A-Kano indices using the method presented by Xu et al. [31]. for organizing and delivering participants’ competition services.
Regarding SERVQUAL, the gaps between the service expecta- Therefore, Company X was selected because it provides educa-
tions and service performance were confirmed by applying the tional services for its customers. Additionally, its services can be
Wilcoxon test for paired samples of each QA. The Wilcoxon test categorized as experiential services that suffer from heterogene-
is a nonparametric technique to test whether the difference be- ity due to inconsistency in human performance and that are based
on the tacit knowledge held by the people as they are delivered
tween the medians of the populations is equal to or different
by interpersonal interactions. Consequently, the service quality
from zero [68]. A nonparametric technique was chosen after
assessment is more complex and can benefit from the developed
performing a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, confirming that the data
integrative framework.
does not follow a normal distribution. Another justification for
using a nonparametric test is that the data are collected on an 4.1. Phase I
ordinal scale. Wilcoxon tests the following hypotheses: H0 , or
the difference of the medians, is equal to zero; and H1 or the Phase I involves identifying QAs and service processes by
difference of the medians is different from zero. When there is service specialists with the support of the research team and
technical confirmation of the gap, and the median of expectation the application of the Analytical Kano and SERVQUAL question-
is more significant than perception (a negative gap) the attribute naires. Then, the Kano results and assessed the QA gaps were
of quality becomes the focus of improvements and subsequent calculated using the Wilcoxon test. Moreover, Phase I also en-
analyses. Similarly, the service processes must also be identified compasses the evaluation by specialists of the intensity of the
in the Phase I. Following this identification, the quality experts relationship between service processes and each QA using a 2-
should evaluate the intensity of the services processes’ rela- tuple fuzzy linguistic representation (Fig. 5). In the case study,
tionship with each QA. In this proposal, linguistic terms used Pilot tests were conducted to test the SERVQUAL and A-Kano
in everyday life allow more comfortable judgments about the questionnaires. Respondents were undergraduate students who
relationship by using a 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation. had already participated in the competitions promoted by Com-
Phase II integrates the A-Kano and SERVQUAL methods pany X. Besides them, Company X members, and quality research
through a FIS to input crisp values from these two methods and experts also tested the questionnaires. They provided feedback
generate a criticality index of each QA that will be posteriorly about the questionnaire format, clarity of the sentences, and
used in the QFD matrix. Parameterization of FIS elements, such completion time. Careful validation of the instruments can re-
duce measurement error due to poorly worded questions [69].
as rule base, fuzzy sets, forms of fuzzification, defuzzification,
Thus, the questionnaires were adjusted based on the received
etc., must be defined by the quality experts with the support
feedbacks. Next, the questionnaires were sent electronically to
of FIS specialists. In Phase III, the QFD matrix organizes the
respondents via emails. After two weeks, a reminder email was
intensity of the relationship between the service processes with
sent to increase response rates. The target population was the
each QA. The prioritization of service processes is calculated using
participants of the last edition of the competition (469 partici-
the 2-tuple linguistic representation and the weighted average pants). Of that population, 47 participants answered the A-Kano
operator defined in Eq. (9). This operator aggregates the relation- questionnaire, and 72 answered the SERVQUAL. The response
ship intensity of a service process with each QA, considering the rates were 10% and 15%, respectively. Cronbach’s alpha values
weights determined by the criticality index of the QAs. In Phase were used to verify the questionnaires’ consistency, which was
IV, improvement projects are planned to address the most critical both above the recommended 0.70 thresholds (Kano = 0.72 and
service processes. Focusing improvement actions on the most SERVQUAL = 0.95). Both were considered appropriate for the
critical processes ensures more efficient use of the organization’s subsequent analyses.
resources to improve its performance on the QAs that are most Another stage in Phase I deals with the identification of service
influential on service user satisfaction. processes. Thus, two founders and five members of Company
F.L. Lizarelli, L. Osiro, G.M.D. Ganga et al. Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021) 107786
Table 4
A-Kano results.
Angle αi
⏐ ⏐
Quality dimension and QAs Fun. Yı Dysf. Xı Magn. ⏐r⃗ı ⏐
Competition organization
Registration information 0.763 0.745 1.066 45.68◦
Means of communication 0.698 0.764 1.035 42.42◦
Capacity of instruction/training 0.692 0.774 1.038 41.80◦
Cost (service value) 0.634 0.763 0.992 39.72◦
Virtual communication 0.708 0.656 0.965 47.18◦
Regulation/rules 0.624 0.749 0.975 39.80◦
Schedule 0.689 0.763 1.028 42.08◦
Term 0.585 0.649 0.874 42.03◦
Materials developed for competition 0.769 0.678 1.025 48.60◦
Evaluation criteria 0.763 0.745 1.066 45.68◦
Infrastructure (location, space, working materials) 0.719 0.746 1.036 43.94◦
Coffee break 0.707 0.480 0.855 55.83◦
Local teams
Appearance of the team 0.736 0.699 1.015 46.48◦
Education, friendliness, and cordiality 0.817 0.826 1.162 44.69◦
Ability to serve 0.756 0.784 1.089 43.96◦
Knowledge creation
Level of knowledge and ability to share 0.715 0.697 0.999 45.73◦
Sharing of supplementary materials 0.657 0.544 0.853 50.38◦
Presence and heterogeneity of the audiences 0.671 0.389 0.776 59.90◦
Connection with different audiences and exchange of experience and knowledge 0.722 0.505 0.881 55.03◦
Network of contacts 0.642 0.481 0.802 53.16◦
Entrepreneurial development
Awards/benefits 0.718 0.693 0.998 46.02◦
Development of entrepreneurial knowledge 0.742 0.733 1.043 45.35◦
Development of entrepreneurial skills 0.772 0.754 1.079 45.68◦
Development of entrepreneurial attitudes 0.776 0.748 1.078 46.05◦
Table 5
Wilcoxon test for SERVQUAL.
Quality dimension and QAs Expectation Perception Expectation Perception Wilcoxon
median median mean mean (p-value)
Competition organization
Registration information 4 5 4.32 4.32 0.964
Means of communication 4 4 4.15 3.93 0.086
Capacity of instruction/training 4 4 4.28 3.97 0.023*
Cost (service value) 4 4 4.17 4,26 0.475
Virtual communication 4 4 4.11 3.97 0.003*
Regulation/rules 4 4 4.19 3.97 0.042*
Schedule 4 4 4.32 4.03 0.014*
Term 4 4 4.07 3.76 0.013*
Materials developed for competition 4 4 4.25 4,06 0.116
Evaluation criteria 4 4 4.13 3.22 0.000*
Infrastructure (location, space, working materials) 5 5 4.33 4.38 0.715
Coffee break 4 5 4.10 4.18 0.466
Local teams
Appearance of the team 5 4 4.38 4.07 0.021*
Education, friendliness, and cordiality 5 5 4.57 4.57 1.000
Ability to serve 5 4 4.44 4.17 0.090
Knowledge creation
Level of knowledge and ability to share 4 4 4.31 4.04 0.057
Sharing of supplementary materials 4 4 4.06 3.71 0.025*
Presence and heterogeneity of the audiences 4 4 4.15 3.74 0.016*
Connection with different audiences and exchange of 4 4 4.24 3.82 0.006*
experience and knowledge
Network of contacts 4 3 3.97 3.36 0.000*
Entrepreneurial development
Awards/benefits 4 4 3.97 3.60 0.002*
Development of entrepreneurial knowledge 5 4 4.36 4.24 0.354
Development of entrepreneurial skills 4 4 4.32 4.03 0.042*
Development of entrepreneurial attitudes 4 4 4.29 4.10 0.207
Table 6
Results of the integration between SERVQUAL and A-Kano’s model.
Priority QA A-Kano — A-Kano — SQ Criticality Criticality index
magnitude angle — p-value index normalized (wi )
1 Virtual communication 0.97 47.2 0.00 0.92 0.0571
2 Evaluation criteria 1.07 45.7 0.00 0.92 0.0571
3 Awards/benefits 1.00 46.0 0.00 0.92 0.0571
4 Network of contacts 0.80 53.2 0.00 0.92 0.0569
5 Connection with different audiences and exchange of 0.88 55.0 0.01 0.87 0.0540
experience and knowledge
6 Appearance of the team 1.02 46.5 0.02 0.84 0.0522
7 Sharing of supplementary materials 0.85 50.4 0.02 0.84 0.0522
8 Presence and heterogeneity of the audiences 0.78 59.9 0.02 0.83 0.0517
9 Schedule 1.03 42.1 0.01 0.83 0.0514
10 Term 0.87 42.0 0.01 0.83 0.0512
11 Capacity of instruction/training 1.04 41.8 0.02 0.80 0.0496
12 Development of entrepreneurial skills 1.08 45.7 0.04 0.80 0.0495
13 Level of knowledge and ability to share 1.00 45.7 0.06 0.77 0.0479
14 Regulation/rules 0.97 39.8 0.04 0.75 0.0464
15 Ability to serve 1.09 44.0 0.09 0.74 0.0462
16 Means of communication 1.03 42.4 0.09 0.73 0.0455
17 Materials developed for competition 1.03 48.6 0.12 0.69 0.0429
18 Development of entrepreneurial attitudes 1.08 46.1 0.21 0.50 0.0310
19 Coffee break 0.85 55.8 0.47 0.42 0.0262
20 Development of entrepreneurial knowledge 1.04 45.3 0.35 0.40 0.0250
21 Cost (service value) 0.99 39.7 0.48 0.33 0.0206
22 Infrastructure (location, space, working materials) 1.04 43.9 0.72 0.24 0.0148
23 Registration information 1.07 45.7 0.96 0.14 0.0086
24 Education, friendliness, and cordiality 1.16 44.7 1.00 0.08 0.0050
Table 7
Prioritization of service processes using QFD matrix.
Quality wi Service processes
attributes (QAs)
Criticality Strategic Structuring Structuring Structuring Structuring Selecting Training Event Sponsor Stakeholder Awards Maintaining Activating Evaluat-
index planning the processes methodol- stages the local the local marketing manage- communi- manage- a network the ing the
normalized experience ogy and team team ment cation ment of contacts network event
rules of contacts
Virtual communication 0.057 M VH H VH VH H VH H L L VL VL VL VH
Evaluation criteria 0.057 VL VH H VH VH VL VH VL L VL VL VL VL VH
Awards/benefits 0.057 VH VH L VH VL M M M M M VH L L M
Network of contacts 0.057 M VH VH VL VL VH M VL L VL H VH VH VH
Connection with 0.054 M VH M VH VH VH VH VL L VL H VH VH H
different audiences
Appearance of the 0.052 VL M VL VL VL VL VL M H M VL VL VL VH
Sharing of 0.052 M VH VH M M M VH VH M M VL VL VL H
Presence and 0.052 M VH M VH M VH M L VL VL H H VH VH
heterogeneity of the
Schedule 0.051 VH VH VH L M VL VH VH L VH VL VL M VH
Capacity of 0.050 VH VH H VH M VH M M H M VL VL VL VH
Development of 0.050 H VH H H M VH M L VL H M M M VL
entrepreneurial skills
Level of knowledge 0.048 M VH M H VH VH VH VL VL L M L VL VH
and ability to share
Regulation/rules 0.046 VH VH H VH H H VL VH VH VL H M VL VH
Ability to serve 0.046 M VH VL VL VL VH VH VL VL VH VL L L VH
Means of 0.046 H VH H L VL M VH H VH M VL M H VH
Materials developed 0.043 M M H VH VH VH VH VL M VH VL VL VL VH
for competition
Development of 0.031 H VH H H M VH M L VL H M M M VL
Coffee break 0.026 L VH VL VH M VH VH VL VL M VL VL VL VH
Development of 0.025 H VH H H M VH M L VL H VH M M VL
Cost (service value) 0.021 M VH M M M M VH H VH M VH VH M VH
Infrastructure 0.015 L H VH M VH M L VH H M VL VL VL VH
Registration 0.009 VL L H L VH M H M H M VL H VL VH
Education, 0.005 M VH VL VL VL VH VH VL VL VH VL L L VH
friendliness, and
Process priority index 2.39 3.77 2.55 2.71 2.09 2.65 2.91 1.73 1.41 1.66 1.5 1.36 1.25 3.36
(β )
Process priority in M VH H H M H H M L M L L L H
linguistic terms (i)
Prioritization of 7 1 6 4 8 5 3 9 12 10 11 13 14 2
F.L. Lizarelli, L. Osiro, G.M.D. Ganga et al. Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021) 107786
concerning the processes that would have more influence on third implication is that fuzzy approaches, instead of only com-
customer satisfaction (QAs). In fact, this final stage is necessary to mon sense, were used to better integrate of the tools, conserving
guarantee the direct association between the critical QAs, service the main information of each tool when they are integrated and
processes, and improvement projects. Thus, the specialists listed translating the respondents’ subjective assessments into a com-
potential improvement projects based on the priority processes. mon language. These approaches are more sophisticated and had
A list of 25 improvement projects was proposed for Company not been used before to integrate the three tools simultaneously.
X, observing the relationship between service process and QAs. This use allowed greater accuracy of the information and better
Owing to space, Table 8 presents only a sampling of the im- integration between tools, contributing to the literature.
provement projects listed related to the most impacting process Regarding the model, a fourth implication is that this inte-
— Structuring the experience. gration overcomes other method’s limitations. For instance, the
In the end, Company X managers and service specialists in- integration of A-Kano and SERVQUAL eliminated the linearity
volved in the application of this integrative framework approved barrier, which is one of the latter’s main weaknesses, and the
the 25 improvement projects. Financial and personnel resources fuzzy set helps to reflect customers’ subjective judgments by the
were used to carry out the projects. They also had a positive allocation of values to the linguistic variables overcoming issues
opinion regarding the implemented methodology. As a result of of subjectivity and inaccuracy [1,2,21,47]. Moreover, integrating
applying the model, Company X highlighted more reliable data SERVQUAL and A-Kano into QFD also contributes to select the ser-
for quality analysis, developed a holistic view of its service, and vice processes (technical requirements) that should be addressed
identified customer-focused improvement projects. Furthermore, to increase customer satisfaction [5,7,16,33,36]. Thus, advancing
they pointed out better structuring processes, better alignment the extant literature, the proposed model provides a structured
with mentors and local teams, better monitoring of service re- way to prioritize improvement projects, allowing specific im-
sults, and customer satisfaction. Fig. 10 shows the steps taken in provement procedures and guidelines. This helps companies that
the case study and details Fig. 5. want to increase their design capabilities or improve services
driven by customer satisfaction.
5. Discussion and implications The fifth implication is related to the prioritization of improve-
ment projects. SERVQUAL alone is insufficient to determine the
This section discusses the findings of this study and its im-
improvement priorities [5,16,35]. However, through the appli-
plications for theory and practice. First, this study presents a
cation of A-Kano, the influence on customer satisfaction can be
framework for integrating SERVQUAL, A-Kano, and QFD using
identified and reflected in the service QAs, and the integration
fuzzy logic, which generated guidance for improvement projects
with QFD connects the QA to technical requirements (processes).
in the investigated case. This framework consists of several ques-
The prioritization of the processes through the junction of the
tionnaires, two of them applied to customers (SERVQUAL and
criticality index and the importance of fuzzy approaches en-
A-Kano), and questions about service processes (for QFD) ap-
abled the identification of priority processes and improvement
plied to the service specialists. The same QAs were the basis for
SERVQUAL and A-Kano questionnaires. Through the application
The last implication is related to the practical results of this
of A-Kano, and based on its methodology the QAs were classified
study. The case study illustrated how the proposed integration of
according to their impacts on customer satisfaction, identifying
SERVQUAL, A-Kano, and QFD using fuzzy logic was applied in a
dysfunctional, functional, and self-stated importance weights and
Brazilian startup company that develops tacit entrepreneurial ed-
turning this information in a vector magnitude and angle. The A-
ucation services. First, while some QAs were borrowed from the
Kano model introduces quantitative measurements of customer
satisfaction [31], decreasing the subjectivity of the analysis that traditional SERVQUAL model, other QAs were changed to adapt
is related to the traditional Kano model. Thus, a first implication to the specific characteristics of the tacit services provided by
is that to the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first time Company X. Thus, Service specialists together with the research
that A-Kano has been used for the integration of tools, and it has team identified QAs relevant to this type of service, developing
proved effective for this purpose. a modified version of the SERVQUAL that is more suitable to
Second, the identification of critical QAs also received special evaluate this kind of services. Although these dimensions and
attention. In this case, the quality gaps between expectations and attributes are presented other similar services, they provide an al-
perceived performances were validated using the Wilcoxon test ternative for service providers operating in this area. Second, the
for paired samples in the SERVQUAL (13 of 24 QAs showed sta- application of the model in an entrepreneurial education service
tistically significant negative gaps). This advances the traditional allowed Company X managers to validate the framework through
calculation of the quality gaps that is, normally, found in many the prioritization of service processes, the critical QAs, and the
SERVQUAL applications. The use of a nonparametric hypothesis improvement projects. The main benefits pointed out by the
test to validate the SERVQUAL gaps and generate quantitative company’s specialists were more reliable data for quality analysis,
information to prioritize the gaps and integrate the tools makes a holistic view of the service, and customer-focused improvement
the analysis process more robust. projects, and the model allowed to overcome challenges related
Third, SERVQUAL and A-Kano’s model were integrated using to the evaluation of the service and the quality improvement
a FIS, which allows overcoming the limitations of applying Kano process.
or SERVQUAL separately [5,7,37]. FIS was the fuzzy approach Finally, it is possible to expand the use of the integrative
chosen in this step because of its characteristic of receiving crisp framework to other types of services. In this sense, the inte-
values (from SERVQUAL and A-Kano), fuzzifying them to make gration of the A-Kano, SERVQUAL, and QFD tools has been used
inferences according to the characteristics analyzed, and defuzzi- in different contexts in the service sector, such as tourism [7],
fying them into weights for each QA. Otherwise, the 2-tuple education [17,22], and healthcare [24], indicating that there are
fuzzy linguistic representation was used to relate the results of interest and opportunities to be answered by the integration
SERVQUAL integrated to Kano with service processes in QFD, due of these quality tools. With the support of fuzzy approaches,
to its ability and simplicity to aggregate large numbers of criteria the integrative framework can be used to analyze the service
with different weights and represented by sets of five or more quality in different sectors in depth. For instance, in sectors of
linguistic terms. This second integration made it possible to prior- high competition and high contact with the customer such as
itize the processes and, improvement projects. Consequently, the professional services, the model would allow the identification
F.L. Lizarelli, L. Osiro, G.M.D. Ganga et al. Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021) 107786
Table 8
Example of improvement projects and the association with the process.
Projects Processes
P1 — Develop a communication plan focused on monitoring the actions of mentors and Structuring the experience
local teams.
P2 — Redesign the organizational structure, organization chart, and processes of contact Structuring the experience
with local teams.
P3 — Identify other opportunities and activities to be developed in face-to-face stages Structuring the experience
that stimulate critical analysis, creativity, and motivation.
P4 — Structure the management of the network of contacts through the creation and Structuring the experience
sharing of specific content, organization of events, use of suitable technology and media
to communicate, and sharing of experiences from different audiences.
P5 — Satisfaction survey application for each competition. Evaluating the event
P6 — Creation, and implementation of indicators to monitor satisfaction and problems. Evaluating the event
of the QAs that should be improved due to their impact on approach to clarify the classification of the service QAs using
customer satisfaction. Another example is the healthcare services Kano’s model. A final recommendation relates to determining the
in which the model would allow connecting QAs and technical re- voices of multiple customers. These different perspectives and
quirements (e.g., medical services). Companies would also benefit judgments of the critical QAs and satisfaction gaps could be joined
from the longitudinal application of the integrative framework, in a new stage of integration.
allowing them to detect changes in the importance of each QA
and the quality gaps. Therefore, although this study focuses on CRediT authorship contribution statement
an educational service, the proposed integrative framework can
be used in a great variety of services that are either experiential Fabiane L. Lizarelli: Conceptualization, Methodology, Super-
and delivered by interpersonal interactions. vision. Lauro Osiro: Methodology, Formal analysis. Gilberto M.D.
Ganga: Methodology, Formal analysis. Glauco H.S. Mendes: Con-
6. Conclusion and limitations ceptualization, Writing - final revision, Final revision. Guilherme
R. Paz: Investigation, Data collection, Writing – original draft.
This study developed an integrative framework to integrate
Declaration of competing interest
the A-Kano, SERVQUAL, and QFD tools using fuzzy approaches.
Moreover, it was applied in a Brazilian startup company that
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
provides entrepreneurial education services. This model proposed
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
new guidelines for integrating quality tools and was effective
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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